17. One last time

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As soon as I barge into my house, I pelt whatever which was in my hands against the wall.

It was unfortunately my phone.

But I don't care about this at that moment. What matters now is that shit Hazel just told me.

'I need to write a chapter where you die, your corpse will disappear and you will be back as a book character only.'

I squeeze my fist, struggling to keep control, but it's not working.

She wanna kill me! She gonna kill me!

How can she be so heartless?

I run a hand over my face, deliberating deeply on what to do.

Think Erden, think!

I was sighing repeatedly while being in deep thoughts when suddenly, revelation comes to me.


A few minutes later.

I was staring out the window, taking a view of outside while waiting for Lexi, when the door creaks as it opens.

"Why did you call me?" Lexi's kitty voice immediately asks after she closes the door behind her. "What happened?"

I promptly turn and look at her. Her blond hair is loose as usual, flowing down till her breasts. She is wearing a tight red glowing dress, short like always, with matching red heels of course.

I smirk. "Lady in red."

Feeling flattered of my compliment, she rests a hand on her hip and tosses her blond hair with the other.

Huffing, I ignore her. I don't have time for playing.

"I need your help." I immediately state and Lexi raises a brow.

"You can ask anything in return."

Her lips curl into a sly smile. "I'm listening." She crosses her thin arms together and lends an attentive ear to me.

Taking a deep breath, I declare, "I need you to get access to Hazel's phone and change her Wattpad password without her knowing."

Her arms drop to her side. I would have the same reaction if I was in her place. It's only after a few seconds, she realises that she got a mouth.

"Do you know that she can also log into Wattpad with her email?" Lexi raises a slyly brow.

My right shoulder lifts into a shrug. She is wiser than I thought.

"Don't worry. I know a nerd who can help us." She says, a proud smirk spreading on her face. "He is head over heels for me, and he will do anything I order him."

Effectively, Lexi called the guy and he told us that he will immediately install a sort of virus on Hazel's Wattpad account. Having someone following you like a puppy can be useful sometimes. Until the virus password is not inserted, Hazel won't be able to log into her account, even with her email. But the only issue left now, is that Hazel needs to log out of her account first so that the virus takes over.

"I will just need to use Hazel's phone secretly while she is bathing or sleeping to log out of Wattpad." Lexi smiles haughtily, twirling her golden-coloured hair. "And if I'm not mistaken, her phone lock password is her date of birth. I've caught her typing this one time before." Her eyes crunch as she is thinking. "The 20 October with no space in between."

I nod, retaining the precious information she just told me. "We don't have much time." I protest, gulping. Everything needs to be done urgently so that Hazel can't write the chapter and publish it, otherwise it's game over for me.

"Wait, explain to me the entire problem." The blonde demands in pure confusion.

I lift my chin and smile determinedly. "It's a long and unbelievable story. Wanna hear it?"


I couldn't sleep the whole night. I just stared at the ceiling, thinking about what happened yesterday. Telling Erden the truth was a huge mistake. I didn't have any choice after all. Erden reacted the way I feared and how will I be able to handle him now?

I sigh heavily at those thoughts before getting up from bed. My body shivers as my feet touch the cold floor.

At least I won't see Erden's face today since there are no classes.

Like I have done every morning this week, I grab my phone from the chest of drawers to check Wattpad with it. We never know when it's gonna be the big day, just like for the results of the Wattys. Wattpad can be surprising sometimes. All we can do is to keep on checking while praying.

With my phone in my hand, my thumb slackly clicks on the app, awaiting for it to fail as usual but to my astonishment, it doesn't crash down. My heart palpitates as the Wattpad homepage begins loading.

Wattpad is operating.


After learning that Wattpad is functioning, I immediately called and told Lia to come at my place. We are actually in my room, discussing the problem. She alone can help me with the next step, now that the worst has reached me.

kill Erden.

I can barely even swallow my own saliva at that thought. While Lia is relaxedly lolling on my bed, I'm parading in my room, unable to keep myself tranquil for a second.

"There is no way I'm doing that!" I let out desperately. "It's inhuman."

"He is not human first of all." Lia sticks out her tongue amusingly.

I roll my eyes. It's now the right moment to tease.

"Come on, Hazel." She grouses, sitting up. I stop walking like crazy and give her my attention.

"Like I said, I will do it." She reminds me, but there is still a weight on my heart. Even if she is the one who does it in my place or anyone else, I won't be at peace.

The reality is, how can I approve such an act?

"You just need to tell Erden that it's his last day today." Lia tells me, pushing my thoughts away.

Tell what!?

"Are you crazy!?" I cry out.

Lia sighs heavily and gets off from the bed. "We can't just kill him without he is prepared for it." She explains, approaching me.

"What happened yesterday was already horrible! He was so mad. How can I add that tomorrow we will kill hi—"

"You should tell him the truth so that he can live his last day fully." Lia cuts me off.

Okay. She got a point.

"And you will never get the chance to meet your book character again." She adds this line which proclaims her as the winner.

"Crazy how it seems, you should experience it one last time."

I stare at her, amazed by the truth of her words.

I can't deny it, she is absolutely right.

Even if Erden didn't turn out to be my charming prince like in my book, I want to see him one last time. Contemplate the unbelievable once more. He is the first one who made me feel all kind of ways after all.

I can't help but to lightly smile at that thought.

