The Insinuated Lateral Agreement

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Disclaimer: In this original Giyuu x Shinobu fanfiction some references from Demon slayer will be implied but some aren't, there are original twists implied by me because obviously it's a "Fan-fiction".

*clears throat* Ahem

"A smile as bright as the sun,

A gaze as icy as the cold,

Both somewhat yet shun,

But persist with hearts of gold,

Rivalry at first glance,

Yet blooming love at first chance,

Love that would bring about prosperity and- "

Inosuke: "Um Tanjiro what are you saying?"

Tanjiro: "Well pardon me since I'm the only one with an intellect bold enough to introduce the story chapter."

"Their passionate hearts unlike no other,

With their craving desires that pine for each other,

Both concealing the hurt they feel inside,

Letting go yet still holding on due to their pride,

How can the two crossed lovers progress?

When the same mouths that speak with detest are the same mouths that bring themselves to confess-

Zenitsu: "Tanjiro I honestly think we should just skip to the story because at a time like this literature would bring nothing but depression."

Inosuke: " Yeah get to the point."

Tanjiro: *triggered* "Well of course I could never blame myself for your horrible English grades."

Zenitsu: "Well I studied and got an awesome 92%."

Inosuke: "Well I did good too!"

Zenitsu: *lifts eyebrow* "Oh really?"

Tanjiro: "How much did you get?"

Inosuke: " Well it's Zenistu's grade but backwards."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu: 😶😶😶😶 "So you failed."

Inosuke: "SHUT UP!!!"

Nezuko: *speaks softly* "Um guys I think we are straying from the main idea?"

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke: "Right!!!"

Inosuke: "But where shall we start?"

Zenitsu: "From the thing that brought those two together in the first place."

Tanjiro: "Ah yes the insinuated lateral agreement."

Inosuke: "The what now?"

Zenitsu: " It's basically a contract that is signed by two parties to which hold the terms and conditions involved in the agreement of a specific goal achievement through partnership."

Inosuke: " Ooooooooh.......I still don't get it."

Tanjiro: "It all started at the EHFU."

Inosuke: " The what now?"

Nezuko: *speaks softly* "It's the Engineering Hashira Foundation Unit."

Inosuke: *clueless*

Zenitsu: *sigh* " Don't you ever pay attention? It's an elite organization that facilitates and focuses on engineering projects that can benefit our country's economy. They formulate, create and produce new products, building base foundations to better assist those in need. They strive to provide facilities for people who suffer from social issues. There are 9 divisions that work together under the single unit. Each division head works in different places of the country."

Nezuko: *speaks softly* "Mr. Tomioka is one of the heads for his division."

Tanjiro: "Yes that's where he works and also lady Shinobu has her division close by hence the suggestion of them teaming up to complete that six months hospital project."

Inosuke: "Oh yeah....... I was totally paying attention to every detail."

Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Nezuko: * face slap* "He's such an idiotic airhead."

Tanjiro: "Anyways on with the story!!!"

Name: Giyuu Tomioka

Age: 31

Height: 176 cm (5'9")

Position: Owner of Hashira Unit Division # 2

He's not your average baka tsundere. He will go out of his way to assist those in need even if it means he has to hire and fire as many employees as he sees fit. His determination and motivation runs through his very fingertips he uses to type every form, contract, deed and cheque. His office, sound to him alone so he can propel total concentration constant to work day and night. Employees have indeed experienced his kindness but some used it for the benefit of their own gain. Misbehaviors like these tick him off completely and after that they never get to see the light of life ever again.

*outside his office at the employees' desks*

Employee # 1: "He is quite tall."

Employee # 2: "His icy gaze could freeze us all."

Employee # 3: "He is quite thick."

Employee # 4: "And not to mention he is very strict."

Mr. Tomioka: *sits in his office finalizing documents*

Employee # 1: "His hard work and determination."

Employee # 2: "Could drive anyone with inspiration."

Employee # 1: "His intellect is a work of art."

Employee # 2: "Don't forgot his tsundere heart."

* Assistant hurries down the hallway to Mr. Tomioka's office*

Employee # 3: "He can win any of the ladies over."

Employee # 4: "But just sits there with his Audi and range rover."

Employee # 1: " He is not interested to be in a fling,"

Employee # 2: " I hear he has a 10 inch ding-a-ling."

*Everybody else at their desks giving questioning stares*

Employee # 2: " Hehehe uuh.......that was a bit TMI wasn't it?"

Everybody else: *nods in agreement*

*Assistant knocks at the door to Mr. Tomioka's office*

Mr. Tomioka: "Come in."

*walks in*

Mr. Tomioka: "Well speak."

