25. feels like the end

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DAEMERYS had never been in the Dragonmont, her father spoke of it but she had always been too busy learning to fight with Corlys to bother with things that she never thought would concern her. Nerves filled her as she stepped into the shadowy entrance — the hand that held the torch trembled and she swallowed the lump of nervousness that had bubbled in her throat.

The scent of burning enveloped her as she inched her way into the cave, her heart began racing and breathing became heavy. The light of her torch bounced off the walls of the caves as she walked, the light making it easier to walk through the darkness. She felt pulled like she had in her dreams, reminding her why she was there. For Daemon, her child who she never got to hold, never got to mother.

Her pulse pounded and her blood raced as she realised her dragon was calling to her. Daemerys felt her breathing become strained and the sound of her footsteps echoed all around her. Despite the fact that her purpose had barely began, the tunnel was heated, making her skin hot and caused her to start sweating.

Daemerys was filled with a mix of fear and excitement from the idea of finally bonding with a dragon even though she was not a true Targaryen. It made the hairs on her neck stand especially when she paused at the first alcove, Daemerys peaked inside to find Syrax and Caraxes curled up around each other, snoring softly which made light echoes around the cave. At the sound of her light footsteps, the dragons woke but they merely sniffed at her before going back to sleep.

Daemerys smiled a little at them, at their bond. It reminded her of Aemond who laid rotting in the dungeons — she hadn't found it in her to see him. She felt betrayed, she was betrayed and she didn't know how to come back from that or even if she could.

But then again, she lost her child but so had Aemond. Was she being selfish for denying him time to grieve the loss of his son? She didn't know, she was hurting more than Aemond could ever know. She carried their child inside of her, rubbed her belly when he kicked. She felt him, he was a part of her and now her baby was gone.

So much pain for nothing in return.

In the next alcove, Arax was feeding on the lamb he had given. Daemerys walked through and the dragon blinked at her for a moment before attacking his meal once again. Vermax brought his head down to her chest and Daemerys patted it gently as she passed, commanding him to stay calm.

Daemerys remembered her fathers instructions and took a right, letting out a shaky breath and pushing the hair off her shoulder. Her tunic was soaked with sweat and her white shirt had turned black from the ash in the air — she was a bastard for sure.

The air ahead of her stirred and she stepped through the mouth of a wide hole. Her lungs seized in her chest as she turned and came face to face with a set of huge, green eyes. The body of the dragon camouflaged itself into the darkness. Daemerys looked him over, he was black as coal — the Cannibal.

She stepped back slightly but held her chin up, her foot crunched on something making her look down to see a pile of bones littering his cage, human bone — making her gulp slightly before meeting his eyes again. Her entire life on Dragonstone she always heard stories of the monstrous dragon that resided in the deepest part of the Dragonmont, and now she was intruding in his personal space.

Daemerys heard the dragon move before her, the sound of bones scattering as he shifted in the cave. Raising her torch, Daemerys peered through the darkness, holding her breath. "It's nyke, you've issare brōzare syt nyke", she spoke softly, raising her hand to the dragon she couldn't see. (It's me, you've been calling for me)

A low rumble rattled the walls and she heard more bones clatter as the Cannibal came toward her. "Nyke won't ōdrikagon ao, nyke dōrī would", she breathed out, scolding herself for the way her voice trembled. Another low growl came from the darkness as the dragon came forward. (I won't hurt you, I never would)

Daemerys put the torch on the floor, holding both hands out as she felt his breath on the tips of her fingers, hair blowing back from his breath — her heart pounding as the dragon blinked at her, looking into her very soul.

She had already felt relief from the fact that he hadn't already ate her, but when the coal-black dragon leaned forward and let her touch him, the world around her shifted. The vibrating sensation she had been experiencing for years in her dreams suddenly erupted inside of her, filling her veins and spreading over her until she was unable to distinguish it from herself or the dragon she was touching.

Kneeling down before the black dragon, Damerys released a laugh of disbelief before pressing both hands to the dragon's scales. Her fingers grazed along his side as she stepped around him. 

"Dohaeragon nyke gūrogon ñuha revenge. Sōvegon lēda nyke", Daemerys patted him softly. (Help me take my revenge. Fly with me) A loud rumble came from his throat and she watched in awe as Cannibal tilted his head to her stomach and wailed lightly. He knew.

He then stood again he shifted to open his wing to her — suddenly she then remembered that she had no idea what to do, she had only seen this in her dreams and now that they had come true she didn't know what to expect. Daemerys took a chance and stepped up into the crook of his wing and he lifted her until she could reach his back.

His scales were rough and the spikes on his back jabbed at her uncomfortably as she tried to settle on him. While he was nowhere near as large as Vhagar, he was still large, even so when he he raised himself to his full height, Daemerys felt the need to duck as her head came too close to the cave roof for her comfort. She had died once and didn't plan on doing it again for a while.

