Chapter 20 - You are a killer...

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Xander's Pov -

(A/N - Surprised? No, well I tried....😅😅)

After carefully tucking in Cocoa, I switched on the night lamps. Cocoa had fallen asleep while we were watching reruns of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Now, I couldn't have let her sleep on couch, it's not exactly comfortable and her body would have been sore tomorrow. Yes, I am speaking from experience.

Sighing, I switched off the room lights of the guest room. Giving the whole room a quick glance, I slowly start to close the door, when I notice Oreo sleeping near the bed on the carpet. After debating on whether to take him with me or not, I decide to let him stay with Cocoa. If he'll need something, he'll wake me up hopefully instead of Cocoa. Besides, after the whole Aman fiasco, Oreo might help Cocoa losen up some tension.

Closing her door, I walk into my room. Exhaustion of the whole day suddenly crashing back. Groaning from tiredness, I switch off the lights while simultaneously switching on the yellowish white night lights, a huge contrast to the my black themed room.

Removing my shirt, I jump into my bed, letting darkness consume all my thoughts asI slowly fall asleep.

Darkness greets me the moment I open my eyes. I try to make out where I am, but I can't see anything. It's like there's nothing around me except darkness, my long lost friend greeting me and refusing to let me go. Slowly I start walking forward into the darkness.

"OREO!!" I called out to my friend, expecting a tackle, a bark, anything to let me know I wasn't alone. But no bark, no tackle came.

Dread started to fill my body, as I slowly realized where all this was leading me. As soon as these thoughts crossed, I saw specks of white light coming from far end. Not wanting to make my fear turn into reality. I started running backwards. Seeking the darkness, which suddenly seemed more comfortable than the harsh truth that laid fully displayed in the white light.

Before I could run anymore, my eyes were blinded by sharp white lights that engulfed the whole place. When I opened my eyes again, I stood before a dark brown door.

I heard a child's cry. Screams were heard around me. Suddenly a child ran past me, tears continued to fall through the child's eyes. He was screaming, yelling for the door to be opened. He continued to bang on the door, his little hands turned red, but nobody opened the door. The sobbing and screaming continued till the child's knuckles were bleeding. Finally, with a click the door opened. But it did nothing to stop the child's tears, screams. If it did anything, it only intensified his screams.

I tried to look at the child's face, his blue eyes stared at me, filled with pain and sorrow. The room started to spin again as I tried to concentrate on the child's face. This time I was standing in a lawn. Blood was everywhere. I was surrounded by blood. The usually green grass was now marred with blood. I tried to get out of the puddle but the moment I stepped afar from it, a shadow like figure stood in that direction, stopping me from doing so. Soon, a crowd of these shadow like figure surrounded me. I felt suffocated and the blood felt like it was sticking onto me. Suddenly I could hear the murmurs, which soon became louder.

"YOU are a killer!"

"You were supposed to protect her!!"

"She loved you and what did you do? You let her die!"

"You killed her!"

"You are the reason she's not with us!"

"You should have died, you should have protected her!"

"You are a murderer!"

Suddenly the crowd started to chant "You are a killer!" as they stepped closer to me. I fell down on my knees. I screamed for them to stop, I screamed at them to go, but nobody listened to my cries, to my pleads. I was at the point of suffocation, my body was covered in blood, but I knew it wasn't my blood. Just as I was about to give up, let the darkness consume me, I heard a voice, an angelic voice.

"It's going to be okay. You are going to be okay. I am here for you," the angelic voice rang out, clearing out all the noises, screams.

Everything was silent, the voice continued to say the same thing as slowly I felt the crowd around me disappear, as slowly I felt myself leave that dark place and follow the voice into a white tunneled area.

"I'll always be here, Xander."

That was the last thing I heard, before I let myself drift back into the state of complete sleep. However, this time, somehow I knew even if the darkness, the demons came back I will not be alone. There was someone out there, who was willing to stay with me, who won't leave me alone like she did.

Hello guys!
How are you all doing?
I know this wasn't a lengthy chapter or humour for that matter. But trust me, it's important for the storyline.

So, what did you gather from Xander's nightmare?

What do you think it was all about?

Any idea who's the angelic voice or the child that Xander saw in his nightmare?

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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