27. Wedding

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"It means, about ten students of our grade won't be present for the three coming days." I explain to Brandon as we are sitting next to each other in the marriage hall.

It's a gigantic hall, its large walls choke with white and purple round balloons. To match the whitish theme, round tables and chairs covered with white napkins are arranged all over. Impressively, fountains of drinks are scattered around at the free use of the guests. They are surrounded by small tables on which are disposed different varieties of cakes.

"That's a lot of absents, man." Brandon gasps. "The administration of the college will surely call our homes."

The only reason I'm going to this villa tomorrow is because Hazel will be there. It will be an occasion to get closer to her.

"Till your parents are aware of it, then it's fine." I wink confidently.

Brandon shrugs, not fully convinced as he adjusts his black suit.

Rolling up my sleeves, I check the entrance which is in front of us. My derision is seized when Lexi suddenly enters the hall, rolling her hips. She is decked in a slinky ruby-red short strapless dress with matching red heels. Following Lexi is her step-mother in a black dress, grabbing her suited husband's arm.

And then I turn breathless as I catch sight of the one behind them. The entire hall as if switches dark, a spotlight illuminating Hazel.

In a hall of indecency, she is beautiful.

The flare enhances her light makeup and the colour of her chocolate hair, which are falling in fat ringlets on her stomach. It's the first time I'm seeing her with curly hair. I must avow, this approach suit her perfectly.

She is wearing a sleeveless, sapphire blue-coloured dress which takes in her curving waist. The front reaches her thighs while the back flows down her tanned legs. It has a v-neck, cut down till just above the beginning of her cleavage. It fully displays her neck, which is adorned by a deep blue-coloured heart locket.

I'm maybe planning against her, but I can't deny it.

As her real lover, I would have been a lucky man.

I was not aware that I'm almost slobbering on her until I see her give me a small smile. My lights switch on, making me realise the existence of the hundred of people in the hall.

Deciding not to turn thing weirder by looking away, I smile back.

As soon as Lexi's parents gaze find me, they quickly walk to me.

After exchanging a handshake with Leon, I kiss Hazel's mother on her blushed cheeks. Giving me no seconds to exchange a word with them, Lexi suddenly abruptly pulls my arm. "We will be back." She quickly says to her parents who are glowering at us, as she keeps drawing me with her.

She then stops in a silent corner of the hall, far from the rests.

Irritated, I throw her arm away from mine. "What do you want?" I inquire in annoyance.

Lexi tosses her curly hair over her shoulder. "You need to be alone with Hazel tonight. Get closer to her." She orders maliciously.

"I know. But how?" I ask, clueless of how to proceed.

Lexi's greasepaint face screws into a catty air. "You're going to return home with her alone... Just you and her."

My eyes narrow.

"I'm going to mix this in her drink." The blond smiles devilishly, showing me her palm in which there is a small white, rounded pill.

My brows knit into a frown. "What is that?"

"A pill that makes dizzy." Lexi's devilish grin stretches.

My eyes go wide.

"What?!" I cry out. "Are you sure there isn't any side effect with that?"

Lexi nods, surely. "And don't forget to film if you get a little close."


After Lexi has disappeared with Erden, I follow my mother as she is looking for a vacant table. Leon has also vanished. He went to meet the bride's father, apparently.

My mother and I keep sneaking through the cluster of people while uttering some 'pardon', when suddenly, someone taps lightly the back of my arm to get my attention. I immediately turn back and meet with a pair of green eyes.

Lia. Great.

Hesitant, She feigns at me a wide smile, fake as her sincerity to our friendship. "You are looking amazing, Hazel." She compliments, her eyes filled with amazement.

"Thanks." I reply dryly, which makes her face bums out.

Throwing at her a dirty look, I continue walking, my mind screaming that I should forgive her. She was just not courageous enough, and I can't ruin her story with Thomas.

Ah, Hazel. Ah.

It has been a moment since I'm sitting and conversing with my mother about her work and so on. It feels so good to pass some time with her alone. I missed her so much those last days, especially now that I find myself extremely desolate.

But my gleeful moment is soon interrupted when Lexi appears in front of us. "You should taste that minty drink over there. It's delicious!" She sings out, pointing at a small fountain behind us.

Without we can even utter something, she exclaims. "Wait, I bring one for both of you."

She then rapidly walks away.

Am I dreaming? Did Lexi just say she will do something for us?

After some minutes, the blonde comes back with two glasses of drinks in her hands. She gives one to my mother and tends one glass to me.

"I'm not thirsty." I refuse politely.

Her brows bump together into a scowl. "Dri...drink it Hazel! It's delicious!" Lexi insists eagerly.

It's like she could even make me drink it with her own hands. Not wanting to displease her, I grab the glass and take a sip of the cold drink, tasting it.

