Chapter 18

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It had been a time long since she had the touch of a man, so when Graham hugged Bianca after dinner, she felt her insides go weak and her heart flutter, as if it had wings of a butterfly. She longed to hold him close to her pounding chest, to continue to press into him, to keep him near. But the hug didn't last as long as she had hoped.

"Thanks for dinner," Bianca said shyly. It was just Graham. No need to be shy. He impregnated her. Then why was she so bashful, like the year before, as if it had been years since she'd seen him, not months? She felt like a silly teenager again, hoping he'd tell her he'd call, but she knew it was foolish of her. She didn't need to go rushing back into his arms. He had made mistake after mistake. He was young. What if he changed his mind about the baby? What if he didn't even want her back? The thought made her throat go dry.

"No problem B," Graham said softly in return.

"Well, I'll be going now," Bianca turned away but Graham took her arm into his hand, squeezing gently when he said, "Just stay for a little bit. We didn't really talk much about the baby at dinner."

Graham was right. At dinner they mostly discussed life and the past. They talked about Hallie and Frankie, they spoke of Vanessa and Asher's relationship. But the baby was forgotten. Not that Bianca wanted to forget it. The baby was all she ever thought about. But it was nice to have a short break, to be able to focus her concern on other matters, because soon her life would only be about her baby for years to come.

"Okay. I'll stay," Bianca nodded her head. Graham led her to the sofa and she sat down, remembering how much she loved it. It seemed from appearance it would be uncomfortable, but it was down filled, and when she sat her body sunk into it easily, contorting to her body's shape.

"Want anything to drink?" Graham asked.

She really wanted some red wine to calm her nerves, but she knew that was another big no no on the mommy food and drink list. "I'll have a water. Thanks."

He handed her the water and he sipped on the same. They tensely looked at each other, the silence creating a giant elephant in the room. Was she the elephant? She thought, almost laughing out loud about it.

"Tell me everything," Graham demanded.

"About the baby?" Bianca asked.

"Yes," He smiled endearingly.

"Well, it kicks me constantly."

"I almost forgot to ask you. Is it a boy or girl?" He asked excitedly.

"I told my doctor not to tell me. I didn't think it would be right for me to know and not you."

Graham smiled at her selflessness. Then he remembered more vital information was needed. "When are you due?"

"I'm due the week before Thanksgiving-"

"No way. What if it decides to come a week late? You'll have to stop eating the pumpkin pie so I can drive you to the hospital," Graham said with a chuckle.

"I'm hoping not," Bianca laughed too.

"What are you doing for Thanksgiving anyway?" He asked her with a serious look in his eyes.

"I don't know," She answered honestly.

"Will you eat with me that day?"

Bianca blushed and he caught sight of it. She turned away, attempting to hide the enormous grin on her face.

He pushed her hair away so he could study her skin further. "Your cheeks are turning red."

"No they are not. It's just hot in your apartment," Bianca lied.

"Well, will you be with me on thanksgiving?"

"I guess so," she muttered.

He moved closer to her, rubbing her soft arm with his hand. "God. It's as if nothing has changed Bianca. I'm still in love with you," He whispered into her ear and then kissed the side of her neck. His breath felt hot and she appreciated it, even if she was boiling herself. She lost herself and closed her eyes. She missed the touch of a man. But more importantly, she missed the touch of Graham. He was all she ever wanted. Then why couldn't she just let herself be consumed with him? Why did she have to stop him? Well, because of the baby. She worried about it's well being more than her own now. She was already starting to feel like a mother.

"Graham, stop. We can't."

"Why not baby?" he asked, kissing her collarbone. She was going to lose herself again, so she pushed him away gently, turning her body away from his.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked, flustered.

"The baby. We have to worry about the baby before we just jump back into us."

"But we should be together. Especially for the baby."

"Is that the only reason?" Bianca worried.

"No! I told you. I love you. We should be together."

"I can't just rush this again. We had problems that aren't even resolved. You were on drugs. I don't know if you're clean now or not."

Graham felt frustrated with the woman to his right, who wasn't even considering his plea. He told her wasn't taking drugs, that he would stop drinking and partying altogether, but she wanted more.

"Graham, I think it's best that, before we even consider us again, that you get yourself back on track. This isn't just me that I'm concerned about now. It's the baby and it will be here before we know it."

"What do you want from me Bianca?" Graham stood up and started his usual pacing. Bianca watched him, her eyes moving back and forth as his body moved.

"I want you to go to rehab."

Graham sighed heavily. "I don't have a problem anymore!" He shouted angrily. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. Especially since she kept this baby from him for almost six months! She should have been the one to plead.

"Graham, just do this, and then we can slowly build back to us again."

"Slowly? We don't have much time here Bianca. You already screwed me out of time when you forgot to mention you were pregnant all those months!" He shouted and instantly felt remorse for saying it.

She looked down at her puffy feet, wishing he wasn't right. But she was right too. And he needed to get the much needed help. "If you stumbled back into it before, you will again. The baby doesn't need a father that does drugs Graham."

"Maybe the baby doesn't need me at all if that's how you feel. It's like you don't even want me to take responsibility!"

Bianca shook her head. He wasn't grasping the big idea. She wanted him to be healthy, and she knew that if he wanted to be apart of the baby's life, he should get clean. "Get cleaned up Graham. I'm not asking. I'm telling you to. In the long run, you will thank me."

"Thank you?"

