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Michael: Okay. One more time. Go from a headlock then counter to an arm drag.

We see Michael, Alexa, and Ronda in an empty ring as they practiced for their match at HIAC. Lexi and Ronda did as he told before waiting for his instructions. This has been a common occurrence since Michael returned. He always preached that the superstars train each other to get experience instead of relying on visual knowledge.

Michael: Okay, good. Now, Lexi kick her in the gut and go for the DDT. Ronda, you counter it with a back body drop.

They did as he was told. Michael nods as he enters the ring.

Michael: Okay, take five. You guys are doing well.

Lexi: Thanks, Michael.

Ronda: Yeah. I'm surprised how much you're invested on helping us train, when you don't need to.

Michael: *shrugs* That's who I am, Ronni. I grow up that way, and I want to make sure none of you get yourselves hurt, as I was told that you've been stiff with Lexi.

Ronda looks down with an ashamed look on her face while Lexi looks at her.

Lexi: To be fair, she was doing boxing for a long time, so she has yet to get use to doing strikes that are not the way of Pro Wrestling.

Ronda looks at her with a surprised look. Alexa hasn't like her for being too stiff, but when she was being told off by Michael, Lexi defends her.

Michael: That maybe true, Lexi, but still. I want to make sure neither of you would get hurt. And if you guys don't like each other, that's fine. But, I want you two to put personal feelings aside and do a good job in the match. You feel me?

The two nodded as Michael gave a smile.

Michael: Good. I'll be getting drinks before we resume. I'll be back.

Both: Okay.

He leaves as they looked at each other.

Ronda: Why did you do that? You didn't have to defend me.

Lexi: True. But, I know how Michael is in moments like these, and you could never stop him.

Ronda: Like how he yelled and Nia that one time when she injured Bayley last year?

Lexi: Yeah. I never seen him yell at her like that, and even though it was on the phone, you can feel his anger and disappointment. No one wanted to get yelled at by him. They can take bumps and botches, but an angry Michael is not something they could take.

Ronda: I guess you're right. I did here how he basically tortured JBL, Bob Holly, his own dad, and his grandfather when he was younger. No wonder why Kurt said he was more extreme.

Lexi: Indeed. But, just be glad he's more calm and mature, though I can tell by some moments he still has that inner younger self there.

Ronda: Like when he basically bullied JBL for being a dick to Mauro.

Lexi: Bingo. You should've seen his face. He was crying like a bitch, but not only did Michael took a picture and shared it to others but also told them to not release it, as it was the only nice thing he'll do to Bradshaw.

Ronda: He should be grateful, that prick. Damn. Michael is quite the character ain't he?

Lexi: Yeah. To be honest, when I first met him, I thought "Oh boy. He's going to be such spoiled brat," but then as I got to know him more, he was not like any kind of of spoiled brat.

Ronda: I mean. I can understand. Since we live in the age where guys around his age have these weird feelings of entitlement, but Mike, he has none of that. Probably because he seen a lot of stuff backstage that made him mature.

Lexi: Indeed. Who knows what he saw as he grows up.

Ronda: True. But, I'm glad it didn't really get to him, and instead learns from them to be person he is.

Lexi: Damn right. And that's why everyone loves having him backstage.

Ronda: Yep. You cannot unlove-not like him.

Lexi looks at her in confusion.

Lexi: Did you say Unlove?

Ronda: N-no. I didn't say that.

Lexi: Weird. Because I talked to Nat a few days ago and she had a similar conversation with you about Michael and you did say that.

Ronda: Just a coincidence. That's all.

Lexi: Hmm...I sense something's up with you two. But, I not going to dig deep into it. It's your business and no one else's.

Ronda: Thanks.

Lexi: And to be fair...Mike's really cute, ain't he?

Ronda went silent as she looks down at the mat, feeling shy as her face reddens. Lexi laughs until Michael comes back.

