Chapter Six - Final Exam

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Inside the school, Professor Marmalade was sitting next to Professor Knight as he speaks to the class, "Today's final will judge your ability to assess a child's fear, and perform the appropiate scare. In the scare simulator." Behind him, the wall opens up, and the students see it looks like a child's bedroom. Knight points to a small panel before he spoke, "The child's sensitivity level will be raised from bed wetter to heavy sleeper. So give it everything you've got. Dean Hardscrabble is with us this morning to see who will be moving on in the scaring program, and who will not." The Dean gently dusts off her canister, then glances at the kids, making Mike a little nervous before Knight spoke, "Let's get started." A monster went up the simulator as his Professor Knight reads the paper, "I'm a five year old afraid of spiders and Santa Claus. Which scare do you use?"

"Uh..." the monster spoke, before Hardscrabble flies around the room, startling him, "...that's a seasonal creep-and-crawl?" "Demonstrate." Knight said. Marmalade and Knight watch as the monster did the seasonal creep-and-crawl. The scream can fills halfway before Marmalade speaks, "Results will be posted outside Knight's office." Mike watched before he mutters himself to focus and studies up. Sulley heard the door open to see Johnny and the RORs enter inside as Johnny lays Sulley's sweater on a seat. He gets up to practice his scaring face, knocking down Mike's books as Mike says, "Hey. Do you mind?"

Sulley stretched his arms and says, "Don't mind at all." Diane watched as Sulley practices his roaring next to them before whispering to Mike, "Mike... let's just move." She gets up and walks off, but she sees Teresa and the misfits and thinks that it's the right time to talk to her sister as she goes over. Mike begins to pick up the books Sulley knocked over and whispers, "Stay out of my way. Unlike you, I had to work hard to get into the scare program." Mike starts to walk away, but Sulley scoffs and says, "That's because you don't belong here." Mike's eye widens, then he turns around and roars at Sulley. But he flinches when Sulley roars back, which Sulley chuckled and says, "That's what I thought."

They toss roars back and forth, steadily getting louder. Diane goes over to the misfits and whispers, "Hey, Diane here. I was thinking that maybe I should talk to Teresa?" Wolf shrugs and says, "Sure, we're all ears." "I mean, alone." Diane said, but Teresa speaks, "Hey come on, they're alright. No harm done." "Harm done? I get that you're happy, but they're trying to hold you back."

Diane said, which the misfits get confused as Webs asks, "How are we holding Tess back?" Diane scoffed and says, "Oh, I don't know. How about having Teresa to fail on her tests and hanging out with you five. Tess, I think it's better if you get a new roommate and new friends." The others say, "What?!" Teresa gets up and says, "Hey, at least they don't get on my back like you do." "How am I getting on your back?" Diane asked while the monsters watch the two argue before Teresa says, "Don't pretend you don't know."

"Just because I was made fun of because of my fur color, doesn't mean you can be like a security camera to me. I can handle stuff by myself, you know." "Yeah, by causing fights every time?!" Diane snaps as the monsters murmur about the last part. The misfits watched, confused by what Diane meant by that as Sulley and Mike stopped at what they were doing and listening to the two sisters argue. Teresa yells, "Yeah that's what I do! But so what? At least I was never made fun of again!"

"But that affected your academic records! Do you think people would hire you when they see your records for starting fights?" Diane asks as she got to Teresa's face, but Sulley pulls them apart and says, "Hey hey hey, look orange. I get that you're upset, but like what whitey says, she can handle stuff on her own." Diane froze from that, knowing how much Teresa hates being called something that's based on her fur color before he continues, "Right, whitey?" He turns to the albino fox, but Teresa yells in anger before she pounced at him. Everyone was shocked at that, including the misfits as Teresa hits Sulley on the head. He tried to get her off of him, until Sulley tripped over one of the fallen books, and begins to fall backwards.

