Chapter 23

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The emergency room was like a white walled crowded nightmare. And Hallie was very sure those walls were closing in on her as she strode solemnly. Behind her were the rows of uncomfortable, cold chairs lined in their orderly fashion. Her chest was becoming red from the nervous scratch, her skin turning rosier as the nails dug their fine lines across her prominent collar bone. The fellow anxious worriers sat on the itchy blue cushions, either rocking in fear, staring straight into oblivion, or just simply replaying the evening's despair. The obscure fact of the unknown was causing tension thick enough to cut with a spoon, clouding everyone's judgment as they hollered unfair blame. It was truly nobody's fault but Frankie's. Yet, the old friends resented one another until the final word was brought to their ears.

The silence was unanimously offered. After the quarreling had tapered off, the voices toned down as emotions swept over the group. Had their best friend died in the car accident? Had he bled to death? So far, the doctors wouldn't offer a statement and the only thing keeping them mildly sane was the caffeine infused lattes Chloe graciously bought for everyone as they sat.

Bianca bit her nails as Graham called his mother to make sure the children were safe and sound. Zachary spoke to their old manager, updating him with the latest...there was no latest.

Time moved like an hour of high school algebra, the seconds slowing disintegrating into minutes. When the doctor made his presence, everyone's legs forced their bodies up, their eyes intent with need. Hallie turned to see the doctor's expression, studying it for any horrific news. All she found were cold, gray slants that were going through the motions of everyday work. It was hard to tell just what he was going to say.

But the worst was meant to be feared. Frankie was gone. In Hallie's twenty six years of life, she never imagined she could feel such pain searing through her heart like a hot fire poker, creating permanent scars. She gasped for air, but all she got was arms around her, arms surrounding her with warmth and love. But why did she feel so cold and filled with hate? She couldn't bring herself to invite their love with the same welcoming arms. So instead, she broke free, and ran out of the hospital, her face wet and her hands shaking.

The seemingly perfect blonde reporter straightened out the pleats in her seemingly perfect ivory silk top. She waited for her cue from the camera man and took the time to roll her eyes as she thought to herself, Another one bites the dust. In just two months there had been two rock stars dropping dead from drug and alcohol related situations. She scratched her palm with her French tipped nail and ran her tongue across her front teeth to ensure there wasn't any remaining residue from her daily lunch salad.

She nodded her head after the camera man nodded first. "This is Nora Baxter from Hollywood Tonight. And yet another tragic loss this year. The bass player and lead singer from the world's two most popular bands has passed away after a severe car accident. Just months ago I spoke with Frankie Garretson's ex wife and actress Hallie Brock. Here is a clip from her near teary interview."

"I will always love Frankie. Of course. He was my first love. He was my husband. There is history there."

"Has it been hard to move on?" Nora asked intently.

Hallie shook back her side swept bangs with a quick jerk of her neck. "Of course. Everyday is a new step toward independence. Can we please change the subject? This isn't easy to talk about." She cleared her throat and eased back those feelings.

"That was the last time Hallie spoke publicly about Frankie before his death. Here are some photos from the unfortunate crash scene..."

"At least no one else got hurt. That's the best thing that came out of this," Zachary assured the remaining band members as they stood outside in the afternoon sun. The casket nearby, in it's silver color held the body of the late great Frankie Garretson. It was hard for any of them to believe he was really gone, when just days before they had a heated confrontation at their final concert of their tour. The final concert of Frankie's tour of life.

"It's wrong. This is all wrong," Graham muttered quietly to himself, feeling defeated, feeling like he failed.

As everyone talked at Hallie's home and munched on catered food, Zachary tried to make light of the terrible situation by reminiscing about the good days. The early days of high school, the first time they played a real gig.

"Frankie was so nervous he almost forgot how to play our first song. But at least he didn't drop his drumsticks like me. Right Hal?" Zachary hollered to her a few feet away.

Hallie nodded her head slightly, tucking her hair behind her ear. "You did drop them. At least twice."

