Chapter 8: Shopping Day!

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(A/N - The chapter was unpublished for few hours. All the glitch required major editing. Hope you'd understand. Thank you :) )

Jasmine's POV -

"Jazz! Which one should I wear my black pumps or sandals?" Al asks, standing from the top of the staircase.

"Just wear whatever you like," I and Ryan say at the same time, though he sounds really irritated.

"They all are meanies! Don't listen to them," Al says to her shoes while petting them.

"Is she really talking to those shoes?" Ryan asks, surprised.

"Yup, that's pretty normal for her. One time she was petting her pillow all day when Mrs. L accidentally spilled tea on it," I reply as we both sat on the couch in the living room.

"I am surrounded by weirdos. One pets and talk to all non-living things and the other is a crazy coffee addict!" he mutters while typing something on his phone.

"Hey I am not an addict, I just love coffee more than humans," I reply, flashing him a smile.

"Yeah and that's not crazy at all," Ryan mumbles to himself.

"Okay! I am ready!!" Al announces as she enters the living room, while smoothening out her black top and denim skirt.

(A/N - Alexia's outfit. )

"Finally," Ryan and me mutter at the same time.

"Wait!" Al says as Ryan locks the house.

"Are you seriously wearing that, Jazz?" Al asks, critically examining my outfit.

(A/N - Jazz's outfit.)

"I don't see a problem with it," Ryan comments as he eyes my outfit too.

My cheeks immediately heat up and before you jump onto conclusions. It's not because of Ryan, it's because both the Lancaster siblings are so openly staring at me causing me to feel really self-conscious.

"It's not girly at all. Seriously, how can you not own one dress?" Al asks as we both slide down in the back seat whilst Ryan sits on the driver seat.

"I feel more comfortable in jeans and top rather than dress," I reply as I look at Ryan's car.

He has a black Mercedes-Benz. It's beautiful, though I have zero knowledge about car models.

"Actually it is a black Audi and I have no doubt about you having any knowledge about cars," Ryan comments, staring at me through the rearview mirror.

"I really need to stop thinking aloud," I mutter to myself in embarrassment.

"Actually, what you need to do is for one of you to sit on the passenger seat. I am not your driver," Ryan says, irritatedly while Al is doing her 'touch ups'.

This girl carries the whole parlour with her.

"Definitely," Ryan replies, smirking.

"No, I don't!" Al replies, glaring at me while putting back her face shiner.

It's called face SHIMMER!

Doesn't matter, it does the same thing.

And now she's using blush on her eyebrow.

"For God sake, let me buy you some detailed makeup pamphlets and magazines. This is not a blush! Why the hell would I be applying blush on my eyebrows? This is called eyebrow powder!" Al replies, irritatedly.

"Really Lord, I need to stop thinking out aloud!" I scream at myself.

"But I am having fun listening to you," Ryan says, chuckling at me.

And for some God damn reason it's not the evil low bass chuckle but the making-you-also-smile chuckle.

I am not letting you name our children with that disastrous naming ability of yours.

Before I could reply to myself, Ryan interrupts me.

"Okay, one of you has to come up and sit in the shotgun. I repeat, I am not your driver."

"Ohh, Ray. This is just the beginning. You are our official chauffeur for the shopping day," Al says, smirking evilly.

After bickering with each other throughout the way, Al had managed to distract Ryan enough to make him forget about his whole argument of him appearing like our driver.

"Here, we are at the mall," Ryan says, parking his Mercedes, I mean Audi, as I look at the Mall.

"Why are you two not getting out?" Al says, glaring at me and Ryan.

"I have an important meeting--"
"I have to go back to college--"

"STOP!!" Al screams, shutting up both of us.

"Out, now!" Al says, like an angry little squirrel.

We both get out, grumpily as Al starts to lead us inside the Mall.

"Angry little squirrel?" Ryan asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I need to stop thinking out aloud!" I whisper-scream to myself.

"Ahh! We are going shopping!" Al says excitedly while walking like she owns the place.

After 499 shops later, okay I am kidding. But it must be fifty. I can't believe two hours have already passed and Al appears to be as energetic as if she just woke up.

"Seriously, remind me again, who are we shopping for? Because I am certain these fifteen bags I am carrying have nothing for Jazz," Ryan snaps at Al, who just rolls her eyes as we exit yet another shop.

"You are so lucky, Al is your sister. Jay-Jay, I mean Jayden, has to carry more bags than you when Al takes him on her shopping spree and trust me when I say, she goes wild twice a month at least," I say as I take five bags from his hand.

"Wow, I have new level of respect for my sister's boyfriend," Ryan replies, taking the bags back from my hands.

"Okay, you two stop! You are going to tear away my clothes!" Al screams as she takes all her bags from us.

"I am going in this new shop--"

"Coffee time."

"What?" Al and Ryan say in unison.

"I need coffee to energize me and Ryan promised me..."

"Okay, I am going to check out the newly opened shops on the top floor and I am taking my precious bags with me. In case anyone manhandles my bags and clothes," Al says as she disappears with her bags.

