33. The Monster I'm

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Unusually, I left a party before it ended to reach home.

I made a scene at the party by hitting my close friend. Damn, Erden. You hit him because your soul was flaming to see him so close to a girl. To a girl you like.

Yeah, I like hazel. So much.

But it's not my fault. It's because of this freaking book. She wrote me as her soulmate, and she has been hiding it all this time!

How can I resist her when we are written for each other?

I feel something for Hazel since the first time I gazed into her hypnotizing eyes. But I ignored it, and it kept on consuming inside, just like a disease.

Sighing, I press myself comfortably against the couch and keep on searching the story which Hazel wrote on Wattpad on her account. Though I've failed to find it before, I'm buckled down to read it tonight.

It's our story. I'm dying to know what she wrote about us, read how we are meant to be.

After trying every option, I finally find the drafts. I realize that I'm stupid, as it's so easy to find.


The story is named "My BadBoy."

Is it referring to me? I already feel flattered.

Curious, I hastily begin with the first chapter. It immediately hooks me on getting the details about Hazel's past relationship with Thomas. I have to admit it, it feels kind of weird to read it. It's like her personal journal with her inner feelings and thoughts. But it makes me strangely happy to get to know further details about her. I keep on reading, and the fictive part soon starts, which is me.

Damn, am I really so cocky?

I spent a sleepless night, reading each chapter of the book, laughing on myself, dreaming of living all the moments with Hazel, and giving her the affection that she deserves. It feels magical imagining this story. Our story without hate and without plotting behind each other's back.

It's nearly past 10 a.m, and I'm at the 99th chapter. But as I scroll down to read the last one, it shows me that there is no more chapter.

What the hell?

Where is the ending? Where is my happy ending with Hazel?

Defeated, I throw my head back on the couch, a tear rolling down my cheek. I hate it when my anger turns into tears.

I pelt my phone away, my jaw clenching on realizing the monster I'm.

She wrote something so precious, so beautiful for us, and I was planning to disgrace her, humiliate her!

I'm really inhuman, after all.

But I'm ready to finish this book, complete the happy ending chapter with her.

I close my eyes for some seconds, resting myself. I'm worn out. I didn't sleep at all last night, and everything that happened with Hazel is eating my brain.

As I wake up from the couch to head upstairs to my room, there is a knock at my door.

A part of me is hoping that it's Hazel. But it definitely can't be her. She doesn't even want to see my face again. My heart aches at that thought.

Opening the door, I roll my eyes on seeing the person.

Lexi, the flea.

"Not a good morning, right?" She jeers irritatingly. "Same for me, after what happened last night." She bumps into my shoulder, stepping into my house without I've given her the permission.

I huff, keeping my calm.

"What do you want?" I turn to look at her, folding my arms.

"Oh." She shrugs carelessly. "The same thing I wanted when we made the pact, Erden."

Fuck this pact.

"You remember?" She lets our humorless chuckle. "Or your feeling for Hazel has made you lost the memory?"

My jaw tightens at her words. But I remain peaceful. It's useless to discuss with this type of person.

"I just doubted you when I saw you playing the charming prince with Hazel on the balcony. So I made this brainless Damon test you." She laughs devilishly.

My eyes snap wide.

"You fucking bit-"

She instantly spreads her hand in front of my face. "Don't you dare call me like that! You fucking betrayed me!'

My teeth are so clenched that it feels like they are about to break. She used my close friend to trap me! I was so stupid for not realizing it. And she even succeeded to fool Damon. Shit, what did I do.

Lexi hums for some seconds, twirling her hair in a sassy way. "My parents are going for a business trip in Singapore this week. I insisted on accompanying them, pretending that doing a check up there for my lower abdominal pain would be more efficient. It's nothing serious, just a common female menses pain. But I succeeded to make them believe that the pain is really crucial."

My brows shot up in surprise. But it's not astonishing that she does something as such.

She bats her eyelashes as she looks at me. "So you know what you have to do with Hazel in our absence." She smirks maliciously.

My hand slams into a fist. "Fuck off Lexi!" I bark, enough of all this. "I will never hurt Hazel. Doing this pack with you was a huge mistake!"

Though I expected her to be furious, her lips rather turn into a cocksure manner. She steps to me till her face is only inches from mine. "You already got what you wanted. She feels something for you, she will never think of deleting you. But what about my part?" Lexi mutters through gritted teeth. "Fine Erden. I will avenge your betrayal."

Avenge my betrayal?

Lexi gives me a sly smile, which signifies a lot, before she walks to the door and exits my house.

I stare at the closed door, her voice whirling in my head like that of a witch. Lexi is a dangerous woman, I know it.

But I'll do whatever it takes to stop this ridiculous game.


By 11 p.m., we finally reach home. Lia and her mom and I, accompanied my parents and Lexi to the airport. It doesn't bother me to be alone at home for a week. I just want to be on my own after what happened with Erden.

Chance that I patched up with Lia. I will have to eat at her place during this week. After wishing goodnight to Lia and Lela, I leave their house and head to mine. All I want is my bed right now. I'm exhausted. I didn't get much sleep last night, due to overthinking about Erden. Somehow, not seeing Lexi this week will make me feel less guilty for having kissed her boyfriend and liking him. It's weird that Lexi's lower abdominal is suddenly so serious. I bet she just wants to skip classes and enjoy in Singapore.

After locking the main door of my house securely, I head upstairs. As I reach my room, I'm surprised to see that the lamp is already on, shedding a soft glow inside. Silly me, why did I turn it on before leaving?

Entering my room, I finally breathe out after a long day. Tired and irritated by my bra, I unclip it and throw it somewhere around. The best feeling ever.

