Verse VI: Caged Dragon

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Verse VI: Caged Dragon

The deafening silence of the cozy autumn night was broken by the sound of crisp ginkgo leaves on the ground. Morning watch guards on duty began leaving their posts to search for replacements in the nearby guardhouse.

"Xīnkǔle," said the other guard and patted his brother's shoulder who was on his way to rest.

At a nearby restaurant, a lady sat still, with her eyes closed, she carefully observed the movements around her surroundings.

"Wáng fei," an unknown man knelt in front of her and the lady lifted her little cup of wine.

"They have started." the man added.

"Good," she responded to his report. A sinister smile formed on the lady's beautiful face, "The Eastern Palace sure needs some thorough cleanup."

The assassin left the private room of the restaurant to go back to the Eastern Palace where the Crown Prince of Lin resides. 

It was a quiet night. The people were already inside their houses and only the ringing of the bell from the evening curfew was heard all over the capital.

"You had roasted duck for dinner? No way!" the guard stationed on the right outside the Crown Prince's door said, looking utterly disappointed after hearing his brother's story.

The other guard from the left giggled, "Yes. Xiao Mei snuck some for me from the kitchen."

"You," the right guard pointed his fingers then a line of servers and eunuchs appeared.

"No talking. Get back to work," the Head Eunuch irritatingly said and the two guards straightened their backs on their posts. The servers went past them and dispersed in the center garden going to their designated halls.

Two men in the middle wearing lower ranks of a eunuch directly headed towards the empty kitchen of the Crown Prince's palace.

"Let's hurry. They might start in any minute." said the taller eunuch and they started to move a barrel. Moving the barrel suddenly opened a secret passage. 

The two of them entered it and the shorter eunuch left an explosive to destroy the barrel. In a minute, it exploded leaving a loud but suppressed thud in the kitchen. The destruction of the barrel immediately closed the door of the passage and the two eunuchs started to run further inside.

They ran, and the taller man threw his eunuch hat to the side.

"Tàizǐ Diànxià, you are right. She's the one who poisoned my brother Wu Chen," the smaller man stopped and pulled a small cloth revealing dried blue-violet petals. The taller man also stopped running and turned to look at the cloth on the man's hand.

"It was indeed this wolf's bane poison," said Lin Lixin as he clench his fist. His anger flows through his veins as he tries to remember memories of Wu Chen in his mind. "That woman is getting bolder," he added.

Anger. Hatred. He felt that.

"I found this at Sùiyùe Restaurant. I heard that some officials get their supply of wolf's bane through private transactions with the store owner," stated Wu Cheng and slid the wolf's bane poison back into his pocket.

Wu Chen was one of his most cherished people, and yet, his life was just taken out of him because of the palace's internal feud.

"Let's get that restaurant torn down when I get back," Lixin turned his back and started to run towards the exit of the passage.

"But that restaurant belongs to the Concubine Suo's family," Wu Cheng said as he follow his young master.

"The more reason I should take down that corrupted restaurant," Lixin gave a slight grin and pushed the ragged door in front of them. The earthy breeze welcomed them. The passage has led them to an old hut located in the far south of the Eastern Palace.

"What are you planning to do, your Highness?" asked Wu Cheng, Wu Chen's older twin brother, and Lixin's right hand. 

"We leave the capital," said Lixin and the two of them grabbed the reins of the horses that Wu Cheng prepared beforehand.

                                     ༊ *

A peaceful day has welcomed the Eastern Palace once again. Everyone is busy with their own roles. 

Waking up on a cold morning, the Mid-Autumn Festival came, and chefs were busy preparing for tonight's feast ordered by Crown Prince Lixin. 

People were already tired but with smiles on their faces, especially, since it is a once-in-a-year festival banquet that will happen and everyone is very much looking forward to it.

"Don't touch the food! I'm not finished decorating them," Wu Chen hit his twin's hand with his long chopsticks. The older brother pouted and Wu Chen almost puked at the sight. He never pouted, but with his brother looking like that, he can't help himself to feel the cringe.