"Nice save," Ryan remarks.

"You know I really need caffeine in my body. I don't have a problem with caffeine, I have a problem without it," I remark as we enter a Italian cafe.

"Well, my legs could use some rest," Ryan comments as we sit down in a booth, after placing our order.

"So, is Lexi always like that?"

"Yeah. I am actually thinking of signing her up for marathon. She'll surely win if we said that the winner gets to do free shopping for one month."

Ryan starts to laugh and soon I join in too.

I realize our order's ready. So, I quickly go to the barista to pick up our orders. I ordered a coffee, like always while Ryan just had a simple coke.

"Thank you," I say to the barista while she eyes me up and down.

You sure you haven't worn your top inside out, like you had done once? And you had toured the whole school before realizing it.

Or she could be a lesbian...

"I am straight," the girl, who looked around my age, snarled at me with her caked up face glaring at me.

Note to self - You gotta write a book '101 Reasons why thoughts should remain thoughts'.

"I was looking at you and wondering why that gentleman there is going out with you. I'll tell you what, you should order a decaf coffee, it's going to help you look more human than a whale," she replied, smiling evilly.

"Oh you did not just insult my hot friend!" I say, glaring at her.

"W-What? I did not insult him," the girl stammered while staring at Ryan.

"Yes, you did and you better apologize, before I report it to your manager."

"I-I am really sorry."

"I doubt he'll ever forgive you," I say while glaring at her and my eyes soften when my gaze falls on my coffee.

"What's his name? Your friend's name?" she asks while sending a wink to Ryan.

"He is rich, dark, bitter and too hot for you," I reply with a smirk as I take my orders back.

"What happened there?" Ryan asks taking a sip of his coke.

"I was introducing her to my hot friend," I reply as I inhale the sweet bitter odour of my coffee.

"You think I am hot?" Ryan asks me with a smirk.

"W-What? No, I mean, yes. I said yes because I know my hot friend coffee is too hot for everyone," I reply, calming my nerves.

"What did she say to receive this pleasure?"

"She wanted me to have a decaf coffee. Like seriously, if I ever order a decaf coffee that would be when I am kidnapped and trying to signal you," I reply as I roll my eyes.

"You really are one of a kind," Ryan replies with a genuine smile.

Well, that's new.

As we exit the cafe, I try to call Al, but she doesn't pick up.

"I guess, we'll just have to continue alone," Ryan says as we start walking.

"Or we could go home?" I suggest, not really wanting to go dress shopping.

Al had made me try many dresses, but not one pleased me. They seemed so revealing more of Al's style than mine.

"Nope, I am not ready to be my sister's shopping day chauffeur for one more shopping day," Ryan replies, groaning as we enter a very expensive looking shop.

"How may I help you, sir?" a saleswoman asks Ryan while blatantly ignoring me.

"Actually, we want to see some good blue bridesmaid dresses," Ryan replies. His eyes no longer holding the mirth that they had in them a moment earlier. They seemed cold and blank. More like the first day I had met him.

"Oh, for her?" the saleswoman replies, giving me a once-over.

"Yes," Ryan replies, not slightly affected by the woman's ogling.

"Sure, follow me," the woman replies, intentionally swaying her hips in her tight black skirt and orange shirt.

I looked at Ryan, who was busy examining the dresses and the shop. Honestly, the saleswoman is good looking, but she seems really desperate. So, maybe that's why Ryan is ignoring her.

"Okay, so select some dresses," the saleswoman says, showing me around ten to twelve dresses.

I randomly pick three dresses and was about to go inside the changing room when Ryan appears out of nowhere.

"I am waiting outside. Try those dresses and show me."

"What if I don't want to?" I reply, not really liking the idea of showing him my dress.

"Then I'll eat your secret stash of Oreos that you hide behind your history book," he replies with a smirk.

"Meanie," I mutter, slamming the door shut on his face.

Yes, I do hide my Oreos behind my history book because that's one book Al will never touch. She and history, don't have a good history.

Damn, now I'll have to think of a new hiding place.

I quickly try on the three dresses, but Ryan rejected them. I too, did not like them. They seemed to be wrong somewhere or the other.

When I come out of the room with the three dresses in my hands, I see that the saleswoman has opened her blonde hair along with one button of her shirt, showing her cleavage.

My blood boils seeing her practically shoving herself on Ryan, who seems to ignore her existence and was busy on his phone.

That woman is sexy and beautiful. So, why is he not showing the slightest of interest? Not like I care, but a girl can wonder. I just hope I didn't say that aloud.

When Ryan hears me coming, his eyes shot up as he keeps his phone aside.

"We are not giving up, let's quickly do a tour of the shop and see if something catches your eye. Besides, there are other shops too," Ryan says, smiling at me and I realize when he's not wearing his business suit or tuxedo, he seems more willing to strike a conversation.

While I was busy working on 'making Ryan a likeable creature' theory, I realize his smile immediately disappears when the saleswoman comes forward asking Ryan random questions.

