Chapter 1-Argument

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It was time for the Grand Meeting. There, the three teams would meet and discuss things. Snow Fall gritted her teeth and hurried over to the huge table. The weather was very bad. It was raining heavily, so all the Foxies were drenched in rainwater. 

"So, any news?" Fire Spark, the leader of the Fierce Protectors asked. 

"Oh, we will change our team name from the Beast Raiders to the FoxEater Raiders." Star Shine flicked his tail. 

"Why?" Sun Tail-the leader of the Stealth Lookouts- asked. "You never wanted to change the names of your team! Also, what are FoxEaters?" 

"Beasts." Star Shine informed the two leaders with a shrug. "Also, we have this. Blue Mist, Snow Fall, bring him out! Look, we found one traitor." he pointed his muzzle where Blue Mist and Snow Fall were standing. 

Snow Fall and Blue Mist pulled the traitor from behind them and shoved him in front of him. 

"Fire Whirl." Star Shine conceded. "He is one of the Three Traitors. The other young Foxies were happy, but Jade Light and Dawn Flare shared a worried glance. 

Aha. Snow Fall pounced in the center of the table, where Foxies had an important message to share. The leaders looked up at Snow Fall. "I have noticed that two Foxies are not happy, and I suspect they are the other two traitors." She announced. 

"Who?" Fire Spark leaned forwards, pelt sparking with curiosity. 

"Jade Light and Dawn Flare!" she yowled. 

There were gasps from the other teams. Snow Fall knew that Jade Light was a very talented Foxie, and Dawn Flare was very kind. 

"What if you're wrong?" Leaf Tail called. 

"I know I'm not wrong." Snow Fall met the shocked Foxie's gaze. "I saw it myself." 

"Okay!" Star Shine yowled. He swished his tail in the air, silencing the other Foxies. He turned to Jade Light and Dawn Flare. "Is this correct?" He asked, his eyes hardening like stone. 

The two Foxies were silent when Jade Light stepped up, announcing, "YES! WE ARE THE TRAITORS!" suddenly, white light flared around him. 

"NO! HE'S TURNING TO A FOXEATER!" Snow Fall shrieked, shielding her eyes from the blinding light. But she could spot Dawn Flare also turning to the horrible FoxEater. Oh, Foxis! How are we going to deal with this?

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