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A/N: Sorry, guys but I'm not going to have Michael in commentary. It became more harder for me to write it and I didn't have the best few days this week which got me stressed out. Hope you understand.

Barclays Center, NY
August 19

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The show begins as everyone was excited after seeing the match card. Some of the matches were not even thought off by everyone, especially from Smackdown Live. This must've been the work of Michael McMahon.

The show begins with the Battle Royale of the Raw Women's Locker Room to determine the first-ever Women's Intercontinental Champion. On the same day, he was appointed commissioner, Michael has debuted three new titles for the Women's Division, for RAW, SDLive, and NXT.

Soon, everyone in the Women's Locker room is seen in the ring. The match begins as all the women brawled inside the ring, wanting to win the match to have the Women's Intercontinental Championship around their waists.

Soon, all but Jax, Banks, Bayley, and Brooke were eliminated as the four stood in the ring.

The three started taking on Nia one more time, this time, Nia doesn't have time to recover. Both Bayley and Sasha stun her with forearms and Dana hits her with a clothesline onto the corner. Then, Dana Brooke picked up Nia and slams her down!

The crowd was in shock as flexed her muscles, with Bayley and Sasha in surprise by this. Nia slowly gets up but was then hit by a Double Dropkick and a clothesline, sending her over the top rope, and eliminating her.

Soon, all that's left is Banks, Bayley, and Brooke as Sasha was telling Bayley what they should do. Bayley had a look of disdain that she was trying to hide as Dana mocks them.

Soon, Bayley nods as Sasha goes towards Dana, only for Bayley to grab her and toss her over the ropes, eliminating her partner! Everyone was shocked as Banks was in disbelief. Soon, Dana and Bayley squared off, trying to eliminate one another to win the match.

Bayley went for Bayley to Belly, but Dana counters and went for the Samoan Driver. Bayley reverses and sends Dana over the top rope, but she hangs on. Bayley tries to finish the job, but Dana pulls her on the apron.

The two fought as Bayley charged at Brooke, but Dana got back inside and Bayley hits the ring post. Stunned, she didn't see Dana charging at her and hitting a shoulder block, knocking Bayley off the apron!

The match ends as Dana is crowd the first ever Women's IC Champion. She was in tears at this moment as the fans cheered for her success, as they couldn't believe what an opening match they were having.

Match rate: How many stars?

Next was the match between Cedric Alexander and Drew Gulak for the Cruiserweight Title. Both men were given no stipulation in their as Michael felt there was no need for it as they can go extreme without any additional rules.

Alexander and Gulak went back and forth, hitting strike after strike, move after move, anything to have them take down their opponent. Cedric even went off the ring in order to beat Drew.

Soon, Gulak went for the Inverted Superplex, but Alexander counters and hits an Avalanche Michinoku Driver on Drew. Even that wasn't going to put down Gulak. Cedric went for Lumbar Check, but Drew counters and went for Cyclone Crash.

Cedric counters back and went for Lumbar Check once more. Gulak managed to not get by it and applies the Gu-Lock. Cedric tries to break free, but Gulak has the hold tight and they're in the middle of the ring.

Soon, Cedric lost and Drew Gulak won the Cruiserweight Championship for the first time. After trying to get his shot at the title, he finally won the title and beat Cedric Alexander.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, was Rhyno vs Mojo Rawley in an ECW Rules Match. Ringside was littered with tables, chairs, ladders, bats, kendo sticks, you name it. Brooklyn is going to have a brutal ECW Rules Match.

Soon, Mojo wastes no time and attacks Rhyno before he could enter the ring. The match goes on as both men brutalized each other with the various weapons they could find and get their hands on.

One moment, Rhyno was going for a Piledriver from the apron through a table, but Mojo counters and sends through it with an Alabama Slam. Another was when Mojo had a table leaned against the barricade but was then put through it and the barricade by Rhyno with a Gore.

Soon, the match was about to end as Rhyno went for a Gore, but Mojo hits him with a chain wrapped fist. He then hits the Hyper Driver on the Man Beast through a chair and wins the match in a shocking moment.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, the first Smackdown Live Match in Summerslam is the 6 Women Elimination Match for the Women's United States Championship. This was another title Michael debuted and fans were amazed by the design.