"Hallie never let me live that one down," Zachary chuckled softly. His eyes darted to the ground, trying not to choke up. He wasn't an emotional person. He didn't even cry when Chloe walked down the aisle. But that was a happy occasion. The doomed evening just days ago took one of their dearest friends. Though Frankie had problems, he wasn't helpless. If only we could have tried harder, Zachary thought, knocking back the rest of his beer in honor of Frankie G.

Bianca started to clean up plastic cups and paper plates when Hallie's caterer forced her to stop.

"It's okay Miss. I can do it," she said in a sweet tone, gently taking the paper plate away from her. Bianca looked at her hand in shock, almost forgetting that there was a paper plate in her hand to begin with. She felt like a robot as she zoomed around, asking guests if they were okay. Sure, it wasn't her home and it wasn't her ex-husband that passed away, but she felt obligated to help Hallie in any way that she could, because she knew Hallie was on the verge of tears. She only cried once in the morning when she first saw the casket. From then on, she had been quiet, only responding when called upon.

Bianca felt herself ready to cry when thinking of the situation. It was a horrible reason for all old friends and new friends to gather. Frankie was too young, he was too talented. And he had too much to throw it all away with inebriated driving. His SUV rolled and he didn't make it. She knew he shouldn't drive. Everyone tried to stop him. But Frankie wasn't going to change. He wouldn't change for Graham and he wouldn't change for Hallie. Now it was too late.

Bianca looked around the room to find Hallie missing. Bianca didn't want to impose, but she didn't want to cry in front of everyone randomly either. She slipped away to the downstairs powder room, but found it occupied.

The large home was beautiful, and she imagined the many memories Frankie and Hallie shared in their short-lived marriage. The quarrels, the hugs, the tears. It made her plain sad to know it wasn't just over, it was the past. Something that could never be relived or rekindled.

Bianca fluttered down to the guestroom bathroom, of which she had seen earlier and knew there was a bathroom inside. She was very surprised to find Hallie slumped on the bed, her body heaving as she cried.

"Bianca. What are you doing in here?" Hallie questioned, wiping the black mess away from her stained eyes with a tissue.

Bianca sat next to her and hugged her, ignoring her question and instead showered her with support and friendship. It was the only way she knew how to cope with loss. By being there and listening.

"Are you okay?" Bianca asked, and started to cry as well. It was hard not to.

She felt her old pal shake her head in their embrace. "I don't think I could ever be okay. I mean, I know we split up, but Frankie was the one, you know? The love of my life."

"I know," Bianca whispered.

"The only reason I left for good was because he wouldn't shape up. I threatened to leave. But the drugs were more important. I could have gotten past the cheating if he got sober and changed. But he wasn't going to B. He just wasn't going to and now he's dead! And there's nothing any of us can do to change that," Hallie continued on, her sobs becoming louder.

Bianca kept holding her tight. If the failed attempts Graham endured to fix Frankie had taught her anything, it was to never stop trying. And she didn't stop trying at anything. She continued to be there for Hallie, she continued to love Graham.

The women heard a knock on the door and saw a familiar blonde standing in front of them, a black dress on her thin frame and her eyes covered with enormous black sunglasses. She raised them to take a look at the two on the bed, who stared back in shock.

"I know I'm late and I'm sorry to interrupt. I had a meeting and just got out of it. I had to pay my respects to Frankie and-"

"Vanessa!" Bianca said happily, cutting her words off.

Vanessa's red lips curved up into a small grin and she opened her arms widely for a group hug. They embraced for a moment, then sat together on the bed. Bianca rushed into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and three glasses, sneaking back to the guestroom and closing the door so they were in seclusion.

"This is the worst reason for a reunion," Hallie announced, accepting her wine the second it was finished being poured.

"It is. Sorry I haven't kept in touch. Things have been busy with my clothing line," Vanessa said taking her sunglasses off.

"So I've heard. Congrats to you," Bianca said with a warm smile.

"Congrats on your babies. And to you Hal for your show. I record it every week. I promise," Vanessa vowed.

