Chapter Four - Meet the Misfits/Fraternity Party

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In Mike's room, Mike was setting up his desk to study as Randy was ushering him to go to a party with him, saying, "C'mon, Mike. It a fraternity and sorority party. We have to go!" Mike looks at him and points out, "If we flunk that scaring final, we are done. I'm not taking any chances." He marks his calendar for the exam before Randy says, "You got the whole semester to study, but this might be our only chance to get in good with the cool kids." He pulls out a tray of cupcakes with smiley faces and glasses on them, continues, "That's why I made these cupcakes. Oops."

The cupcakes have letters on them spelling "BE MY PAL." The cupcake with the P on it was upside down, which he fixes before saying, "That could've been embarasing." "When I'm a scarer, life will be a nonstop party. Stay out of trouble, wild man." Mike said, which Randy laughs at the last part and says, "Wild man." He walks out of the room as Mike begins to study. With the sisters, Diane gave Teresa some books to study, much to Teresa's displeasure as she says, "D, as much as I want to hang out with you, we got a whole semester to study. Don't you think we should at least have some fun first?"

"Terry, with all due respect, we are not gonna flunk out this semester. We're studying." Diane said, making Teresa groan with annoyance before looking at her textbook. Just then, the window suddenly opens itself, gaining their attention as they look at the window. A strange creature is being raised up to his open window before it lets out a low oink. Teresa was first to say, "What the...?" The creature is thrown into the room, and starts to run everywhere, making the two yelp from that while Wolf climbs in, saying, "Archie!" The two screamed, causing Wolf to scream before tumbled in from the window.

Archie jumped on his stomach and crawled under Diane's bed. Just then, Shark, Piranha, Snake and Webs climbed in the room right before Diane asks, "Hey! What are you-" Wolf shushed her before he and the others lean against the wall. Diane goes over, saying, "'re shushing me? Hey, hey! You can't-" Wolf clamps his paw over Diane's mouth. Teresa was about to say something before they shushed her too, making her go silent. Outside the window, several monsters are standing there as one of them says, "Where'd they go?"

Another spoke, "They're dead meat!" "Those guys are in big trouble." The others agreed before one called from a distant, "Guys! Over here." They ran to another area while the misfits laughed before Wolf says, "Fear Tech dummies." He then realized he was still covering Diane's mouth and uncovers, letting Diane speak, "Why are you in my room?" "Your room? This is mine and Snake's-" "Dimwhit, look around."

Snake said to Wolf, realization hits him as he gets a better look around the room before Wolf spoke, "...this is not our room." Shark then speaks, "Archie! Come here, boy. *imitates a pig*" Teresa was confused and asks, "Archie?" "Archie the Scare Pig. He's Fear Tech's mascot." Webs answered before Diane asks next, "Why is it here?" Piranha answered, "We stole him. Gonna take it the RORs."

"The what?" Both sisters ask at the same time, which Snake replied, "Roar Omega Roar. The top fraternity on campus. They only accept the highly elite."  Wolf then says, "Alright, Shark, you lift the bed and Piranha, you get the pig. Got it?" "Copy that." Shark said before lifting the bed as Piranha zooms under the bed, which makes the bed shake.

Archie zooms out with Piranha on its back before it got him off. The others tried to grab Archie as Archie climbs on the dresser. "I got him!" Teresa said before climbing up on the dresser to get Archie. The dresser falls on Teresa before Shark gets it off Teresa, who only laughs before saying, "That was awesome." Diane gets worried and rushed over saying, "Not awesome! You could've been hurt or worse." She checks for any wounds, much to Teresa's displeasure.

Wolf then remembers something and says, "What am I doing?" He extends his arm to Diane before he introduces himself, "Moe Wolf." Diane simply shakes his hand back, saying, "Diane Foxington." He turns to Teresa and says, "Hey, Terry. Nice to meet ya in person." The others agreed before Teresa asks, "How'd you know my name?" Wolf glanced at Webs before saying, "Let's just say we got a little intel from a friend." Webs waved before Teresa realized, "Oh."

Diane then speaks, "Listen, it was great delightful meeting you, and whatever that is. But if you don't mind..." she opens the door, "...we have to study about tutoring monsters." Wolf scoffed and says, "You don't need to have monsters study scaring, you just... do it." Diane goes to the door and says, "Really? I think there's is a little more to it than that. But hey, thanks for stopping by." Just then, Archie zooms out of the room as Wolf and the others run after it. Diane sighs with relieve before saying, "Well, not that that's out of the way, we can-" she turns to Teresa, only to find that she's not here.

"Terry?" Diane said, while Teresa ran with the others after Archie. Archie sees an open door and zooms inside, not noticing that Mike and Sulley were in there. Mike was doing the same thing Diane did with the misfits by having Sulley leave the room for him to study scaring. Archie grabs Mike's beloved hat and takes off, which Mike notice and yells, "Ack! Let go of that!" He tried to grab it, but Archie dives out the window. "My hat!"

