Heir Collision

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September 24

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd cheers as the show begins.

Last week, Michael McMahon made several announcements for the upcoming PPV, where it will be held at the Tokyo Dome in Japan, called Super Show, not only that, the Women's Only PPV, Evolution will happen, and another, called Crown Jewel being held in England and many more.

However, Dolph Ziggler, having lost his chance to regain the Intercontinental Championship, caused a protest to force Michael to quit being the RAW Commissioner. This ultimately backfired as Michael would make a match against him and Dolph and won, causing the Show Off to be sent to NXT.

But then, the unexpected appearance of the American Nightmare, Cody Rhodes, happens as the show ends with both Michael and Cody staring at each other.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Cody comes out and makes his way to the ring. It has been two years since he's been with the company as Stardust, but has since revitalized his character, changed his appearance, and became successful in the Indy Circuit and NJPW.

He then enters the ring as he stood over the mat, hearing the cheers and yells of the WWE Universe. His theme slowly fades as he walks around the ring, looking around with a smile.

The crowd continues to cheer, making him shake his head. He them asks for a mic and begins to speak. But was interrupted by the crowd as they chanted "Cody!" making him smile. It has been long since he was given the respect he deserves and now he's being given that respect.

Cody: Can I have your attention now, please?

The crowd cheers again before calming down.

Cody: You know...it has been two years since I left the WWE. And in those two years, I revitalized who I was, as myself, and not what others wanted me to be. But I cannot discount that, without the WWE, I wouldn't be where I am today, so yes, am I grateful to this company.

The crowd cheers.

Cody: I joined Randy Orton in Legacy, I became Dashing, I was a scholar for Damien Sandow, I fought along side my brother, Dustin, and my father, Dusty Rhodes, God Bless His Soul, and-

The crowd cheers loudly when he mentioned his brother and his father. Soon, a "Dusty!" chant was heard as Cody stays silent, glad that his father is still being respected and missed since 2015.

Cody: I won Intercontinental Titles, I won tag titles, I even got the chance to go for the World Heavyweight Championship. I have been through a lot...but then, I became Stardust and I was not interesting to you people anymore.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction.

Cody: I was given a cheap version of my brother's gimmick, simply because there's nothing else for me. I was not World Champion Material, I was relegated to being in the background, while I did have fun facing that Arrowverse actor, Stephen Amell, but that's about it. Not one of you care about me...so when I left after WrestleMania 32...I wasn't given the attention I deserved

The crowd gave a mixed reaction.

Cody: I mean, I had better success outside of WWE, which is odd, but I can see why. They never gave me a chance to be who I want to be and you all never cared about me, so I'm happy to be cheered on and all that jazz...but that doesn't make things better for me.

The crowd continues to cheer a mixed reaction.

Cody: But then I hear how since July of this year, the WWE was becoming better than it was before, and I thought "How did they become better in a short amount of time?" And then I see the one person responsible and that was Michael McMahon.

The crowd cheers.

Cody: So, Michael could've made the show-no-the company a better place when I was around, he could've been the one that gave me a chance, but oh look, he has to be the Golden Child to his mommy and daddy, as they ignore their other oldest son, because Michael has a promising future. Typical nepotistic view.

The crowd boos at that.

Cody: And let me tell you one thing. If Michael wasn't going to quit College, this year would've been the worst year for WWE, and not just RAW, but NXT and Smackdown Live as well. And still, even with Michael, there's no way it could make things better when they still have people who don't want to change and stay stuck in the past. Michael is nothing more...than an Inconvenient little bitch to the people on the back.

The crowd boos loudly at that.

Cody: And I-

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd pops as Cody sighs. Soon...


Michael comes out with his glasses on, but people could tell he's not happy with the slander Cody spewed out. Michael would then enter the ring as he stares at Cody.

He then goes to the corner and poses for the crowd. He goes down and asks for a mic. His theme fades as he turns to Rhodes and the two heirs of Legends stared at each other.

The crowd can feel the intensity of this as Michael walks around the ring, not taking his eyes off of Cody. He then removes his glasses, showing his glaring eyes at Rhodes who glares back.

Soon, after another stare down, Michael spoke.

Michael: To think the people here in Denver, Colorado, had to hear your pissy fit already pisses me off.

The crowd pops by him mentioning the city their in.

Michael: And I do understand your feelings about my position here in the company I was born in. I really do, Cody. But I cannot think of a reason why you had to toss out the fact that, when the assholes in the back don't believe in you...I did.

The crowd pops as Cody stares at him.

Michael: I believed in your potential. I wanted to have you get the chance to main event PPVs, gain World Titles, win Royal Rumbles, win MITB, and have you have the freedom to do what you want. You know that, do you Cody? I know you do.

Cody gave a slow nod.

Michael; But then...you called me...an Inconvenience? Like I bother those around me, like the average spoiled brat who wants to show he's better than everyone? Is that how you really see in me, Cody?

Cody: That's definitely-


The crowd pops and cheers as Cody growls, not believing he fell for that.

Michael: Let me tell you something, Cody. You can talk about how nobody saw your potential. That nobody would think your Champion material. Hell, you can talk bad about people that didn't do you any favors, I don't give a damn. But you threw our friendship down the minute you want to air your dirty laundry.

