Road to Summerslam

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August 6

The show starts with Michael, Kurt, and Baron in the ring as the fans cheer for them, mostly Michael.

Michael: Tonight, Ronda Rousey will have her in-ring debut for Monday Night RAW in a Submission Match against Alicia Fox.

The crowd cheers as Michael looks on.

Michael: What? You all expected me to hate Ronda for breaking my mom's arm, and humiliating her and my dad at Wrestlemania? Nah, bro. That's their business and I don't want to get in the middle of it, for good reason.

The crowd laughs as Michael cringed and rubs his arm.

Michael: As for Brock Lesnar tonight, the Lumberjack match against Roman Reigns will be at the main event. This will be the first time that Lesnar will have a match on RAW since his return back in 2012. And, this man, *points at Kurt* will be the Guest Referee.

The crowd cheers as Michael shook hands with Kurt.

Kurt: I appreciate you giving me this opportunity, Michael. I want to get had on Lesnar as payback for attacking me last week.

Michael: No problem, Kurt. Plus, everyone here would like you and Brock to throw hands at each other one more time like in the old days.

Corbin: I doubt anyone would want to see that. *crowd boos at him*

Michael: Hey, buddy. I didn't ask for your opinion. As a matter of fact, I don't want you thinking about what I said since you did nothing but ran like a scolded dog from Brock Lesnar last week.

The crowd oohs as Corbin looks stunned by this.

Corbin: I was just exhausted by beating Finn Balor. I didn't have the energy to fight back. I would.

Michael sighs as he approaches the constable. He then placed his hand on his shoulder as Corbin started to get nervous.

Michael: *mock cry* I-I-I was e-exhausted. I-I be-beat Ffffinn B-Balor. I-I couldn't f-fight b-ba-back. Uhhhhh...I wo-would've-SHUT THE HELL UP!

The crowd was started by his outburst. Even Corbin and Angle had to step back, surprised by this. Michael glares at him before turning away.

Michael: Anyway...Heyman will be interviewing with Renee Young, soon. And that's all I need to say. Oh and by the way, after Summerslam, there's going to be big changes coming to Monday Night RAW. I run this show, and I'll run it how I want it.

The crowd cheers.

Michael: Oh and Corbin, you're not gonna leave. As tonight you will face someone I actually got from Smackdown Live just for this night only. And that's someone who's friends with Finn Balor.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd went crazy as the Club comes out. Anderson and Gallows look around before making their way to the ring. Corbin was looking like he has seen a ghost as Michael and Kurt leaves the ring.

Soon, Luke and Karl stood in front of the Commissioner and GM of RAW as they stare at each other. Soon, Luke and Karl grinned as Michael turns and they did the Turkish Wolf gesture. The crowd immediately went insane as the Club and Michael too sweeted.

Michael: They embrace it, but I was born into it!

Mike then leaves with Kurt following him as he grins at Corbin.

The match starts as Corbin and Gallows face each other for the first time. Soon, with some distraction from Balor, Luke Gallows defeats Constable Corbin. This lets the fans see the Balor club together on RAW one more time.


Mojo Rawley faces Bobby Roode in the last man standing match. Despite Bobby's efforts, Mojo defeats Roode in a grueling match. Mojo looks with intense glares.

?: Woah, Tiger.

Michael comes out as he has a grin on his face.

Michael: I must say this match was brutal. And you stayed true to your word about running everyone over. But, here's the thing. Since you're so insistent on that, how about next week, you will face 8 Men in a Gauntlet Match?

The crowd cheers as Mojo was nodding in agreement.

Michael: Good. And your opponent for your Summerslam match will be...*grins*

Mojo looks confused the crowd suddenly got up and cheers. He turns and gets hit by a Gore from Rhyno! Rhyno stands up as he yells and poses for the crowd.

Michael: In an ECW Rules Match.

The crowd went even crazier as Michael leaves while Rhyno's theme plays. They started chanting "ECW!" over and over as Rhyno glares down at Rawley who lays there, hurt by the Gore.


We see the Authors of Pain and Titus Worldwide in the ring as Rezar takes on Titus O'Neil.

?: Ah, no.

Michael appears on the titantron screen as he sat on his office chair, drinking some soda and eating popcorn.

Michael: This match seems a bit boring to me. How could I make it more entertaining? Hmm...Oh, I got it! A Body Slam Challenge! That's it. It's official. See ya!

The tron cuts away as the match was changed into a Body Slam Challenge. Both teams were confused by this but decided to go along. It was a surprisingly good match that ends with Rezar body slamming the 270lb O'Neil.


