Chapter 26 : Body Heater & Snuggling!!

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A/N - Sorry for the late update. I have been sick lately. Anyways, enjoy!

Jaaz's POV -

"Wake up," someone says while entering my room as I hold the blanket tightly over my head in an attempt to muffle the noises.

People just can't see someone's peace anymore.

"Yeah, pardon me if I can't see you sleeping peacefully when that best friend of yours aka sister of mine woke me up hours ago to play dress up," the person grumbles as I curl myself in foetal position inside the blanket.

You thought out loud again.

Shut up!! I scream at my stubborn inner voice as I try to go back to sleep.

"Get up Disney Freak," the person says again as my blanket is ripped off me, my body instantly losing the heat. But, I refuse to leave the bed.

"Come on, stop being so difficult," the person grumbles as he grabs my wrist in order to pull me off the bed, but I am holding onto it with all my power. I am not leaving this extra comfy bed!

"Ugh, you know what? To hell with it!" I hear the person say as he leaves my wrist causing me to smile happily at my victory.

"Shush, go away," I mumble trying to go back to sleep only to be swept up in two strong arms.

"I preferred the bed, but this is not bad," I reply as I snuggle closer to the heat of the person, which I welcome more than the cold bedsheets.

Okay I know you're sleeping and all, but my mind worked faster and it seems like you finally made a sexual innuendo.

Jeez, your mind never rests! I snap at myself, snuggling closer to the hard pillow.

"What is this?" I hear someone asks as the sound of a door being opened is heard but I refuse to move.

"This is your best friend refusing to get up after I tried for half an hour. How does she do it? Does she sleep with ear plugs or what?" the person or as I like to call him Body Heater replies in annoyance.

"I would have just gone with the classic, either you get up this instant or be prepared to be drowned in the cold water trick," another person remarks in what I can only term as amusement.

Have they never seen a sleeping person? Just how many people are after my innocent sleep?

"You think I didn't try that? I went to get a bucket full of normal temperature water, but before I could pour it on her, she kicked me hard in the stomach causing the water to spill on me instead," the person replies grumpily as laughter fills the room.

"Thank God, you are not wearing the tuxedo I chose or it would have ruined all our early morning work," a person replies with relief.

"Shut up!" I yell at the crowd as I turn my face away from them.

"Well she is indeed a heavy sleeper. But I guess I should help you dear brother."

"I can wake her up within 30 seconds," the person adds.

"Impossible," the Body Heater says.

"You want to bet on 50 bucks?"

"Sure, I prefer cash, dear sister," the Body Heater replies smugly.

"We'll see about that," the Body Heater's sister reply.

"Jazz, sweetie, wake up. Your favorites Coffee and Oreos are waiting for you. If you don't get up, I guess we'll just have to share them amongst ourselves."

COFFEE, OREO, the word echoes in my ears, pumping consciousness in my brain as I open my eyes instantly, scanning the room for the delicacies.

"Where are they?" I snap at Al, unable to find my loves.

"Right behind me, just get down first," she replies smugly.

"Get down? What do you mean by get down?" I ask as I look around seeing a smirking Jay-Jay sitting on the couch beside a excitedly standing Al and then I look at my floating figure.

"Wow, I never knew I could fly," I remark as I take in the different hotel room I was flying in.

"You are not flying," someone replies, too close to me.

I turn to face Ryan who was gazing down at me with amusement and then I realize I was in his arms standing in Al's room. The memory of the whole morning conversation comes back to me - the hotel room, bed, snuggling, Body Heater, as my face turns into a blushing tomato.

"You-you can put me down-n now," I stutter as I unwrap my hands from Ryan's neck and tear my eyes away from his green eyes, but his arms remain stationed to their position as my eyes take in his black fitted t-shirt and since my body just happened to be pressed against his, I can feel the hard yet smooth torso of Coffee Stealer.

"Okay, okay, you two either get a room or stop clinging to each other as if your life depends on each other," Al remarks as she sits down on the couch beside Jay-Jay.

Ryan clears his throat before gently putting me down on another couch.

"Th-Thank you," I reply, cursing myself for the stuttering, but in my defense I can beat anyone up for the epitome of embarrassment title.

Ryan sits beside me as we stare at each other for a while, before I clear my throat and look at the clock which shows the time as ten thirty. We all came pretty late last night to the hotel, so that's why I slept away the whole morning.

Then as if a switch was flicked on, I glare at Al while crossing my arms over my chest.

"YOU!" I yell at my best friend.

"Me?" she replies confusedly.

"Where is my coffee and Oreo? You better not lie--"

Before I could complete my sentence a tray with an extra large mug of coffee and two packets of biscuits are put in front of me. I smile happily at the most beautiful sight as I inhale the bittersweet odour of coffee.

"Okay, I am going to brush my teeth and be back in five minutes. Nobody and I mean nobody touches them," I say in all seriousness as I rush back to my hotel room to do the morning routine.

After hurrying back, I finally have my much awaited breakfast.

"When did you all get up?" I ask the trio while munching down on my Oreo.

"I woke up around seven with these two. After eating breakfast and practically forcing them awake, it just took around three hours to find both of theirs outfit for the business associate party. One and a half hour on each person," Al replies happily as I internally laugh at the scowling faces of Jay-Jay and Ryan.

