Chapter 13: My soul is also black!

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(A/N - The above song is just a reference in the chapter. Not the chapter playlist.)

Recap -
And what comes to light, knocks the living daylights out of me....

Jasmine's POV (Continuation) -

I stare at ten large family pack Oreos that seem to be coming towards me, flying into my arms.

Mhmm... A mountain full of Oreos.

Stop drooling! Get yourself together woman!

I snap out of my reverie as a tall man appears from behind those deliciously good looking Oreos. If I take one packet, he won't notice, would he? Besides, I'll be lessening his burden only.

And where will YOU keep them? Inside your stomach?

That's not a bad idea.

"Excuse me, Miss," the tall delivery man carrying ten family pack Oreo packets asks me while I drool over the love of my life.

"Miss?" the delivery man calls out impatiently, snapping me out of my trance.

"Yes?" I reply as I literally crane my neck to look at his face. He has black hair with red streaks, but right now his eyes seem to be burning with anger.

I stare at him as he glares back at me. Sighing, he shakes his head muttering some strings of profanities, before forcing a smile on his face. But it looks more like a grimace.

"Can you please move out of my way, Miss?" the delivery man asks, literally grinding his teeth.

I quickly step back, so that he can go. I stare at my love with unsettling emotions. Ten family pack Oreos, not any Oreo packets family pack. Mann... my dream almost came true.

"What dream?" a voice asks from behind.

I turn around to see Xander standing in the doorway while folding his arms across his chest.

Now that's a dreamy sight... Mhmm... Those muscular biceps--

Earlier you called dibs on Ryan and now you are checking out Xander?

A girl gotta dream, party pooper.

"Cocoa? What happened? Come inside," Xander says, gesturing me to follow him inside.

"So, what dream were you talking about earlier when the delivery guy was leaving?" he asks me as we enter his living room.

The living room unlike his room has brown walnut walls with silver highlights. We both sit down on his greyish L shaped couch.

"So?" Xander says, still waiting for my answer.

"That delivery man was holding ten Oreo packets, not just any packets, family pack," I reply, emphasizing on each word.

"That concerns you, why?" Xander asks pointedly.

"It concerns me because it concerns Oreos. Who cannot love, Oreos?"

Suddenly, out of nowhere my Oreo eating buddy - Oreo jumps on the couch and starts to lick my face.

"Hey Oreo! How are you doing, buddy?" I ask him while ruffling his white fur.

Oreo barks happily, his brown chocolate eyes staring at me as he gets down from the couch and sits beside my feet.

"At times I really wonder if he misunderstood you as his owner cause he sure as hell acts like that," Xander mutters while looking at Oreo and me.

"So what about your dream?"

"Can we drop that topic, please?"

"No can do."

"You are stubborn."

"So, are you."

"Fine, my dream was about to come true. My dream of holding ten family pack Oreo packets and eating them under the cocoa tress in Australia," I reply in one go.

After all Xander didn't seem to let the topic go. The faster I say, the sooner the embarrassment would go.

"That's an interesting dream. But there are no cocoa tress and this ain't Australia. In case you got your geography wrong..."

"Yeah, that's why I said it was 'about to come true'. There were a few things that needed to be taken care of first," I say, my cheeks burning with embarrassment.

Well thanks to your weirdness, we might lose our potential future boyfriend!

"Aww, that's so cute," Xander says while pinching my cheeks as I swat his hand away.

"I am not a kid," I murmur while tugging my hair.

Shut up woman! He saw something in you that's obviously not there. Just accept it like a normal person.

"I did not say you're cute because you look like kid, which you definitely don't. I said you're cute because unlike so many people out there who give up their dreams as they grow you still hold onto them. At least you have not disappointed your five-year-old self who had the courage to dream."

"You don't know me completely and don't you think it's too early to assume anything," I reply, my voice sounding empty even to my own ears.

"Then allow me to know you."

"What?" I ask, frowning at his statement. My black eyes meeting his blue ones.

If only he knew that just like my eyes, my soul is also black. If only he knew, would he still continue to say it? No, he won't.

"I want to know you better, better enough so that I won't assume anything," Xander says, his eyes reflecting his sincerity.

"But would you allow me to know you better?"

"I-uh, sure," Xander replies, his eyes looking everywhere but at me.

Sighing, I lift Xander's face by his chin. So, he could look at me not at the white floor.

"Friendship is a two way relationship. If you want to know me better, you will have to allow me to do the same with you."


"Sorry to cut you off. But I know there are things that you may not want to tell me and I understand--"

"Well that does make two of us," he replies as he slings his arm across the headrest of the couch. When I don't respond, he continues.

"You said you understood me, even before I gave you the reasons that means you also have something you are not willing to divulge to me. I guess we are more alike than we think," Xander says, his eyes searching mine for any reaction. But,  he won't find anything as I won't in his eyes. Maybe we are too alike. But, it's better for them to remain secrets.

Some secrets are better as secrets, some doors are better off locked. There are locks that are just not meant to be open.

Just then my phone starts blaring, cutting the thick tension laced atmosphere.