The Kevin Owens Show returns as the host makes an interview with Jinder Mahal with Sunil Singh. They talk about how Mahal's teachings eased Owens and made him feel like a winner against Braun Strowman. Then, out of nowhere, Braun knocks over the set he was under, sending them all down.

Later, Strowman faces Jinder in a match. During the match, Kevin Owens suddenly grabs the briefcase. But Strowman saw him. Both stared at each other as Kevin tries to run away. Then...


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


Michael's sudden appearance through the crowd startled everyone, and Kevin drops down in shock and fright. Then it went into laughter as Michael hops over the barricade.

Corey: Where did Michael come from?!

Cole: I don't know!

Coach: Did he learn that from Undertaker!?

Michael walks over to Kevin and stares at him.

Michael: Summerslam hasn't arrived yet. Your match won't come out until August 19. If you act out this way again, I will cancel the match.

The crowd oohs as Owens was begging Michael to not do it. All the while Strowman squash Mahal with a Running Powerslam.

Michael: Oh and by the way... Your match at Summerslam, Kevin, will be a Tables match.

The crowd cheers as Kevin looks at him, eyes widening as Michael leaves. Kevin looks at Braun, who grins at him.


Michael is seen talking on the phone while he, Kurt, and Corbin walk down the halls.

Michael: What do you mean he can't be in two matches? And you're going to forfeit his match? Why? I got a lot of stuff planned for Summerslam, and you're going to waste it all if you do that. Come on, mom. Please. Let me handle this...*sighs* Fine.

Michael ends the call as he pulls his hair a bit.

Kurt: Couldn't convince her this time?

Michael: Yeah.

Kurt: At least you tried, Michael.

Soon, they approached Seth and Roman who we getting ready for their match.

Michael: Hey, guys. I got some bad news.

Roman: What's wrong, Michael?

Michael: It's about you competing in two matches tonight, Rome. Apparently, both mom and dad didn't want that and told me you cannot team with Seth Rollins against Ziggler and McIntyre. If you do, you'll have to forfeit your match at Summerslam.

Seth: What? They can't do that. You're the commissioner. Can't you do something about it?

Michael: I tried, but they both agreed and they cannot have their minds changed. Plus, dad's the COO, so his position is higher than mine. Sorry, Roman. You cannot have two matches tonight.

Roman: Damn it. I appreciate you trying to convince them, though Mike.

Seth: Don't worry, guys. I'll figure something out.

Corbin: *chuckles* Looks like you're going to have a handicap match.

Michael: *sighing in anger as he rubs his neck*

Michael: Corbin, please shut up. I'm getting a headache tonight and I don't need your stupid jokes.

Kurt: Don't test his patients, Baron. I've seen how Michael's like he's mad. And it's not pretty.

Corbin: *regaining his composure* Sorry, sir. It won't happen again.

Michael: It better. Anyway, I actually have an idea for tonight. Seth, you do have a tag team partner tonight, so don't worry.

Seth: Wait really?

Roman: Just now?

Michael: Yeah.

Seth: You must have a really big imagination, don't ya?

Michael: And now you know why I'm commissioner. Anyway, your partner will be revealed later, so go on now.

Seth: Yes sir. *leaves*

Michael: Anyway, I need to do something real quick, so see ya. *leaves*

Roman: That kid is really something.

Baron: And what about him getting mad, Angle?

Kurt: He tried to hit his grandfather with a crowbar after he made fun of Jim Ross. Instead, he calmed down he forced Vince to kneel down and apologize to JR after he powered paint all over him.

Roman: Really? As a kid? Damn.

Corbin: And honestly, seeing him now, I can say he would do that.

Roman: Oh and Corbin, how're your ribs?

Roman punches Corbin in the ribs. Corbin goes down in pain as Reigns laughs and walks away.


We see Seth entering the ring as Dolph and Drew were waiting for him. Seth gets ready as Ziggler mocks him for being all alone. Seth scoffs as this everyone waits for his mystery partner. Suddenly...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The crowd got confused by this song as the three men look at the stage. They were in confusion until someone comes out. But this person got the fans to stand up in shock.

Michael Cole: Oh my God! Michael's teaming with Seth Rollins!?

Corey: What?! Is Michael trying to get himself killed?!

Coach: He has guts, I can tell you that!

Corey: This will not make his parents happy! They should've let Roman team with Seth!

