31. Just A Test

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"I succeeded to get the keys to help you." Brandon states, removing his phone from the pocket of his blue jeans.

Confused, I arch a brow.

"The Virus password."

My heart skips a beat.

He just said what?

"But how?!" I exclaim in shocked.

The blond sighs deeply.

"Erden considers me as his brother, he tells me everything." Brandon says in all normality.

I throw at him an unbelievable look. "And you are here betraying your brother." I let out a humorless chuckle.

Why would he even do that?

"I'm not betraying him." He sighs again. "I'm just doing what is right. He is not from this world, first of all."

Bruh. I can't believe this.

I thought that he is maybe teasing me, but I'm proved wrong as he begins typing a long code after my Wattpad username and password.

My heartbeat throbs when the login page fades to the Wattpad home page, as it starts loading. Brandon tends me the phone while gazing at me attentively. Tears flood my eyes as I grab the phone with trembling hands, and see my Wattpad account after three weeks. Three long weeks.

There are a million of notifications and over a thousand of messages. The hacking indeed bring me success, but I successfully failed. Cheating is reflecting on this account, making me want to just throw this phone away, and never see my account again. Nor I will kill Erden with it. After all, I already forgot about this idea since long.

Breathing out some curses, I take Brandon's hand, open it and place his phone in it.

Baffled, he looks at me with big eyes, grabbing the device properly.

"I don't want this, Brandon. I want Erden alive, he has the right to live. I already concluded this a long time ago. And nothing can change my decision." I declare determinedly, which makes his caramel-brown eyes strangely soften.

"Thank you for your help. I'm really pleased with your good intentions. But now, Erden is among my close ones. And for any of my close ones, I will do anything to save their lives."

To my astonishment, he lets out a small chuckle. "You passed the test, Hazel." He smiles happily.


My eyes grow wide. What? Which test?

"Erden just wanted to see your reaction if you got the golden opportunity to kill him. Go and see him now. He is waiting for one of us on the balcony. I'm the one who was supposed to go if you fail, and you are the one who need to go, now that you have passed." He explains to me, his eyes gleaming in happiness.

I remain freeze, voiceless, as I try to digest what I just heard.

Erden is so... Just so... Crazy.

"B-B-But what would have happened if I decided to kill him?" I voice out stammeringly, still astounded.

"I would have snatched the phone and ran away with it." Brandon giggles, amused by the situation, which is not my case.

"Now go." He tells me softly, beaming at me.

I timidly smile back before I walk out of my room, followed by him. The blond winks at me and enters his own room, which is only a few doors after mine.

He is kinda nice, I must say.

I exhale deeply before moving to the balcony entrance which is in front of me.

There is Erden, his body pressed against the railing again. He is in complete black, just like the surrounding view. Dark jeans, dark boots and a dark leather jacket.

Why does people look good in black?

I walk to him, but he doesn't seem to have heard me, since he is looking at the other side. Not knowing how to start, I clear my throat to get his attention.

I remark how his body stiffens on hearing me, but he doesn't turn to gaze at me.

"So, you passed." His voice sounds soft and deep, but the anxiousness in his tone is also clearly audible.

What's wrong with him?

My mind is filled with questions. But I decide to start with the easiest.

"Wh-why did you do that?" I finally voice out, my usual nervousness taking over me.

It's only then that Erden turns to look at me with an incomprehensible expression. The sight of his face makes my stomach churl.

"I-I wanted to be certain if I can trust you or not." Erden says sincerely, taking a few steps closer to me.

I blink twice. I recall when I first told him that I gave up the idea of killing him, he didn't believe me because he wasn't trusting me. Now he is trying to do so.

I can't help but to smile at that thought. It's stronger than me. An urge of convincing him. I want him to believe me, to trust me, to hold on to me. Even just for the sake of our attachment.

"You can trust me, Erden." I blurt out. "I...I will never hurt you."

My breathing turns heavier after what I just said. And even more when I see his eyes soften. I've never seen that before, but are those things glinting in his eyeballs are what people call sparkles?

"I know now."

Does that mean he is trusting me now?

A few minutes have passed since I've been talking to Erden on the balcony while admiring the black surrounding. It's funny how I already know almost everything about him, while he is now learning what I like or not. I guess it's nearly midnight, and I'm here with him alone, with the character of my book.

It's crazy how things happen. Like magic.

We were busy discussing about the party which will be held tomorrow, when I begin to feel cold. It's chilly tonight since it has heavily rained during the day. The bleak breeze is caressing my skin, causing my body to shiver. I fold my arms tightly against my chest, running my hands over them with the aim to warm myself.

"You need my jacket?" Erden suddenly asks, causing the movement of my hands to freeze.

"No..." I trail off, nervously, even though I want him to give it to me. "That's fine."

My refusal doesn't convince him. Erden quickly removes his jacket, leaving him in his black vest. The sight of his impressive biceps makes me gulp hard. But somewhere, I feel pity for him, as he is now vulnerable to the cold.

I was mentally preparing myself to grab the piece of leather as he would tend it to me, but to my astonishment, Erden walks behind me to stand there.

"Put your hands in." He orders gently, the cloth touching against the back of my arms.

My respiration roughens.

Why does he have to be nice to me those days?

With a galloping heart, I slip my arms in the sleeves, with the help of Erden as he adjusts the jacket on my shoulders. A chuckle escapes his throat as soon I've fully put it on.

Two of me could have fit in this jacket.

I turn to glare at him.

But honestly, right now, I just want to thank him with a kiss.


My eyes crunch in doubt on watching through the glass the show playing on the balcony. Damon and I were going to our respective rooms when we caught sight of this. The lights of the corridor are off, giving us the advantage to spy on them secretly.

Tell me that Erden is just acting, right?

"Uh, Lexi..." Damon trails off hesitantly. "I don't want to stress you out of anything, but is it just me, or there is something between them?" He asks, the doubt in his tone clearly audible.

Damon doesn't actually know that Erden and I are not really dating, but his words intrigue me.

"What are you trying to say by that?" I question, trying to see if he got the same point of view as me.

He sighs hesitantly. "I don't want to give you some negative thoughts, but right now, Erden is caring for Hazel. Something which I rarely see him doing for any girl." He scratches the side of his cheek. "Uh, even you."

My eyes narrow at his words. I observe the two, Damon's words projecting through the scene displaying in front of us. It's real, I'm not the only one noticing it.

Erden is maybe simply executing the plan. But what if he is doing this sincerely?

A sly smile secretly creeps on my lips. But it immediately switches into soft grumbles, as the same abdominal spasm which has been kicking me occasionally since last week, interrupts me now at a wrong moment.

What the fuck is wrong with my period, those days!

Discretely suppressing my cramps, I seize the opportunity to use my pain in my upcoming acting. "Erden doesn't love me." I pretend in sobs, making sure to sniffle loud enough for Damon to hear.

I immediately feel his supportive hand on my shoulder. "Don't put yourself in that state, Lexi. He is dating you. He likes you." He says concernedly, trying to comfort me.

Poor idiot.

"What I'm seeing right now proves me the contrary." I insist, still playing the sensitive girl by whining the abdominal twinge instead.

He breathes out heavily, not knowing what to reply.


I hide my smile and fake a puppy face. "I need to be sure if he likes Hazel, will you help me?"

He arches a brow. "How?"

"Flirt with Hazel in front of Erden at the party tomorrow, and we will see how he reacts." I say, mentally praying that he agrees. He remains silent, deliberating on what to do.

I internally smirk as he hesitantly nods.

"I will."


Hey guys!❤ How are you doing?

Don't miss out the next chapter, it's gonna be lit!🔥

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