Mike yells before Wolf yells, "Our pig!" They race out the doors outside, with Sulley and Mike following. They chased Archie outside as it runs around the fountain. Mike goes the other way to catch the pig as he jumps and lands on top of the pig. Sulley yells, "Yeah! Ride him to frat row!" They continued the chase as Archie ran into the fraternity and sorority party a block ahead. They chased after the pig in one of the party houses.

Randy is at the party, holding a tray of cupcakes and asks a pair of monsters, "Cupcakes?" Mike and the pig bump into Randy, sending the cupcakes flying. The cupcakes land on Randy's head, spelling LAME. Sulley, Teresa, Wolf and the others chased Archie after Mike was knocked off of Archie by a football. He looks at the football, then at the row of bikes, and then a trash can before he gets an idea. He grabs the football and throws it towards the row of bikes. The bikes collapse on each other lol dominos before the last one knocks down the trash can, removing the lid as the can slides in front of Archie. Archie didn't see it coming as it collided inside the trash can.

"Got it!" Mike said before going over. He grabs Archie out and takes back his hat, cheering, "Woohoo!" Shark grabs Mike's body, lifts him up and yells, "Fear Tech's mascot!" The monsters and animals surrounding them cheered before Sulley yells, "MU rules!" They chanted "MU" as a monster grabs Archie and another slaps a sticker with the MU logo on its vest. Mike smiled before someone says, "Did you see him catch that pig?" He turns to see the leader of JTC, Roy "Big Red" O'Growlahan, before he continued, "You are Jaws Theta Chi material, freshman."

"Well, thanks, I don't know-" Mike speaks, but Roy walks past him and goes to Sulley before Trenton Hicks, leader of Omega Howl, says to Roy, "No, no, no! He's an Omega Howl guy." "Back off! We saw him first!" "Now way! We did!" The two began to argue before another voice spoke, "I'll take it from here, gentlemen." A monster with a red jersey goes over to Sulley. He has a RORs logo on his shirt before he introduced, "Johnny Worthington, President of Roar Omega Roar."

He shakes Sulley's hand before saying, "What's your name, big blue?" "Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley." Sulley said before a crab monster gets excited, saying, "That guy's a Sullivan? Like the famous Sullivan? I can't believe it! That is crazy!" Johnny held his hand out and says, "Chet, calm down."

Chet calms down, saying, "I'm sorry." "Sulley, any freshman with the guts to pull off a stunt has got future scarer written all over him." Johnny said to Sulley, which the Misfits were disbelieved before Wolf goes over, saying, "I'm sorry, we're the ones that stole Archie first. We'd at least deserve some credit." Johnny looks back before saying, "You guys? *chuckled* You're joking, right?" They we're confused before Snake answered, "Yeah. Why?"

Johnny spoke, "Nothing, it's just that...*scoffs a bit* you guys are worthless animals." "What?" Wolf said before Johnny continues, "Don't get me wrong. You animals live with us monsters in peace, but your amateurish selves only gets in a monster's way of being a successful scarer. You guys may be smart like us monsters and skilled, but deep down, you guys are nothing more than a deep well of anger..." "I ain't angry! You angry!" Piranha shouts as Johnny continues, "...denial..." Webs folds her arms, saying, "Not true!" "...and self-loathing."

Johnny finished. "The only one I self-loath is you." Snake snaps, pointing at Johnny as the monster continues, "And those are holes that no good grades or popularity contests can ever fill up." His gang laughs at the Misfits, even Sulley, before they begin to walk away. Mike feels bad for the Misfits as Wolf angrily mutters, "W-who is he to judge us?" He growled angrily before Mike goes over to the RORs and says, "Hey, did you see me ride the pig? That took guts." Chet stops him and says, "Slow down, squirt."

"This party is for scare students only." Johnny goes over to Mike and says, "Oh, sorry, killer, but you might wanna hang out with someone a little more your speed." He points at one direction, "They look fun." They see four monsters with their logo, OK, as an octopus-like monster speaks to a passing animal, "Oh, hey there! Wanna join Oozma Kappa?" The animal ignores him and walks away before a small pale monster with eight eyes holds out a plate of cake to a passing monster, saying, "We have cake!" The passing monster shoves the cake in his mouth and continues walking. Johnny pats Mike's shoulder and says, "Go crazy."

He gets up and walks away as Mike has a stunned look before saying, "Is that a joke?" Johnny sighs and says, "Sulley, talk to your friend." "Well, he's not really my friend, but sure." Sulley said before going over to Mike, saying, "You heard him. This is a party for scare students." Mike was about to speak, but Teresa goes over and says, "He IS a scare student." "I mean for scare students who actually, you know, have a chance." Sulley spoke as Chet yells, "Aw snap!"

In response, the RORs start laughing as Teresa lets out a low growl before Mike speaks, "My chances are just as good as yours." "Your not even in the same league as me." Sulley talked back. Mike was starting to get mad and says, "Just wait, hotshot. I'm gonna scare circles around you this year." Sulley laughs and responds, "Okay. I'd like to see that." He and the RORs walk inside the house.

Mike has a determined look before saying, "Oh, don't worry." He walks the other way before he places his hat back on his head, "You will."

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