The Kid's Beguilement

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So if you guys don't know the meaning of beguilement it's like pleasure in something you enjoy doing. Also I found out 2 days ago from one of my friends who actually read the manga that Shinobu is actually dead. I knew it but I don't wanna believe it and that some of the others died too. But guess what I don't care because IT DON'T MATTER HOW MANY TIMES THEY DIE THEY WILL STILL BE FOREVER IN MY HEART!!!!!!! So don't be discouraged to read this, it's for fun and I really like Shinobu and Giyuu because they are quite controversial but similar at the same time. Also all the pillars are alive in this as well , heartbreaking as it is I don't care they are alive to me in my eyes and my heart and that's on period. XD

~early in the morning~

Tanjiro: "Good morning." *stretches*

Zenitsu: "Good morning Tanjiro." *gets up and stretch*

Inosuke: *wakes up* ".................Meh." *goes back to sleep*

Nezuko: *still sleeping*

Tanjiro: "So what do you think?"

Zenitsu: "About what?"

Tanjiro: "About Mr. Tomioka x Lady Shinobu."

Zenitsu: "Well we can't have a ship without a ship about Shinobioka?"

Tanjiro: "Ew we're making a ship name not a voodoo concoction."

Zenitsu: "How about Tomiokabu?"

Tanjiro: " As I said we are formulating a ship name not a voodoo concoction."

Zenitsu: "Why don't we try using their first names or a mix of both?"

Tanjiro: "What are you suggesting?"

Zenitsu: "Giyubu?"

Tanjiro: "Dude that name is so ugly for a ship name."

Zenitsu: "Kochioka."

Tanjiro: *face slaps* "I'm done."

Inosuke: " It's obvious that giyuu-shino would be better."

Tanjiro: "Yeah I guess that could work."

Zenitsu: "Oh wow thanks for stepping on me Inosuke."

Inosuke: "My pleasure."

Zenitsu: *triggered*

~With Tomioka and Shinobu~

Kocho Shinobu's Pov

I woke up and looked down on my lap. Tomioka-san must be really tired to still be sleeping on my lap. I shifted slowly and replaced my lap with a pillow. I sat up on the bed and looked into space.

"Tomioka-san is leaving today."

"And my break is over."

"So it's back to work as usual I guess."

If you guys didn't know alongside of being an engineer in the day I'm also a doctor and so I mostly deal with all night shifts. It's tiring but the citizens need care. I'll do everything in my power to make sure my patients survive so that they can feel the hope of life outside of pain to live. I'm not God, I can't control when a person lives or when someone dies. It still hurts to know that if there's no way you could save a person, you just have to feel the pain of watching a patient's last breath. I felt a pair of arms around me and I could feel Tomioka-san's head resting on my back. 

" Good morning Tomioka-san," I said softly and I heard him mumble his returned greeting. Sigh. Tomioka-san doesn't really take me seriously at all so things like these do not phase him with the least bit of emotions. To me it means everything but he's too much of a baka to actually get it. "Tomioka-san it's time to get up remember you have to leave early to make contacts in advance!" I said cheerfully and giggled. He growled and lazily removed his arms from my waist. "But I'm still tired," he said groggily. I turned around and poked his cheeks.

"To-mi-oka-san!!!" *Shinobu gestures cutely with every poke*

Tomioka: *triggered* "Please refrain from doing that."

Shinobu: "Nope." *continues poking*

Tomioka: "Whatever."

Shinobu: "Kawaii." *poking intensifies*

Tomioka: *sighs* "Fine I'll get up."

Shinobu: "That's the spirit Tomioka-san!"

Tomioka: *gets up and makes a call*

~The kids~

Zenitsu: "Why are you so groggy?"

Inosuke: "Why are you so annoying?"

Tanjiro: "Come on guys we don't have to argue pettily."

Zenitsu: "I have an idea *eyes sparkle* this will definitely cheer Inosuke up!!!"

Inosuke: "Please don't."

Tanjiro: uwu "Oh yes."

Inosuke: "Oh no."

Tanjiro: *eyebrow gestures intensify* "oh yes."




*Tanjiro goes for his phone and Zenitsu gets into a dramatic pose*




Zenitsu: "I can hear you,"

Inosuke: "God no help-" *shushed*

Zenitsu: "But I won't, some look for trouble, while others don't."

Inosuke: "Somebody help me."

Zenitsu: "There's a thousand reasons I should go about my day and ignore your whispers which I wish would go away oooh."

Tanjiro: *makes angelic siren sounds*

Zenitsu: *reaches out to nothing* "Oooh."

Tanjiro: *angelic siren sound intensifies*

Zenitsu: "You're not a voice!" *flips ponytail that doesn't exist*

Zenitsu: "You're just a ringing in my ear and if I heard you which I don't, I'm spoken for I fear."

"Every one I ever loved is here within these walls, *flashes hand* I'm sorry secret siren but I'm blocking out your calls ." *opens window*

Tanjiro: "I've had my adventure I don't need something new, I am afraid of what I'm risking if I follow you."

Tanjiro: *aims note perfectly* " INTO THE UNKNOOOOOOWN......... INTO THE UNKNOOOOOOOWN!"

