Chapter 17: The Shadowy of world of assassins

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Moscow, Russia

Song Radioactive Imagine Dragons

 Ally Ruyan quickly walked  down Tverskaya street, looking over  her shoulder making sure  that she wasn't been tailed by the  CIA  counterintelligence unit 

she had passed by some stores and buildings as she had crossed several streets and a couple of blocks into before she made her way into Red Square. She had been summoned to Lubyanka Square.

She could see the Kremlin and its  towers in the distance, knowing there must be the reason why she was summoned that had to be it vital important and classified. It was crowed with people sauntering all over.  

Yes, she was a Russian intelligence operative fresh out of the Red Banner Institute The KGB's ( Committee for State Security) school of dark arts.

She ventured through the crowd making her over to the yellow gold brick building that was the KGB headquarters.  She felt a chill as she strolled sidewalk and green, lawn to the front old looking door and opened it. She entered. Then she walked down the corridor looking around as she went over to the elevator. She pushed the button and waited. The doors slid open as she stepped in.

The doors opened on the fourth floor as she marched out and strolled down another corridor to a big office and walked in. Sitting behind the massive desk was Colonel Vadim Aradky. The word was he was a powerful, dangerous spymaster.  And if you were summoned by him you came

Aradky looked up from his computer screen, his eyes were brutal and cold showing no emotion at all. He motioned for her to have a seat. She did so wondering what this was all about. 

Aradky said,"Miss Ruyan the word from the instructor at the Red Banner Institute is that you are ambitious and have great skills.  We could use someone like you with your skills typed in the codename Rasputin on his screen and continued Have you have ever heard of Operation Rasputin and the White Nights."

Ruyan said" No, I never heard of them before,"she glanced over to the other man sitting beside the desk. And wonder who he is.

Aradky said " Good, because Operation Rasputin is a black op that doesn't exist understand. And the  White Nights could use your skills as an assassin. Understand that your a cutout so if something goes wrong. You don't officially exist you're a black operator. This is a fully deniable antiseptic operation and network" And with that he nodded at Dmitri Petrov.

She had heard about Dmitri Petrov when  she was at the Red Banner Institute from her KGB instructor, he had told her that he was chief of GRU operations for the White Nights in Eastern Europe.



Petrov studied her closely, seeing the ruthless in her eyes." She's perfect  Colonel Arady I take it from here motioned forget up from where were she was sitting   They walked out of the office and went down the corridor to the elevator.

Petrov pushed the button while they waited for it to come. Ruyan had no idea where they going or what was about to happen. The doors slid as they stepped in.  A few seconds later the doors opened on the main floor as they exited and walked out through the front doors of the KGB headquarters where a shiny black armored was waiting for them outside. The chauffeur climbed out opened the back door for Petrov and Ruyan to get in. They did so as the chauffeur got in and he closed his door and drove out of Moscow.

As the shiny armored Mercedes Benz drove to  Moscow international airport Ruyan wondered why they going here.  He handed her a  file and said" You're going to fly London to terminate an MI6 ( British Secret Intelligence service ) operative. We believe that he's a traitor and sold intel on  several of sleeper cells  within the United States government and the Canadian government too."

Ruyan replied in a calm, cool voice," How do you it want done"

Petrov said" from AR-30 Bolt Action sniper rifle that will be waiting for you in your hotel room in London.  After that, you will await your instructions to return to Russia to understand"

She nodded as the shiny armored Mercedes Benz pulled up in front of the   Moscow International Airport. Ruyan grabbed the door as she stepped taking one more at the Petrov in the back seat and closed the back with the airline ticket and file in her hand as she strolled through the front doors and entered. It was crowded with people walking all over was good. She ventured over to the airline counter. After that she had gone through the security check and boarded the KLM airliner to London.

She closed her eyes as the plane descended into the cloudy sky in the city.  This was her first assassination. She was a bit nervous, but, she didn't want to fail Petrov.  So she would make sure that she got it done. She opened her eyes and flipped the file as she read through it.

Alastair  Taylor  MI6 operations officer stationed in St. Petersburg, Russia.  Trained in hand to hand combat and in weaponry. Tasked with getting intel on Russian sleeper cells. It was no wonder that Petrov him terminated. She closed the file. She thought about what she could do with that intel after she killed the operative.


Ruyan strolled through the Heathrow Airport as she took the escalator down to the terminal and exited out through the glass doors and hailed a taxi pulled up and she got in and closed the door. The Taxi sped away down the street into the city. She looked out the window what the future holds her. 

The taxi pulled up to London Hilton that was on Park Lane. She climbed out of the taxi driver in Euros in cash. She walked into the front entrance strolling over to the elevator and pushed the button and waited. She knew the distance between the MI6 building and her hotel. That would figure into everything. She knew that wind was blowing lightly to left and she would take in as she adjusted the elevation tube on her sniper rifle.

The doors slide open as she stepped in.  It was worrying part waiting on the instructions, that her worried. After all if the MI6 found out about her they would want to interrogate her to see what she knew about The White Nights and her paymaster. 

A few seconds later the doors opened on the eighth floor of the hotel she walked out strolling down the corridor to her hotel and grabbed the door handle as she entered into the room. She closed the door behind then ventured over to the pelican case on the desk and opened it up. She lifted out AR-30 and pulled out the tripod.

She walks over to the window and opened it. She grabbed the Bolt action sniper rifle and placed it on the table near the window. She layed in the prone position looking through the powerful scope.  She slowed down her breathing and waited for the MI6 operative to walk out of the MI6 building. She saw him leave walking out squeezed the trigger as a 50 caliber round rang out and splinted his head in half as he dropped to the ground. She tugged the handle back and forth with her curled index finger.

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