Michael: So, you two are getting along, huh? *enters the ring* Mind if I get a marriage registration for you two?

Both: What?!

Michael laughs as Lexi and Ronda realized he was just joking.

Michael: *clams down* Just joking. Don't worry. I always say that when two people are getting along.

Ronda: Sounds like you embarrassed a lot of people.

Michael: I only told the joke one time to each person. So not a lot. Anyway, drink up and get ready. We'll be resuming shortly. Hope you got along well.

Ronda and Lexi nodded before realizing something.

Lexi: Wait, did you purposely took a long while to get drinks so that we can talk?

Michael: *not listening*

Ronda: I'll take that as a maybe.


It was Sunday, as Hell in A Cell is in a few hours. Everyone is getting ready for the PPV as Michael is seen writing stuff down on his phone. Soon, Ronda pops up as she looks at him.

Ronda: Hey, Baddie.

Michael: Hey, Rowdy.

Ronda: What'cha doing?

Michael: I'm writing down stuff for our arrival to Japan next month.

Ronda: Really? I mean, we still have a few weeks until then.

Michael: Yeah, but I'm just getting the stuff prepared for when we arrive so there's no problems once we're there.

Ronda; Good point.

Michael: So, you ready for your match?

Ronda: Yep. Lexi's ready two. And I heard Pamela is a bit hesitant to go inside Hell In A Cell, but Mercedes and Ashley are helping her not get two scared. Especially Mick.

Michael: That's good. And plus, Mick has a lot of experience inside that Cell, so I'm sure he could give good advice for Pam.

Ronda: Yep. So, would you consider having a match one day? I mean, I've seen you work out and how you were practicing with everything else just like you did with me and Lexi.

Michael: Hmm. Honestly, I'm not sure when I'll be back at the ring. But yeah, I'm interested in having a match again. Maybe when Survivor Series comes as I'm obviously going to face my Uncle to make it a Commissioner Vs Commissioner.

Ronda: Sounds interesting.

Michael: Yep. But that's until November. For now, I'm working on the next show in Japan, then the 1000 Episode of Smackdown, then Evolution.

Ronda: *worried* Jesus, Christ, Michael. Do you have to do all those shows by yourself? Are you stressed out or-

Michael: What? No. Dad, gramps, William, Eric, and Paul help me with the booking of the shows. And with help by the other wrestlers here because they have cool ideas for their gimmicks and sometimes about the shows.

Ronda: Oh. That's good.

Michael: Look. I understand you might feel I might be under stress. Fortunately, I'm not. So it's okay. It's actually the grown adults who are in stress because of me.

They laughed from that. Ronda was glad that Michael wasn't felt burnt out, as she was concern he was stressed.

Ronda: That's good to hear. Sucks for them, but hey. It's you we're talking about.

Michael: Yep. *looks at the time* Oh crap. The show's about to start. We need to get ready.

Ronda: Right. See you later, Mike.

Michael: You, too, Ronni.

They guy each other a hug as Ronda suddenly held him tightly. They held there for a while as Ronda was enjoying having him this close to her. That was until Michael spoke.

Michael: Ronda?

Ronda: Yes, Michael?

Michael: I appreciate the hug, literally lifted be off the floor.

Ronda snaps out of her thoughts as she looks down and sees Michael's feet dangling over the floor.

(Yes it is Raquel and Braun, but I couldn't find another pic, but this does good in representing how Ronda's carrying Michael)

She quickly lets him go as they shake off this awkward moment.

Michael: That was awkward.

Ronda: Yeah.

Michael: Promise to not talk about it and keep it between us?

Ronda: Unless we choose to say so?

Both: Deal.

They went on to their separate ways.

A/n: How's the chapter?

What did you think of Alexa and Ronda's conversation?

And about Michael may or may not let them have a mutual conversation?

And what did you think of Ronda carrying Michael without knowing?

BTW, I might not be working of chapters often as I now doing work in College.

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