Assistant: "Um Mr. Tomioka, Oyakata-sama wishes to speak with you on an urgent proposal."

Mr. Tomioka: "Ah yes I'll be right there." *gathers things to leave the office*

* All the employees get up on their desks*

" He's single as a pringle and he doesn't wanna mingle-"

Employee # 1: " Holy crap everyone Mr. Tomioka is coming!!!"

*Everybody quickly gets down from their desks, arranges them and continue working*

Mr. Tomioka: " Well you guys have been awfully productive good work. I have a meeting with the CEO and I won't be back for now so as soon as you all have finished working you're free to go home to your families."

Everyone in the office: *eyes sparkle* "Thank you Mr. Tomioka!!!"

* Mr. Tomioka leaves the building*

The employees: "Hurray!!!"

~At the EHFU Headquarters~

Giyu Tomioka's Pov

I entered into Oyakata-sama's office and noticed two chairs at the desk in front of him. I greeted him respectfully, bowed, and took a seat. "You wished to speak with me sir?" I asked. "Yes Tomioka it's really important." he stated and I nodded with a hint of anticipation inside. " You are a very dedicated hard worker which I am proud of, even there are instances where you would put your work over your own well being. More of the sickly citizens countlessly suffer because they are not able to access health facilities and therefore an increase in death tolls. I am asking you to take part in this project which involves the building of not only one but three new hospitals within six months." he took a pause and I looked at him in astonishment. "But sir that's impossible to do in only six months." I said still in shock and he look at me with his hands overlapping underneath his chin with a closed eye smile.

Oyakata-sama: "It isn't."

Tomioka: "Yes it is."

Oyakata-sama: "If the Chinese can do it in ten days I think six months for 3 hospitals is enough."

Tomioka: "But I'd have to endure this alone."

 "That's exactly why this is a partnership project, you'll be working alongside another division head." he said still smiling. Wait another division head?........oh nononononononono don't tell me it's who I think it is, this is all just a dream and I'm gonna wake up any minute now right?  "You will be working with Miss Shinobu Kocho." he said and my glass shattered. Immediately she came out of the corner and sat in the other chair beside me. "Hello Tomioka-San isn't this a surprise," she said 'politely' with a smile and I got triggered. I looked away and mumbled, "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

" I trust that you two will put your rivalry behind you and work together efficiently?" He asked still smiling with the expectation of us to be polite to each other.

*we lowered our heads in unison and mumbled*

Me: "Midget."

Shinobu: "Cockroach."

Me: "Beady eyes."

Shinobu: "Rat face."

Mr. Oyakata-sama: "Ahem!"

Shinobu and I: *forced smiles* "Anything for you sir we will gladly get along perfectly without a problem."

*place signatures on the contract*

Mr. Oyakata-sama: "Good you both are dismissed."

Shinobu left in a flash and I was just about to exit the office when Mr. Oyakata stopped me in my tracks. "Tomioka," he said but this time in a more concerned tone. " Yes sir?" I asked as I turned around slightly. "How are the kids doing?" he asked and my face expression softened and I sighed. " They are doing great," I said in a low voice. "You know it doesn't hurt to take a break and relax from work, they need you," he said and I felt my heart sink for a second because I knew it was true. At the same time I can't just put down all my work just so I can have touchy moments I need to focus." Thank you for your concern sir but I'm fine, " I said and bowed to him before leaving the office.

I went outside to my Audi driven by my butler Mr. Crow Kasugai. "Sir don't forget we have to go for the kids at the nanny's Wisteria residence," he stated and I let out a sigh. " Yes I know I haven't forgotten about them," I said and got in the car. We drove off in silence.

I took a deep breath and asked while looking out the window," Kasugai....... do you think people often dislike me?"

Mr. Crow: *mumbles* " Well given the fact that you look like you suffer from blue balls of course people would think you're a disaster."

Tomioka: "What was that?"

Mr. Crow: " Uh I just said that people often don't understand you at all so they start to judge you master."

Tomioka: " It can't be helped it's just how I am."

Mr. Crow: *sighs* " I know master I know but somehow you need to break out of that cycle."

Tomioka: " I understand."

Mr. Crow: * smiles* " That's the spirit Master now we are almost there."

So everybody hi!!! I finally watched Demon slayer and I wanna continue on the manga cause it's really awesome. I think it deserves an award for being a sibling anime with absolutely zero incest and the story line is just great! I did this fanfiction out of little motivation it was always a thought but I never knew I could bring myself to even write it. Even though I did not prepare before hand I used this as an opening eye that pushing through really does get you far. I found some awesome Giyu x Shinobu fanart on pinterest that I would just like to share in some of my chapters at the end. Don't let quarantine get the best of you. Please enjoy, don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!!!

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