"Chen'er, I'm hungry. The Prince is killing himself, he's not yet eating his lunch and told me he'll just eat dinner today." Wu Cheng, the older twin complained to his younger brother who is in charge of the Eastern Palace's kitchen affairs. "I'm not sharing that hardship, I must eat my meals on time," he continued and managed to sneak a mooncake into his sleeves.

"Bear with the Prince. You've been with him all your life," then Xiao Chen began kneading the dough for another batch of Mooncakes for the Palace staff. He's been busy for more than half a day. Well, all of the attendants are, and only his brother has nothing to do because the Crown Prince has been shutting himself in his chambers ever since the morning came.

"Ha!" Wu Cheng scoffed. "If he doesn't want to eat, well, I will eat," then the naughty older brother took the plate of roasted chicken behind Wu Chen. 

Wu Cheng darted out of the kitchen as soon as he can. Wu Chen pointed his fingers and was about to chase him, but he remembered his chores.

"Ah, mooncakes. Right, right," he calmed himself and went back to kneading the rest of the dough. Wu Chen sighed in defeat as he watch his older brother run away happily with food in hand. 

After a couple of moments, the other chefs assigned to the festival's food came rushing inside the kitchen to make preparations for the evening banquet.

The Crown Prince always celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival with his mother, Empress Jia Huian in his residence, and with all the people serving him inside the Eastern Palace.

Although Lixin is favored by his father, his mother was like an old shadow in the Royal Palace. The affection between the Emperor and Empress of the South was long, long gone when Lixin's father decided to favor his concubine. 

The love between the two royals drifted away like a fallen leaf in flowing waters.

Emperor Lin Lihui rose to the throne at the age of seven, when Lin Licong, Lixin's grandfather suffered a gruesome fate and died of assassination. 

The previous Emperor was known as a tyrant ruler during his reigning years, gaining countless enemies whether inside or outside the royal court. 

Lihui ruled the South kingdom with the guidance of his mother and was declared the Queen Regent. The Queen Regent came from a family of famous scholars in the capital and in no time, the glorious reputation of the land of fire bloomed under her guidance before finally passing the rights to her son.

At the time Emperor Lihui reached his teenage, the Queen Regent gave back the crown and its power to the rightful hands.

He successfully handled the affairs in the following years, and then, the Selection came.

Beauties at marriageable age from different parts of the Kingdom were gathered to be selected as the next Crown Princess, however that time, the selection was meant to find an Empress for the nation.

It was a tradition, established by the ancestors of the kingdom to choose the next crown princess from the ladies across the South lands. The Selection welcomes the young ladies regardless of their ranks and the status of their families. The only thing that matters is that their families should be a resident of the South Kingdom for two generations.

Jia Huian, the daughter of the wealthiest spice merchant from the capital's neighboring city was Lihui's childhood sweetheart. The royal family and the Jia family have known each other for as long as their ancestors can remember. But due to the custom, Jia Huian still needs to participate in the selection despite already gaining the Emperor's affection.

For the sake of their mutual love, Huian entered the Selection without any hesitation.

However, with her participation, the Selection of that year caused an uproar, and it is said that the Empress title is already pre-determined. 

To avoid criticism, the palace court decided that every task for the young ladies was conducted in public; tests for literacy and numeracy, tests for their purity using gecko cinnabar, tests on how they will handle the Internal court, manners, and their knowledge in weapons.

The journey to be with her loved ones was indeed rough, but the lady from the Jia family stood among the rest of the candidates. She excelled in every aspect, and thus, was crowned as the new Empress when the Selection ended. 

The two ladies that were chosen as finalists were conferred with the title of Royal Concubines as per the tradition. Suo Suyin, the daughter of the Minister of Revenue, and Lan Xinyi, a distant cousin of Emperor Lihui.

                                     ༊ *

Being the first-born son of Emperor Lin Lihui, Lixin immediately secured the Crown Prince title to himself.

But not long ago, the power struggle began when Concubine Suo started to make her moves for the sake of his son, Lin Liguang. Liguang is four years younger than Lixin, and Crown Prince Lixin will be turning eighteen years old two months after the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Tàizǐ Diànxià, here." Wu Chen placed the plate full of mooncakes and other dishes he prepared with the addition of the bottle of Eastern Palace's famous Osmanthus wine on the side of Lixin's table.

