"Bad" Times

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August 27

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

(Imagine seeing Michael hitting a Stunner to Drew McIntyre, countering Dolph's Zig Zag and stunning Baron Corbin before posing at the end with a wink)

The show begins with the crowd cheering loudly as last night's RAW was crazy. We start with Roman in the ring, addressing the crowd about the Shield Reunion and that it actually Michael who suggested them to get back together, which earns a pop for Michael from the crowd.

Soon, Finn Balor arrives as the cut a back and forth promo about their match at Hell in A Cell, in how despite Michael not yet deciding on their match, but they're ready to face each other. Soon, Kevin Owens arrives as he begins to spill his guts about he was screwed last night and that Michael backstabbed him for not mentioned the Shield reuniting.

Just before Roman and Finn would go to Michael's defense...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as three look in confusion before facing the stage. Soon, Michael comes out, wearing his Bad outfit as he dance on the stage, getting cheers and laughs from everyone. Roman, Kevin, and Finn, had to cover the mouths to try to hide their chuckle.

Renee: Look who's here! The newly 21 year old, Michael McMahon!

Corey: Now, I'm just confirming his family named him after the late King Of Pop, who will be 60 years old on Wednesday. That's the only reason. There can't be another person named Michael that is as famous as Jackson.

Cole: Hey, my name's Michael.

Corey: Yeah, but no one cares about you.

Michael goes to the announce table and climbs up. The commentators stepped back as he starts dancing on the table, getting more cheers and laughs.

Michael: WOOOO!

Michael jumps off as he picks up a mic. He makes his way to the ring as the song fades.

Michael: Guess who's now a legal adult today? *gets cheers* Well, my Birthday was last Saturday but still this is my Birthday week. So, it doesn't matter. Anyway...

Michael climbs up the steps.

Michael: You say that I backstabbed you, Kevin? That I somehow thought that I knew you would be cashing in that night and that I sent Seth and Dean out to stop you from cashing in? I mean, sure my family has had a history with screwing people, Bret Hart, Test, Chyna, Tazz, Kennedy, Kofi, Punk, Christian, Daniel, Bossman, Bulldog, Owen, Rikishi-

The crowd was laughing as Roman, Kevin, and Finn had to lean back at all the names he mentioned.

Michael: Billy Gunn, Rhyno, Mickie, Asuka, No Way Jose, Apollo Crews, Elias Samson, Dolph, Drew, Heath, Mark Henry...yeah we do have a list of people we screwed.

The crowd and commentators laughed as the three look exhausted while Michael still looks energetic.

Michael: Anyway, but I didn't know you were cashing in. It was already decided that the Shield will be reuniting when Dean came back after his injury, so it wouldn't be really me screwing you, now would it?

Kevin: Well, I...

Michael: I mean, will I ever cause you more pain than that you were going through before Summerslam? No. So, please, don't think I was intentionally screwing your over last night.

Kevin: Okay...I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Michael.

Michael: Apology excepted.

They shake hands and then they hugged as the crowd cheers, wanting to see them hugging since July. They break the hug as Michael faces Roman and Finn.

Michael: So, about the match at Hell in a Cell...look the obvious choice is inside Hell In a Cell, but I was thinking of something more creative for the PPV, for your match. So I need to think...hmm...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael: I got it! Everyone pull out your phones!

Cole: What?

Renee: Our phones?

The crowd was confused, but they did pull out their phones.

Michael: Pull out a QR Code on the titantron please! We're having a vote!

The crowd starts to cheer as a Code appears on the screen.

Michael: In that, there's a link where you can vote on which match it gives you. After a few minutes, I'll close it and then show which match won.

The fans scanned the QR Code and voted on the match.

Corey: This is crazy. Wait, you guys voted?

Renee: I did.

Cole: I'm going to.

Corey: Guess I'll do it too. *pulls out his phone*

Michael: Hey look, everyone. Corey's joining in! See? He's a nice guy sometimes.

The crowd and Renee and Cole laugh as Corey look a bit embarrassed but smiled.

Michael: Alright. Times up. Now let's see the results.

The vote was closed as the results began to slowly be revealed as the fans wait for the winning vote. Soon, it was revealed.

Corey: WHAT?!

Michael: OH MY!

Renee: Three Stages of Hell?!

The crowd yelling in shock as Roman, Finn, and Kevin look on with astonishment as Michael was more of genuine surprise.