Then he bumps into the Dean's beloved Scream Canister as it falls onto the ground. Everyone gasped in shock as Teresa quickly gets off of Sulley, in shock too. The misfits were shocked too before Snake says, "Well, at least the scream is okay." Just then, a powerful scream explodes from it. The canister flies around the room as monsters and animals get down to avoid the canister. The canister rolls to a stop at the feet of Sulley, Mike, Teresa and Diane before Teresa says, "At least it's still in one piece." The canister exploded a bit, leaving it a mess before she yells, "Oh, come on! What else?!"

Just then, the Dean lands hard behind them. She picks up the destroyed canister, and walks past the four, holding her destroyed canister to everyone else. The whole rooms gets silent before Diane speaks, "I'm so sorry..." "I-It was an accident." Sulley said before the Dean says, "What? This? My one souvenir from a lifetime of scaring. Accidents happen, don't they? The important thing is, no one got hurt."

The four were surprised by that before Mike says, "You're taking this remarkably well." "Now, let's continue with the exams." Hardscrabble said before she goes over to Mike and said, "Mr. Wazowski, I'm a five year old girl on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning. Which scare do you use?" Mike was a bit nervous before he asks, "Shouldn't I go up on the-" "Which scare do you use?" Hardscrabble spoke in a upper tone, making Mike more nervous before answering, "That is a shadow approach with a crackle holler." The dean demands, "Demonstrate."

Mike takes a breath, but the Dean lifts her hand up and says, "Stop. Thank you." Mike froze before saying, "But I didn't get to-" "I've seen enough." The dean said before she went over to Sulley and said, " I'm a seven year old boy-" Sulley suddenly roars like a lion, leaving the Dean unfazed. She looks at him and said, "I wasn't finished." Sulley shrugs and says, "I don't need to know any of that stuff to scare."

Hardscrabble then explained, "That stuff would've informed you that this particular child is afraid of snakes, so a roar wouldn't make him scream, it would make him cry. Alerting his parents..." She circles Sulley like a predator, "...exposing the monster world, destroying life as we know it, and of course, we can't have that. So, I'm afraid I cannot recommend that you continue in the Scaring Program. Good day." Sulley was shocked before he says, "Wait, what? But I'm a Sullivan." She didn't bother to look back before she speaks, "Well, then, I'm sure your family will be very disappointed." Sulley heard the door open and caught a glance of the RORs leaving the building.

Sulley storms off after sending a hard look to Mike before the Dean spoke to Mike, "And Mr. Wazowski, what you lack is something that cannot be taught. You're not scary. You will not be continuing in the Scaring Program." Mike was stunned at that before he begs, "Please... let me try the simulator. I'll surprise you!" "Surprise me? I doubt that very much." The dean said before she crawls away from him before going to the Foxington sisters and says, "And as for the two of you, what you both lack is something that can only be solved with separation: you two can't cooperate."

The two looked at each other before looking back at Hardscrabble as she continues, "Therefore, Diane, you will be partnered with a different monster. But as for Teresa, you will not continue in the Scaring Program." Diane was relieved of staying, but Teresa's eyes went wide from that before Wolf steps up and says, "Say what now? That's not fair!" Hardscrabble looks at Wolf and says, "Not fair? Diane was right about Teresa's records and sadly, Diane's records are nothing compared to yours and your friends. But, be my guess. Excel as professional mentors...or leave as outcasts."

The others looked at Diane, then back at Teresa. Diane heard the last part and looks up as Wolf glared at the dean. He looks at the others as they gave him a sincere look before he turns back to the dean and says, "If she's going down, then we're going down with her." The others got to Wolf's side as they agreed, much to Teresa's shock. Diane also looked shock, but the dean looks at him and says, "Very well. You, Snake, Piranha, Shark and Tarantula are no longer continuing on the Scaring Program." The misfits go to Teresa to comfort her as they begin to leave, but Diane goes over and says, "Tess, I-" Snake blocks Diane as he hissed at her. She froze in place before he says, "Yeah, thought so."

He goes back to the others before Wolf looks back at Diane, who kept her shocked expression before he, his friends and Teresa, leave the Scaring Program.

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