"Thank you, Wu Chen," said Lixin, smiling as he scan his table full of delicious foods that completed the essence of the festival tonight. "Stop distributing the food. Take a break, will you?" he added and Wu Chen nodded in response as he finished placing the food on the Empress' table.

"Huánghòu jiàdào!" The Head Eunuch announced the Empress' arrival. Everyone at the Eastern Palace's hall bowed down in respect to her presence.

Empress Jia gracefully walked towards the front of the hall, where she will be sitting beside her dearest son.

"Mǔhòu," Lixin greeted and the Empress smiled happily upon seeing his son. The Crown Prince kowtowed and the Empress accepted the respect of her son. She assisted Lixin to get up and gracefully walked to the front seat of the hall.

Wu Cheng appeared at the front door, leaving a signal to the Crown Prince. Lixin nodded in response. He fixed his gaze on the long table outside full of the season's harvest that was piled there along with some lit candles and incense.

The Crown Prince Lixin got up from his seat. He lifted his cup and the people of his palace followed raising their own cups. 

"Wǒmen kāishǐ ba," Lixin said, drinking a bit of the osmanthus wine. "Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone. Thank you for all your hard work, keeping the Eastern Palace in order."

"Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, your Highnesses!" shouted Wu Cheng from outside while waving his Osmanthus wine bottle. Wu Chen who is seated below Lixin and the Empress massaged his temples, embarrassed by his older brother's action. He shot a glare at Wu Cheng.

"Ge!" said Wu Chen but Wu Cheng only stuck his tongue out.

Lixin giggled, and so as the Empress. "Let him be. We all know Wu Cheng's personality in this palace." the Empress once again raised her cup as a toast to Wu Cheng.

"Xièxiè, wánghòu!" the smile on Wu Cheng's face almost reached his ears. "Don't worry, I'll keep doing my best to protect the Crown Prince at all times."

"Thank you for your hard work, Wu Cheng. You too Chen'er." the Empress looked at the twins with loving eyes. 

The twin brothers both grew up inside the palace under the Empress' care. Wu Cheng and Chen lost their parents during the plague a decade ago, and while in a rescue operation, the Empress encountered two children crying in front of the burning bodies of the people infected by the plague. Since then, the Empress took pity on the two and took them back to the palace to give them shelter.

"Is the pagoda ready?" Lixin asked Wu Cheng and presented the pagoda-like bonfire behind the offering table outside the hall. 

The breeze from outside made him adjust his robe. Then he glanced at the open door and saw the moon shining brightly.

"Good," he said and Lixin once again raised his cup to offer a toast. "Let us all head outside after our meal to pay respect to the Moon Goddess."

"Hǎo," the people said in unison. All of them started to eat, and the festive atmosphere enveloped the whole palace. 

Musicians lively played their tunes and dragon dancers roamed around the hall. Everyone is looking lively, but Lixin's eyes cannot hide the worry.

He turned to look at his mother who is eating silently.

"How have you been, Mǔhòu?" Lixin asked and the Empress put down her chopstick. She turned to the side and put a smile on her face for her son.

"I am fine, Lixin," she said placing her hand on the Crown Prince's hand.

"Does Fùwáng," Lixin look once again into her mother's eyes, confirming if it is alright to proceed with his question, and the Empress' eyes softened. She smiled, but Lixin knew that she was faking it.

"Does Fùwáng still visit you?" he finally asked and the Empress blankly stared at the dancing dragons.

"He does not have any reasons to visit me, but we occasionally see each other when the court needs our appearance together." the music came to an end and a new piece began. The dragon dancers changed their steps and performed new waves, matching the musician's music.

The Crown Prince look at the Empress with sad eyes, but she decided to break the ice, "Aiya, my child. Don't worry about me. Let the Emperor do what he wants." Empress Jia took a piece of the steamed fish and put it in Lixin's bowl, "He is the father of this nation and his happiness comes first before me."

Lixin ate the fish given by his mother. His free hand clench into a fist and anger stirred within him upon hearing those words from the Empress.