"Yes. Me. The one that cares about you more than anything in the world!" Bianca cried for the last time that night.

"If you cared about me, you would have answered the phone when I called. Did you know how much I went through when you just up and left?" Graham asked, standing over her.

"I was hurt too Graham."

Silence hung over the living room. Bianca stayed in her spot on the sofa. Graham kept pacing until he finally stopped and went back to sit next to her, grabbing her hands.

"Is it that important to you?"

"Yes Graham. It is. But you don't have to go unless you can look me straight in the eye and say you haven't done any coke since I've been gone," her face was like stone when she spoke, and it hurt her to be so strong on the subject.

Graham looked her in the eye, continuing to grasp her hands into his. He couldn't lie to her. He needed to be honest. "I'll go to rehab."

Hallie was in the shower, singing to her latest favorite song. She was hoping to get finished soon so she could leave their old apartment before Frankie arrived again. She was still living under the same roof of the guy she resented and still loved all at once. It was tough to pretend not to care anymore, when he looked at her in the kitchen that first day he came back. It was obvious he wanted to stay together. He instantly started to kiss her when he put his bags on the floor. She kissed back at first. But then the image of that brunette bimbo entered her mind, and it was just as easy to push him away as it was to kiss him.

After that, she tried to avoid him. She asked if she could stay in the guest room until she found her own place. Surprisingly Frankie let her. But all she ever did was dodge him. So she was hoping for that magical apartment to appear soon, because she was started to feel like she was playing out scenes from that movie The Breakup.

She was almost clean, when she heard the shower curtain open with a quick jerk of someone's hand. She screamed and covered her body parts.

"Get out of here!" Hallie yelled.

"Hey, this is still my place! I'm just looking for the shaving cream. And it's not like I haven't seen you naked before Hallie Brock," Frankie teased her. He had a smirk as he walked away, and then caught one more glance at her, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Go!" She ordered, closing the shower curtain again. If he was going to play like that, well so could she. Bring it on!Hallie thought as she tried to grab a towel to wipe herself down. But the towel was missing. Where could it have been?

"Looking for this baby?" Frankie toyed with her, dangling the white towel in the doorway. She growled and gritted her teeth, stepping out of the shower carefully to not slip and fall. Once she was out of the bathroom, she chased Frankie around the apartment, nude.

"You're an asshole!" She screamed, finally catching up to him to slap his arms repeatedly.

"What are you going to do about it, huh?" He asked with a smug look on his face.

She felt her face grow hot. She realized she was fully naked, her body was wet and her hair dripped all over the carpet. She found him to be so sexy in that moment, his eyes seductively glaring at her and scanning her bare flesh. She pressed her mouth against him passionately and he kissed back. It was more aggressive and more intense than any other time they had kissed. And the love making was even more so.

"I slept with Frankie," Hallie told Bianca as they sat talking at Graham's apartment. Graham asked her to move back in while he was at rehab for the next month. She often had Hallie come over to share the latest details in their lives. Bianca missed Graham, but she felt his presence everywhere in the apartment filled with memories. Vivian asked her daughter if it was a smart idea to move back to LA while Graham was at rehab and she was alone. Bianca felt it was the best. So far, she didn't really have stability for the baby. She didn't have a place to call their own home. Graham told her to feel at home when she was there. And Graham was on his best behavior. She knew it was all worth it in the end. Then why did she feel guilty when she saw his face on the cover of a recent tabloid magazine, shelling out the details of his rehab life?

"I knew you would sleep with Frankie again Hal. Doesn't surprise me," Bianca giggled at her friend, and took a bite out of her cinnamon streusel muffin. She had made them before Hallie joined her for lunch. Hallie brought over some of their favorite takeout and they were just starting dessert.

"Wow. That looks great, but I can't eat that. I have an audition," Hallie wrinkled her nose at the sugary confection heading back into Bianca's mouth. Bianca felt a moment of sadness, remembering her life just months ago and how spectacular it had been. Now she was just a big, fat pregnant woman. No more auditions for her.

"Sorry, I am pregnant and I like to eat this stuff."

"Yeah I know. How much exactly have you gained?" Hallie joked with her.

"Hey! I've only gained twenty pounds so far. I'm totally healthy," Bianca said, even if she worried herself a bit.

"Any names picked out yet?"

"Not really. Wait a minute…weren't we talking about you and Frankie?" Bianca asked.

"Yes. But that's the final chapter of our romance. I'm leaving. It's over."

"Why?" Bianca asked sadly. She felt like she could easily cry over it. She loved the two of them together. They were perfect.

"Well, because after we had sex, he told me he had a date and asked if he should cancel it," Hallie rolled her eyes and shuddered in disgust.

"Well, why didn't you tell him to cancel it?"

"Because Bianca. It's the fact that he had a date to begin with. He already wanted to get rid of me," Hallie said solemnly. "I'm moving in with Vanessa."

"Yeah. I heard her and Asher broke up. She called me yesterday," Bianca said.

"Yep. It's all going downhill for us. I'm single, she's single, you're fat," Hallie laughed at the last part, because she wasn't serious at all. Bianca looked great for being pregnant. Her arms remained thin and so did her legs. It was all mostly in her belly.


"What? It's not going to rain today," Hallie looked toward the apartment window with squinted eyes.

"No!" Bianca said impatiently, as if Hallie should know what she was speaking of. "Rainy. For a girl. You like it?" Bianca asked hopefully.

"I hate it," Hallie replied honestly.

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