He looks at the crowd.

Michael: You guys are some blood thirsty bastards aren't you?

The crowd cheers and started chanting "Yes We Are!" as Michael chuckles.

Michael: Wow. Three Stages of Hell. I mean, I just put it there as a joke, but now that I see people voted for this, I cannot deny them that. So, the main event of Hell in a Cell, is gonna be Roman Reigns Vs Finn Balor for the Universal Championship in a Three Stages of Hell Match.

The crowd cheers as Roman and Finn nodded as Kevin was still dumbstruck about this.

Michael: Now, make things clear: Three Stages of Hell means three matches. First will be a regular match, second will be a No Holds Barred Match, and finally, will be a Hell in a Cell Match. So that-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael groans as Dolph and Drew come out and make their way to the ring as Ziggler has a mic in his hand. The crowd boos as they enter the ring.

Dolph: Cut my music. *songs fades* Listen, I'm sorry that I interrupted this little thing going on, but I want to make things clear, Michael. I want a shot at the Intercontinental Championship against Seth Rollins.

Michael: Okay? I mean, I'm gonna do that anyway, so I don't need you complaining about it. Still, thinking of the match, though. *looks at the crowd* Would you guys like to vote for this match?

The crowd cheers, but Dolph wasn't pleased.

Dolph: I don't care what these idiots think about. *gets booed* I want a clean, No stipulation, singles match for the title. That's it.

Michael: You think is that simple, Dolph? Ah, no. It's not. I'll think about it. Maybe next week, I'll have a match type ready for your bout with Rollins at Hell In a Cell.

Dolph: We'll see then, Mike. *goes up to him* Because if I don't get what I want...*pokes him in the chest* Then I'm coming for you next.

The crowd oohs and boos as Michael looks down at Ziggler's finger before looking at Dolph. He raised his brow before speaking.

Michael: At the main event, it will be Dolph Ziggler, a partner of your choosing, and Drew McIntyre Vs The Shield, in a Tornado Tag Team Match.

The crowd cheers as Dolph looks at him in shock. Roman and Finn were smirking as Drew was stoic while Kevin was shaking his head.

Michael: If you don't have a third partner by the time the match starts then it will be a Handicap Match.

The crowd oohs as Dolph backs away.

Michael: As for you, Kevin...you will have a match tonight. It will be Kevin Owens going against Finn Balor.

The crowd cheers as Kevin just nods, not wanting to piss of Michael like Dolph did.

Michael: Anyway, have fun with the show everybody. And if you don't like what I'm saying...Then Won't You Slap My Face Because I'm Bad, I'm Bad!

The song resumes as Michael leaves the ring and dances up the ramp as the crowd cheers for him.

Michael Cole: What a way to kickoff tonight! We just had our confirmed main event for Hell In A Cell for the Universal Championship!

Corey: Leave it to Michael to make an impact.


Kevin and Finn started the show. Both went back and forth with Finn taking the lead in the match. Then, Kevin turns the tides as the fight goes out for the ring. Soon, Kevin was set to win, until Braun Strowman came out.

Kevin looks on in fear and anger until Finn capitalized and ends the match with a Coup De Grace. Braun looks on with a grin before leaving.


We see Dana Brooke talking to Apollo Crews about her rising success and the hopeful return of Titus Worldwide now that Brooke has the Intercontinental Championship and has defeated Nia Jax last week. Dana, though, looked uncertain, but Crews took no notice.

Soon, she left to face Liv Morgan in a match. Liv wanted a shot at the Intercontinental Championship. Despite interference from the rest of the Riott Squad, Dana won the match.


Michael is seen, sitting at his chair with his legs on the desk as he watches some videos. Soon, Corbin arrives as the crowd boos him.

Michael: Yes, Corbin? What's up?

Corbin: I came here to say that...I may have step over you at times.

Michael: Oh really?

Corbin: Not to mention, doing things against your orders. Like last week.

Michael: Yep.

Corbin: So, I would like to apologize for that.

Michael: Come again? You're not the type to say sorry for your actions.

Corbin: That is true. However, now that I'm a member of authority, I need to push away any form of resentment, and yes, I had to work on it during my early stages, but I want to make sure that won't happen.

Michael: I see. Well, I'm glad you see that way.

Corbin: Thank you, Michael. And to be honest, you do-

Michael: Ah! Stop right there, Corbin. I get that you want to apologize, but you don't need to start kissing my ass while doing it. I'm not my grandfather.