"I really don't get why father still needs a concubine," A look of great bitterness displayed all over his face, "Father already had a phoenix but he traded it for an ordinary bird." then the Crown Prince rolled his eyes. 

Those words made his mother slightly slap his arms.

"Don't talk bad about her," the Empress said and Lixin rolled his eyes. His mother massaged her temples because of his behavior.

Lixin put his hands on his waist, "Bet she's already talking bad about us. Why can't we?"

"Just say and do everything with kindness," she said, sipping a bit of the Osmanthus wine.

"Oh," Lixin pouted and also took a sip of the wine.

After their meal, Lixin encouraged everyone to gather outside the hall. Wu Cheng energetically led the way. As soon as he reached the table, he began to light the incense piece by piece.

"Tàizǐ Diànxià, here," Wu Cheng gave a piece to Lixin.

"Thank you, Wu Cheng," he got the incense and stood in front of the attendants. Cushions were placed for each and everyone to make them comfortable. 

Lixin held the incense with both hands and raised it in heaven's direction. He stared at the moon for a couple of seconds and then knelt to kowtow in front of the table with their offerings to the Moon Goddess.

His people followed him, including his mother, the Empress on his side. They raised their incense after bowing and the earthy scent lingered around the place. Faint smoke danced above their heads like little fairies accompanying them in the cold dark night.

Lixin's eyes reflected the image of the moon. It shone even brighter in the clear skies above.

In the tranquility of the night, he put his hands together, closed his eyes, and made a wish.

"May all the ones I love stay happy and safe. May all their coming days pass only to be filled with joy and smiles. May all the people in our kingdom be free from suffering," he secretly wished. Opening his eyes, the sight of familiar faces welcomed him. The faces of his family, the people of his Eastern Palace.

"Tàizǐ Diànxià, lái, lái, lái," Wu Cheng gave the torch to Lixin to start the burning of the pagoda. The flame of the torch warmed Lixin's freezing hands then he threw it inside the pagoda, igniting the firewood. 

In just several minutes, the flame rose overhead, and the sparks from it exploded like fireflies hovering all over the place.

Loud exploding sounds startled the people, as the fireworks covered the dark sky. It was indeed beautiful. 

The fireworks overpowered the sound of the music from all over the kingdom, where every household tonight celebrates the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Lixin holds his dear mother as the residents of the Eastern Palace gleefully watch the colorful flowers in the sky above.

"Your Majesty, shall I announce your arrival?" Eunuch Meng asked the Lin Emperor, who is now outside the Eastern Palace silently watching both his wife and son. 

"No, let's go. Let us not interrupt them." Emperor Lihui walked down the pavement toward his carriage, followed by his Eunuch and some private soldiers. 

On his way, he slightly lifted the curtain of his carriage and glanced in the Eastern Palace's direction, "Although I cannot be with you at this moment, my blessing and wishes will always be around you." the Emperor said in a low voice, with eyes still glued to the Eastern Palace.

At midnight, the celebrations came to an end and the people of the palace has already tidied the place. Lixin got up from his bed and came outside to fill his pot of water. 

The Crown Prince does not like to wake up his servants for the simplest of things which is why he headed to the kitchen himself.

Before entering the kitchen, he heard some weird nose from the inside. Lixin's eyebrows automatically raised. With cautious steps, he approached the door.

Without further thinking, Lixin just barged in and found Wu Cheng comfortably sitting on the floor with a bowl of noodles in his hand.

"Wu Cheng?" Lixin called, his left eyebrow raised.

Wu Cheng accidentally slurped the noddle and choked when the sight of Lixin appeared behind him, "Nǐ xiàzhe wǒle, tàizǐ diànxià," he said after finishing his whole meal.

"What are you doing here?" Lixin asked.

The young man scratched his other arm and faced the Crown Prince shyly, "I already digested the food from earlier," then he let out a small laugh. "Hehe."

The Crown Prince walked past his assistant to finally get his pitcher of water then Wu Cheng offered his help and accompany the Crown Prince on his way to his chambers.

The two have reached the Crown Prince's chambers and spent the rest of the night discussing their swordsmanship skills.