I go in the opposite direction of them  while looking at different dresses, but they all seemed to be missing something. I turned around only to collide into someone's chest.

I look up to see Ryan holding a beautiful navy blue long dress.

"Wanna try this?" he asks, showing me the dress.

(A/N - The dress Ryan has picked.)

"Sure," I reply, taking the dress from him.

This dress was different from all other dresses. It was a simple but elegant dress, just the one I'd like to wear.

I quickly change into the dress and look at myself in the mirror. It is really fitting but not so tight to make it seem like I am about to explode. But, tight enough to show my curves. I smile at my reflection, before going out of the changing room.

Ryan was talking to someone on the phone while the desperate saleswoman seemed to do all she could to seduce him, from winking to showing her cleavage. I roll my eyes at her. Some people just never learn.

Ryan ends the call when his eyes land on me.

"Wow, this looks perfect on you. Really, you're looking terrific, Jasmine," Ryan complements me while his eyes move up and down the dress.

"Thank you. I like it too. I guess, I am ready to buy it," I reply shyly.

What? I am not used to complements, okay? Get over it or I am going to eat all your Oreos. I am so evil.

You aren't fooling anyone.

"Sure, I am waiting outside," Ryan replies.

The saleswoman enters the changing room with me as she helps me get out of the dress and then goes out.

"What's your name?" She asks as I come out while adjusting the sleeves of my top.

"Jasmine, Jasmine Arora," I answer, handing her my dress.

"Indian? You are an Indian? I should have known it. Indians have a habit of taking things from American. First, you all came to USA and took most of our jobs. Now, you are out trapping our countrymen. Just how much greedy--"

"SHUT UP!" Ryan snaps from behind me while I stood there shocked by hearing her words.

"You say Indians took our jobs? Well they didn't snatch it from you. They got the jobs because they proved themselves. You should be ashamed of yourself for thinking like this! You call yourself an American? Because last time I heard, America is a democratic country where everyone has equal rights," Ryan replies, glaring at the saleswoman.

His eyes were cold, but you could see anger blazing in them while his tone was really harsh. Somehow he looked more like the person I had met on the first day. But, this time, he was standing up for me.

"Well, I don't get it. How can you even like her? She's an Indian! A bloody Indian--"

"No! Don't you dare degrade my country or my countrymen. Yes, I am an Indian and I am proud to be an Indian. My nationality doesn't define me. In fact no one's nationality defines them. What makes an individual unique is their personality, heart and thoughts. Be it Indian or American, we all are first humans.So, before you say one word against Indians, just remember that. It is because of the mentalities of some desperate people like you that the American Dream gets tarnished," I reply as I storm out of the store.

Anger was coursing through my veins, which soon turned to sadness. It's not like this is the first time some witch berated me for my nationality. But, it just hurts to see, to hear people having such a backward thinking. I quietly sit down on a nearby bench.

"Hey..." I hear Ryan say as he sits beside me while I continue looking down on the ground.

"Jazz talk to me," he says, only to receive silence.

Sighing, he crouched down in front of me and lifts my chin up to look at him. I am not someone who cries easily, but I am a human and I can get hurt.

"You know Jasmine, I am so glad you said all that in there," he says, smiling at me.

"I am sorry for embarrassing you," I mumble to myself.

"You didn't embarrass me. What you did was right. If you let others walk over you, then they start using you like a doormat," Ryan replies, clenching his fist.

"I am glad you stood up for yourself. No doubt, everyone is different and you know what different is good," he replies, smiling at me.

"Thank you..." I mumble again, looking at him.

"You are different, Jasmine. But this is what makes you, you. You are the girl, who's not afraid to sing 'Let It Go' in the middle of the cafe, the girl who loves coffee and Oreos to another level, the girl who played 'rock, paper and scissors' for Oreos in the middle of the night. You are the girl, who's not afraid to be herself. That's what makes you different, Jasmine and I don't want you to ever feel bad for it, just because a crazy witch decided to be a bitch to you," Ryan says, making me smile.

"Thanks, it means a lot." I tell him.

"So what if you're an Indian, you'll always be my Disney Freak," Ryan says with a genuine smile.
Hello Fellas!
Sorry I wasn't able to update yesterday. I had fallen asleep while I was editing this chapter. I write the chapters of TBG (The Barista's Girl) on a daily basis and I was out all day. So sorry!

Anyways, this chapter was longer than I intended to. But, what do you think of Jazz & Ryan?

Also, through Jazz I want to tell everyone that really our caste, creed, color, race, religion and nationality don't matter. What matters is our personality, who we are, how we behave and think.

People who discriminate others on the basis on their color, caste, creed, religion or nationality are just insecure stuck up a**holes. Never pay heed to their words. Everyone is a unique individual and we should be proud of ourselves.

This chapter is dedicated to an amazing reader _positive_mind_! Thanks for giving TBG a chance and for your lovely comments.

Till the next update, keep shining ;)

- Love Addy :)

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