The Butterfly's Visit

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~6:45AM~ in the morning 

Tanjiro: *walks in Zenitsu's room* " Hey Z have you seen my homework book?"

Zenitsu: * points to the dresser* " Yeah it's right over there."

Tanjiro: "Thanks!!!"

Zenitsu: *thinks* "Please don't leave the door half-closed, please don't leave the door half closed."

Tanjiro: *leaves the door half-closed*


~3 secs later~

Inosuke: *bursts in* 

Zenitsu: *triggered*

Inosuke: "Can I borrow one of your shirts?"

Zenitsu: "Sure do whatever you want Inosuke."

Inosuke: "Thanks crybaby!!!"

Zenitsu: *thinks* "Please don't leave the door half-closed, please don't leave the door half closed."

Inosuke: *leaves the door half-closed*


" That bastard!!!!!!!!"

~3 secs later~

Tanjiro: *comes back to the room* "Looks like I forgot my pencil case in here hehe."

Zenitsu: *grits his teeth* "Sure it's over there."

Tanjiro: "Thanks!!!"

Zenitsu: *eyes Tanjiro and thinks* " Don't. You. Dare!"

Tanjiro: *leaves door half-closed*


"It's ok *twitches eye* they probably just keep forgetting........ right?"

Inosuke: *comes in for nothing and leaves the door half-closed again*


"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




~Breakfast time~

*Mr. Crow prepares the table for the children*

Tomioka: "Are you guys ready for school?"

Kids: "Yes we are Mr. Tomioka!"

Tomioka: "Good." *drinks coffee while reading a magazine*

*Kids eating*

Zenitsu: *pours milk before cereal*


Zenitsu: *talks with food in his mouth* "What?"

Inosuke: "You do milk first?"

Zenitsu: " Of course."

Tanjiro: *betrayed*

Inosuke: *munches food* "Well it's cool, I sleep with my legs hanging off the bed anyways."


Tanjiro: "Where did I get these friends from?"

Mr. Tomioka: "You kids better hurry up and eat."

Kids: "Right!!!"

~Door bell rings~

Mr. Crow: "Do not dismay I will answer it." *walks to the door*

Tomioka: *continues to drink coffee*

*opens door*

Shinobu: " Why good morning Kasugai is Tomioka-San here? I would like to discuss an important project with him." *she says sweetly with a closed eye smile*

Tomioka: *chokes*

Mr. Crow: *sweat drops*"Uh I don't think the master's ready for you yet Lady Shinobu."

Tomioka: *signaling him to say he's not there*

Mr. Crow: "A matter of fact he isn't here."

Shinobu: *not buying it* "Oh really?"

Mr. Crow: " Why yes the master said so himself-" *realizes what he just said and covers his mouth*

Shinobu: " Kasugai."

Mr. Crow: "Y-Y-Yes Lady Shinobu?"

Shinobu: "Where is Tomioka-san?"

Mr. Crow: *sweat drops*

*Zenitsu runs to the door* " Mr. Tomioka there's a pretty lady at the door waiting for you!"

Tomioka: *eye twitches*

*Shinobu walks in* "There you are Tomioka-san!"

Tomioka: "Oh boy do I love when people just walk into my house."

Shinobu: "Is that how you greet a lady?"

Tomioka: "No it's the greeting I would give a lizard."

Shinobu: " Rat face."

Tomioka: "Pest."

Shinobu: "Cockroach."

Tomioka: "I am a civil engineer not your mirror."

Shinobu: "You know there's only one problem with that crooked face of yours, I can see it."

Tomioka: "Oh and are you salty because yours doesn't look any better?"

Shinobu: "Why you son of a-"

Mr. Crow: "Ahem." *signals that the children are still there*

Shinobu and Tomioka: *behave themselves*

*Nezuko tugs on Tomioka's sleeve* "Is she your girlfriend?"


"I wouldn't dare ever associate with that THING!"

Shinobu: "And I you."

Tomioka: "Mr. Crow please yeet these children in the car and take them to school."

Mr. Crow: "Yes master."

Zenitsu: "But I don't wanna."

Tomioka: *death glares*


Kids: "Bye Mr. Tomioka!!!"

Tomioka: "Yeah whatever just learn."

*Door shuts*

Tomioka: *sighs and runs his fingers through his hair*

Shinobu: "So they are the kids huh that's pretty adorable I never thought of you to be the nurturing type?"

Tomioka: "Well you thought what you thought, now about the project?"

Shinobu: "Ah yes the project!" 

Shinobu: *takes out blue print* "So here's the layout for the three buildings, we're gonna need at least 2500 men to get the construction done if we start for next week."

Tomioka: "Hey shawty what makes you think you get to have blue prints without me and also you think you just can order me to give you my men?"

