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"eoeoeo!" yeon joo pumped her fist in the air as she was having fun watching the bangtan plants attacking the students in her school. she would clap like a retarded seal whenever she sees one of them screaming their head off.

mind you; those equipments that the bangtan plants took were actually just toy equipments.

"yah!" namjoon the nettle yelled, as he activated his m8 water gun at jeon jungkook. "have some fucking holy water to cleanse your eyes."

jungkook flinched, as his eyes were suddenly watery. he desperately tried to blink those water away and when he succeeded, seokjin the thistle came and used an air freshener (from nowhere) to spray him.

"oh sorry, i thought you were the air. you're so smelly, yikes," seokjin the thistle used his leaves to cover part of his stomata.

to add on the attack, yeon joo took out a mini seagull plushy (which she hides it between her boobs for emergencies) and threw it at jungkook.

"rot in hell with your fellow kind, jeon jungkook!" she shouted when jungkook finally collapsed on the ground.

yeon joo took a good look at the surroundings. everyone was pretty much on the ground either due to fatigue or too much shock.

except, there were a few who were still standing.

"hah, sucker." yoongi the cactus threw many knives at the opponent in front of him who couldn't dodge all of it.

but, the knives just bounced off the opponent's body, and yoongi the cactus just realised that he was facing a muscle dude.

the muscle dude cracked his knuckles and tilted his head to one side, "at least i suck more than you actually do, shortie."

something soft landed on the muscle dude's chest; which turned out to be the mini seagull plushy yeon joo collected back from jungkook's body — and yoongi the cactus swore that he was internally face-palming himself.

"i suck the most!" yeon joo exclaimed, as she quickly rushed to pick up her poor plushy which was thrown on the floor by the muscle dude.

the muscle dude had a surpise expression on his face and looked at yeon joo, "you suck?"

she nodded swiftly, "i suck the juice from the straw which is inside this seagull plushy! not just that, i bet i suck more than any one of you do."

yoongi the cactus was literally loss for words, and no matter how he wished he could just silently leave this scene, he just couldn't; with the possibility of muscle dude attacking yeon joo.

"you know, i bought like, 10 of this plushy, because it was on sale! it was $3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286 for each and then it has juice inside as well — which is yellow in colour but it tastes bland! nonetheless, it is a good juice because it boosts my confidence!" she started narrating without realising that muscle dude had already adverted his attention towards yoongi the cactus.

yeon joo was feeling frustrated that he wasn't paying attention to her so she threw the plushy at the muscle dude again. "yah!"

the muscle dude wasn't amused and was charging towards her. yoongi the cactus wanted to shield her but someone already did — and it was someone who was least expecting.

"bitch, where you heading?" seokjin the thistle stood in front of yeon joo who wasn't still able to register what was happening in front of her.

the muscle dude suddenly stepped back, and scanned seokjin the thistle from head till toe. he was licking his mouth with his tongue, seeming like a molester.

which was probably the most accurate description from yeon joo's perspective.

"i wonder how does it feels like to fuck a plant," the muscle dude chuckled as he continued to eyed seokjin the thistle.

"fuck yourself!" seokjin the thistle went towards him and used his axe to chop off the muscle dude's precious gem.

a banana like thing flew in the air and fresh red liquid was spurting out, as yeon joo was confused as to what has happened.

maybe not all of the equipments were toy equipments, after all.



& im extremely sorry for my inactiveness !!! exams are around the corner & im very stressed but i'll still try my best to update bc i laugh a lot when im writing this; (because its rubbish) basically it's like a stress reliever for me :""")

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