Chapter 24 - Secret Stash Of Oreo = Survival Kit?

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Jazz's POV -

"I can't believe you guys almost set fire in the whole kitchen again," I said in disbelief while looking at the stack of burnt pancakes, my poor coffee that was now staining the kitchen island and not to mention the pancake batter and it's respective ingredients that now decorated the floor.

"Mom's going to have a heart attack, if she sees her beloved kitchen in this state," Ryan says looking at the wide mess that was once the kitchen.

"Help us, please help us. Don't let Alexia and Jay clean us...." Alexia said in a baby voice while holding the plate full of burnt pancakes, making it appear that the burnt pancakes were pleading.

"See, even these poor little things are begging for your help."

"You are unbelievable," Ryan and I mutter at the same time causing Al to frown and turn to her boyfriend for comfort. But seeing as he was covered in flour and pancake batter, she decides against it.

"Well, it can't be help, you both go clean up. I'll help make this place look a bit better and perhaps ask the assistance of the maids," Ryan says, removing his hoodie and revealing a blue shirt.

"Thank you!!" Al screams before dragging Jay-Jay out of the mess, I mean kitchen.

"I'll help you out too," I volunteered as we both started to pick up the bowls and utensils that lined up the kitchen island.

Finally an hour later, with the help of three maids, we were able to make the kitchen look spotlessly clean and thankfully restore it to it pre-destruction phase.

"Wow, you guys did such a great job. Maybe you should consider opening a cleaning service," Al remarks amusedly as she enters the kitchen along with Jay-Jay.

"You know, what? Leave it, I just don't have the energy for dealing with you," Ryan replies as he plops down beside me on the couch.

"I have the perfect way of making up to both - you and Jazz for my irresponsible behavior," we all look up at Al, trying to figure out what next precaution we need to take.

"Hey, hey, why are you all giving me this look. Don't look at me like that, anyway, Ryan and Jay have to attend this party with their business associates tomorrow. I am obviously going with Jay as his date. But, knowing Ray, he still must have not gotten a date-- "

"I don't need a date," Ryan replies from beside me, glaring at his sister.

"Yes, you do--"

"No, I don't," Ryan argues back. The brother sister glare at each other, starting their own staring contest as Jay-Jay and I sigh at the Lancaster's stubbornness.

"Yes, you are and it's final-- "

"I am totally capable of making my own decisions without your influence-- "

"Jazz will be your date," Al declares shutting off Ryan as I stare at her with shock.

"No, I don't want you to force her into doing this," Ryan replies, his gaze flickering between his scowling sister and shocked me.

"I am not forcing her or you to do it."

On the contrary, I feel she's forcing both of us.

As soon as this thought crossed my mind, all heads turned to me.

"Thanks for the honesty, Jazz," Al snickered at me.

"Oh no, I thought..."

"Out loud," Ryan said completing my sentence while chuckling at his fuming sister.

"Anyway it's decided Jazz is coming with us to New York. All three of us are going and I don't want Jazz to feel we left her out. Besides, there's so much to do in New York. Trust me, you won't get bored, Jazz. We'll have lots of fun," Al says while giving me her best puppy look while I simply stared at her.

"And Ryan, do you really want to leave Jazz behind here alone as we all will be-- "

"Hey! I won't be alone, this is practically my city-- "

"Shshh! No one's talking to you sweetie, stop taking footage," Al replies, cutting me off while staring at Ryan for his answer.

"I don't have any problem wirh Jazz coming with us-- "

"Yayy-- "

"But, only if she wishes to come with us," Ryan replies cutting off his sister's screams full of joy.

"Well, that's easy, she'll come and even go as your date."

"Thanks for answering it, but I am pretty sure I asked Jasmine not you Alexia," Ryan grumbled as everyone looked at me for answer.

"What?" I said, swallowing my Oreo.

"Never seen a girl eat Oreo?" I fire back, dismissing their disturbing gazes.

