13. Wiser this time

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The bell rings piercingly, marking the end of the last period. Like a bat out of hell, I throw my stuffs in my bag and get out of the class in haste, fleeing Erden.

"Not again." I hear him groan as I exit the class like a blue streak. He hasn't yet filled up his bag, so I seize this opportunity to scurry to the school's parking, where Thomas is waiting for me.

I move swiftly through the mass, looking back repeatedly to check if Erden is behind. Unfortunately, I can't run in front of all the students, otherwise they will think there is a fire or an attack.

I was still walking rapidly, when I perceive the tall brunet behind, hastening to reach me. In panic, I accelerate my steps, walking as quick as my feet can.

I don't know when Erden sped up, but the next thing I'm aware of, is that a strong grip seizes my arm and turn me abruptly, my body slamming into something hard.

His chest. Damn.

Does he eat bricks?

My eyes immediately raise to look at Erden's face and find his piercing eyes dancing in victory. "You aren't going anywhere." He grins, resting his hands on my hips. My cheeks flame at the contact. "I got you."

I gulp. Seeing the school almost empty makes me gulp harder. God, I'm left alone with that freak again.

Panic attacks me.

No, don't let yourself be intimidated by him.

I listen to my inner voice and take a breath of courage. "Leave me alone, Erden!" Scowling at him, I take one step to go away, but he fleetly clutches my right arm, stopping me from my advances.

"Tell me who you are first and I will leave you alone." He says, still gripping my arm firmly.

Ignoring him, I attempt to remove his hand from my arm with my another hand, but his rigid grip remains firm. A cocky hubristic mien is emerging across his face, content of his force. I extremely want to punch him right in it to ruin the only beautiful about him.

"Leave it!" I snarl, but he is totally pissed.

"Get off!" I command again, almost yelling, and then he does something suspicious.

He obeys and releases my arm.

"As you wish, princess." Saying this with a poise smirk, he fixes my eyes and lowers himself a little without breaking the eyes contact, until unexpectedly, I feel his hands seize my legs. I don't know when and how but the next thing I am conscious of, is that Erden is carrying me on his right shoulder.


My torso is draped around his neck, my legs hanging on the right side of his husky body while my head is leaning on the other side.

He is kidnapping me!

"Fucking you! Leave me!" I yell, punching vigorously his hard back, but he giggles out loud.

I move in every position possible for me to fall from his shoulder, but I am as if glued to it. My breathing turns heavier as I realise that I totally lost control. The small corridor that we are passing through is forlorn. No one is there to help me from this kidnapper. Where is he carrying me to?

My last choice is to bite him.

And this is what I do.

I dig my teeth into Erden's back, making sure to tear his skin. To my astonishment, he grins like a cheshire cat. "Stop! You are exciting me."

Go to hell, idiot!

Soon we are at the end of the dim corridor. Everyone has already left, leaving Erden and me alone here. It's so silent that my cries are echoing the corridor. Erden is probably also hearing my heartbeat throbbing due to fear.

To my bewilderment, he stops and leans slightly forward to finally sluggishly put me down. Just as my feet are down enough to touch the floor, like a shot he receives a hard slap again from me which flings his face to the left.

"Damn." He curses under his breath.

He greatly deserves it again, but my lips feel dry as I spot his right palm slamming into a fist. Erden turns his crimson face to me and then unbolt his eyes which flash when his blaring gaze meets my abashed one.

Oh, oh. I don't think he will let me go this time.


At full tilt, I speed away, running like the wind. My feet are dashing in such a way that I never thought was possible. It's like I am running for my life. My heavy and rapid steps resonate the long corridor as I sprint through it while breathing unsteadily, but I can't stop. If he catches me, I'm dead.

Once out of the corridor, I hustle to the parking, incapable to look back to be able to focus on my pace. I was scuttling to there, when I catch sight of Thomas in blue from far, his body pressed against his white BMW. His eyes grow wide as he perceives me rushing to him. He promptly stands straight in bemusement.

I struggle to increase my speed to reach Thomas so that we can get in his car. This in my only way to escape. Approaching him, I try to give the hint. "He is..." I breathe out heavily.

"He is behi-" My words suspend as I check back.

Erden is not chasing me.

I immediately stop. Baffled, my eyes automatically dart around, searching for Erden. But he isn't there.

I was needlessly running like crazy!

But wait.

Why did he let me go so easily? I've slapped him on top of that for the second time.

I was lost in my thoughts when Thomas abruptly grabs my arms and turns me to him. "What's going on, Hazel? Why are you running like that?" His voice is in pure jittery. I meet his eyes and for the first time, they are full of concerned for me.

I can't help but to lightly smile. "I...I will tell you later."

I don't know why I said that, when I'm sure I won't do so. It's just that his slightest attention rose positive vibes in me. But it makes me feel even more guilty.

After so long, I take my boyfriend's hand in mine and look deep into his eyes. "I don't feel like going to the ice-cream parlor, Thomas." I say politely. "Let's go home."

He simply nods. He knows that I need some minutes to calm down.


Run after her?

Not again.

After she slapped me, she fled thinking that I was chasing her. But I just stayed there, leaning against the wall while watching her running like a cuckoo.

I was wiser this time.

Since she was in the same class as Lexi, the blonde with obviously know her. I remove my phone from the back pocket of my jeans and send Lexi a message.

Me: That chick in hoodie during class, who is she and what is her address?

(╯⊙ ω ⊙╰ )

Hello, how are you doing?😉

Hazel is in trouble! Maybe he will finally find her.😚

See next update!❤

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