Shinobu: "Well darling *tick marks on her head and pulls his tie* we don't have much time to waste and I don't need your consent on anything."

Tomioka: "Look pest what happened to putting rivalry behind us?"

Shinobu: *triggered* "Anyways I have the ideas of the base foundation settings for the hospitals, one in the Sagiri district and another in the Natagumo district um.... I'm not sure about the other one." *she says that while bending over the papers looking for another location*

Tomioka: *bends over her, points at a location and lowers his voice in her ears* "Here near the Urokodaki Children's Home."

Shinobu: *flustered* "You don't have to say it or be so close."'

Tomioka: *makes a straight face and shrugs*

Shinobu: *triggered and pouts* "Baka."











~after school with the kids~

*kids waiting outside for Mr. Crow*

Zenitsu: "Hey guys how were classes for you?" *munches on sandwich he had in his bag*

Tanjiro: "They were cool  but *laughs*  Inosuke had it rough for Spanish."

Zenitsu: *laughs* "As usual."

Nezuko: *runs to Tanjiro and buries her face in his back while hugging him from behind*

Tanjiro: *smiles* "Hey Nezuko." *turns around and gives her a head pat* "Are you ok?"

Nezuko: *nods and hugs him tighter*

Tanjiro: *phone vibrates and checks message from Mr. Crow*

 His wallpaper:

Mr. Crow: "I'm almost there."

Tanjiro: *puts phone back in his pocket* " Mr. Crow is almost here."

Inosuke: *depressed*

Tanjiro: "Let me guess you got a 50% in Spanish?"

Inosuke: "Thank you Tanjiro I really appreciate you having that much faith in me to believe I got 50%."

Zenitsu: *triggered* "So how much did you actually get?"

Inosuke: " 19%"


" You need to up your scores man or you're gonna be kicked off the soccer team!"

Inosuke: "I know, I know."

Tanjiro: "Well they do have some tutoring offers after school, you could join that programme."

Inosuke: " I guess."

Zenitsu: *says cheerfully* "Or you could just download Duolingo!!!"


"Why would you recommend that demon bird?"

Zenitsu: "It's not that bad."

Tanjiro: "Haven't you seen the memes?"  *starts freaking out* "Once you start the streak there's no going back it will follow you everywhere. Try to delete the app and it will penetrate your emails haunting and calling you, you can't forget the reminders THE REMINDERS!!!!!"

Zenitsu and Inosuke: "Weirdo."

*Mr. Crow arrives and beeps*

Tanjiro: "Looks like our ride is here!" *holds Nezuko's hand and heads towards the car*

Zenitsu and Inosuke: "Hey wait up!!!" *runs towards the car*

*drives off*






~At Tomioka's house~

Shinobu:"Tomioka-san give me my hair pin back!" *tip toes while reaching for her hair pin from Tomioka*

Tomioka: "Not until you apologize for saying nobody likes me." *has a straight face and moves it higher*

Shinobu: " Why do you have to be so tall?!"

Tomioka: "Why do you have to be such a midget?"

Shinobu: "It's not my fault you're a skyscraper!"

Tomioka: "And it's not my fault you're short."

Shinobu: *pouts* "I'm not short.... I'm just vertically lacking in length there's a difference!"

Tomioka: "Oh really?"

Shinobu: "Yes there is, now give it back!" *jumps while reaching causing Tomioka to fall backwards and she falls on top of him*

Shinobu: *gasps* "I'm so sorry it's-"

Tomioka: *groans in pain* " No it's ok it's-"

Both of them simultaneously: "It'" 

Tomioka: *immediately puts her hair pin back in her hair*

Shinobu: *slowly inches closer*

Tomioka: *sweat drops*

Shinobu: *says softly* "Tomioka-san."

Tomioka: *sweat drops harder* "Uuuuuuuh."

*Mr. Crow beeps the car outside the house*

Tomioka: *gently pushes her away and stands up* "The kids are here let's get up."

Shinobu: "Oh yeah." *she says a bit disappointingly but didn't let him notice*

Tomioka: *looks away and helps her up*

*The kids burst through the door* "MR. TOMIOKA!!!"

*all of them run and hug him*

Tanjiro and Zenitsu: "Oh hello Lady Shinobu!!!"

Shinobu: *blushes lightly and smiles* "Why hello there, I sadly have to leave now."

Zenitsu: "Awwwwwwww."

Tomioka: *looks away and says* "Reach home safe ok."

Shinobu: *stops at the door and blushes at the thought of him caring for her safety* "Good bye Tomioka-san." *leaves*

Tomioka: *shuts the door and turns around*

Kids: *making uwu faces at Mr. Tomioka*


" Go do homework."

Kids: " MR. TOMIOKA HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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