Hallie shrugged. "Even if you didn't watch it, it's okay. And it will be something to keep me busy," She replied, looking down at her chipped nails.

Vanessa rubbed her arm. "You know what else might get your mind off of everything? Being an original Shadee and bringing back your modeling roots? I would love to have you in my clothes. You too Bianca," Vanessa said to them.

Hallie shook her head. "I don't know. Maybe in the future. The timing is not right."

"Of course Hal. I understand. But I'm holding you both to it. After all, we have catching up to do. Knowing Frankie is gone has made me think a lot. Life is too short to have distance between us. We used to be great friends."

Bianca showed a weak smile, feeling teary again. "We were, weren't we? I even heard you having sex when I was pregnant and living with you."

Hallie laughed, and it was the first time she laughed all day. "You heard them?" Hallie asked, her laugh continuing.

"Yes! She was all, 'Asher! Asher!'" Bianca imitated her screams.

"Sounds like you senior year prom with Graham, remember?" Hallie teased to Bianca.

"Yes Hal. I remember," Bianca giggled.

Vanessa laughed too. She slapped Bianca's arm playfully thinking of her ex-boyfriend. "Oh wow, I remember him. Asher from Fire without a Cause. I saw their singer Evan out in the kitchen. The band is still together, you know? Weird to see old faces like that," Vanessa shook her head and sipped her wine.

Hallie started to laugh even more. "You were such a groupie traveling whore," she spoke to Vanessa.

Vanessa laughed again, and found it hard to stop. "I totally was such a band jumper. I also dated that dude from Thursday After. What a slut, right?" Vanessa snorted. "I went through my band phase. But guess what? I'm seeing a guy from a band right now. He isn't signed yet though, so it's not too slutty," she declared.

"You crack me up," Bianca told her.

"Thank you," Hallie said randomly and gratefully, grabbing both of their arms and appreciating the reunion. "You made this day a little easier to get through."

"Anytime," Bianca softly said.

Vanessa nodded her head. "It's good to see you both again."

Bianca studied Graham standing in the kitchen, looking at Evan who spoke. Graham's eyes looked interested and he listened attentively. Bianca felt herself crying for the last time that day, a small tear running down her cheek. She wiped it back with her index finger, before finally approaching her husband. She wrapped her arms around him and pressed her against his arm.

"Bianca. What's wrong?"

She shook her head softly in response, but Graham knew she was upset. "Excuse us Evan. I'm going to talk to Bianca for a second," he said, taking Bianca's hand and leading her to the empty hallway.

Bianca inhaled deeply. "I just wanted to tell you I love you. I mean it. With all of my heart. I feel like that's important for you to know now more than ever when I realize life is too precious."

Graham's eyes sparkled at her in amusement. "Baby, I know you love me."

Bianca shook her head. "No. I want you to know. I really, really mean it. You're the love of my life. I want to spend every walking moment appreciating you and our life. We are so blessed Graham."

Graham nodded and took her into his arms. He sighed heavily as he whispered back, "God Bianca, you know I feel the exact way. It's you and me always. Always and forever. Just like the old song, huh?"

He kissed her forehead and she leaned into his chest, enjoying the warm body against hers, the beating heart in his chest, the smell of his skin. She savored him and truly felt like she was a lucky person. Her life was surrounded with love, and life was too short. Just like Vanessa said.

The years ahead weren't always easy. They had their fights like any other married couple. A major bump in the road came when Bianca discovered she had a lump in her left breast at thirty seven. Early detection and chemotherapy saved her life. Graham had the many opportunities to stray, or to take the dangerous drugs that claimed the lives of so many other talented musicians. But they fought through, they fought for their love and for their lives. Because if Frankie couldn't live on, at least they could for him. And they did. They lived like there was no tomorrow.

Bianca may have aged, she may have had children, she may have survived cancer. But the fact remained: that one crazy summer she joined Shadow Follower on tour was what really changed her life, changed all of them forever. And she, would always be a Shadee, forever twenty in her heart.

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