I must avow, it's really good. A bit minty with a stingy sensation on the tongue.

"I like that. Thank you, Lexi." I beam at her and guzzle the whole glass, refreshing myself.

Lexi smile widely at me. She seems strangely happy that I drank it all. Maybe Erden is positively changing her?

Half an hour has collapsed. I've been eating some small chocolate cakes while dialoguing with my mother. Lexi and Erden have been sitting together on the other side of the table and I got to secretly observe them. Precisely Erden. He looks exquisite tonight in his black suit. Unfortunately, he caught me checking him out several times. I tried to look away, but he was swifter than me.

Lexi and him together... Still sounds so strange to me. I mean, I've written Erden as my thunderbolt. Mine. But now, totally differently, he is with Lexi. Everything that has happened between me and Erden has been erased in a puff of smoke.

Are they really in love?

I huff.

Why should I even care?

"And Lia? She didn't come?" My mom suddenly inquires, throwing me out of my reverie.


"Yes... " I trail off, not knowing what to reply. "Yes, she didn't. She got fever. But I think her parents are present. "I lie, playing nervously with my ring under the table.

My mother's brows contract in confusion. "But I think I saw you talking to her earlier."

Shit again.

I let out a lackluster chuckle. "It was another girl, mom."

She shrugs doubtfully before beginning to narrate to me about the company's new projects. I then recall that Leon is willing to pass the business shares to either Lexi and me, which I don't have a drop of interest in.

All of a sudden, it's like a wave of heat engulfs me, though there are air conditioners all around the hall. I breathe out heavily and flip all of my hair to one side of my neck, hoping I will feel less hot. I try to listen to my mother, even if the abnormal heat is starting to make me sweat uncontrollably. But then, my head is suddenly swallowed up by an excruciating pain which causes me loss all sense of concentration on my mother's words. Her voice sounds like a piercing alarm which I want to smash. All the surrounding noises are rending my ache even more painful. Everything around me begins to go round and round, my head as if a spinner.

What the hell is happening to me. I never get those symptoms before getting my menses.

My hands find their way to get hold of my gyrate head, but I'm not able to control anything.

"Are you alright, sweetie?" My mom asks concernedly, seeing my state.

I let out a small howl. "I'm not feeling well. I'm feeling dizzy with a terrible headache." I complain, whining. The headache is so much painful that tears are filling my eyes.

Worried, my mom fleetly blasts off from her chair. "I have paracetamol in my bag. I'm going to fetch you some water." She rapidly says before walking to a fountain.

After she comes back with a glass full of water, I swallow the pill with it. But I know, I will not get well by magic.

Right now, I need my bed.

"I want to go home. I can't stay here." I lament, grabbing my head, which will as if nearly explode.

"We can't." My mother rests a hand on my shoulder. "This wedding is really important for Leon."

Argh, fuck this wedding.

My mother looks around, searching for her husband. "Plus, he is nowhere to be seen."

"I will drop her." Erden suddenly voices out.

My mother and I look at him, startled. He was listening to us all this time.

"No..." My mom declines uncomfortably. "It's too much from you."

"No, that's fine." Erden insists gallantly, getting up from his chair.

"Yes, mom, that's fine." Lexi insists at her turn.

My forehead puckers. Lexi is definitely strange today.

"Okay, okay." My mother cedes. "Go with them, Lexi."

"Oh no!" She exclaims disagreeably. "I... I will miss the dance show if I go." The blonde points at the dance floor, which is being brush up.

"Don't worry, I will drop her at home and quickly return here." Erden tells my mother reassuringly.

Is he really caring about me?

"Thank you so much, Erden. I'm grateful to you." She expresses smilingly.

"My pleasure." The brunet sincerely nods.

His intense turquoise eyes then turn on me, waiting for me to get up. It's like a magnet, constraining the metal which I am to adhere to it. As I stand up, my body sways back and forth, unable to keep my balance. But I quickly cling to my mother's arm to hold myself.

She tells me to take care after giving me a kiss and the house key. I then follow the modelling brunet. I shuffle behind him as he proceeds to the entrance, where there is Brandon and Damon sitting just beside the aluminum door.

"I'm taking your car." Erden says to the blond, interrupting their conversation. Both young men look at Erden, then glance at me quizzically. Surely wondering what's going on.

"If you need to go somewhere, my bike is just near the gate." Erden propels his keys, which Brandon fleetly catches. Brandon does the same for his keys, which Erden agitatedly seizes.

"Bro, you haven't made the presentation yet!" Damon whistles, referring to me.

He is thinking that I'm Erden's girlfriend, right? He didn't present them Lexi yet?

I sigh. I'm too sick to care about him.

Erden smirks at the guy and turns to walk out of the hall without replying to him.

Why he didn't respond?


Keep enjoying the book!❤ Love you guys!❤❤❤

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