However, on the cold dark night, the loud chirping of the thousand autumn cicadas hid the sound of the footsteps of the unknown intruder in the Eastern Palace.

                                     ༊ *

The next morning, sunlight flooded the chamber of the young prince.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw Wu Cheng sleeping soundly in the spare bed across his'.

Lixin slowly got up but a sudden ringing in his ears made him uncomfortable.

"Your Highness, you're awake," Wu Cheng said from the other bed. Lixin nodded but the ringing was followed by an intense headache that made him weak. Wu Cheng immediately rushed to his side.

"Tàizǐ Diànxià, you're burning!" said Wu Cheng after putting his hand on Lixin's forehead. He slowly assisted Lixin to lie down once again and the young man rushed outside to get the Royal Physician.

An hour passed, and the doctor arrived at the Eastern Palace along with Wu Cheng with some helpers to assist the Crown Prince. Lixin suddenly caught a fever and the fever made him stay in his chambers for a couple of days.

The Eastern Palace's kitchen is so busy decocting herbs for the Crown Prince's medicines. Wu Chen went in and out, checking the food and the medicines to be served later.

"It's ready," said Wu Chen after tasting the bitter medicine that was delivered earlier that day from the Royal Physician's apothecary.

He grabbed one porcelain bowl from the shelf, scooped a good serving, and gave it to the attendant next to him. Wu Cheng prepared an abalone porridge and transferred it into a bowl then placed it next to the medicine.

After finishing his tasks, he headed out to the Crown Prince's chambers while the male attendant follows him.

Footsteps echoed along the corridor and Wu Cheng suddenly glanced back. He caught a blurred image of the attendant's shadow lifting his sleeves. The young chef glanced back but the attendant remained his lowered gaze.

"Maybe I'm just exhausted," Wu Chen said in a low voice and then continued his walk.

They reached the Crown Prince's room and saw Lixin with his brother.

"Your Highness," Wu Chen softly called and Lixin slowly opened his eyes. "Time for your meal and medicine."

Lixin got up, while Wu Cheng assisted his back.

The younger twin dismissed the male attendant and it left the room without making a single noise. Wu Chen placed the tray on the Crown Prince's bedside and bent down to test the medicine. 

He poured a small amount of liquid into a small teacup and drank it to ensure that there is no other contents in the medicine. He also tried some porridge, then nodded at Wu Cheng.

Wu Cheng extended his hand to reach the bowl. He held first the bowl of porridge and slowly assisted to feed the Crown Prince.

Lixin barely finished the food that was given to him. When he had enough, he told Wu Cheng to get the medicine so that he can finish it and rest early.

For a moment, Wu Cheng caught his twin's excessive sweating.

"Are you okay?" He asked Wu Chen and the younger twin weakly nodded.

Wu Chen gave the bowl of medicine to the Crown Prince but suddenly, Wu Chen collapsed and held the bed pole to support himself.

"Wu Chen!" called Wu Cheng, but Wu Chen gave up his grasp on the pole and stumbled onto the cold wooden floor.

"Wu Chen! What is happening to you?" Wu Cheng rushed to hold his younger brother and saw him gasping for air. In his arms, he can feel Wu Chen's heartbeats like war drums continuously being beaten.

"Gē," the younger twin raised his hand to hold Wu Cheng's arm as he continue to breathe deeply. His lungs beginning to hurt and his heart could not calm down.

The following moment, Wu Cheng coughed blood. For his every movement, his mouth threw up blood.

"What is happening to you, Wu Chen?" Wu Cheng now started to panic. The weak Crown Prince also jumped out from his bed to see Wu Cheng's condition.

Lixin rushed out of the room, with his half-done robe and pale lips, "Somebody, please call the doctor!" He shouted and the Eastern Palace guards immediately made haste.

Lixin went back again to the twins and saw Wu Chen keep losing his blood. Wu Cheng was covered by his brother's blood.

Wu Cheng's eyes were filled with panic. Lixin tried to calm him down, but even, he felt panic and his head throbbed as the effect of the fever got even worse.

"The doctor is here!" shouted the guards from outside and the Physician hysterically entered the room.

He immediately got on his knees to examine's Wu Chen's condition.

