Lesson One: Charms.

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Some of these Charms are dark and some are light, you would notice one of these characteristics of each charm due to the markings next to it.

The Fear Charm: timeo; used  as a reversal of the Boggart Banishing Charm, it cause the opponent to see their greatest fear. The wand movement is a frightening pumpkin mouth. Dark Charm.

The Golden Charm: aurum; designed to trick those who you see as untrustworthy, almost like how leprechauns 'golden coins' that will disappear when the leprechaun is a great distance away. This can be used as both as a Dark and a Light Charm, however it would also be used against the caster, for the gold will disappear also. The movement is a coin with a hat on the inside.

The Talking Lamb charm: agnus loquitur; created to aid those in great need, for those near impossible questions, there is no movement for this charm. This is a 100% good charm.

The snake stopping charm: Arresto Serpentum; this charm is used to prevent any serpent from coming near you, however it is unlikely for the Basilisk family to ever use this charm, for they are Parseltongues. this is a light and easy charm. you just point your wand at the serpent.

Tiny Ship Charm: Litet Fartyg; this charm actually creates small flying ships, that can be used as a form of protection, the best part is that you can control the ships to form things. The movement is the shape of a boat. this is a light charm. Warning the ships do contain cannons.

The Serpents Beads: Perles De Serpent; this charm brings bead curtains to life, and attack the intruder that was entering and or stealing from the caster, the bead curtains actually transfigure into serpents, however they only coil and prevent the intruder/thief from escaping. This is a dark charm.

The Serpents Pen charm: Slangpen; allows the caster to transfigure their snake into a pen. this kind of charm is both dark and light, due to the type of serpent used.

The Dragon Wing Transfiguration Charm: Dragon Sqiath Cruth-atharrachadh; This charm transfigures any object to have dragon wings, allowing it to fly, however it should be attached to some form of chord or string, to make sure that it does not fly away. depending on the object it can and cant be a dark charm.

Basilisk Family Familiar Charm; This charm summons a familiar, more of a guardian snake spirit, taking form of various serpents from around the world from deity's to beast. Familiar spirits are magically created. Now This Charm is also completely different from a Patronus Charm, this charm does have a glowing aura, but can actually take on physical form, unlike the patronus,(which takes on a corporate form, of some kind of animal.) Though this is rare, a familiar can take on several forms, taking on a first form then shedding that like a skin to reveal the other form, and then continuing that to reveal each and every form. Can be a dark charm, on the account that they are magically created, and that they don't disappear when you drop your wand like a patronus would.

The Basilisk family, didn't really use charms that much

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