Soon, Tamina, Asuka, the Iiconics, Mandy Rose, and Naomi are set for the match to see who will win the US Title. Then the match begins as the 6 women attack each other, trying to see who would win by pinfall or Submission.

The Iiconics, much like the Riott Squad, use their Tag team partnership as an advantage as they eliminated Naomi as Mandy Rose eliminates Tamina. Suddenly, Asuka starts taking on Billie Kay as Peyton Royce tries to help her partner, but gets caught up by Rose.

Billie Kay tries to take advantage of Asuka but the Empress of Tomorrow was one step ahead of her. Suddenly, Peyton does a roll up, eliminating Mandy as she goes to help her partner.

They team against Asuka as Billie went for Shades of Kay, but Asuka ducks under, making Kay hit Royce instead. Distracted by this, Billie was hit by the Asuka Kick from the Empress and was eliminated.

Asuka went to pin Peyton, but she kicked out. The two exchange blows, as Peyton tries to go for the Venus Fly-Trap Suplex but Asuka countered and locks in the Asuka look. Peyton tries to hold on, but ultimately taps out.

Asuka was crowd the first ever Women's United States Champion for her brand as she finally gains a title after the company wasted her earlier this year because of favoritism. And you know how much Michael hates favoritism. But now, Asuka has become the first ever United States Champion and will be a dominant champion.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, it would be a Mixed Tag Team Match against Rusev and Lana vs Andrade Sin Almas and Zelina Vega. The match starts with Rusev and Andrade going first as Rusev dominated Almas as Lana cheers for her husband.

Soon, however, Andrade started fighting back as he then managed to tag in Vega. Rusev tags in his wife as the two women face off one another. This time, Lana was having a hard time one-upping Zelina but tries her best with her husband's encouragement.

The match goes on as Andrade hits the Hammerlock DDT but Lana breaks the count. Zelina then goes to attack her but Lana tosses her out of the ring. She then goes apron, waits for Vega to get up and jumps off, taking down Vega.

Almas goes for another DDT, but Rusev counters and hits the Machka Kick. He then applies the Accolade as Lana applies her own on Zelina preventing her from helping her partner. Andrade taps out, giving the married couple the win.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next is the No Count Out Match with The Miz against Daniel Bryan. These two has been in a heated rivalry and this match allows them to continue their fight without being counted out. Soon, the match begins and the two went outside the ring right of the gate.

Their hatred for each other was too strong to be even held inside the mat, which could be the reason why Michael made it a No Count Out Match. Daniel strikes Miz with everything he got as Miz fights back with equal force.

They even went over the barricade and brawled through the crowd. However, they couldn't use chairs and other weapons as this wasn't an extreme rules match and they couldn't pin or submit outside as it wasn't a falls count anywhere.

Soon, Miz drags Daniel back at ringside as he slams him head first onto an announce table. He then goes to send him back inside the ring, but Daniel backflips from the apron, lands behind Miz and shoved him back first onto the edge.

Bryan sends Miz inside the ring and goes inside. He went for the Yes Kicks but Miz ducks under and hits a School Boy Pin. Daniel kicks out but Miz gets up and starts hitting his own Yes Kicks. Mix went for the last one but Daniel caught it and hits a Dragon Screw.

Both men went back and forth throughout the match as Daniel goes for the Running Knee, but Miz counters and hits his own, he didn't win the match though as he tries to go for Skull Crushing Finale.

Bryan somehow counters and and hits his own Skull Crushing Finale. Miz kicks out though as Bryan goes to lock in the Yes Lock. He looks it in as Miz struggles to break free. Somehow, he crawls to the ropes and grabs one, breaking the hold.

Daniel could believe this as he drags Miz to the middle and goes for it again. Miz counters and gets up. Daniel went for a Roundhouse but Miz caught it, turns Daniel around and hits the Skull Crushing Finale and wins the match.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next is the Elimination Tag Team Match for the RAW Tag Team Championships with the B-Team going against the Revival. Curtis Axel and Scott Dawson go first as Dawson starts brutalizing Axel. The son of Mr. Perfect starts fighting back as he sends Dawson to his corner.

They went for the tag, but Dawson knocks Bo Dallas off and sends Curtis to his corner. He tags in Dash Wilder and the two hit a Tag Team Move. Dash went for the cover, but Curtis kicks out. Soon, it's Wilder's turn to brutally beat Curt Hennig's son.

