22. your still a traitor

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BETRAYAL was a funny thing. Being betrayed by someone you love hurt, it was meant to hurt otherwise why would they do it? Being betrayed by Aemond — the father or Daemerys' child was enough for her to sit in silence in the corner of her chambers.

Criston and Alys watched the women silently from across the room. Daemerys had her back pressed against the wall, legs laid out in front of her — hands rubbing her belling softly.

Questions piled in her head, one after the other but the question she wanted the answer to most was out of reach because she knew that if she asked him, that would be it — they would be over and she couldn't stomach the possibility of that.

"Daemerys", Alys hesitated but when the woman looked up at her with tear filled eyes, she hastily walked over and embraced her gently in her arms.

Criston hated the young prince in this moment, he couldn't understand why Aemond would do such a thing especially to his wife. It reminded him of how he treated the princesses mother, Rhaenyra and seeing the look on Daemerys' face was enough to look away in regret of his own actions.

Her heart ached, Daemerys felt shattered — she didn't even hear the door open or Criston and Alys leave. She didn't see him. She wanted her father. She wanted Daemon.

Her father would comfort her, tell her it would be okay before killing Aemond — the thought almost made her laugh. Almost. Everything she knew about her life brought her back to Aemond, her whole life was shaped around him. She loved him. She loves him. That's why this feeling of dread and disgust hurt so much because she was disgusted by her own husband.

"My love", his voice sent a chill down her spine. It used to be a good chill but in this moment it felt nothing but sickening.

Daemerys wiped her tears with the back of her hand and sneered up at him, "You do not speak to me", her voice came out

Aemond ran a hand down his face, he understood her frustration but he wanted his wife to see it from his point of view. Everything he did was for his family. He thought that Daemerys of all people would understand that. "Let me explain".

The woman stood, hand clasping the table for support, "It's always the same with you!", her outburst shocked him, "One of us does something and we let them explain then we pretend it never happened".

"Like what?", his brows furrowed as he looked at her, he didn't understand and he would say he was quite a smart man.

She looked at his with hatred, "Our entire lives, Aemond! I took you eye", her eyes flashed in realisation, "Is this punishment? Have you finally come to punish me, my love".

The mockery behind her words was enough for his heart to begin aching, "Do not blame that on me! I forgave you. You're being unreasonable".

A scoff left her lips, "Unreasonable? No, you're being unreasonable", she shook her head with a bitter laugh that sent another jab into her husbands heart, "You should have taken my eye and called it even instead of making me fall in love with you and carry your child".

"Don't bring the baby into this!", he gritted his teeth and she knew it was because her words hurt him but Daemerys couldn't find it in herself to care because he hurt her more.

Aemond watched as she poured herself a cup of wine before placing it on the table and sliding it over to him from the other side of the table, "What are you doing?", he asked her.

"Drink it", Daemerys grabbed the whole jug and placed it in front of her, waiting for him to drink it so she could refill it".


"No?", Daemerys smiled but it wasn't kind, "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to listen to your mother. Alicent drinks, you drink. Alicent lies. You lie. Alicent takes my mothers throne and you help her!", she screamed the last part, hand slamming on the table causing it to shake.

The man looked down in guilt, "I love you", he said but she shook her head.

"Don't you dare use that against me", her voice sounded dead but cracked ever so lightly that he almost missed it.


Aemond lifted his eye to meet hers but she looked at him like he was nothing but a stranger. A stranger that carved out her heart and held it on a silver platter.

"I love you", he tried his best efforts to come toward her but she held her hand for him to stop and he did, back straightened in his usual stance, even now he couldn't let himself go. She knew who she married but even then, Daemerys didn't think he would do this.

"Stop. Just stop talking to me! You took my life!".


"You made me love you, you made me let you in! And then you do this. I do not understand, Aemond. You lied", she choked back a sob, "You never lie to me".

"It was not personal".

That made her laugh again and he held the urge to roll his eye, "Of course it is personal! My uncle is dead and you took his throne. You have committed the highest of treason. My own husband", she cried in disbelief. "I wish I never—".