The crowd oohs at that. Michael looks at the camera and winks.

Michael: So, you don't need to that. No degrading yourself.

Corbin: Okay.

Michael: And to reward your honesty, you will have a match against Jinder Mahal. If you win, I may consider you as a participant for a tournament I'm planning for the Intercontinental Championship after Hell In A Cell.

The crowd oohs and cheers at that. Corbin was surprised but smiles in agreement.

Corbin: Great idea. See you soon, Michael. *leaves*

Michael: What a guy. *shakes his head and resumes watching videos*


We see Seth Rollins in the ring as he addressed the crowd. He said that while he has a match with Reigns and Ambrose, he would like to fire up the crowd in Toronto with a Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge, taking a page out of John Cena's playbook.

Soon, Sami Zayn arrives as he wants a shot at the title. He claims he may have failed when he lost to Cena three years ago, but assured the fans he will take the title out of Seth and maybe add himself into the planned match at Hell In a Cell, making it a Triple Threat Match.

The match itself was great as both men brought their all in the match. In the end, Seth won, but respect for Sami rose some more.


We see Sasha Banks in the ring as she wants an explanation as to why Bayley attacked her last week. Soon, Bayley arrives and she was booed by the fans. However, she looks at them and just smirks, like it was funny for her.

Bayley would take to Sasha about her frustrations with Sasha in the past few months, and how she was seen as secondary to her and that no matter what she does, she cannot make the fans believe in her.

Bayley: And you know something...*looks at the crowd* these are the same people that booed me last year after I was injured by Nia Jax. They didn't care about me, despite my injury. They just booed me for no reason. And now, these same people boo me for what I did to you last week. And you want to know what it made me feel?

Sasha: What?

Suddenly, Bayley takes down Sasha and assaults her. Sasha tries to fight back but Bayley was more ferocious than before. She was going for the Bayley to Belly, until she shook her head and hits a different move, which looks like a Arm Trap with a Facebuster.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Bayley looks down at Banks before grabbing her by the hair pulling her up. She then grabs the mic and speaks.

Bayley: It felt good, Banks. Now, I don't need to this for them. I'll do it for myself.

She drops the mic and starts to leave the ring. She then stops as she turns around. She then goes under the apron and pulls out a chair. The crowd looks in terror as she reenters the ring. Sasha was slowly getting up as Bayley was waiting for her.

Then Bayley hits her on the back with a chair. Sasha goes down and Bayley just continues this brutal attack on her former best friend. Soon, Michael arrived along with Kurt Angle, Constable Corbin, and some security.

Michael enters the ring and gets in between them as he stands protectively in front of Sasha.

Michael: That's enough, Bayley! You made you point! Stop this, now!

Bayley didn't listen as she was glaring at Sasha wanting to hit her some more. Michael sees her not listening before pulling out a chain and wraps it around his fist.

Michael: Try me.

The crowd oohs and cheers as Bayley was surprised at how he's willing to throw hands at her in a brutal manner. She relented as she drops the chair and leaves the ring.

Michael: Corbin, have her escorted out of the building.

Baron nods as he and the guards escorted Bayley out. Bayley gave one look at Sasha before grinning and shaking her head. Michael watches her as she leaves before he and Kurt help Sasha up.

Kurt: How do you feel, Sasha?

Sasha didn't say anything as she has her head down.

Michael: Let's take her to the medical center.

Kurt nods as they help Banks out of the ring and help her up the ramp. The crowd started chanting her, but Sasha was too deep into her mind to notice. The show cuts to commercial break.

*after commercial break*

We go to backstage we're doctors are seen tending to Sasha Banks in the office as Kurt and Michael are seen outside of it. Soon, Renee appears as she conducts an interview.

Renee: Michael, do you think Sasha will be clear to wrestle after being assaulted by Bayley in such a brutal manner?

Michael: For now, no, Renee. While she is hurt, I think, mentally, she's destroyed. So, Sasha Banks won't be competing tonight nor next week. She has to process what Bayley did to her, and when she comes back, we'll have things settle between them by then. For now, and next week, Sasha will have those days off.

The crowd, despite being a bit disappointed by the news, understood and cheered for Michael taking Sasha's mental state seriously. Kurt nods in approval. Renee nods and leaves the show cuts away.


