The Baker: Golden Bakery

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Here's the first chapter.......
Mention of SA or Sexual Assault!
For awareness that gay men do get assaulted.

I'm sorry I didn't put this up sooner I was so so tired after doing too much for two weeks.
I also had bouts of depression missing my grandmother.
Me having a good cry.
I'm due for a colonoscopy too.
Debby is based off of an Amish friend we had in the Midwest before we moved to the South.

Gangsters; they come alot into my bakery, and the demands regarding to them are high, especially when they want booze, when I made sure my restaurant is alcohol free, since I do not like alcohol, and what it leads to, coming from experience; I was assaulted while under the influence years ago at age seventeen.
I was barely legal as some would say; and a man took advantage of my kindness in America, and assaulted me, and I haven't been the same since then, and my coworkers have noticed how jumpy I am, though I hide how I feel well with smiles and laughter.
The man in question, who did such a thing was called Romano, an Italian gangster in New York, and Connecticut is where I grew up.

There are gangsters here that visit; grunts really, and my usual jolly and kind employees, and I can indeed handle the gangsters, and so can my employees.
I trained them to after my last experience with Romano; the bastard.

I was churning butter in an old wooden hand churner, which I got from Debby as a gift, and the butter was making loud slapping noises in the dining hall, and the regular customers we have, were enjoying their meals and drinks, and using our WiFi too, and my big fox ears, and tail bounced as I was churning this handmade butter, an experience people get to watch in total amazement, since I learned to do this from Debby, an Amish elderly woman I was friends with, who I have in a plaque picture hanging on the wall by the entrance.
She was the kindest heart in the world, but she passed away before I moved to Japan.
I promised her; that her knowledge of baking, and making great dishes will not die with her, and I have each recipe locked away in a fireproof safe in my apartment upstairs in the bakery.

Slapping sounds ensued more from the wooden butter churner as I'm hopping up and down, making my tail bounce, and big fox ears bounce more, my bare cream colored paw's black nails clicking the linoleum.

I felt eyes, I never felt before, stare at me, as I heard the doorbell ring to the entrance of the bakery.
"Welcome to Paws And Blokes!"
Rem says to a customer that entered the bakery.

"This is a new place."
My fluffy big fox ears point up at the male voice, and I landed on my small paw-like feet, my body feeling strange, and my heart beating rather fast at the male voice.

"Would you like a booth or table?"
Rem asked this person.

The person says to Rem.

Rem sat the handsome man in the suit with slicked back dark brown hair into a booth, and Rem set down a menu.
"Do you serve alcohol here?"
He asked Rem.

Rem bowed slightly and says.
"I'm sorry sir; but we do not serve alcohol here.
Our bakery is alcohol free.
Instead would you like coffee, an iced coffee or tea?"

"Coffee is fine."
He says to Rem.

"Please look over the menu if you want something to eat, and I'll get your coffee.
Also do you want creamer and sugar?"
Rem asked him.

"I take my coffee black."
He tells Rem.

Rem nods.
"I'll be right back."
Rem scampered off.

I was done churning the butter, so I took the churner into the kitchen, and used rubber thick gloves, because my black claws on my fingers can penetrate regular gloves, so I use thick rubber gloves and I scoop the butter into a big container, and put the date on it for expiration.
I then started washing the butter churner, cleaning it well, and setting it to dry by a closet door.

I put the butter into our big fridge and threw out the expired butter.
After I was done; I decided to meet the new customer, me walking out of the kitchen, glove free, and walk over to his booth, me bowing lightly to him, me seeing him sipping coffee.
"Good morning sir.
Are you enjoying your visit to my bakery?"

"This is your bakery?"
He asked me and I nod in confirmation that this was my bakery, and he looked quite stunned I'm the owner of this bakery.

"Indeed it is.
Most of the recipes are Amish inspired.
I received permission from my Amish mentor to use her recipes, since she left the Amish community in America."
I tell him honestly.
I had to admit he was totally handsome.
I knew he was a gangster too, by how he carried himself.

"I never met an Amish person before."
He replied to me.

"My name is Miki and the server you met was Rem.
I'm a Fennec Fox Furry."
I tell him.
"Where I'm from in Connecticut; there are Amish communities there."

"I never met a Furry either from Connecticut, though I heard Furries exist."
He says to me rather honestly I could tell.

"Can I ask your name?"
I ask him, me truly curious what his name is, though I know better than to get involved with a gangster, however I guess I cannot get away from gangsters even in Japan.
It's like they flock to me, and taint my kind soul in darkness, destroying my pureness in black goop.

