Chapter 28 - Your Coffee Stealer!!

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Jazz's POV -

As Emerald drags me outside. I see a small wall with the words, "Elevate Humanity Through Businessman" along with a pair of cream colored sofa.

(A/N - The interview area!)

"Daddy, Mommy had this made for interview purpose," Emerald explains as we cross the Interview area and move on towards the garden side.

I silently follow Emerald as we go down a stoned path and strong pleasant rose odour fills my senses. We walk through a continuous rectangular trellis archways, which has different colored roses entwined around the structure.

Red, pink, yellow and white roses all seem to be blooming around the archways. It seems truly magical to walk through this beautiful sight.

(A/N - The rectangular trellis archways.)

As the corridor of archways end, I find myself standing in front of a wooden pergola, that just like the archways is decorated with roses. Though the pergola has only light pink roses, but it's still a beautiful sight. On one end a seating area has been built with cushions having rose prints on them.

(A/N - The wooden pergola!)

"Mommy loves gardening. She designed the whole garden and this. Both mommy and my favorite color is pink, so she had it all done in pink," Emerald explains as we sit down.

"It is really beautiful," I remark, mesmerized by the simple but truly beautiful pergola.

"Sit here, I'll be back in a minute," Emerald says as she gently pushes me to sit and then disappears off to God knows where.

A young girl sitting all... alone... in... the dark woods--

It's a garden.

You killed the whole mood, my inner voice whines as I mentally roll my eyes at her dramatics.

You mean YOUR dramatics. I get it from you.

Sure you do, I reply sarcastically as I look around wondering what to do.

Get up and prick your finger on the thorns. We have both the time and the opportunity and the thorns.

Why would I prick my finger willingly?

Firstly, you are soooo mean. I was just telling you something to kill your time--

Because pricking my finger is the best thing to do--

Secondly, I just wanted to re-enact Sleeping Beauty scene.


Ugh, why am I stuck with such an idiotic human! Anyway, my dear child, if you remember Sleeping Beauty pricked her finger which lead to an eternal sleep.

But, she pricked her finger on a spindle!

Too much details are not to be remembered.

She was cursed to an eternal sleep!

And I am cursed with you. But do you see me going into such details?


You totally killed my mood of re-enacting the scene. Idiot human!

Wha-a-a-t? I ask my inner voice, who conveniently disappears after her little tantrum.

God, she's one crazy--

I can still hear you!

I simply roll my eyes at my inner self as I wait for the little girl to come back.

"What are you staring at?" someone asks from behind as I jump up in surprise.

As the person laughs, I turn around to glare at the cause of my minor heart attack--

Now who's being dramatic? My inner voice taunts me as I turn around to see Ryan laughing at me.

"Ouch, Why did you smack me?" Ryan asks, rubbing his chest where I had hit him.

"For scaring me like that. Don't do that again," I grumble looking at him.

"No promises, Disney Freak. I might just do it to get a picture of your surprised face," He replies, smirking.

"You do this and I'll tell everyone you stole my coffee," I counter as I told my arms across my chest.

"And who's going to believe you?" he argues back.

"Everyone, when I show them proof."

"What proof?"

"Did I say proof, I mean poof?"

"What proof are you talking about?" Ryan asks, frowning.

"Something enough to prove you are a coffee stealer."

"You don't need a proof to prove I am your Coffee Stealer," he casually remarks while winking at me.

"Wh-what?" I ask confused, as my whole imaginary proof and blackmailing plan seems to fall back onto me.

"You know exactly what I mean," he simply answers, enjoying my misery.

"Whatever," I say dismissing the topic.

Now that he has figured out I was bluffing, there is no fun. Right?

"What are you doing here?" I ask, looking around for any sign of Emerald.

"And here I thought you loved me," Ryan says, dramatically putting his hand at his 'wounded heart'.

"It's rude to roam around other people's place."

"And you are not doing the same thing?"

"Emerald brought me here," I counter back as I sit down with a huff.

"Emerald send me here," Ryan says as he too sits down.

"Why did she send you here? Where is she?"

"Way to make someone feel appreciated, Disney Freak," Ryan replies dryly.

"Don't worry, it was never my intention to make you feel appreciated," I remark, smirking.

"Emerald sent me here to get you back to the party. Her mother didn't allow allow her to get back here as she has to meet some guests and family members that just arrived," Ryan explains to me as I nod my head in understanding.

"Come on, let's go," Ryan says as he gets up and extend his hand for me to take.

"Where?" I ask as I take his hand and he helps me get up.

"Back to the main room," he replies as we exit the pergola.

"I don't want to go back there," I whine like a child, not liking the idea of going back into the too formal atmosphere.

"What?" Ryan asks, looking back at me, confusingly as we continue to walk through the corridor of archways.

"Let's ditch the party," I simply reply as we start walking down the stoned path.

"What? No, I can't leave like that-- "

"Have you never ditched these parties?"


"Let's ditch this party, Ryan. Seriously, I barely found people who were interested in having conversations. It felt more like a competition to brag about who has more than the other person and don't even start on the facial expressions. Even a two year old could tell these people are fake smiling to each other," I literally rant as Ryan stares at me with amusement and something else, I can't put a finger on it.

Experience? Understanding? I am not really sure.

"You are right about those people. I am not exactly fond of them either-- "

"So, what's the harm in leaving a bit early?"