Michael Cole: How are they supposed to know Michael decided to be Seth's partner?!

Michael poses as the crowd, Seth, Dolph, Drew, and the ref are in disbelief that the Raw commissioner will compete for the first time. Michael then makes his way to the ring as he warms himself up. He then slides inside the ring and stands next to Seth as his new theme fades.

Dolph and Drew began to yell at them as Michael and Seth look at them. Soon, Michael points at them before doing the Crotch Chop on both men, getting a loud reaction.

Seth laughs as he tells Michael to stand on the apron. Michael nods as he goes on the apron. Dolph does so too so Seth and Drew are beginning the match. The bell rings as Seth and Drew exchange blows.

Soon, the match doesn't go in Rollins's favor as McIntyre locks Seth in a Chin lock as Michael cheers for Seth. He gets the crowd to cheer for the King Slayer who starts to fight back he then hits Drew with a Jawbreaker but was then hit by a Suplex Slam by him.

Drew stares at Michael and mocks him, but Michael just responds like this.

Michael: Kiss my ass!

He smacks his butt, getting cheers and laughter from the crowd, as they can tell he has no fear against Drew McIntyre. Drew scoffs as he goes to tag Dolph who starts dancing around Seth, mocking him. Soon, he starts kicking him while directing his insults at Michael.

Michael: Stop being a Cheerleader, Nicky!

The crowd oohs as they know Dolph was a member of the Spirit Squad. Dolph glares at him as he goes after Seth. Soon, Seth starts fighting back but Ziggler sends him to the barricade. He went for a Splash, but Rollins got out of the way, making Dolph land awkwardly on the turnbuckle. Both men are down as their partners reach their arms out, wanting a tag.

Dolph goes to tag in Drew but saw Seth is very close to Michael. He tries to stop him, but Seth jumps, tagging Michael in. The crowd pops as Michael enters the ring, ducks under a punch from Dolph, and starts throwing several punches at Ziggler. He went for an Irish Whip but Ziggler countered with his own.

Michael however hits a Facebuster Knee Smash on Ziggler.

He wasn't done as he backs against the ropes and hits a Flying Forearm. He then Kips up as he poses for the crowd, completing his DX Combo.

Michael mocks McIntyre as he picks up Ziggler. Ziggler then kicks him in the gut and tries to tag in Drew. Seth however pulls McIntyre off the apron. Drew tries to attack him but collided with the ring post.

Ziggler yells at Rollins before turning around and was picked up by Michael. Michael held the 218lb, Dolph, by one arm for a few seconds before slamming him down.

Michael then tags in Seth before sending Dolph out of the ring. Seth gets ready as he bounces off the ropes and hits a Suicide Dive onto Ziggler. Rollins sends Ziggler back inside as he climbs onto the apron. Once Dolph stood up, Rollins hits a Springboard Clothesline.

Seth gets up as he kicks Dolph in the gut. He went for the Stomp, but Ziggler counters. Dolph went for the Famouser, but Seth caught him in a Powerbomb position. Michael tags himself in as Seth sends Ziggler onto the turnbuckle. Michael then hits a Cartwheel followed by a Handspring Back Elbow.

Michael poses for the crowd as Ziggler managed to tag in McIntyre. Michael ducks under a clothesline by McIntyre. He turns around and Michael hits a Stunner to McIntyre.

Michael tags in Seth who climbs up to the top rope and hits a Phoenix Splash onto Drew. Seth goes for the cover, but Dolph breaks it. Dolph tries to send Seth out of the ring, but Seth sends him out instead. Seth looks for the Stomp on McIntyre but Drew counters.

Michael tags himself in as Drew hits the Claymore. He went to pin Seth but the ref told him Seth wasn't his legal opponent. Drew got up. Michael is seen on the top rope and hits a Missile Dropkick onto McIntyre.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael gets up as he picks up McIntyre and sends him to the ropes. Dolph tags himself in as Michael hits a snap Belly to Belly Suplex.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Dolph sees an opportunity and went for Zig Zag, but Michael flips off from it and lands on his feet. Dolph got up but Michael hits a Discus Roundhouse Kick.

Michael tags in Seth as he hits the Stomp onto Ziggler. Rollins goes for the cover.

Ref: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Seth's theme plays and the crowd cheers loudly.

Jojo: Here are your winners the Team of Michael McMahon and Seth Rollins!

Michael Cole: What a match guys! Can you believe it?!

Corey: Indeed! And what a performance by Michael McMahon!