Catching me smiling secretly, Lia seizes this opportunity to exclaim. "I take this as your consent!"

"I didn-" She doesn't even give me time to retort as she rapidly pulls my hand to get me out of the room. "So I'm gonna accompany you to his place as a bodyguard, just in case."

I don't know why, but just hearing of having my best-friend by my side for this mission, made my fear vanished. I'm no longer that hesitant to go there.

We therefore both get out my house, the warm breeze caressing our skin and ruffling our hair as we walk to Erden's abode. This moment reminds me of the night where I went there for the first time, where everything changed drastically.

I was lost in playing the events of that night in my head, when Lia suddenly shakes my arm which makes me come back to Earth.

I then realise that Thomas is actually walking towards me. What is he doing here? I stare at him in surprise as he steps closer. His face no longer displays that stupid, not caring expression, but a serious and a rude one.

Did he realise my worth?

I straighten my body, trying to look the more serious I can as he stops in front of me. Thomas greets Lia first before gazing at me. His eyes observe mine for some seconds, as his mouth opens and closes several times before he finally speaks.

"Hazel..." He starts softly.

I watch him, waiting for him to speak.

"I want to tel-" He suddenly stops talking and quickly looks around us, his eyes narrowed to crinkled slits. He frowns when he realises that we are actually in front of Erden's house.

"Where are you going?" Thomas raises a brow.

"I'm going to see Erden." I reply straight off.

Lia smacks her forehead on hearing me.


I bite my lips. I shouldn't have said that, right?

Silly me.

A downhearted chuckle escapes Thomas's throat. "I thought that maybe I was wrong, so I decided to come and talk to you." His eyes turn flat and cold. "But now I'm sure, you are totally at fault."

My eyes widen.

"I don't wanna see you again, Hazel." He says in disgust, before turning away.

Oh no, no, no.

I try to catch his arm to stop him. "Thoma-"

Lia blocks my hand, refraining me from doing so. "I will talk to Thomas, just go and see Erden." She rapidly tells me before running after my boyfriend, leaving me no occasion to refuse.

I watch them walking away, soughing deeply. I hope she succeeds in convincing Thomas, and the same for me with Mr. Badass.

I breathe out heavily, Erden's house right in front of me.

You can do it, Hazel.

In the same way as that extraordinary night, my thumb presses the electronic doorbell for two seconds and I sigh out, waiting. I keep on repeating that everything will be alright in my head as I anticipate for Erden to open. Hope he is here first of all.

I was still mentally talking to myself, when the door makes a grinding sound.

Why do I feel like I'm going through a replay?

My thighs are squeezed together out of edginess. At least I'm controlling my breathing this time.

The door sequently opens and Erden shows up, wearing only a black vest and white short, displaying fully his brawny legs. He rolls his eyes as his gaze lands on me.

"What do you want?" He asks in annoyance, leaning against the door frame, his big arms crossed together. "You have the guts to come here after what happened yesterday."

I gulp at his remark. I'm literally humiliating my self-respect.

But deciding to focus on my aim, I intake a breath of courage. "Actually, I have something very important to tell you."

Erden raises a brow, observing me for a few seconds before he gestures me to come in.

You can do it girl!

He leisurely walks in front of me, his one hand resting on his nape. I follow him till he stops when reaching the salon. It's a small room, furnished with a set of black sofas. I also notice the large flat screen television which is fixed on the white wall.

"Take a seat," Erden tells me in a pretended soft tone. "Coffee or anything?" He mocks before plopping down on his sofa.


He signals me to sit down on the opposite couch, which I hesitatingly do. I'm so uncomfortable that I'm awkwardly holding myself very straight. I have my reason to be that uncomfortable. I can smell how Erden is bothered by my presence.

Imagine how he will react when hearing that it's his last day.

My stomach flips at that thought. It's my story, and it's my responsibility to repair my mistake, but it's an atrocious solution.

I can't do that. I can't!

"So?" Erden's voice pushes my thoughts away.

I look at him, not knowing how to start. I can't tell something which I won't do. I clear my throat to lose time while I try to invent an excuse in my head. Think Hazel, think! Erden's dark brows are raised, his patience running out.

"Uh..." I trail off, looking for a lie. "I forgot what I wanted to say." I fake out a chuckle which turns thing weirder. I'm the only one laughing in the room. Erden is fixing me in all seriousness, his face clearly displaying how irritated he is.

Oh god, I just wanna bury my face somewhere.

Run away from here Hazel, run!

Faking a wide smile at Erden, I tell him gaspingly. "I better go!"

Without losing any seconds, I get off from the sofa but before I can make my way rapidly to the door, Erden vigorously grabs my arm. He abruptly pulls me back, slamming my back into his hard body. A small gasp escapes my lips.

"What ar-"

My words and body freeze when he unexpectedly breathes near my ear. Heat creeps up my body. "You smell good." He says breathily, his warm breath tingling my earlobe which causes thrills to run down my spine. My eyes immediately squeeze shut, dazed by the feeling I get every time he touches me. How can I erase this.

"You did a big mistake by coming here."

╭( ๐_๐)╮

Hello everyone, how are you? 😊

Hope you enjoyed this chapter👐💓

Erden unfortunately teamed up with Lexi😦 Will their plan work?

I know, things are worsening for Hazel. And it will turn even worse in the next chapter. Don't miss it.😉😁

Have a good day/night.😘💖

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