"But, I am there as a representative of my company-- "

"You have met everyone, Ryan and Al and Jay-Jay are there, they'll handle it. Have faith in them," I say while trying to pursue him through my eyes.

"I don't think, I-- "

"Okay, don't leave then. But I can't stand those people for one more minute. So, I am leaving," I declare as I exit the garden and start making my way towards the parking area.

Okay, I am here. But how do I contact Ryan's driver.

You should have thought that BEFORE stomping out.

Well, I can just call a cab. See I have a solution.

As I open my phone to book a cab, a car stops before me. I ignore the car and start going to the other side when the window rolls down and a familiar voice stops me.

"Looking for a ride?"

I turn back to see Ryan looking at me through the car window. I frown at him, wondering what he is doing inside the car and more importantly outside the party.

"Come on Disney Freak, you don't plan to walk all the way to the hotel, do you?" he asks as he steps out of the car.

"No thanks, I am calling a cab. What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be inside? Enjoying the party?"

"What kind of date will I be if I leave you alone?" he asks, smirking.

"But the party-- "

"Is boring and too fake as you had said. Besides, I had already talked to the Wood family and other associates of mine. So, what would I do even if I go back there?" he replies as he opens the car door, gesturing me to sit.

"Are you sure you are okay with leaving like this?" I ask as I take a hesitant step towards him.

"As sure as I would ever be. Now come on, I promised my date to show her New York City. You are making me late," he answers as he steps forwards smiling at me.

"Now, we wouldn't want you to be late for your prior commitments, do we?" I tease him as I sit inside the car.

"No, we wouldn't want that to happen," he replies as he too sits down, closing the door as the driver starts to drive us out of the Woods Mansion towards the main city.

"It's too silent," Ryan comments after we had been silent for almost fifteen minutes.

"Did you eat something wrong, Disney Freak?"

"You know I don't like that name," I reply, frowning at the weird name.

"That's what makes it fun to use," he counters, smirking at my annoyed face.

"Sure, Coffee Stealer," I reply, with a matching smirk of mine.

"You said you won't refer to me as that," Ryan argues back, looking mortified.

"I clearly remember saying that I won't be referring to you as 'Coffee Stealer' in front of your business associate and I see none of them here. Besides, this whole thing was my goodness, which you don't appreciate at all."

"Whatever, Disney Freak," he murmurs rolling his eyes at me.

I smile in victory as I find myself looking out of the car window once again.

"Coffee Stealer! Coffee Steal-- "

"What is it, now?" he asks with an exasperated sigh.

"Look, look," I answer, pointing out in the left direction.

"What?" he asks again as a frown Mars his face.

"You don't see it."

"You mean the Brooklyn bridge?"

"YES!!" I reply, excitedly.

"Uh sooo?"

"So? So? Hello!! First timer here in New York and it's freaking Brooklyn bridge!"

"Hello to you first timer, yours sincerely, New Yorker," he replies sarcastically.

"Come on, come on Ryan. Please let's go there. I know you visit it regularly but seriously it's my first time seeing it and you promised me sight seeing," I practically whine like a kid, giving him the puppy eye look.

"No, it's about to rain. We'll get wet and then fall sick," he answers dismissively.

"Oh come on, that's such a pessimistic attitude, Coffee Stealer. Who knew you'd be such a scaredy cat," I retort back.

"Scaredy cat? Me? Do you know the amount of insects, germs there will be outside and the muds--"

"Excuses, excuses," I murmur back, angrily.

As if my prayers were being answered, the car stops due to the impending traffic. I smirk as an idea quickly starts to form in my head. Without further thinking, I open the car door and dash out.

"What the f**k are you doing, Jasmine? Get back this instant," Ryan shouts from inside the car as I simply stick my tongue out.

"Seriously, Jasmine, stop all this and get back here."

"Just come Ryan, trust me rain won't kill you. If you come, I'll owe you at least one favour and that's a huge thing coming from me because I always remember my favours," I say, trying to win him.

"No, we are going back, now."

"No thanks, if you don't want to visit the Brooklyn bridge, then don't. But, that doesn't mean I cannot visit it either," I say, crossing my arms across my chest.

You go girl, show him who's the boss!

You are supporting... ME?

Duh woman.
Brooklyn bridge = tourists = eye candy = hot guys and fangirling.

And to think, you'd support me. I reply to my inner voice sarcastically as I see Ryan exiting the car.

"Why are you coming? Didn't you say you have to go to hotel? Avoiding rain and all?" I ask him, arching my eyebrow.

"Shut up, Disney Freak. I wouldn't have left you in an unknown city at anytime much less in this rainy weather," he grumbles and starts walking towards the bridge.

"Ohh... That's considerate of... you?"

"You bet it is," he murmurs back as we both enter the Brooklyn bridge.

Here we come, Brooklyn bridge!

Yessss! Here we come, eye candies!

Do you ever stop?

Hey guys!!

I just want to thank all of you for your support. Especial mention to TheFantasyDevil6 and queenof9realms for their unwavering support and encouragement. Seriously guys, THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Also shout-out to TheFantasyDevil6, who is writing 'Oh Sehun Imagines'. Any Korean fans here? I really recommend giving it a try. You'll love it.

Once again thank you to all of my lovely readers!

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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