60. The Badboy Returned To Wattpad

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3 months later

'And that's how the Badboy returned to Wattpad'.

I recline back in my chair as I finish writing the last line of the book. I exhale deeply.

I can't believe it.

I've finally completed the book.

With a wide smile on my face, I quickly take back my phone and text Austin and Lia the same message.

Me: Hey;) I've completed the book!

It took me three months of writing.

Three months to write the real story of Erden Deniz.

I was devastated like predicted after he was gone. The memories were haunting me. Everything reminded me of him. My heart was bleeding every day. I fell into depression, and I was mourning every day. I couldn't eat, drink, talk, study. I couldn't live. Everyone gave me support, visited me every day. They told me that I have to continue to live.

For that, I had to write all my thought to appease them.

And it worked.

I lived everything with Erden again while writing our story.

I even made a collage book and glued all our pictures in it. I've written the story on another account, leaving the original story in which Erden was absorbed back, untouched.

My phone beeps as I receive a message, pushing me out of my thoughts. I promptly check it.

Lia: Finally! We can party tonight please...please... Girls Night!

I can't help but to chuckle at her text.

"Lexi!" Raising my head, I cry out loud enough, for her to hear me from her room.

"Yeahhh!" She responds out loud as well. Thank god she didn't have her earphone on.

"We are having a Girl's night tonight! Wanna come!?" I ask.

"That would be great!" She yells excitedly. "I'm looking for a dress already!"

I laugh and instantly reply Lia.

Me: Okay, we are ready for tonight! ;)

Lexi and I have been living like sisters. She consoled me when I was grieving over Erden. We even went out a few times together and chatted late at night. I'm glad of our growing bond. Unfortunately, she is still undergoing dialysis. It can't be confirmed yet if she will need a kidney transplant. Shockingly, she has been seeing Justin a few times. Though she seems to like him as well, she prefers not to date anyone at the moment because of her disease. She doesn't want to make someone live with the fear of losing her. Well, that's another story.

My parents seem to trust me a lot better than before. All that have happened, has surely proved them that I've grown. I've tried to help Lexi and asked Leon a few times to give her a part of shares when the time comes. But he is sadly still angry and disappointed with Lexi.

My phone beeps again, and I immediately open the message.

Austin: Wonderful! I'm going to ask to feature it.

My face lights up.

Me: Thank you so much. :)

Austin: No problem. This story deserves to be successful. ;)


Like Erden, everyone has encouraged me to pursue my dreams to become a great author. Austin has been willing to feature my book on Wattpad to help me. But also because he wants the world to read this epic and tragic story.

And that's exactly what I want.

I want Erden's story to be famous. I want people to believe in this fairy tale. I want everyone to wonder if he really existed or not. I want Erden to be unforgettable.

Gracefully, Austin will help to make this dream come true. He has been a good friend, supportive and funny. Bizarrely, I've started to doubt what Erden told me. Austin's manners and actions towards me seem like he has a thing for me. As we say, actions speak louder than words. But I've decided to turn a blind eye to all these and focus on our friendship. After all, I will probably fall in love at the next blue moon.

Snapping back to reality, I decide to look for a dress for tonight as well. I walk to my wardrobe, stretching my arms over my head to ease the back pain.

Opening the wardrobe, I begin flipping the coat racks to look for a suitable dress. But my body swells with sadness on catching sight of Erden's precious leather jacket. With a trembling hand, I touch it, remembering how he looked good in it.

I sigh grievously, trailing my fingers on it. Not able to retain myself, I remove the jacket from the coat rack and hold it dearly between my hands. Tears fill my eyes. How I miss you, Erden.

Closing my eyes, I inhale the piece of leather. It still smells like him. Erden's lavender scent immediately brings a smile to my lips. How I crave his presence. To hug him tightly while getting a whiff of his delicate perfume.

He was absolutely right when he said I wouldn't be able to delete him. If he didn't do it that night, I probably wouldn't have allowed him the next trial.

Sometimes, even your soulmate doesn't stay forever. Maybe he will be by your side for one day or for one hundred days.

Like Lia said, I was lucky to meet him. To live with him for one hundred days. But my love for him will last forever.

I experienced a fairy tale mixed with magic, love, but also darkness.

Either or, I've got my own unique fairy tale to tell my kids one day, where the prince had to die to save us all. He sacrificed himself to repair my mistake and to give me the opportunity to have a normal life.

But I wouldn't hesitate once to commit the same mistake again.

Because... my dream is to see him again one day.

After all, if the Badboy got out of Wattpad once.

Maybe the Badboy can escape Wattpad again.

The end.


Exactly 4 years ago, on the 2nd June, I started writing the first chapter of this book and published it. Today I just published the last chapter. It was such a long and wonderful journey to finally complete this book.❤❤❤ I had to take several breaks from writing because of exams and personal issues, but the happiness and motivation to complete the story of 'The Badboy Got Out Of Wattpad' was always something I always dreamt.

I'm so happy and sad, as well, to mark the story of Hazel and Erden as completed. ❤❤❤ Only time will tell if maybe there can be a sequel one day. But for now, I need to cry my heart out for this ending. All the characters of this book came a long way. We laughed, plotted, cried along with them. And I will miss them all so much.❤❤❤

I will soon publish a last dedication chapter to all of you who helped me a lot with this book. Thank you all so much.❤❤❤

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