chapter 5: secret

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(lie) my voice shouted (hurry)

"i fell down my stairs yesterday" i lied

"you don't get wounds like that from falling down the stairs" sherry said standing up to check out my back touching it softly so she doesn't hurt me "and some of them look older and some look like whip marks"

"never mind them" i muttered embarrassed still looking down at the floor tears threatening to fall

i reached out to grab my shirt to put on and Leo grabbed it quickly throwing it across the room and before i knew it i was on the floor bending over the couch my back to Leo as he checked it out

"who did this" he growled

"no one i told you" i whispered flinching from his tone and my body pain

"you were clearly lying" Leo growled again 

i started shaking in fear tears still threatened to fall 

"Aries..." sherry words

that one word caused me to loose it and i tackled sherry tears cascading down my face, i held tight 

(i just want someone to love me and to hold me when i cry or feel scared) 

sherry hugged me not caring that i was half naked in just my bra and shorts

"hey shh, i got you sweetie it's ok" she whispered rubbing my head

i felt may's arms go around me from behind

"yeah we are here for you sweetie" she whispered i heard the real concern in their voices, i knew then that they were my true best friends (i have held these tears back for way to long)

i noticed Leo walk towards us

sherry smiled softly letting me go, tears blurring my eyes 

(no i am not done...)but before i finished my thought Leo pulled me into a tight embrace, then he pulled me into his lap and all i could do was cry and cry 

"how did this really happen Aries" he whispered rubbing my back gently not to hurt it but to be comforting and looking down at me 

"promise you won't tell anyone, and i mean anyone even the police" i whispered my eyes are so sore and i was getting tired

"yes Aries i promise" Leo said 

i looked at everyone else

"us to Aries, we promise" sherry said

"my mom and dad did this, it's not the first time either i am use to it in a way" i whispered 

"w..what?" sherry stuttered out 

i looked at the ground tears welled in my eyes again

"and i can understand if you guys don't wanna be my friends anymore" i whimpered

"are you crazy we still want to be your friends" sherry said before pulling me back into a hug "plus we made a pact with you remember we can't break it no matter what"

"really?" i asked "even if i am worthless"

"you are not worthless, don't ever say" Leo snapped

i buried my head in sherry's shirt flinching at his loud tone of voice

"b..but my mother says it almost everday" i whimpered "it's got to be true..."

may cut her off "don't listen to her you aren't useless" hugging me as well

i hug sherry tighter i found myself getting sleepy and soon everything went dark (like my parents hearts)

----sherry's p.o.v

i held Aries a little while longer while she slept

(i should have known that she wasn't the cause of the burn on her leg)

(she must have been so scared not having anyone to talk to) i thought sadly rubbing her hair soothingly 

Leo was seething glaring at the floor as if  it was a monster

"how could anyone do this to their own child or somebody else's child for that matter?" he shouted pounding the floor

"i don't know but i do know that Aries needs us now" i whispered flinching as he hit the floor one last time 

Leo seemed to relax a little bit

"here you hold her while i put out her sleeping bag" i whispered handing her over to him

he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into his lap

i smiled (i see he truly loves her)

----the next day Aries p.o.v

i didn't hear my alarm clock but i knew it was morning due to the sunlight shinning on my face from the living room window

groggily i opened my sore eyes it took me a min or two for my eyes to adjust before i noticed i was in my sleeping bag and sherry, and may were on either side of me sleeping their arms around me 

i smiled happily (my true friends)

i looked at my phone at the time we had about an hour before school started

"Hey sherry wake up" i whispered shaking her gently

she yawned slowly opening her eyes, she then sits up and stretches 

"Hey morning sweetie feeling better today?" sherry asked 

i nodded gently "thank you guys again for everything"

"no problem what are friends for?" she asked

"i have to use the bathroom be right back" i say getting up and head to the bathroom

i took a piece of glass out of my bag while no one was paying attention

when i got into the bathroom i shut and locked the door before looking at the piece of glass

but i was use to what i was about to do by now

i put the sharp pointed tip to my fragile flesh before slowly running it across,blood oozed out of my wrist and dripped into may's sink.

when i was done i cleaned the sink and wiped off the glass hiding it again i sat it on the side of the sink before sinking to the floor

i just sat their staring at the wound which released my current stress 

but i heard someone outside the door

they knocked loud making me jump

"y..yes?" i shout

"you ok in there" sherry asked concerned

"um yeah i am ok i am just washing up i said quickly standing up and turning the warm water on and sticking my bloody wrist under it washing off the blood i watched as the clear water turned blood red.

i turned the water off and clean off the parts of the sink that still had my blood on it

i opened the door to find out that sherry was still on the other side i gave her a small smile

the weird part was that she didn't smile back this time

"um s..sherry?" i asked confused 

she stuck her hand out "give me it"

"g..give you w..what?" i stuttered

"your wrist give it, i know you weren't in there using the restroom" she said emotionless "now your wrist"

i look at the floor before sticking out my left wrist, when she checked it and figured out i had giving her the wrong wrist she growled, i shook with fear

"listen to me i am not gonna hurt you but i want you to show me your other wrist" she said calmly 

i slowly reach out my right wrist and she took in her hand gently

"Why, why do you do this?" she asked

"i, i don't know" i whisper

she took a deep breathe "well you need to quit doing that Aries it's not good" 

"i know" i whisper 

i forgot the piece of glass on the sink and when sherry was done using the bathroom i noticed that she was holding it 

"i am keeping this" she said walking back to the living room and i followed not long after

(well i can't hide anything from her anymore i guess, i just hope they were serious about being my friends forever because i do like them a lot)

next chapter 6: trust 

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