We see Braun Strowman going up against the returning Mojo Rawley in a match. Rawley returned following his ECW Rules match against Rhyno at Summerslam. Braun was eager to face him as he wanted to see the intensity of Mojo for himself.

The match was intense and cool, as both men countered each other. Even Mojo got out of the Running Powerslam once and even kicked out of it. But as the match goes to end, Kevin comes out and hits Strowman with a pair of brass knuckles, stunning him. This allows Mojo to pick him onto his shoulders and hits a hits a new move on Braun.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Rawley pins him and wins the match, causing the fans to be shocked that Braun lost to Mojo Rawley!

Kevin looks on with a grin as Mojo celebrates his victory.


Constable Corbin, after returning from escorting Bayley, faced Jinder Mahal in a match. The match was surprisingly decent with Mahal showing some fight and even hitting the Kallas on Corbin.

But in the end, Corbin defeats Jinder with an End of Days. After that, he even hits one on Sunil Singh just because he felt like it.


We see the different RAW tag teams discussing about the Tag Team Turmoil coming soon.

We then have Elias having a concert for the people of Toronto, Canada. He begins his song, making fun of the crowd, and getting beat. Then, Canada's Own Trish Stratus arrives to stop Elias from mocking her fellow Canadians.

Soon, after a commercial break, we have Alexa and Alicia Foxx in the ring as they talk to the crowd about her plan to regain the Women's Championship and that Ronda will finally be taken down when Hell In A Cell arrives.

Ronda then comes out and calls out on Bliss's BS as she swore she will retain the title. Soon, Alexa brings out Mickie James and a yelling match ensues and it nearly becomes a fight.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael comes out as the women stopped as they turned to him.

Michael: Cut my music. *song fades* Well, we got ourselves a situation right here? Two women yelling at the other woman about a match at Hell In A Cell, for the Women's Championship. So, this will oh so obvious culminate in a match, right? I mean, it's cliche, but do we hate it? *shrugs*

The crowd cheers as the three look at him with uncertainty.

Michael: Alright. So, right here, right now, it will be Alexa Bliss and Alicia Foxx vs Ronda Rousey and her partner in a tag team match.

The crowd pops as Ronda stares at them.

Michael: As for your partner, Ronda...*smiles and turns to the stage*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops loudly as Natalya comes out with a huge reaction. She hasn't been seen since the Monday before Summerslam, and now she's back.

Ronda was surprised by this but smiles, seeing her friend back after days away for personal reasons. Natalya makes her way to the ring before giving a hug to Michael. Michael hugs her back and sets her on her way.

Natalya poses for the crowd before entering the ring. She hugs Ronda as she prepares for the match.

Alexa and her partners mocked the two of them for only being two. Then...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Trish comes out, ready to compete as she makes her way to ring. This gave fans a lot of nostalgia as Trish will be facing her former rival, Mickie James in this match.

Things started as Natalya and Alicia begin. Soon, some back and forth occurred with Ronda joining the fray. Soon, Alexa went for a DDT, but Natalya stops her. She then grabs her and tags in Ronda. She then brings her up as Rousey for the idea.

The crowd got up as she bounced off the ropes and hits a clothesline to Alexa, completing the Hart Attack.

Alicia tries to help, but Natalya stops her with a Nattie by Nature. Mickie enters but gets hit with the Chick Kick by Trish. Ronda pins Alexa and wins the match. The two women celebrate their victory as the crowd cheers for Natalya.

Nat points to the sky, signaling a tribute to her father, Jim Neidhart as she nearly breaks down, but Trish and Ronda were there to comfort her.


We seen Stratus, Natalya and Rousey walking backstage and meeting the Bella Twins. The two confirmed that they're back on RAW after they're absence.

We have the Tag Team Turmoil as the tag teams of RAW compete to see who will be #1 Contender for the Tag Team Championships. The B-Team are seen on commentary to see for themselves the potential winner of the match.

The Revival start the match against The Ascension. It was a grueling match, but the Revival picked up the win. Next was Breezango, who showed some fight but was then taken down by the Revival. Soon, Titus Worldwide come out.

Apollo and Titus fight hard against the Revival. The Revival went for the Shatter Machine but Titus knocks down Scott Dawson with a Shoulder Tackle. He then catches with the Clash of the Titus.