As he continued to travel to the mouth of the Dragonmont, Daemerys pressed herself tightly to his scales — holding on tight with her pale fingers, thankful that he kept himself low to the ground. As they neared the entrance, Daemerys squinted her eyes instead of raising a hand, not wanting to fall off of him as the bright light from the day poured into the tunnel through the gap.

Daemerys felt her heart begin to pound in her ears, the realisation that she was going to fly came to her, she didn't know how to fly. The only time she had done so was when Rhaenys had been the one controlling. She was terrified. Still, she swallowed and, just as they stepped out of the Dragonmont.

"Sōvegon!", Daemerys yelled over the wind and Cannibal let his great wings flap. The dragon launched them into the sky, the scent of ash faded away and was replaced by the smell of the sea and the wind enveloping them. (Fly)

As they began to approach Dragonstone, for the great building that it was it seemed dwarfed by the sight of the ocean surrounding it from her high view. For the time she had lived there it always seemed to large and mighty but now, from the view of her dragon it seemed like she could conquer all — and conquer she shall.

Daemerys grated out a genuine laugh as she spread her arms wide — enjoying the feel of the wind on her face as they continued to coast. Daemon and Rhaenyra turned at the sound of a roar to see a large, black dragon approaching Dragonstone. Lucerys looked up from beside Jace, the pair had playing with Joffrey and Visenya.

"What in the Gods?", Luke gasped as the two older brothers stood but Rhaenyra and Daemon smiled. Pride swelling in their chests when they saw who was riding the mighty beast.

"She claimed the Cannibal".

The beast landed on the beach, gauging a huge hole into sand and kicking up some in the process. Jace and Luke were the first people Daemerys had laid eyes on — the pair hesitantly running down the beach toward her with a huge grin on their faces.

At the sight of them speeding toward them, the dragon tensed and let out a fierce roar of warning at her brothers. Daemerys tutted and eased him before running toward her brothers, ambushing them into a hug.

"You claimed the fucking Cannibal?!", Jace shouted, wrapping her in his arms and span her excitedly, "The Cannibal?!" There was an edge of admiration in his voice that couldn't help but match the way she felt. Revenged and anger clouded a huge part of her mind but the love she felt for her family made the pain dim even if it was for a moment.

Daemerys let herself be a girl in this moment, her smile widening when her parents came running toward them with their own matching smiles. Daemerys let the pain go for the sake of being the same girl she was before all this. To keep her soul intact.

"Daemerys!" Daemon stopped before her, grabbing at her into his arms the moment she was within reach. "You're alright?", relief spread through him when he felt her nod into his chest. "My sweet girl".

"I did it, Father", she breathed, another smile stretching across her face as she let out a breathless laugh. "I actually did it. I mean it was considerably scary but—".

"You did it", Daemon confirmed and kissed her forehead with a glistening feeling of proudness in his eyes when he looked at her. Footsteps approached them and she looked up to see Alys wearing a knowing smirk — beside her stood Criston with his jaw slacked open with fear in his eyes.

"You okay, Daemerys?", he asked her and carefully reached out for her but not too close for the dragon to be near him. She rolled her eyes at him and wrapped her arms around his neck — his arms pulling her closer. "I'm good, Cole".

"Yeah, that's good", he breathed a sigh of relief before letting her go and stepping back five paces for safety.

"Dornishman", Daemon muttered with an eye roll which earned a quiet laugh from Rhaenyra.

"Come, my love", Rhaenyra brushed her daughters hair out of her face and moved her along. A few dragon keepers stepped forward but Cannibal growled making them step back.

"Careful", Daemerys smirked at them, "He's rather protective of me".

As they ventured up the steps, Jace and Luke rambled on about the Cannibal and how unbelievable it was that she had managed to bond with him. "I knew it", Luke spoke with determination, "Daemerys told me".

Jace turned to his sister with clear offence, "W-I-", he spluttered and she laughed, "You told Luke and not me?".

Luke reached for Daemery's hand and she squeezed it tightly, "In my defence, brother, Luke couldn't sleep and I told him about a dream I had". The young brother gasped in horror, making everyone stop and turn to him in worry.

"Sister! That was meant to be a secret", Lucerys let go of her hand and stomped off. Daemon laughed loudly causing the others to join in.

Daemerys' laugh faltered at her lips when she noticed they were outside the dungeon, where her husband was being held. Guilt mixed with fury invaded her heart. "I suppose I should speak with him. Ask him why he's here".

Jace rested a hand on her shoulder, "You do not have to, Sister. I can speak to him", she smiled down at the boy in thanks but she shook her head.

"No", she looked to her parents, "He's my husband. My mess. I'll clean it up".

Those were the last words she spoke before she opened the door, her body fading through the darkness once more. But this time she was facing a different kind of monster . . .

Her lover, her husband, Aemond Targaryen.

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