He went for the pin, but Bo breaks the count. Dawson attacks Bo and sends him out of the ring. The Revival then switched as Dawson goes to continue the beat down, until Curtis Axel fights back.

Dawson goes to sends him to the ropes but Axel counters and hits a DDT. Bo gets back on the apron as Curtis crawls over to tag him. Dawson tries stop him but Axel managed to tag in his partner.

Fired up, Bo starts beating down Scott and sends him to the ropes and hits a Gutbuster. He goes for the cover, but Wilder breaks the count. Dash starts beating Dallas until Axel takes him down. Both men leave the ring as Bo and Dash stand up.

Dallas and Wilder continue brawling before Dallas grabs him and sends him to the ropes. Suddenly, Scott tags himself as Dash ducks under a clothesline. Distracted, Bo was sent to the ropes by Dawson and the Revival hit the Shatter Machine and eliminated Bo Dallas.

They celebrated until Curtis sends Wilder out of the ring and hits the Perfect-Plex on Dawson, eliminating him. Dash starts to beat down Axel, enraged by the elimination. Both men exchanged strikes and moves as Wilder went for a Spinebuster but Axel counters.

Curtis went for the Perfect-Plex but Wilder counters that. Dawson tries to distract Axel until Dallas stops him. Wilder tries to capitalize on this, but Axel avoids it and Dash hits the ref instead. Distracted, the B-Team took advantage and hit a Back Suplex/Neckbreaker combo.

Bo took care of Dawson as the B-Team retains the titles after such a brutal match.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, the Smackdown Live Tag Team Championships will be defended and in a Ladder Match. The Bludgeon Brothers are going against The New Day for their titles. The match begins as Big E, Kofi Kingston, and Xavier Woods took on Erick Rowan and Luke Harper in this Ladder Match.

The match was brutal and chaotic, as ladders are scattered everywhere, broken or toppled over. The Bludgeon Brothers were deadly with these, but the New Day wouldn't give up. They want to win the Tag Titles and will do everything to win them.

Woods was sent through a Ladder and Big E was knocked out by a shot from another. Kofi was the only one of the New Day to stand as the Bludgeon Brothers took joy beating him down. After feeling satisfied, they try to climb up from a ladder to win the match.

Suddenly, Kofi hits a Missile Dropkick on the ladder knocking the Brothers down. He hits Harper with Trouble in Paradise and sends Rowan out of the ring. He tries climbing up on the ladder to reach for the championships but Erick tries to stop him.

He then pushes the ladder down, but Kingston avoids falling as he hangs on the hook, giving the crowd anxiety over how big of a height he's in. Rowan tries to bing the ladder back to stop him, but was met with Big E.

Soon, Kofi unhooks the Championships, making his team with the brutal ladder match. He was able to climb down after Big E and Xavier got the ladder back up. The three celebrated their victory.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, it's the Tables Match for the MITB contract with Braun Strowman going against Kevin Owens. Kevin once tried to steal the briefcase and was punished with the Tables Match by Michael, who came out of nowhere.

So, the match begins and Kevin Owens started striking on Strowman who was unfazed by this. Braun starts manhandling Kevin, who tried to fight back. Strowman was basically toying with Owens as he even teased sending him through a table.

Soon, Kevin fights back as he used some tables as weapons to stun Strowman. But Strowman was one step ahead of Owens. Braun then decides to finish the match and went to Chokeslam Owens of the apron but Kevin hits a arm breaking on the ropes, stopping Strowman.

Then Braun went for a Running Powerslam but Kevin got out of his shoulder. Braun nearly destroyed the table that was leaning against the turnbuckle.

Soon, Owens was seen laying on a table as Strowman starts climbing up to hit a Monstrous Splash. Suddenly, gets up and stuns Strowman with a Superkick. He then sets a table at ringside and grabs Braun. With all the strength he has left, he sends Strowman through the table, winning the match.

Owens managed to beat Strowman, the monster who tried to end his career and now became the new Mr. Money In the Bank.

Match rate: How many stars?

Next is the match against Randy Orton and Tye Dillinger in a classic match up. Perhaps Michael wanted a normal match and had Randy facing Tye just for fun.