The Physician, with such shock on his face, turned to look at Lixin, "He's been poisoned, Your Highness."

Utter fear crept into Lixin and Wu Cheng's bodies. Once again, Wu Chen's heartbeat began to speed up, causing him to throw up some blood.

The Physician got up and examined the room. His feet stopped in front of the tray that contained the unfinished porridge and the decocted medicine.

He lowered his head and sniffed it with his closed eyes.

He stopped sniffing when his nose was in front of the bowl of medicine. His eyes were immediately opened as if he remembered something familiar.

"Your Highness," the Physician turned his head in Lixin's direction.

"What is it, dàifu ?" Asked the Crown Prince.

"The young man was indeed poisoned," then the doctor held the bowl in his hand. "And I think this has a strong dose of wolfsbane plant." he referred to the decocted medicine.

"Do something!" shouted Wu Cheng, then he felt Wu Cheng's heartbeat begin to calm down. The younger twin also stopped coughing blood.

"Wu Chen, you'll be alright," said the older brother. Wu Chen's breathing became slower. He also closed his eyes.

"Gē, I'm tired," Wu Chen weakly said and took deep breaths in intervals.

"Dàifu !" Lixin shouted and the Royal Physician immediately bowed. A loud thud was heard as the Physician's head hit the hard floor.

"I am afraid that it is too late, Your Highness. The poison is strong and it has quickly spread throughout his body." said the physician and Lixin lost his balance, gladly the Physician caught him on time.

"Wu Chen," Wu Cheng called his younger brother and held his hand. "Da gē will save you, hǎo bu hǎo?"

Wu Chen weakly smiled, with blood stains on his lips, "I heard the physician gē. If it is too late, then let me just go."

"No!" Wu Cheng hugged his twin, with tears angrily flowing from his eyes. "No, brother won't let anything happen to you, okay? I will save you."

"," Wu Chen called. "Mother and Father are in front of me."

Wu Chen's words made Wu Cheng hold his brother even tighter. "Don't go with them. It's not yet your time."

"But they are now smiling at me, " said Wu Chen as he coughed one more time, splashing blood into Wu Cheng's shoulder. "I missed them so much."

Lixin was petrified for a couple of moments. He just watched Wu Chen slowly being snatched out of his life.

"Please," the Crown Prince weakly pleaded to the Physician but the Physician only lowered his gaze.

A small noise made them all burst into tears. Wu Chen's hand fell from his hug on Wu Cheng's body and hit the floor.

Wu Cheng felt that his twin is no longer breathing. He tried to shake him a couple of times but Wu Chen won't wake up no matter how hard he tried.

Wu Chen is dead. 

The Crown Prince is being targeted by the looks of it. The Eastern Palace is no longer safe.

The funeral was held for the Empress' godson, Wu Chen and the whole Eastern Palace mourned for the loss.

However, the tragedy did not end with Wu Chen.

For several days, the Eastern Palace kept losing its people. 

Some were getting kidnapped, some were being found killed.

It was chaos in the Eastern Palace.

Fear crept into Lixin's mind but he tried his best to conceal it. If he showed this vulnerability, his enemy might take it as an advantage.

"My disappearance will keep the people of the Eastern Palace safe," said Lixin. It was only he and Wu Cheng alone in the Eastern Palace's main hall.

"But your Highness, the Eastern Palace needs an owner," said Wu Cheng.

"It will not lose me," Lixin paused and caressed the ring on his finger. "These gruesome events need to stop first."

"What are you planning?" Asked Wu Cheng and Lixin walked slowly toward him.

"Let's escape the Eastern Palace to investigate. Are you willing to go with me?" asked Lixin and Wu Cheng put his fist in his palm.

"I will forever be on your side, your Highness," answered Wu Cheng. "I'll follow wherever path your feet will walk into."

"I already had an idea who the mastermind was, and I need you to do some investigations first before leaving," said Lixin, and Wu Cheng nodded his head.

Wu Cheng got up from his knees and began to head out of the hall when the Crown Prince called him.

"Wu Cheng!" shouted Lixin and the young man glanced back. "Don't forget to be careful out there," Lixin said and Wu Cheng smiled before going out.