Coach: Indeed. Did you see how he countered that Zig Zag? He just backflipped and hit that Roundhouse kick. Amazing! *as the show a replay of the moment*

Seth and Michael celebrated their victory as Seth praised Michael for a job well done. The crowd cheers for Michael as poses for them.


Michael is seen with several superstars as they congratulated him on his first match.

Kurt: That was an amazing performance, Michael.

Corbin: For once I agree with Kurt.

Tyler Breeze: We were all surprised by that match.

Bayley: You did very well for your first match.

Bobby Lashley: And that body slam on Ziggler, pure power, man.

Sasha: That stunner, straight Stone Cold Vibes.

Natalya: And that kick was beautiful. You should give it a name.

Michael: Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. Anyway, I'm going back to being Commissioner now.

Zack: When could we see you wrestle again?

Michael: Don't know. Maybe soon. We'll just have to wait and see. Anyway, see you later.

Michael leaves as everyone went to their separate ways.


Bayley and Sasha Banks are going to face Riott Squad members Sarah Logan and Liv Morgan until Michael comes out all formally dressed up. The when look at him in confusion as Michael stares at them.

Michael: How could we make this more entertaining? I know. Make this match a Tornado No DQ Tag match.

The crowd pops as the four women stare at each other.

Michael: Guess we're in a agreement. Have fun tearing each other apart, ladies.

Michael leaves the match is set to be a Tornado No DQ Tag Match. It became a total beat down as Sasha and Bayley did their best against the Riott Squad but ultimately they lose against them.


Ronda Rousey face off against Alicia Fox in a Submissions Match with Natalya and Alexa Bliss at ringside. Alicia tried to best to wear down Rousey, but Rowdy Ronda was one step ahead of her. She then applies the Armbar as she glared at Bliss. Fox taps out, thus giving Ronda her win in her debut Raw Match.

Finally, it was the main event of tonight. Roman Reigns comes out as all the RAW Superstars come out and stood around the ring. Kurt then arrives in a referee uniform as everyone waited for Brock Lesnar to arrive. After a short while, Lesnar didn't show as the crowd started to boo. Soon, Lesnar comes, feeling frustrated as he makes his way to the ring for his first and most likely last RAW match since his return.

The match goes on as Brock beats down Roman, who then fights back against the Beast Incarnate. Soon, Brock was sent out of the ring and some gutsy lumberjacks sent him back inside the ring. Soon, Brock tries to go for the win, but Kurt would stall this, faking his arm hurting.

Brock was pissed as he took out his anger at some unlucky lumberjacks. That only caused some tension with the others. Soon, Roman hits a Spear on Lesnar but Brock kicked out at 2. Roman went for another but was hit by an F5. Brock goes for the pin, and this time Kurt counted slowly.

Brock got pissed as he glares at Kurt, who glares back at him. Then when Brock turns around, he was meet by a Double dropkick from Breezango. The crowd goes insane as Finn Balor climbs up and hits the Coup de Grace onto Lesnar.

Bobby Roode picks up Lesnar and hits the Glorious DDT. Even Constable Corbin joins in as he hits the End of Days on the Beast. Brock slowly gets up, but Angle was ready for him. He grabs him and hits the Angle Slam on Brock Lesnar, getting a huge reaction from the crowd.

Suddenly, Michael comes out as he makes his way to the ring. Seth hits the Stomp onto Lesnar as Reigns is getting ready to end the match. Michael enters and stops him.

Michael: How about you climb up there *points at the corner* and send his bitch ass down?

Roman and Seth grinned at the idea as they nodded.

Roman starts to climb on the middle rope as Michael and Seth bring Brock up. Roman howls as Seth and Mike lift Lesnar onto his shoulders before climbing up. After a few seconds, the three men leaped hit a middle rope Triple Powerbomb onto Brock Lesnar.

The crowd cheers wildly as Roman covers Lesnar.

Kurt: 1, 2, 3!

The bell rings as Roman's theme plays and the crowd cheers for the Big Dog. Soon the rest of the Lumberjacks entered the ring as they celebrated Roman's victory. Michael claps at Roman as he sees Paul Heyman on the stage with a look of sadness and disappointment.

Michael winks at him as he goes to hug Roman who then raised him onto his shoulders, and the crowd cheers for Michael. They thank him for making this show the best show they've seen in a long while.

The show ends with Michael coming down as he raised Roman's arm, getting a big reaction.

A/N: How's the show? Did you think Michael did a Good Job?

Love Interest votes will come out soon, probably the night before Summerslam.

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