The crowd cheers.

Cody: How about you shut your damn mouth, Michael?

Michael: I'll shut up when you have the guts to knock me down right now!

The crowd pops as both men felt the urge to attack.

Cody: You said we had a friendship. We did not had one and I don't think we ever will. You came here after three years doing any bullshit you had in College, and then I hear that the company has been improving since then? That's laughable and downright pathetic. And you caused that to happen.

Michael: I'm not gonna make excuses about why I decided to come back. But I will say, and while deny, that I was not an Inconvenience to the Wrestlers on the back, the employees, my family, my friends, everyone. I have my own life to create. Is that so wrong for me to desire my own desires and needs.

Cody: Then why did you came back to improve the company when you wanted your own life?

Michael: Because I wanted to. Nobody forced me to drop out. I did it on my own. I wanted to help. I wanted to make the company better for the Wrestlers, and I wanted to reconstruct WWE to the imagine you and everybody else like you, wanted to see.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: But now...now that I am making progress, you suddenly feel angry and spiteful that I was making progress and decide to toss out what you said there was nothing in our friendship and insult me? Now that pisses me off.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: And you talk about how you were given the opportunity here in WWE? Well, Codes...I'm giving you one right now. I'm giving you, the American Nightmare, the opportunity to Headline Super Show next Saturday night at Japan, against the Bad Prince!

The crowd pops as both Michael and Cody stood in front of each other, glaring at each other. Soon, the crowd chanted for both Cody and Michael as they turn to them, sinking in the energy from them.

Soon, after a long while of intense glaring, Cody spoke.

Cody: Why should I waste my time with you, Michael? I could be going after the IWGP Championship right about now. What makes you think that someone, like you-

He presses his finger against Michael's chest, getting an ooh from the crowd and an eye widening glare from Michael.

Cody: What makes you think you're worth my time and my career? Huh? What-

Mike covers the mic with his hand as the crowd oohs loudly.

Michael: Yes...or no?

The crowd soon started chanting "Yes!".

Michael: I may not have won titles, I may not have had either good or bad storylines, Hell, I'm not sure if I'm ready to face someone like you. But I know damn well that I can and will kick your sorry ass all over the damn ring.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: A Rhodes Vs a McMahon...I know the history between our families is not great...but I don't care about the past, I'm talking about whether or not you'll face me at Super Show, and that matters to me.

Cody stares coldly at Michael.

Michael: But...you maybe right. Maybe it's not worth your time facing me. But you're on my shoe, Boy...and I'm gonna ask the jury that is the WWE Universe what they think.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: If you want to see a Rhodes Vs McMahon at Super Show in Japan...give me a Hell Yeah!


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael: WOOO! Now what about you? Are you up for it? Yes...or no? Choose.

The crowd cheers on, wanting Cody to agree. Soon enough...

Cody: Yes.

The crowd pops as they're happy the match is set for Cody Rhodes and Michael McMahon. The Sons of Two Legends, Dusty Rhodes and Triple H, the main influencers behind the success of NXT, are colliding at Super Show, one of the many confirmed matches between WWE and NJPW.

Cody: You know, Michael...you're right about this match. It would be a great opportunity to beat your ass at Super Show.

The crowd gave a mixed reaction.

Cody: And I will show you that why they call me the American Nightmare. So good luck. You're gonna need it.

Cody then turns, but was stopped by Michael who grabs his shoulder. The crowd oohs as Cody slowly turns to him.

Michael: I would say Good luck to you too...but I'm the Bad Prince, mothafucka.

Michael takes down Cody and unloads on the American Nightmare. The crowd pops as both Cody and Michael brawled in the center of the ring. Cody rolls back and lays his fists on Michael. Michael counters back as he fires lightning speed strikes on Rhodes.

Soon, Corbin and Kurt came out as they brought the other superstars backstage. They entered the ring and tried to separate both Cody and Michael. They managed as they backed against the corner as they struggle to break free. Soon, Michael breaks free and jumps on Cody, as the resume their fight.

He was then pulled back but it was Cody's turn to break free and jump on Michael. He gave a few shots before he was pulled back. They managed to get him out of the ring, but Michael breaks free, feeling he wasn't done. Ignoring the pleas of the superstars, he bounces off the ropes and Leaps over the top rope, crashing down on Cody and the others.

The crowd yells out as they couldn't believe Michael willingly launches himself out of the ring.

Soon, he continues attacking Cody before he was pulled back. Now, both Rhodes and McMahon was restrained as they glare at each other.

Cody was dragged away as Michael slowly calms down, with Kurt being near him. Soon, he sighs, remembering something.

Kurt: What's up?

Michael: It's mom's birthday today. And she and dad are coming to evaluate me as a Commissioner.

Kurt: Oh. *cringes* Guess you might be on a tough spot.

Michael: Yep. Shit.

How's the chapter?

This is a part 1 of tonight's show, as I felt adding the rest here would take away the build up to Cody and Michael's rivalry.

Looks like Triple H and Stephanie are coming back to not just celebrate her birthday, but to evaluate Michael on his work as Commissioner.


New cover for Bad Prince. Along with OriginalLegacy2003's Alex McMahon. And if you can look closely, you can see Michael's hand on Ronda's side. 😉

Also, yes that's Michael's logo.

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