Chapter One - Entering Monsters University

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A bus pulls to a stop  with the label on top that says "Monsters University". The driver looks back and says, "Monsters University! Anybody getting off?" A now grown Teresa gets up while a monster opens his lunch box, only to get hit in the face with a pie, earning a laugh from the albino fox. Next, a now grown Diane gets up and apologized to the angry monster before following Teresa, lightly smacking the back of her head. Teresa rubs her head a bit from that and after Diane, a much older Mike grabs his bags, and leaps from his seat before saying, "Well, everyone, I don't mean to get emotional. But everything in my life has lead to this moment. Let it not be just the beginning of my dream, but the beginning of ALL our dreams. 

He looks at a female monster with large glasses before adding, "Gladys, promise me you'll keep auditioning. Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere. Phil, keep using the ointment 'til that thing goes away. I wish you all the best. Thank you all so much!" Everyone just stares at him before Teresa calls, "Mike, they get it. Come on." The two sisters got off the bus before the bus driver spoke in a sarcastic tone, "I'm welling up with tears. Now get off!" 

Once off the bus, and the bus drives away, Mike enters MU with a smile on his face. He caught up with Diane and Teresa as they walked around the campus. They see monsters and animals big and small before Mike pulls out his checklist and says, "Okay. First thing on my list: Get registered." Teresa then says, "Mike, you don't need a plan for getting registered." Just as she says that, a monster pops up to them, spooking the albino before he spoke, "Hey there, freshmen! I'm Jay the R.A., and I'm here to say registration *points at one direction* is that a way!" They thanked Jay and walked to the direction before he calls out, "Have a great first day!"

They arrive at the registration booth, where a cat sees them and says, "Hey, I'm Kay! Here's your orientation packets." The three grab their own packets before Kay continues, "You can drop your bags out here and get your picture taken with Trey!" One at a time, they got their ID pictures taken from Trey. A moment later, they looked at their ID pictures, only the top of Mike's head is visible. "I don't believe this..." Mike said as Diane feels bad and said, "I'm really sorry about that, Mike-" "...I'm officially a college student!!" Mike finished, happy. Both Diane and Teresa looked at each other before shrugging as a tour guide walked by with a few monsters and animals before saying, "Okay, everyone, I'm Fay! And I'll be giving you your orientation tour on this perfect day." 

The three caught up with the tour guide as they head into the halls, Fay speaking, "Here are the labs where students learn to design and build the doors to the human world." A suited monster enters one of the labs before Fay says, "Looks like a professor's about to test a door." A professor opens a door to the human world, and Mike glimpses a sleeping child. A moment later, they are touring the cafeteria. "The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet." Fay speaks before they exit the building and into the campus center, continuing, "The campus offers a wide variety of major's, but the crown jewel of MU... is the scaring school." Just as Fay and the others walked away, Mike, Teresa and Diane were standing there staring at the school. 

The three walked through different clubs Monsters University offers as Teresa walks to a Debate Club booth and takes a brochure, just as the club leader speaks to her, "Welcome to the debate team! We're happy to have you!" The monster has two heads, which starts to debate with her, "I disagree for the following reasons. True happiness isn't theoretical..." Teresa smiled nervously before giving back the brochure and caught up with Diane and Mike. Another monster spoke to Mike, "Hey there! Keep your eye... on the sky. At the astronomy club!" They walked past an art club, which a monster puts his head in a bucket of paint and slams his face on an empty portrait. 

Another monster spoke to the three, "Hey, hey, hey! Come join the improv club! You'll wish you were never...always...*smacks himself* Ah! Dang!" Teresa snickered at that as they walked past another booth, one monster named Claire Wheeler spoke, "MU Greek Council! We sponsor the annual Scare Games." Mike froze and gets back to the booth, grabs a paper and asks, "The scare what now?" Another monster, Brock Pearson, slams his fist on the booth and shouts, "The Scare Games!"

"A super intense scaring competition!" "They're crazy dangerous. Anything could happen." Claire points before Brock adds, "A bunch of guys went to the hospital last year!" "You could totally die." Claire adds before Brock slams his fist on the table again, saying, "And it's worth it! You get a chance to prove that you are the best!"

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