Just as I'm about to remove my T-shirt, a deep voice resonates inside the room. "Don't."

My hands freeze in my movement, my heart begins beating widely inside my chest.

Erden! What the fucking hell!?

I rapidly tuck down my T-shirt and turn to look at him. He is standing tall in front of the door, which I'm pretty sure he was hiding behind of. The light of the lamp is drawing long shadows on his sculpted face as he is looking at me, smiling politely.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" The words leave my mouth in stutters. "How did you enter?!"

He licks his lips nervously. "I jumped on your balcony from my roof. The window was opened, so I sneaked in. I was already in your room since around 10 p.m."

"Pardon me?" I mouth in shock.

He smiles guiltily while tilting his head to the side, studying my face. The lamp glow is reflecting in his eyes, but I'm too astonished to admire them more. "What did you in my house for one hour?!" I nearly scream.

A smirk creeps on his face, amused by the situation. "Your Pokémon underwear is cute." He grins, humor dancing in his eyes.

My eyes widen, heat creeping up to my cheeks.

Oh my god. How dared he! He is such a creep!

"It was the only way to see you." He quickly rectifies, seeing my reaction. "I know you would refuse to talk to me."

He looks inculpable like a puppy. But it doesn't soothe me. I clearly stated that I don't want him in my life anymore. How can he think that by acting like a creep, he would change my mind?

"Wow." I let out a humorless chuckle. "So as soon as your girlfriend is gone, you come in my room?"

"Lexi is not my girlfriend." He rapidly protests. "We broke up."

I roll my eyes. Boys and their lies, please.

"We were not really together first or all." Erden explains, sounding sincere. "We have never even kissed. It was just attractants and for each other's own profit."

"I don't care." Rolling my eyes again, I point at the door. "Goodnight."

"Listen, life." The name rolls out from his mouth as he takes a step closer to me.

I flinch back. "Don't call me like that."

"That's how I call you in the book." Erden claims softly.

I gasp in shock. "Y-you read it?"

He nods timidly.

A wave of heat engulfs me.

I look away from him and mutter in embarrassment. "Shit."

"Don't be ashamed. I love it." He compliments, nearing to me. "You're so talented."

I can't help but to blush. Is he being honest? Did he really like the book, or is he just making fun of it?

When I don't say anything, Erden steps closer till the heat of our bodies consume us. "I-I realised how I misunderstood you. I treated you so poorly when all you wanted was to find your happiness in me." He cups my face in his hands, gently rubbing his thumbs on the side of my cheeks. "Give me a chance to be your Erden, the real Erden. Give me a chance to make myself forgiven and to give you the happiness you deserve. Let me grant all the wishes which you listed in the book."

I gape at him, my heart beating wildly. My ears can't believe it. It can't be real.


"Just give me one day, please." He insists pleadingly. "I want to spend a whole day with you to prove you that I really regret all the troubles I caused you."

Wordless, I stare at him for a few seconds. He has never been so soft to me before, so optimistic to be with me. He has really changed, like in the story. I've always been ashamed to let him know what I've written about us. But on the contrary, reading the book made him realized everything.

The sincerity in his eyes push me to cede. "O-okay." I whisper uncertainly. His face immediately lights up with a glorious smile. "Just one day."

"You won't regret it!" Erden pinches my cheeks excitedly as if I'm a kid. I step back a little, stopping him from doing so. "We will see." I say calmly, displaying no sign of thrills, though something is spinning inside my stomach. "Goodnight."

"Where can I sleep?" He asks, looking around the room.

"What?" I mouth.

"What what?" He wiggles his eyebrows. "I asked you for a whole day, which means twenty-four hours. So I will be with you from now till next midnight."

I roll my eyes. "You're being ridiculous."

"Besides, how can I leave you alone in this big house." Something touches my heart at his sweet words, but I know he is just pretending to make himself forgiven. "Thank you for acting like you care. But I'm used to being alone at home." My upper lips are stuffed up as I fake out a wide smile.

His brows bump together into a scowl. "I do care."

When I ignore him, Erden sighs. "Anyway, I'm going to find a room to sleep." He spreads his hands in front of his chest in defense when my eyes snap wide. "I promise, I won't go through any of your family's stuffs."

Feeling reassured, I nod.

I thought he would leave, but to my astonishment, he steps to me and plants a longing kiss on the top of my head. I gulp. "Goodnight, Haz."

Astonished by his sweet gest, I'm just able to whisper back a goodnight.

He winks at me before proceeding to the door. But he immediately stops in his track. "Um, by the way." He turns to look at me, a wide smirk plastered on his face.

"Your nipples look like pebbles."

My mouth hangs open.

Oh, god. Oh, god.

How could I forget?

I quickly look down at my chest.

I have removed my bra when I entered the room.

Proud to receive the reaction that he wanted from me, Erden sneers haughtily before walking out of the room, closing the door behind.

I immediately plunges on my bed and bury my face in my pillow, hiding the shame which is reflecting on it.

How can I be so stupid?

About my tits, he got no point. He shouldn't have looked there first of all. But he is a such freak to even taunt me about it.

Ugh. How can he be so... so.... argh.

But I don't know why I'm smiling. Erden makes me feel all kind of ways, which makes me scared for tomorrow. My emotions will be blasting like firecrackers when he will be around. And even worse if he acts like the Erden I've been dreaming of.

The fictional Erden Deniz, who I've been obsessed with. But who is no longer that fictional anymore.


Yes, yes, yes! Hazel and Erden finally listened to their heart.❤

We will finally enjoy 24 hours of Hazden/ Erzel moments. Which ship name do you prefer?😏

This chapter is dedicated to my friend FantasyMonger. Follow her she is awesome!❤

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