Apollo Crews then hits a Standing Moonsault and they defeated The Revival. Soon, and surprising, Heath Slater and Rhyno reunite for a chance at Tag Team Gold. Both teams fight, and surprisingly, Heath and Rhyno won the match.

Soon, the Deleters of Worlds come out as they take on Heath and Rhyno. Suddenly, Michael comes out as everyone looks on in surprise.

Michael: You guys want to know something? Why do we have to wait until one of ya'll lose so the next participants has to come out, when we could just send them out and make this a Triple Threat Match?

The crowd cheers the two teams seemed surprised by this.

Michael: The cheers have it. So come on out, Akam and Rezar!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Authors of Pain come out and make their way to the ring. Michael is seen grinning with some malice at the scene as he leaves the stage.

Curtis: Uh, why does Michael look kinda scary with that grin?

Bo: And that Bad outfit doesn't help much.

Renee: He's a Bad Prince, guys.

Corey: He bends the rules to his own liking. He embodied the feeling of being Bad.

Michael: Plus, he's the son of Triple H and Stephanie.

Curtis: I guess that were the scary grin came from.

Soon, the match turns into a Triple Threat match for #1 Contendership of the Tag Team Titles. The match became chaotic, even without weapons and tables. The match ends with the Authors of Pain going to hit a Last Chapter on Heath Slater but Rhyno hits a Gore on Akam. Rezar knocks him down with a Clothesline on Rhyno.

Heath capitalized and hits a Jumping Neckbreaker to Rezar. Matt appears and hits a Side Effect on Slater. He and Bray got him up and hit the Kiss of Deletion on Slater and won the match.

The Deleters of Worlds are now #1 Contenders for the Tag Titles as they stare at the B-Team.


We see the Shield back together in the ring as they wait for their opponents. Soon, Dolph and Drew come out and along came Bobby Lashley after they convince him to join them for this match.

The Tornado Tag Team Match is set and it immediately became chaotic with bodies flying everywhere. Even the barricades were broken through by both Lashley and Reigns. Soon, the match goes as Seth went for the Stomp but Dolph hits him with a Superkick in Mid air.

Dean arrives and hits a Dirty Deeds to Ziggler. Drew enters and hits a Claymore on Ambrose. Roman arrived and hits a Spear to McIntyre. Bobby appears and hits a Spear of his own.

He went for the pin, but Seth breaks it. Then the Shield attacks Lashley before Roman signals for it. Dean and Seth nod as they brought Bobby onto Roman's shoulders and the three hit a Triple Powerbomb on Lashley.

Roman pins Bobby and the Shield win the match. Just before the could celebrate, Dolph and Drew attacked them from behind. The Shield tried to fight back, until Lashley joins in on the assault, effectively turning him heel.

The continued the assault until...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael comes out, not having his leather jacket and with smaller gloves as he makes his way the ring.

Cole: And Michael's coming to the Shield's aid!

Corey: This could be bad for him!

Michael enters the ring as he knocks down Dolph with a punch. He blocks a punch from Drew and hits a Dropkick. Bobby went for a clothesline but Michael ducks under it. Lashley turns and gets with with a Spinebuster from Michael.

Dolph went for a Superkick but Michael caught.

Michael: Did you think that would, punk?! I'm the King of Kicks!

Dolph goes down as Michael poses for the crowd, not noticing Drew is stalking him from behind. Michael then turns and Drew went for the Claymore, but Michael jumps over McIntyre.

Drew gets up and was then kicked to the gut Michael. Michael then locks him into a Double Underhook and lifts him up to hit a Neckbreaker.

Renee: Woah!

Michael: And he calls that Dynasty!

Corey: Interesting name!

The crowd pops for this move they never seen before as the heels leave the ring. Michael helps the Shield get up as the crowd cheers for them. The Shield's theme plays as the four celebrate. Michael goes to leave, until Seth stops him.

Seth: Want to do the thing with us?

Michael: Really? Right here?

Seth: Yep. Right here.

Michael nods as the Shield brought out their first and placed them against each other's. The crowd cheers before the cheer even more when Michael placed his fist with theirs. The four stood there as the show ends.

A/N: How's the show?

What do you think of each segment?

Which one was your favorite?

Is Michael's influence helping RAW compete against Smackdown Live?

Did Michael show how Bad he can be?

And BTW, there will be a Top 10 Facts you don't know about Michael coming soon. This will also help you keep in mind as the story goes on, with it having different moments happening in real life.

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