                                     ༊ *

Their peace in Bama County was shorter than they expected. They spent months traveling by foot to reach the southern part of the South Kingdom and it seems that the ruckus in the small Tea Shop where they have been involved the day before alerted their enemy.

A day has only passed and the killers are already on their feet.

Their horses ran and ran until it was exhausted and both of the horses they used were shot down by the assassins that were chasing them.

Lixin and Wu Cheng have reached the mountainside of the county.

They kept the lead, and the assassins were behind them but Wu Cheng was shot by a poison arrow in his legs.

"Your Highness," Wu Cheng panted, as the stabbing pain of the poison pierce the insides of his flesh. "Go!" he shouted. Lixin gritted his teeth while he look at Wu Cheng's struggling face.

"Please, Your Highness. Go!" Wu Cheng shouted once again and two assassins appeared in front of them. He immediately grabbed his arrow and launched to attack the killers. He shot one in the head and the other assassin fell on his knees as Wu Cheng's arrow hit the assassin's left leg.

He also fell with a loud thud. The poison made him unable to move his legs. Wu Cheng gasped for air and the veins in his neck swell making it hard for him to breathe.

"Xiao Cheng!" Lixin called but Wu Cheng only urged him to keep moving. The young man coughed blood while he tried to shoot the approaching assassins.

The black hooded men, fell one by one as Wu Cheng successfully killed each of them to protect Lixin.

With all his remaining strength, he lifted his numbing arm and placed the last remaining arrow in the bow.

"Stop resisting," an assassin has reached his location. From his covered face, the corners of the man's mouth formed into a vicious smile.

Wu Cheng slowly turned to him. He still gasped for air, his eyelids now getting heavy. His current situation is now worse and the poison inside him was acting very fast.

Xiao Cheng managed to reply with a smile, "I know this is my end," he said while struggling with his words. Wu Cheng slowly got up, supported by his bow on his left hand and his last arrow on the right. The assassin enjoyed watching him struggle to gain his balance.

"Poor you," the man in the black hood said, feeling at ease.

"This is my end," Wu Cheng said once again. "But you must accompany me on my way to the Underworld," then he swiftly stuck the arrow's sharp end into the assassin's heart. 

Blood oozed from the dead assassin's body, as well as from his mouth, throwing up blood.

He glanced back and saw that the Crown Prince was nowhere to be seen.

He felt relieved.

The Crown Prince must have successfully escaped and is now far away.

Wu Cheng once again fell to his knees, followed by his body giving up and embracing the pebbly ground. 

"Wu Chen, Father, Mother," he clasped the seashell necklace he has been wearing ever since. "See you in a bit."

The poison has reached his heart making his heartbeat become violent as ever. His body cannot keep up. Wu Cheng kept his fist close, and with the necklace inside his hand, he closed his eyes slowly. 

"Lixin gē," he smiled as his mind flashed back to the old days with Lixin. "Let's be real brothers in the next life." 

Wu Cheng heard the ground rumbles and immediately knew that several assassins are still on their way to catch Lixin.

On his last remaining strength, he slowly dug out something from his chest pocket.

"Lixin gē, bǎozhòng." He pulled the string as soon as the enemy arrived. 

The assassin's horse trampled over Wu Cheng's limp body. Several assassins stopped for a moment to check on the young man, but the explosion suddenly happened, throwing several bodies in the air.

Seven... no, ten assassins were instantly killed. The explosion ended Wu Cheng's life along with the assassins who aimed for Lixin's life.

Up to his last moment, Wu Cheng's hand still kept the seashell safe in his hand that was tightly curled into a fist.

Great fear made Lixin unable to move.

He heard the explosion and he knew it was caused by Wu Cheng.

"Xiao Cheng," his body suddenly lost its strength. Lixin leaned on the trunk of a tree beside him. "Wu Cheng, no."

He cried and punched the tree with such anger and sadness. It seems like a part of him fell out of his body and shattered into a thousand pieces.

In between his cries, several footsteps were heard, rushing in his direction.

Lixin collected his strength and courage to go on.

He must keep himself alive.

For the sake of his mother.

For the sake of Wu Cheng and Wu Chen.