That's what they get for messing with me! I think to myself while smirking as the two men glare at my innocent Oreo eating form.

"Okay enough chit-chat, come on Jazz, we need to get ready too. We leave around twelve thirty, the party starts from two. So, we better start now, you both also start getting ready," Al remarks as she gets up and starts taking out her make up kit as my face visibly pales while the two men smirk at me as if saying 'Ha! Now it's your turn!'

Al practically kicks the two men out of her room, as she starts to take out all her makeup accessories. By the time she finishes the whole bed is covered with some thing or the other.



"I think you forgot to cover that space," I reply pointing to the place beside the left pillow, which was the only place not covered with a thing.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny, Jazz," Al replies sarcastically as she takes out our dress bags and places them on the opposite couch.

"Okay, now let's get started," Al says smirking evilly at me like a mad scientist does to his lab rat. I gulp nervously, sending a silent prayer to God.

After two hours, Al finally deemed us good enough to go to the business associate party.

"Finally we are done! We look Smoking H-O-T!!" Al screams, practically jumping up and down in her flaxen colored heels.

Don't ask me how she manages to do that, while I barely manage to walk in these death trappers.

"Correction - Al you look hot, I look okayyy," I reply, drawling out the word 'okay'.

"Ouch. Did you just hit me on my arm?" I ask, offensively while glaring at my best friend.

"Yes, I did and I will continue to do so, if you dare disrespect my skills or masterpiece," Al answers angrily.

"So, I am your masterpiece? And there I thought I was a human with some magical content called emotions."

"No need to go all sarcastic, but seriously we do look good. So, just accept the damn thing and seriously look in the mirror, I couldn't have done a better job," Al says proudly while fawning over me.

Sighing, I look in the mirror. I was wearing an emerald green side slit dress with a V-neck paired with golden heels and earrings. I turned around to look at Al who was dresses in an elegant burgundy halter v-neck dress with a split, similar to my dress paired with her flaxen colored heels and simple diamond earrings and bracelet.

(A/N - Jazz's dress. Though she has black hair.)

(A/N - Alexia's dress. Her hair color is blonde.)

"Okay, maybe we don't look that bad," I say, amending my earlier statement.

"You are a lost cause. Let's just go see the guys!" Al replies, practically dragging me to the door of Jay-Jay's room. Yes, they had different rooms, courtesy of Al's brother.

The door opens revealing a smiling Jay-Jay while Ryan sat with his laptop on the couch. Jay-Jay was wearing a black-blue kind of tuxedo with a burgundy tie matching Al's dress. I step inside leaving the couple to admire each other as I go and stand in front of my 'date', who was busy working on his laptop.

I clear my throat, catching the attention of Ryan, who immediately closes his laptop and stands up, his eyes trailing down my dress while mine seem to be following the same action. Ryan was dressed in a plain black tuxedo with emerald green tie matching my dress. Al really did choose each of the men's outfit.

I look up only to see Ryan's eyes staring back at mine. I blush at being caught staring but feel solace in the fact that he was also doing the same. He quickly excuses himself, leaving me confused.

"Where's my brother?" Al asks as I turn to see the smiling couple, standing at the door, barely able to restrain their hands.

"I don't know, he just disappeared," I reply with what I could guess was disappointment.

Why was I disappointed? It's not like I expected a compliment.... Right?

"You look really beautiful, Jazz," Jay-Jay says as I give him a small smile in response.

This was the thing Jay-Jay and I shared while Al was all excited and jumping up and down, she could only guess my mood. But with Jay-Jay, we could easily catch the other off even when the other was being subtle. He was like the brother I never had but with a subtler tone as he was also my best friend.

"Okay, we'll wait for you guys in the car," Al declares, dragging Jay-Jay away, who nods at me as if asking it was fine, to which I simply shake my head while offering a smile to the retreating couple.

As the door closes, I turn around to see Ryan coming towards me with his hands folded back beside me.

"Hey Disney Freak!" he greets me casually with a smile.

"Hi Coffee Stealer," I reply, almost failing to hide the sad note.

"Here, these are for you. You look really beautiful, Jasmine," Ryan says while giving me a bouquet of white Tulips.

"Thank you, but why?" I reply happily, admiring the beautiful flowers.

"Well, I thought since we are going to do the whole 'date' thing, might as well do it properly," he replies as his cheeks redden slightly.

"And no I did not do a crazy background check, I had an Intel to tell me some of your preferred flowers," he adds.

"By Intel do you mean your sister?" I ask as a laughter escapes from me.

"I refuse to divulge the identity of my Intel. It's against my contract," he replies, smirking.

"Thank you, Ryan," I say looking at the Coffee Stealer.

"You don't look bad yourself," I add softly, while looking at him through my eyelashes.

"Not looking bad? I think you can do better than that. How about handsome, Greek God like--"

"Ouch, did you just hit me?" he asks unbelievably, while rubbing his wrist, where I had smacked him.

"Nope, I was just taking precautionary steps in case your ego swallows the whole earth."

"You mean my awesomeness?" he replies smugly as I place the flowers in a water filled vase which Ryan was holding in his other hand.

"Shut up, before I decide to ditch you."

"Now, what kind of date would you be if you ditched me before the event?" he teases me while I roll my eyes as we exit the room.

The day hasn't even started and I can't help but feel nervous as we exit the hotel side by side.

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