25. Forgive Me Please

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It was a moment since Hazel has gone in her room. After cleaning the kitchen, I have returned to the salon to watch the end of the movie with Lexi. Frankly, I'm sick and tired when I have to be alone with her. Especially now that I'm consuming my night times for the plan rather than for my nightlife. On top of that, Lexi's acting and mine as a couple are miserable. There is no connection at all. Hazel caught us sitting separately when she got down the stairs. I can't do otherwise, even as a friend, Lexi fails.

Stretching my drowsy body, I let out a wookie yawn. I have enough for today.

"I better go." I say, getting up from the couch. "Hazel is angry, I don't think she will get out from her room again. And your parents will be here soon." I murmur so that my voice is not heard upstairs.

Lexi lazily nods, getting up from the sofa. She walks to switch on the lights and then accompany me to the door, but before we can reach in front of it, the doorbell rings.

Lexi and I freeze, exchanging a panicked look. "Your parents?" I ask, tensed.

She glances at the clock behind us. "It's too early."

I shrug. Who can it be then?

To ensure, Lexi peeks through the peephole and her nose immediately flares. She emits a puff and then quickly turns and walks to the stairs, an annoyed expression on her face.

"Hazel come down! The crazy Lia is here!" She yells at the bottom of the stairs.

Lia? Lia love?

"Get down Hazel!" Lexi shouts again before she sighs and looks at me. "Hazel will come down, stay." She murmurs.

I slowly shake my head in agreement. That Lia thing renders me curious.

As soon as Lexi opens the door, the brunette with green-vegetable eyes get in, breathing agitatedly. I've always noticed that she got beautiful eyes. But today, they are red, dark circles underlying her eyelids. As if she has cried too much or didn't sleep for days.

"I... I need to talk to Hazel." She splutters anxiously, her face frazzled. Her eyes are looking at me, but they are as if blankly gazing, not seeing anything.

I inform her that Hazel is coming before I join Lexi on the couch, pretending I'm watching the movie while in reality, I'm waiting for Hazel to get down.

After a few seconds, heavy footsteps are heard as they run down the stairs and Hazel appears, her face crimsoned with fury. She stays in front of the stairs while Lia is on the other side of the room, in front of the door.

Lia breathes out heavily. "We need to talk. I have called you several times, but you didn't pick up."

"I don't have anything to tell you." Hazel snarls.

Lexi looks amused at the situation, while I'm staring at them, stunned. I was right, something messed up between them.

Sighing, Lia begins walking towards Hazel. "Listen."

"Stay where you are!" She warns, her palm spread in front of her chest.

Lia immediately freezes. She looks weak, as if she is going to break at any minute. "Forgive me Hazel, I never meant to lie to you". She begs, tears beginning to roll down her cheeks. "I-It's just that I didn't have the courage to tell you that I felt for Thomas."

My eyes go wide. Did I understand properly?

A few chuckles escape Lexi's throat, causing Hazel's eyes to slam shut in shame. Like a blow, she then opens her eyes and glares at Lexi before she storms to Lia, gazing at her furiously.

In rage, Hazel savagely pulls Lia by her arm to the door. My eyes widen more.

"Hazel listen."

"I will never listen to you again!" Hazel drags Lia further, causing her to grouse as she attempts to liberate her arm from Hazel's tight grasp.

"Get out of here!" Hazel barks, throwing her out of the house. "Stop making a scene in front of them!"

"Hazel, please."

"I don't have a place for liars in my life, you know that!" Hazel sniffles. "I don't want to see you again, Lia." She sniffles once more, before slamming the door on Lia's face and defeatedly presses her head against it.

Lexi is silently mocking. I should have the same reaction, but a strange feeling is popping at my heart on witnessing those scenes. Pity.

Hazel stays immobilize at the door, facing it for a few seconds while her hands are clenching the doorknob. The only audible sound is the sound of her sniveling, as she is retaining herself from bursting into tears. Not being able to hold herself any longer, she finally turns and rapidly walks to the stairs, her head down, not even taking a glance at us.

Lexi looks at me with a smirk. "You know what you have to do now?"


A few minutes later after what has happened, Lexi has advised me to seize this opportunity to go and comfort Hazel. The truth is that I really want to comfort her. She must be feeling so alone right now. Some moments are happening in accordance to Lexi's and my plan, but destiny is the best of planner. Every time I try to approach Hazel, we get closer beyond my expectations. Saving her from the drunkard, comforting her on the balcony, carrying her in the kitchen, all these were not in the plan. Everything is being shaped on their own. Consequently, my every moves, emotions, words and gests are not scripted. All of them turn out to be real. I don't need to act, I just need to live the reality.

What's happening to me?

Pushing away my thoughts, I quickly walk up the stairs and walk straight to the balcony.

I'm certain, Hazel is there.

And I'm right.

Like one day ago, she is sitting on the chair, facing the night view of the city while sobbing. It must be hard to have your bestfriend breaking your heart and trust.

Without uttering a word and making noise, I walk to her as silent as a mouse and sit beside her on the chair.


I almost jumped out of terror when I realised that someone just sat beside me.

Stupid Erden.

"I was going to the washroom when I heard your sobs." He says, studying my teary face.

I look at him frankly, not bothering to wipe them off. There is no need to hide now. Lia and I made a scene in front of Erden and his girlfriend. When Lexi knows something, everyone else will know it.

That thought enrages me more.

"J-just leave me alone, Erden." I plead, sniffling repeatedly.

And then, he does something that gets my heart melting and my cries instantly stopped. I stare blankly at him as he delicately wipes off my tears with his thumbs, a sincere light smile showing on his face.

I was startled and lost by his action until I register his voice. "I have something to tell you."

Nervous by what just happened, I shift uncomfortably on my chair and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Why are you angry at Lia?" He asks, which makes me gape at him in surprised.

Is he serious?

I think the matter is obvious, right?

"What do you mean?" I query, in hope of getting a rephrased question from him.

He blows out heavily. "It's important that you analyze things, Hazel."

My eyes narrow.

"You were never in love with Thomas." He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I quickly understand what he means. My cheeks heat up slightly. He is not wrong.

"I understand that Lia lied to you and broke your trust. But I'm certain she didn't mean to do so. She was not just courageous enough."

I gulp. He got a point.

Erden sighs and continues. "I'm sure she won't go and date Thomas for the sake of your friendship. She even came to beg you in front of everyone. It means that you're really important to her. More than her own feelings."

I gawk at him, fascinated by what he just said.

That guy will always surprise me.

"Don't lose the one you love and who loves you back." Erden tells me seriously, looking deep into my eyes.

I remain tongue-tied, thinking about his every word. Even if my ego and anger is refraining from avowing it, Erden is absolutely right.

"That's all I wanted to say." Erden's voice plugs me out of my thoughts. I watch him wordlessly as he gets up from his chair and walks to the door. But before he passes through it, he turns and looks at me.

"Everyone deserves a second chance."

He then gives me a subtle wink before he turns and walks into the house.

My heart feels strangely, agreeable warm.

I swallow hard.

Did Erden just easily comforted me?


Hi guys, how are you doing?😊

Ah, relationships can be so complicated sometimes.😖

Stay tuned!❤

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