"Do not say something you do not mean. Do not dare", his voice cracked as he looked at her pleading but he watched as she took the cup and took a gulp of wine.

"Did you ever truly love me?", Daemerys placed the cup down as a tear fell down her cheek. Aemond looked at her in disbelief. How could she think he didn't?

"Of course I do".

"Then why? Why do this to me? To my family!".

"It is not personal", was all he said and she closed her eyes.

"I feel sorry for you", she opened her eyes, "I cannot and will not stand by your side on this. You put us in this position, put me in this position and I am disgusted by you", Daemerys sighed and looked at her husband one last time before walking toward the chamber door, opening it and slamming it behind her — leaving Aemond to watch the closed door in nothing but guilt and regret.

Her shoes clicked against the cobblestone floor, Daemerys wiped her face and sniffed loudly — the hallway was dead silent, she had no idea where she was going but she knew she wanted to be anyway but there.

A hand covered her mouth making her gasp, she tried pulling away when the person pulled her into a dark hallway, "It's me", a calm voice came from Rhaenys.

"Rhaenys? What are you doing here?", she whispered into the silent and cold air.

Ser Erryk came around the corner and nodded to the woman, "Princess. There is no time to explain, we must get you to the crypts".

Daemerys looked at him confused her red eyes, puffy from near tears looked between the two people in confusion, "Do you honestly think they will let you leave once they realise you have no intention of being on their side?", Rhaenys asked the woman.

The reality of the situation dawned on Daemerys and a great cold shiver was replaced by panic, "They wouldn't hurt me, I am with child!", she whispered in shock.

"And once that babe is out?", the older Targaryen asked with a serious look that Daemerys had seen one too many times when she stayed in Driftmark.

The claws of Otto Hightower and Queen Alicent were closing in on her just like they had Aemond, threatening to rip the realm apart — the one different Aemond and Daemerys had was that she wouldn't give in like he had.

Daenerys took a moment to ponder before looking at the Knight with determination, "Take us", Ser Erryk nodded. "I'll walk you there to make sure you get there safely."

The weather was more clear when they stepped out of the dark hallway and the wind was light as Daemerys climbed out of the passageway, followed closely by Ser Erryk and Rhaenys. The Knight stopped as people began filling the streets — it was Aegon's Coronation.

Rhaenys took her hand and dragged her forward, Ser Erryk pushed them along until they got to the entrance, "Go!", he whisper yelled making Daemerys stop.

"What about you?".

"There's one thing I need to get first, I'll be right behind you, Princess". Daemerys nodded and thanked him briefly, too troubled and overwhelmed to find her words.

Rhaenys ventured along but the pregnant woman stopped — her eyes drifted to Aemond who stood next to his sister, he didn't look ashamed as the crown was placed on top of his eldest brothers head, he looks more irritated but she couldn't understand.

And she didn't wait around to find out, she picked up her dress and slipped down the cobblestone steps. Meleys stood proudly as her rider brushed her scales with her hand — Rhaenys helped Daemerys up as best as she could.

Daemerys held onto the older woman tightly but not so much it would hurt her baby, for a moment, a split second she wanted to get off the dragon and run to Aemond. But she couldn't, she couldn't betray her family and in a sense that made her realise why he had done it but she couldn't find it in herself to forgive him.

"Sōvegon, Meleys", Rhaenys commanded, her voice thick and strong making the beautifully scaled dragon flap it's wings — the walls shook before they burst through the roof, Daemerys putting her arms above her head to shield her.

The first pair of eyes she landed on was Alicent, eyes rimmed red and mouth agape, she pushed Ser Arryk who moved to cover Heleana — that made her eyes drift to her husband. He looked at her with so much shock and heartache it made he want to run to him but again, she didn't.

Meleys roared loud, Alicent covering Aegon — their king with her body, face tilted down as the dragons breath fired in their faces — Daemerys didn't move her eyes from her husband not until they were flying high in the sky to Dragonstone.

But even then she would dream of him. A beast beneath the boards. Her dreams came true and she would be sure to make sure that they burned for they have done and for would happen.

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