The match goes on as Dillinger tries his best to go against the Viper, but Orton is always one step ahead. This goes on until Tye starts getting the upper hand on Randy. Both men exchanged moves and strikes to put each other over.

That all came down as when he went for the Tye Breaker, Orton hits an surprising RKO and wins the match.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next is the I Quit Match for the Intercontinental Championship. Seth Rollins goes against Dolph Ziggler for the title as both the returning Dean Ambrose and Drew McIntyre at their side.

The match quickly went brutal as both men beat each other to a pulp trying make each other say the two words. Ambrose would make sure McIntyre doesn't interfere in the match. Soon, however, Drew would get involved.

The match became more chaotic now that Dean and Drew are involved. Dolph and Drew tried to force Rollins to say the words but he refused and they gave him a beating. What was until, Dean came back up and attacked Drew with a Barbed Wire Bat, causing him immense pain and fear on Ziggler.

Soon, Dean passes the weapon to Seth who then used it against Ziggler. The pain became to much for Dolph as he finally yelled "I quit!" Thus giving Seth the victory and the Championship. Both Dean and Seth celebrate as Ziggler and McIntyre lay in the ring, hurt and bloodied.

Match rate: How many stars?

Next, is the TLC Match for United States Championship with Shinsuke Nakamura going against Jeff Hardy. It was obvious Michael wanted this match type with Jeff Hardy involved against the King of Strongstyle.

The match became much like the match between Hardy and CM Punk but this time, Nakamura using his strongstyle throughout the match, brutalizing Jeff in the match. Jeff fires back with his risk taking leaps of faith as Shinsuke feels as much pain as Hardy.

One of these was when Jeff was going to leap off a ladder on the outside, but Shinsuke climbs up, stuns Jeff and hits a Superplex from the ladder onto an announce table. Another was when Hardy has Nakamura on the top turnbuckle and hits a Twist of Fate off there and through a ladder that was held by the Barricade and apron.

Finally, Nakamura tried to reach of the title but Jeff stops him from reaching for it and sends him crashing down. Jeff tries to reach for it, but was then met with RANDY ORTON?!?!

Randy stops him as he grabs him by the leg. He then pulls back, making him let go of the ladder and hits an RKO. Randy leaves as Nakamura capitalized on this and wins the match, retaining the Championship.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next is the Falls Count Anywhere match against Finn Balor and Constable Baron Corbin. However, Corbin didn't meet the man, Finn Balor, but instead meets with the Demon King Finn Balor. The match then became more brutal, close to the ECW Rules Match early with both Demon and Man abusing each other.

Corbin tries his best to embarrass the Demon King, but Demon Balor was more challenging than regular Balor. Using the weapons left over, Finn attacks Corbin with everything he got. Corbin would fire back with strikes of his own and even sent Balor through a table with a Deep Six.

Finn would even choke Corbin with a chain. Corbin would use the ropes to choke Balor back. This entire match is them trying to kill each other. Soon, Finn avoids the End of Days as he then sets Corbin on a table outside the ring. He then leaps off the top rope to hit a Coup De Grace on Baron through the table and secured the win.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, the RAW Women's Championship is on the line as the Champion, Alexa Bliss, goes against Ronda Rousey in a One Sided Rules Match. This match gives Alexa the opportunity to use weapons and not even be counted out.

The match begins as Ronda starts womanhandling Alexa who pigheadedly charged at her. Soon, Alexa starts using some left over Kendo Sticks to try and wear down Rousey.

Ronda fights back but Alexa using these weapons against her started taking a toll on her. Despite that, however, Ronda dominated Bliss as she goes through the pain from every strike from chairs, kendo sticks, and even chains.

Despite this, Ronda managed to beat Bliss with her strength and hitting Piper's Pit. This crowns Ronda Rousey the RAW Women's Championship.

Match rate: How many stars?

Up next, it the Smackdown Live has their Women's  Championship on the line in a Triple Threat Match against the Champion, Carmella, Becky Lynch, and Charlotte Flair. Becky in resent weeks has shown some ferocity and anger in her matches as she's set to win the time.

Charlotte still feels Becky would be on her side as they take on Carmella. Throughout the match the three beat each other as Becky was being quite vicious towards Charlotte and Carmella though Charlotte still managed to be on top.