For the sake of his revenge.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here," to his surprise, a man carrying a dagger appeared in a nearby bush.

"We found him!" Shouted another assassin, alerting the other ones around them.

One of the black hooded men approached Lixin with an arrow and bow in his hand. The Crown Prince instantly recognized it as it was the same weapon Wu Cheng used all the time.

"It was an honor playing this game of chase with you, your Highness. But this game now ends here." The killers appeared, trapping Lixin and along with his brothers behind him, they slowly drew their swords one by one and pointed them all at the Crown Prince.

"You'll never get away with this," Lixin said, staring angrily into the leader's eye.

"Dead men tell no tales, your Highness."  The assassins mockingly said, making Lixin instantly feel the rush of anger on his body.

He tightly held his bow and sneakingly placed his hand on his arrows.

The assassins spared no time and without the signal of their leader, they began attacking the Prince one by one.

Lixin, with such alertness, pulled out an arrow and shot the first attacker in his head, making the man fall to his knees.

The second assassin also launched his attack, but before he can even reach Lixin, he was shot dead at his heart.

"Give up, you'll be dead in no time." The assassin leader blabbered.

"You should give up," said Lixin while flashing them a smirk. "Who knows you'll be the next one lying on the ground."

"You!" The assassin's leader gruntled and threw his hook sword. Lixin tried to dodge but it was connected to a chain. The moment the assassins pulled it back, it sliced up Lixin's back leaving a big wound on the Prince's shoulders.

"Ah!" Lixin screamed in pain. The burning sensation of the wound caused him to lose his balance.

There, another throw was made, taking advantage of Lixin's current vulnerability. The hook sword hit Lixin's right shoulder, tearing up his clothes and armor.

"You should have long given up your throne, your Highness. The palace needs a strong ruler, and not the one from the low-rank Jia Family." said the leader, and his words quickly confirmed Lixin's suspicion.

Lixin tried to stand. His shoulder was hurting, and his body was tired, but the anger inside his body fueled him once again.

He grabbed three arrows, pointing them at the three assassins on his right, releasing them in a blink of an eye.

Three assassins were shot dead and Lixin hit them all in the vital parts.

"Why can't you make our job easier, stubborn Prince?" Said the leader and Lixin shot two assassins, the ones on both sides of the noisy leader.

The assassin's leader made his move again by throwing out his hook sword. It caught Lixin and managed to injure his legs. The Crown Prince did not bulge and kept shooting his arrows. From eight assassins, down to two.

Lixin, despite his injured body, managed to pull the bowstring to his utmost strength and took down another assassin, leaving only the leader alive.

Lixin took his time, walking towards the leader.

And the leader finally felt fear.

He looks all over the place, his comrades laying there on the ground, all lifeless.

"Seems like you'll also be crossing the bridge today," Lixin whispered to the assassin's leader's ear. The black-hooded man cannot believe his eyes. It was a moment ago when the Crown Prince was walking limply toward him. He blinked and was already there beside him.

Lin Lixin brutally struck his remaining arrow to the leader's neck. Blood flowed down when he drew the arrow back. The assassin grabbed his neck, trying to stop the bleeding but in just a matter of seconds, life was snuck out from his body.

'It was the last one,' Lixin thought, then a tear dropped from his eye.

He tried to gather the arrows from the assassin's bodies with all of his remaining strength before leaving the bloody place.

Lixin slowly walked to the inner forest, as the blood from his wounds leaves trails behind him. 

[DOP:  March 27, 2023  ]


Xīnkǔle -  Thanks for your hard work - 辛苦了
* Wáng fei - Imperial Consort/Royal Consort - 王妃
Tàizǐ  Diànxià -  Crown Prince - 太子
Huánghòu jiàdào - The Queen/Empress arrives - 皇后驾到
* Mǔhòu - Mother (Queen) - 母后
Fùwáng - Term of address for the emperor or king used by his children: father - 父王
* Wǒmen kāishǐ ba - Let's start - 我们开始吧
Bǎozhòng - Take care of yourself - 保重
Nǐ xiàzhe wǒle - You scared me - 你吓着我了
* Dàifu -  Doctor - 大夫

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