He tells me, giving me a serious long stare, that is until I heard a buzzing noise, and he pulled his phone out, him looking at it, then he locked it, him finishing up his coffee, him standing up, and he handed me a hundred dollars in yen.
"Keep it."
He then walked away, and out of my bakery, making my heart race at that.

He must be a busy guy.
So busy that he only had time for coffee.
I thought to myself as I helped make sandwiches, pies, and cookies today with my employees.
Who is he?!
Was he a big wig gangster?
I guess I'll find out soon.
I thought more to myself later that night, when we were closing the bakery.

My other employees left, and I was locking the bakery up, and I put the keys on the key ring hanger in the kitchen, and I go up the steps, my black claws on my paws clicking on the steps as I go up to my apartment, me taking off my suit uniform, hanging it up into my walk in closet upon hangers, and I slipped into light blue and gray pajamas, and I yawn, me extremely tired, as I then curl into bed, me using my night vision to guide me to do these things.
I curl on my side onto a ball, my head using my tail as a pillow, and I fell immediately to sleep, me dreaming about eating Debby's immaculate peanut butter homemade pies, and I truly loved peanut butter, including, almond butter, and coconut butter.

My alarm woke me up at eight in the morning, and I needed to get things today at the supermarket, to get us more eggs, flour, pecans, chocolate, peanut butter, and coconut butter at the store for our sweets, so I bathed, and dried off with a blow dryer, and got ready in my everyday clothing, which was a red t-shirt, and some blue jean shorts girls wear, that showed my round butt, and had a hole for my tail to go through.
I made sure to eat a cucumber sandwich I made for myself before I would leave though, so I'm not tempted to eat out if I got hungry while shopping.
I took the keys from the kitchen, and unlocked the bakery, just as my employees arrived, and I tell them.
"I will get more supplies for us to use in pies and stuff at the store, since we are running rather low on things.
I'll be back later."

All my employees nod, them saying.
"Yes sir."

"Please get to work serving customers when I'm gone."
I tell them more politely.

"Yes sir."
They say to me, and then went into the kitchen, to their lockers I bet.

I left my bakery, and headed to the supermarket, because they are having a sale, so I'll get my the items I need cheaper, and I'm happy a sale was going on, so I could save money.
The walk to the supermarket was a few blocks away, so I hummed a little while I was walking, my paw's black nails clicking the concrete, and other people were walking by me, who looked to stare at me as we passed each other.
I only wear paw booties when it's too hot to go bare paw.

Today is was not too hot, and not too cold, and I did wear a paw printed animal light blue handkerchief, that had an identification on it of who I am.
It is required that Furries have that, or they go to Furry Jail in most countries, since are considered a humanoid animal species.

I sniff as I smell expensive cologne I smelled yesterday on that Asami guy, and I stop walking, and look behind me, and blink rapidly, me seeing Asami standing behind me, and I tilt my head to look up at him, since I'm only four foot two.
"I was wondering when you would notice me."
He says to me as he took a puff of his cigarette and let's out smoke from his mouth.

I turn to face him, making my fluffy cream tail swish, and I ask him.
"Why are you following me?"
I look at him with a look I'm not happy he's following me.

"I was as well going to the supermarket."
He tells me, and I give him a look I'm not buying that.

"You're a gangster.
A wealthy one.
I call bullshit on your account."
I tell him point blank what I think outloud to him, and I tap one of my paws on the cement to make my point, while folding my arms to my tiny furry chest through my shirt.

He chuckled at me in amusement, I bet used I'm smarter than I let on yesterday I figured.
"I see you caught me.
You aren't just a baker then.
Asami rubbed his chin in curiosity, him smirking at me mischievously.

My big fox ears were in airplane mode now, and I say to him how I felt.
"I do not take too kindly of you following me actually, since I do not know you much."

"What do you plan on doing if I refuse to quit following you?
You know the police have no power over me."
Asami retorts calmly back at me.

He's right.
The cops here fear gangsters, and won't do diddly squat to help me if a gangster like him won't leave me alone.
I thought to myself, me cursing at myself, and at that moment I hated that I would have to deal with him stalking me at this moment in time.

"I'm going to the supermarket for ingredients at my bakery.
I order alot.
So you can help carry the ingredients."
I scoff, and turn around, and start walking off, and I heard him follow me by his loafers clicking the cement.
I just hope nothing bad happens as I'm around him.


To be continued........

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