"When did she even get them?" Ryan asks staring at my now almost finished Oreo packet.

"I always have a secret stash on me. What can I say? It's my survival kit," I reply, happily munching my second love.

That just makes you sound like a cannibal.


You know those humans who eat other humans. Eww! I don't want to be with a cannibal.

Funny, how I practically live with one. I replied back, sarcastically.

Oh my God, I did not know Al's a cannibal. Shit, we need to leave at once!

I was talking about you, idiot!

My thoughts are cut short when Al clears her throat, glaring at me.

"How the hell is a secret stash of Oreos a survival kit ?"

"Mock at me now as much as you want, but one day when we'll be stuck in some desolated island, you'll be thanking me for them," I said scoffingly while eating the last Oreo.

"Firstly, why would we be stuck in a desolated island and secondly even if we are stuck I am pretty sure you would have already eaten the stash as soon as we would have arrived on the island," Al argued back, crossing her arms over her chest.

"That's a lot of faith you have in me," I replied sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Truth always hurts, Jazz."

"Can you both stop arguing over a hypothetical situation and focus on the matter - New York trip?" Jay-Jay says, breaking our train of thoughts.

"Yes, Jazz is coming with us, that too as Ray's date," Al replied beaming like a little kid.

"I never agreed."
"She never agreed."

Ryan and I simultaneously say while looking at an unamused Al.

"Okay, you have to come Jazz. We'll have fun and seriously as for the date part. Don't worry, I'll make sure my brother treats you right and you just have to come to that business party. I don't want to be stuck there alone amongst those rich snobby witches, showing off their fake witchy asses."

"So, what you are saying is since you are going down, you'll be dragging me down with yourself too," I replied, not liking the idea of attending a party full of self-centered, egoistical people any better than Al did.

"Yes, it's best friend's code - you go down, I go down with you."

"Isn't it supposed to be involving selflessness and sacrifices for your best friend?"

"It's twenty first century sweetheart, no one's selfless anymore. Rules change with time," Al replies with a smug look as we all shake our heads at her in disbelief. The woman never fails to amuse me.

"Okay, how about I throw in three packs of Oreos and free coffee delivery service for a day?"

"Hmm... Make it five packs of Oreos and three day free coffee delivery service."

"Four packs of Oreos and two day free coffee delivery service."

"I can't believe they are bargaining on this like it's some important business deal," I hear Ryan whisper to Jay-Jay amusedly.

"That's how our Jazzy works. You have so much to learn my child. You are so innocent," Jay-Jay whispers while wiping away his imaginary tears as Ryan rolls his eyes at the drama queen.

"So...?" Al asks, impatiently tapping her foot on the floor, drawing my attention back to the important topic.

"Five packs of Oreos and two day free coffee delivery service. My final offer," I reply, standing up from the couch as I wait for Al's reply.

"Fine," she mumbles looking at me.

"We have a deal. Pleasure doing business with you," I say as we both shake our hands expressing our civility while smirking at the confused boys.

"Are they always like this?" Ryan whispers to Jay-Jay.

"Yup, meet the crazy best friends," Jay-Jay replies, laughing at us.

Al frowns at her boyfriend as she suddenly pushes him off the edge of the couch from which he was dangling, making him tumble down the floor.

"Look who's laughing, now?" Al said while smiling evilly at her boyfriend.

"Anyway, we are going to get ready," Al remarks as she starts to drag me out.

"When do we have to leave for airport?"

"We have like four hours before we leave," Ryan answers me back, as Al drags me to her own torture room.

Shit I'll be her doll for the next four hours. God, help me from this makeup guru.

Al's really good at what she does, but she can get really scary under pressure.

I hope I'll come out in one piece.

Shut up and let me become pretty.

I can't be pretty till I have you in my head. I replied sarcastically to my inner voice as Alexia closed her room's door.
Hey Guys!
How are you all doing?

Did you like this chapter? I tried to make it humorous. Was I successful?

Please do reply, I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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