Chapter 2

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Later on that same night, batgirl was helping supergirl out with a favor. She decided to show her Dracula's skull.

Supergirl/Batgirl: (laughing)

Supergirl: Count Dracula really

Batgirl: I know right

Supergirl: well if he exist than there must be a Bigfoot (laughing)

Batgirl: yeah

They looked at the case that had Dracula's skull

Supergirl: whoa it looks so realistic

Batgirl: yeah I wonder who's skull he has

Supergirl: (phtt) babs it's fake look

She takes it out and holds it to her. Batgirl began to worry that the Batman might see her.

Batgirl: Kara what are you doing your not supposed to touching the souvenirs

Supergirl: oh would you relax it's not even real, see-OW

She then cut herself on his tooth, she dropped it, Batgirl ran to her, grabbed her hand to see how bad the cut was.

Batgirl: oh hey, are you ok

Supergirl: ow, no I cut myself on the stupid fake skull

They saw how big her cut was, and a droplet of her blood fell on Dracula's skull

Batgirl: well I told told you not to touch it

Supergirl: ugh

Batgirl: here I'll go get the first aid kit

She walks her to the table and as the blood trenched on the skull, it's eyes began on grow.

And when supergirl sat down and batgirl grabbed the first aid kit, the skull was gone.

Batgirl: ok let's see how bad it is

After wrapping her finger in bandages, she looked to find skull but found that it was disappeared.

Batgirl: ok let's hurry put the skull back and get out of here before the Batman finds us-huh, where did it go

Supergirl gets off and tries to find it using her super sight but it's nowhere to been seen, she then grabs her arm.

Supergirl: come on let's just leave it, it's nowhere to be seen

Batgirl: but what about the Batman, he'll know that we went through here and he's going to be furious

Supergirl: we'll blame it on the nerd wonder and now come on let's get out of here

They ran out of the bat cave but back upstairs, trouble was brewing.

Ding dong

Someone was ringing the doorbell bell, Alfred went to answered it.

Alfred: coming

Bruce walked downstairs and when Alfred opened the door, they both saw that it was Professor Martin Stein.

It was raining outside, he wore a black hat, with matching gloves, a blue trench coat, black pants and shoes. He was holding an umbrella.

Alfred: ah Professor Stein, what an unusual visit, oh please come in

He walks in and closes his umbrella.

Bruce: oh hello Professor Martin what brings you here, came to return dick's report card early

Martin: oh Jefferson left something here and I thought I might come here to pick it up

He looks over to a coffee table to see a green folder, he walks over to it and picks it up.

Martin: ah there it is, well good night gentlemen

He walks to the door

Bruce: oh wait professor

He turns to him

Bruce: why don't you stay for coffee

Martin: oh I don't want to interfere and my wife is going to be waiting for me and I hate to have her worry

Alfred: are you sure you wouldn't stay for some tea

Martin: oh I supposed I could stay a little

A few minutes later, Alfred poured two cups of chai tea, Martin grabs the cup and takes a sip.

Martin: ah, so how did the children enjoyed the party

Bruce: they had the time of their lives

Martin: that's nice

Bruce: well they all made sure dick had fun

Martin: well Jefferson does say that he means a lot to everyone

Bruce: I'm glad dick have friends like them since it can be hard for him to make (normal) friends at school

Martin: I can say the same about Jefferson and the others

He then realized that he wanted to ask him about something

Martin: thanks can't help but wonder that there's something else you want to talk about

Bruce: well Gotham is hosting a carnival next week, maybe it would be okay for Jefferson to come

Martin: oh a festival

Bruce: ah yeah, it's supposed to be fun for family and friends and there will be lots of security in case one of Arkham's most wanted decide to show up

Martin: I don't know who will be watching the kids

Bruce: don't worry Ryan volunteered to be their chaperone

Martin: I don't know

Bruce: tell you what if that's still not convincing enough for you, then you can chaperone with Ryan too

Martin: you're never going to quit are you

Bruce: well dick wants all his friends to be there and he'd pretty disappointed if he knew that Jefferson wasn't coming

Martin: (sigh) alright then, we'll go

Bruce: good I'll tell dick the good news

They both get up and he walks him to the door.

Martin: I guess we'll see you next week

Bruce: yes

Martin: do be careful mr. Wayne even though Halloween maybe over, that doesn't no danger will come, I heard terrible tales that happen at festivals, if I were you I keep an close eye on mr. Grayson, you'll never know what might happen

He puts his hat on, grabs his umbrella, opens it and walks to his car.

Bruce: I'll keep that in mind

He shuts the door, he walks upstairs and towards dick's room, he opens the door walks slowly to his bed where he was sleeping.

He wakes up as he felt that he watching him.

Dick: did you ask him

Bruce: Jackson is coming

Dick: good

Bruce: I just don't think it's a good idea to invite Wally too

Dick: Bruce he's my best friend

Bruce: before him, Roy was your best friend first and I didn't have any trouble with him

Dick: I treat all my friends equally and you were the one that suggest that I should meet the league's sidekick, next I supposed you're going to have a problem with Artemis

Bruce: well she is a bad influence on you

Dick: that's what you said about Conner

Bruce: well he has angry issues and I don't want him to hurt you

Dick: he's learning to control it and besides Artemis is cool

Bruce: I don't like how close she is with you

Dick: everybody is like that with me (sigh) look Bruce it's late, let's just continue this tomorrow

Bruce: alright fine

He heads to the door

Bruce: but I still don't trust Wally

Dick: Bruce one of these days you're going to have to trust Wally some day

He thoughts for a minute and shuts the door.

Back outside as Martin was halfway driving home, something was watching him and followed his car. He was passing by the welcome to Gotham sign, he drove in the woods.



Martin: huh

He felt something jumping on his car, he stopped the car, got out and when he looked up, he was terrified when he was.

Martin: (gasp)

It was no man but a vicious, vampire ghoul, he was paler then a ghost, he was mostly bones, he's eyes were blue, he's hands sharp claws and he had no clothes on.

Dracula: (hiss)

He looked at Martin and the professor ran.

Martin: AH

Dracula: (hiss)

He ran after him, he thought he could cut him off, through the woods.

He ran through the trees.

Martin: (gasp)

Dracula: (snarls)

He looked back to see him the vampire was following him, he didn't see the tree stump by, he tripped over it and came tumbling down.

Martin: AH, ugh

But when he got back up, he saw that the vampire has finally caught up to him.

Martin: ah

Dracula: (hiss)

He tries to get up but he was trembling in fear, it made him hard to strand out or pull himself up. He then backed up to a tree as the vampire got closer to him.

Martin: AH

Moments later the vampire came out, a scar on his head. He walks straight and saw the sigh of Gotham city, he smiles sinisterly.

Dracula: I shall have my revenge


To be continued

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