'Mella tries her best to fight back against the two, but it wouldn't go as planned. Soon, Charlotte starts getting the advantage against Carmella much to the fans and Becky's frustrations.

Soon, Charlotte wins the match and became the new SDLive Women's Champion. She wouldn't have time to celebrate as Becky attacks her from behind, much to the crowd's surprise and delight. Lynch assaults Flair before leaving the ring as the crowd cheers for her instead of Charlotte.

Match rate: How many stars?

Next, the WWE Championship will be defended in a Last Man Standing Match with the Champ AJ Styles going up against Samoa Joe for the title. The match goes into brutality as both men beat each other to have them lay down for the ten count.

Joe without hesitation obliterated AJ as he tosses him around like a rag doll. Styles fights back in the best way he can but Joe was relentless and methodical. Both had near moments of being knocked out.

Joe even bloodied AJ who does it to Joe as well. AJ tries every trick in his book to try and beat Samoa Joe in this match. Joe however stood strong and locks in the Coquina Clutch on AJ Styles. Styles tries to fight back, but Joe stood firm as AJ starts losing consciousness.

Joe then let's him go as AJ falls down, looking lifeless. The ref starts counting as Joe stares down at Styles, making sure he doesn't get up. Soon, the ref ends the count as Joe picks up the victory, becoming the New WWE Champion.

Match rate: How many stars?

And finally the main event. It will be Brock Lesnar Vs Roman Reigns for Universal Championship in a Pure Rules Match. This match is a match type from Ring Of Honor, making it the first time WWE would use a stipulation from another company for the main event.

The rules are simple: Each wrestler has three rope breaks, once used up, any pinfall or submission on or under the ropes is legal. No closed fist to the face, or else you'll be disqualified. Open hand chops and slaps in the face are allowed. Punches are allowed on the rest of the body excluding the low blow. The title can change hands through disqualification and/or countout. And finally, anyone who interferes in the match with be fired from the roster.

The match begins as Roman and Brock face each other knowing about the rules of this kind of match. Both couldn't punch each other in the face, or else they'll be disqualified but they can make up for it with other strikes in their arsenal.

As usual, Brock was dominating Roman, but this time Roman was fighting back fiercely on Lesnar which took Brock by surprise. Roman has had enough of the beatings Brock gave him and wants to repay the favor.

Brock still sends Roman through Suplex City with several German Suplexes. Roman then starts fighting back hit strikes other than punches and then hits a German Suplex on Lesnar, mocking the Beast. This makes Lesnar pick up Reigns and hit a Samoan Drop on the Big Dog.

After exchanging moves, Brock went for an F5, but Roman counters and applies a Guillotine Choke Hold, much to the fans shock. They never seen Roman using a submission hold before so this was a surprise.

Soon, however, Brock counters and hits a Belly to Belly on Roman. Brock would then apply the Kimura Lock on Reigns, trying to get him to tap out. Roman was in pain as Brock was close to break his arm. Suddenly, Roman deadlifts him off the mat, as Brock still has the Kimura locked in.

Roman then slams him down, making Lesnar release the hold. The match goes on as both only used one rope break with Brock being a surprise one. After nearly 3 F5's and 5 Spears, both men are exhausted and beaten.

Soon, Brock went for another F5 but Roman counters and hits one more Spear. This time he went for the Guillotine Choke once again instead of covering Brock. Paul was having a mental breakdown as he yells at Brock to not tap.

Brock didn't respond though, as he goes limp. Reigns still has the submission hold tight as the ref checks on Lesnar. He then raised his arm and it goes down. He does it again, and same result. And the last one...

It falls down as the ref signals for the bell and Roman becomes the new Universal Champion. Finally after more than a year of trying to capture the title, he got the title and even beat Brock Lesnar after going through a brutal match.

He starts leaving the ring until...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Michael comes out and the crowd pops as he makes his way to Reigns. He then hugs him as Roman hugs back, before Michael raised his arm, showing respect to the Big Dog. The show ends with Roman raising the Universal Championship up as Michael claps for him.

A/n: How's the show?

I am not doing that again. It was quite stressful.

Which match was your favorite?

Do you agree with the winners of the match?

What is bound to happen when the RAW after Summerslam comes up?

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