Zenitsu: *ruins the note and looks at the bird* " INTO THE UNKNOOOOOO *voice cracks* OOOOOO*coughs and cries*OOOOOOOOWN!!!!!!!!!!!"


Other birds: *fall from the sky in agony*

Zenitsu: "Wow was I really that great that the birds fell flat on the floor to praise me!"

Inosuke: "I don't think singing is cutting it for you."

Zenitsu: "Yeah I know Tanjiro was off key wasn't he."

Tanjiro: *rolls eyes*

Inosuke: *depression intensifies*

Tanjiro: *slaps face* "And he's back at it again with the crippling depression."

Zenitsu: "Well sucks to be you." *goes on tik tok*

Tanjiro: *stays behind Zenitsu in a distance in his phone camera*

*Nezuko wakes up and joins him the background*

*Commence Renegade Demon Slayer edition*

Inosuke: "If you guys are gonna be dancing crap at least not do it where I can see your faces."

Nezuko, Zenitsu and Tanjiro: *makes uwu faces at Inosuke and renegading intensifies*

Inosuke: *sighs* "You guys are not gonna give up till I'm happy and moving aren't you?"

Tanjiro and Zenitsu:

Zenitsu and Tanjiro: "No."

Inosuke: *sighs and blushes*

Zenitsu, Tanjiro and Nezuko: "Awwwwwww he cares."

Inosuke: *looks away still blushing* "I-I-I am not g-go away."

Zenitsu: *pokes his cheeks* "You're blushing and you're in denial you know what that means.......INOSUKE IS A TSUNDERE!!!!"

Tanjiro: "Kawaii!!!"

Inosuke: *pouts and crosses arms* "Leave me alone!"


*Tomioka and Shinobu*

Shinobu: "So what did they say?"

Tomioka: " We can start as early as tomorrow, the men will be there and the materials have already been bought now all that's left is the period of construction production."

Shinobu: *sighs in relief* "Good at least we are making some progress."

Tomioka: *sighs* "Guess I have to leave now to make reports to Mr. Oyakata about the progress."

Shinobu: *sighs in disappointment* "Yeah it's ok."

Tomioka: *raises his voice towards the ceiling* "HEY KIDS COME DOWN HERE!!!"

Kids: "Yes Mr. Tomioka!!!" *come rushing down the stairs*

Tanjiro: "We're here."

Tomioka: *straight face* "We're leaving now tell Shinobu and the maids bye."

Kids: "Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!"

Tomioka: *glares* "I have work to do at home."

Zenitsu: *whines*

Shinobu: *giggles at their cuteness* "It's ok you guys can always come back if you want, even if Tomioka-san won't take you here I'd gladly take you here myself."

Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke and Nezuko: *eyes sparkle and hug Shinobu*

Tomioka: *looks away but lowkey smiles*

Shinobu: *giggles* "Saw that."

Tomioka: *eye rolls* "Whatever."

*They all say goodbye to each other and go outside to the car*

Shinobu: *bites her lips in hesitation and says* "Tomioka-san!"

Tomioka: *turns around*

Shinobu: "I don't regret doing this project with you!" *she turns around to go back inside*

Tomioka: *sighs* "Me too."

Shinobu: *hears and blushes*

Tomioka: *gets in the car and leaves*

~inside Shinobu's mansion~

Shinobu: *sits down on the couch and sighs*

Kanao: *emerges from the shadows* "So he's the one you're dying over."

Shinobu: "Oh please don't pretend like I don't know you were stalking Tanjiro."

Kanao: *blushes heavily* "I was not I was just watching him!"

Shinobu: "Right from the shadows of my walls and without his content....that's stalking."

Kanao: *speaks softly* "I like him ok."

Shinobu: *laughs*

*1 hour and 15 mins*

~Tomioka and the others at home~

Zenitsu and Inosuke: "Mr. Tomioka and Shinobu sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"


"Don't you guys have anything better to do than falsely accuse me of having any romantic feelings towards Shinobu?"

Tanjiro: "You indirectly rejected Lady Shinobu that's so mean!"

Tomioka: *straight face* "Whatever go upstairs."

Nezuko and Tanjiro: *goes upstairs*

Inosuke: *starts walking*

Zenitsu: *thinking of a way to surprise attack him*

Inosuke: *continues walking upstairs*


*lifts his arms*

Inosuke: *turns around swiftly and chops Zenitsu's forehead*

Zenitsu: *whines* "Ow!!!"

Inosuke: "Good." *goes into the room*

Zenitsu: *continues whining and goes into his room* "Meanie."

~downstairs with Tomioka~

Tomioka: *types up report and other documents*

SpongeBob narrator voice: "Two hours later."

Tomioka: *falls asleep on the couch*

Kids: *walk downstairs and see Tomioka sleeping*

Inosuke: "Mr. Tomioka does work a lot."

Zenitsu: "Yeah all of that so we can be happy too."

Tanjiro: *smiles* "He's awesome."

*Nezuko goes back up to grab a sheet from his bedroom*

Tomioka: *still sleeping*

Nezuko: *places the sheet over Tomioka and kisses his forehead*

The kids: *whisper and leave* "We love you Mr. Tomioka."




Tomioka: *smiles and whispers*










"I love you too."

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