"Imma tell em' all
Imma tell em' all that
You could either hate me or love me
But that's just the way I am
Imma tell em' all
Imma tell em' all that
You could either hate me or love me
But that's just the way I am

That's just the way I am
That's just the way I am
That's just the way I am
That's just the way I am."

I groan as I hear the ringtone, but Xander starts to laugh. I look at him as he laughs with his eyes closed while my phone continues to ring. His laughter is really good, but his dimples are just so cute.

Finally, we are on the same page for once.

"Let me guess, Alexia is calling you?" Xander asks, his eyes sparkling with mirth as Alexia calls me non-stop.

"You got that right," I reply as a chuckle escapes from me.

Sighing, I pick up my phone, mentally preparing myself to hear an earful from my best friend. She's one hella impatient girl. God knows why she's studying psychology. She'll probably scare away the patients.

"Wow, I am amazed to see your faith in me," Al replies while snorting at me.

"Damn hell, why Lord, why for once my thoughts can't be mine??" I reply while fake sniffing.

"Whatever, drama queen. I just called you to give you a message from your mom and now open up the door. We are standing there."

"Who is we?"

"That'd be Lexi and me," Jay-Jay answers as I turn my head, just in time to see them entering the living room with Xander followed by my friends.

"Wow, you just invited yourself in another person's house," I reply, throwing daggers at the couple.

"It's okay, I have no problem in coming here. Besides, Xander is our neighbour and I even got him mom's special oatmeal cookies. Also, since he's your friend and I am your best friend that makes me his friend too, right Jay?" Alexia asks smirking as Jay nods sheepishly. At least he has the courtesy to look a bit uncomfortable.

"It's okay, guys. You all are welcome here and I would love to meet Cocoa's friend and thanks for the cookies Miss..." Xander  stops midway while taking the cookie basket from Al.

"Alexia, I am Alexia Lancaster and this is my boyfriend Jayden Moore."

"Nice to meet you all. I am Xander Lennox," Xander replies while shaking each of their hands.

"So what do you all want? Coke? Tea? Coffee?"

"No, it's okay--"

"I insist," he replies, flashing his million dollar smile.

"I'll just have Coke, thank you," the couple replies in unison.

Xander nods in understanding as he starts to leave but I stop him by his wrist.

"What about me? You won't ask me?" I ask, frowning. I quickly let go of his wrist when I feel the couple staring at us.

"I won't because I know you'll have coffee, Cocoa," Xander replies as he taps my nose before leaving.

I stare at his retreating figure as a smile forms on my lips. My mind seems to be still on the 'buffering my reaction' state because as soon as I hear the sounds of someone or rather two people clearing their throats, blood rushes to my cheeks.

"So.... Cocoa? You want to tell me something?" Al asks with a smug look while Jay-Jay merely smirks at me.

"Nothing is going on between us."

"I never said so," Al replies, innocently.

"Well you sure as hell implied it."

"Whatever, I think you'll make a great couple. But I was rooting for another ship. But this ship is good too."

"Just how many people are you shipping with me?" I ask, in a tired voice. This girl is really impossible. For all I know she might just be planning my future wedding without telling me.

"Two," she replies, giving me a toothy grin as Jay-Jay laughs, much to my annoyance.

"So, what was mom telling you?" I ask, changing the discourse of the conversation.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Roar called me today because your phone wasn't reachable. She told me to pass on the message that she has a surprise for you. The surprise would arrive at 4 p.m."

"That means five minutes from now," I say, looking at my watch.

"Yes and I gave her Xander's address since Mrs. Roar wanted to know where you'll be around four," Al replies as Xander comes in, holding the tray full of our beverages.

"I wonder what surprise, Mamma is sending for me," I say aloud, while picking up my coffee.

"She might send some traditional Indian clothes like last time. I love that Anni suit, she sent for me!"

"You mean Annarkali suits?"

(A/N - Annarkali suit is an authentic Indian attire, mostly prevalent in North India. One such example is as below.)

"Yes, the Anni suits. Mrs. Roar might send some Indian house decors like she sent one time. My favourite was the one with wooden engravings!" Al says, excitement bubbling inside her.

"What is happening here? Who is Mrs. Roar?" Xander asks, looking confused.

"My mom is sending some surprise for me that will arrive in one minute here cause Al texted her your address. I am so sorry for all the inconvenience we are giving you. Al calls my mom Mrs. Roar instead of Arora cause--"

"She can be a real lioness if you make her mad! She's really amazing!" Al replies, giddily. My mom and her love to tease me together just like Mrs. L and I do to her.

"The surprise would be arriving anytime from--"

My words are cut off midway by the sound of someone ringing the doorbell.

"Now," I say, completing my sentence as I get up with Xander to open the door.

I don't know if it's a premonition, but I feel something bad is going to happen. Suddenly I really don't want to open the door and see the surprise. My heart is hammering as we both near the door. My hands are getting clammy and cold.

Xander opens the door and again my gut instinct proved right.
Hey Guys!!!
I am back with another update!

So, what do you all think of this chapter? What surprise awaits Jazz?

Also the present cover is made by my friend kitkatonduty. Thank you so much girl❤️❤️❤️

What do you all think of this new cover?

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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