45. Karma hit you hard

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"What was done to her was serious unfairness, and you should all know the truth."

My teeth clench. Why is he freaking playing the Samaritan?

Erden takes a look at all of us, his jaw juts up assertively. "Lexi has set up Hazel."

On the spot, our eyes drift to the blonde who is standing near us like a statue, still blankly staring at a fixed point. My eyes narrow. I've never seen her like that before. She is voiceless, not even denying Erden's words. The silence of her daughter is perturbing Leon as well. The muscles of his face are tightening as he is waiting for her to speak.

Convinced that she must still be traumatized by the stupefying news, I puff tiredly. "Erden please... Lexi just learned that she has a kidney failure. It's not the right moment to discuss this."

As if the news I just broke to him is unimportant, a humorless smile appears on his face. "After you hear this," Erden rapidly looks into his phone and perform a few touches. "You will regret for having a soft spot for her." As he says so, an audio begins to play loudly.

Just like me, everyone seems baffled as we begin to listen to a strange conversation. I can recognise Lexi's voice, who is mocking at Erden about me. What does that mean? Erden yelling's and curses are resonating in the saloon until Lexi begins to talk about a plan, drawing further the attention of everyone.

And then my heart stops for a second.

Erden's voice in the audio sounds like a distant echo.

A plan.

It was a fucking plan.

My body begins to shake, unbelieving what I'm hearing. Shaking my head in discrepancy, I gaze at Erden, beseeching that he will give me a sign that this is all a lie. But my heart shatters to pieces for the second time. His eyes are watering as he is staring at me, a deep apologetic look on his face.

He is really guilty.

And that's it. Like a numb body, I keep on listening to the audio. In a flashback, every moment I spent with him at the beginning of his fake relationship with Lexi overflow my mind. I was so dumb that I was even feeling guilty for being close to him. I should be happy right now that they never dated, but the lies are killing me. I want to punch Erden several times, destroy him like he did to me. But I don't even having the strength to cry, because I can't die a second time. He can't break my heart once more.

But the unexpected does turn my dead soul into ashes.

Every sentence from Lexi feels like an additional bullet shot right into my chest. Harsh, sickening and inhuman words which came from the mouth of the same girl who I just had pity for.

So merciless just to be the only heir.

So low for revenge.

My eyes squeeze shut, as I feel myself on the verge of breaking down. But I muster all the courage left in me and open my eyes, looking at Lexi in pure disgust. She hasn't moved at all, not even her eyes. How can she do that? She was not even heartbroken that day. Everything was just scripted!

How the fucking hell could she?!

Leon has facepalmed himself to collect himself as he understood the necessary part. His ears have turned red, as a result of both shame and anger, I suppose. I know my mom and Lia have their gaze plastered on me, waiting for me to say something, but it feels impossible to talk.

As the recording ends, Erden quickly turns off his phone and sniffs repeatedly. He then glares at Lexi in hatred. "What did I tell you the other day, huh? That you would pay for what you have done!" His hands claw in madness. "And see, Karma hit you hard pretty soon!"

Lexi doesn't have the courage to raise her head even once. For the first time, I witness a drop of tear rolling down her cheek and falls down on the floor.

"Hazel." My name rolls out from Erden's mouth softly. My body stiffens, refusing to look at him. "I-I'm so sorry." He pleads. "You were plotting to kill me. And I unintentionally plotted for the death of your soul."

Moved by his words, my gaze hesitantly shifts to him.

"No one would have accepted to die. We were as if at war with each other, and I had to defend myself."

There is a knock at my heart. He is right. I wanted to kill him, having no choice. But how can I accept that all this was a masquerade!?

"We were on different sides...but gradually our heart united us."

"S-so everything was just a game?" I finally mouth in disbelief, holding back myself from crying.

"No Hazel. I admit, I had hidden intentions." He rubs his face with his hands, appearing totally regretful. "But all moments we spent together were true. My feelings were true. I didn't have to pretend anything. That's how gradually I wanted to stop this plan."

The more he is talking, the more my heart is bleeding.

"I fell in love with you. But I was unsure that you really abandoned the idea of killing me. So I made Brandon test you, remember?" He asks for confirmation, but I can't agree with him anymore. Never again. Even if Leon and my mom are not fully understanding what he is talking about, they remain hushed.

Seeing my silence, Erden continues. "From that moment, I knew that I was making a horrible mistake. I stopped everything, and Lexi regarded it as a betrayal. She secretly conspired against us. Especially against me, for vengeance."

A part of me is relieved that Erden didn't play me dirty as such. But he played me in another way, like a marionette.

"I know you won't forgive me now. But at least you all know that she is innocent now." He quickly looks over at all of us, trying to put on a supportive smile even in this situation. "It's all Lexi's and my fault."

He saved me by avowing the truth. But he lost me in the end.

"T-that's what I was supposed to confess to you, Hazel. But it was too late. Y-you weren't supposed to learn it that way." His voice is cracking as he has been retaining himself for long. A wave of regret passes through me. Everything would have been different now, if he had told me everything in the car itself.

"I couldn't tell you the truth the other day. I was mad that you don't trust me at all. That you could think I did something so hideous. And I'm still mad for this." His gaze drops to the floor in shame. "Hope you can forgive me one day."

My eyes slam shut, unable to bear this pain. How could they? How could he? They were plotting right under my nose, and I was so fucking stupid. Tears begin to stream down my face. It's a never-ending nightmare, scarier and more tragic on experiencing further scenes.

A hand softly reaches for mine. Opening my eyes, I look at the person and find Lia who is giving me a piteous, yet comforting smile.

Silence fills the room after.

No one dares to say anything more until Leon finally clears his throat. He scowls at Lexi, who is still so ashamed to raise her gaze.

"Even if I can't understand everything, what I know is that envy destroyed you, Lexi. I'm ashamed of you. O-of my own daughter." His voice quivers as he pronounces those ruthless words. I can notice Lexi's face flushing as her head is down until now, whimpering discreetly.

"As a lesson and for fairness, you won't get any share of the company." The repugnance reflecting on Leon's face is inexplicable. As he finishes, he then looks at me, his expression immediately switched into a penitent one. "I hope you can forgive me for having doubted you, Hazel."

Nodding shortly, I madly walk away from the saloon, far from this horror.

Far from this illusion I've been living in.


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