Chapter 21: Stiles Saved Me

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Scott looks up as the screams stopped.  Liam uncovers his ears and looks over to the others and helps Myst to her feet.  He turns her head to the side and sees blood dripping from her ears. 

She waves him off, "I'll be fine." 

Scott helps Josie to her feet, checking her and thankfully, no blood, "Are you ok?"  He asks.

She nods and looks and sees Parrish still walking away from them, unaffected by the screams.

"Parrish."  She says and Scott takes her hand and the four of them begin to follow him again. 

They watch him turn a corner, towards the barrier they came across earlier with the guards.  Parrish's skin glows brightly as he walks trance like towards the barrier.  They could see the environment around his body shimmer from the heat pouring from him.  They kept their distance as much as they could. 

"Parrish?"  Scott calls out as they follow.

Parrish made no word of reply, he only kept walking towards the barrier. 

"He can't hear you.  Parrish, at least.  But, he's still in there."  Myst says. 

As they reach the barrier, Scott and Liam couldn't help but wonder,

"How's he going to get through the mountain ash?" Liam asks. 

Before Myst could answer, she points towards Parrish, and they watch him basically walk through the barrier.  Fire explodes around him, effecting the barrier in tow and he just keeps walking on. 

Scott, Liam, and Josie's eyes widen at the sight.  Scott walks up towards the barrier and carefully puts his hand up.  He was amazed to see that he wasn't affected by the barrier. 

"He's burning it right out of the walls."  He says. 

"Hellhounds are above most all in the supernatural world.  Mountain Ash can't hold them back.  They're the guardians after all.  Why keep them out?"  Myst says and continues to follow Parrish. 

Josie and Scott go through while Liam follows them. 


Stiles paces through the tunnels, carrying a weak Lydia, trying to find a way to get out of there safely and meet up with the others outside.  Hopefully. 

"Okay.  You gotta try and stay on your feet.  The plan didn't work out too well.  So I'm gonna need your help, okay?"  Stiles pants out as they walk/run as fast as they could together.

"You had a plan?"  She asks weakly.

"Yeah.  It was good on paper.  Not too much in reality."  He mutters and half carries her towards a door.  Stiles kicks it open and helps her in.  Lydia lets out a painful gasp and pushes Stiles away. 

"I can't hold it."  She gets on her knees and grips her head.

"Lydia..." Stiles says worriedly.  He wasn't gonna leave her. 

"Stiles, run!" Lydia cries out, trying to hold in the screams as hard as she could. 

Before Stiles could touch her, Parrish grips him from behind and throws him away into the air.  Scott catches him and pulls him away. 

Lydia gasps again as she sees Parrish and opens her mouth to let out another banshee scream.  Before the scream could affect anyone, Parrish covers her body with his.  Blocking the screams out, but they were still powerful enough to send a wave around them.  Liam and Myst covers Stiles in protection, but the wave sent Josie against the wall, slamming her head against the concrete with a loud crack. 

Dust pours out from the tunnel way where Parrish and Lydia were.  Everyone coughed and waved their hands around to see through the smoke.  Scott suddenly sees Parrish coming through the smoke, carrying a very weak Lydia.  His eyes were back to normal. 

"Where to?"  He asks. 

"This way."  Scott says, but stops as he sees Josie on the ground, he could smell the blood coming from her. 

He quickly gets on his knees and tends to her, he winches and touches the back of his head.  It felt sore.  He lifts her head and sees the wound.  It wasn't that bad, and it was healing, but she wouldn't wake up.  They didn't have much time, so he picks her up and carries her in his arms as he leads the way out for his pack. 

"Come on."  He nods his head at them to follow as he takes off running with Josie in his arms. 

Outside of Eichen House, Mason is still dumbstruck at what to do, but he didn't have time to freeze out.  He looks down at the sheet and just stutters out.

"Hayden, just pull them all.  Just pull them all!" He yells out.

He starts to hear Hayden pulling the levers and before they knew it, all the shutters start to open up. 

Inside, Liam paces to catch up with Scott.

"There's a gate up ahead."

"What about Mason?"  Scott asks.

"He's on it.  Trust me."  Liam takes off before them.

"What's...What's happening?"  Lydia asks weakly as they turn a corner.

"Plan B." Parrish says.

"Liam, slow down.  Liam, wait!"  Scott calls out, but it was too late.   Liam grips on to the gate, sparks start to erupt, but soon, they were gone and he opens the gates easily. 

"I told you."  Liam smirks and goes through the gates. 

Edward, Kira, and Malia still waited for Plan B to set in motion.  Corey and Josh look up as the lights begin to flicker and the electricity on the doors were gone. 

"He did it."  Corey looks up in shock.  He couldn't believe Mason managed to do this. 

"We gotta get to Stiles' Jeep."  Malia says as she pulls Kira out the door with Edward. 

Stiles, Scott, Myst, Josie, Parrish, and Lydia managed to make it outside of the sewers.  Scott holds up Josie on her feet as the jeep pulls up. 

"Jojo, you ok?" Scott asks as he holds her head up to make her look at him.  

She sighs deeply, "Ow." 

He chuckles and pulls her into his arms, so happy that she was ok. 

"My head is really pounding."  She mutters against his chest. 

"Don't worry. It's almost over."  He assures her. 

"Can you stand?"  Parrish asks as he puts Lydia down onto her feet, but he still holds her close.

Malia, Kira and Edward get out of the jeep, "Is she okay?"  Kira asks.

"No, we need to go.  Give me the keys."  He holds his hands out for the keys and Kira gives them to him.  "We gotta get her to the clinic."

Suddenly, Parrish is shoved against the jeep with slash marks over his back.  Everyone looks over and sees Tracy holding on to Lydia with her claws against Lydia's stomach. 

"Sorry, but she's coming with me."

"Okay.  Tracy, just wait.  You don't know what's about to happen."  Scott says cautiously.

"I'm taking her.  That's what's happening."  She sneers at him. 

Josie snarls at her, her eyes glowing bright red.

"And none of are you going to do a thing..."  She grunts as jolts of electricity is shot through her body, sending her slamming into the ground.  Stiles catches Lydia before she falls.

Behind her stood Natalie, holding an electric baton.

"Could somebody please get my daughter out of this hellhole?"  She grits out. 


Scott races on the road with Stiles holding on to Lydia in the back as Josie and Myst sits in the front. 

Scott grinds the lever to try and make the jeep go faster, but the jeep wasn't agreeing with them. 

"Scott."  Stiles says anxiously.  Worry for Lydia was churning his gut. 

"Yeah.  I'm trying, I'm trying."  Scott says as he pushes harder on the pedal. 

"We're almost there."  Myst says. 

"Lydia, just hold on, okay?"  Stiles says as he holds on to her. 

Lydia holds her lips closed as tightly as she could.  She could feel the screams forcing themselves to come out.  She could barely hold on.

She lets out a scream that shatters the windows, even the side mirrors.  Everyone ducks and covers their ears.  Scott's eyes widen as he sees the side mirror cracked. 

Lydia tights down on her lips as she feels another building up. 

"Hey.  Lydia, Lydia, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.  Look.  You're gonna get through this, okay? Lydia, look at me, you're gonna make it."  Stiles tries to calm her but it wasn't working.

Josie reaches out and grabs Lydia's hand, pushing her powers to calm her mind.  Lydia gaps and looks at Josie, smiling sadly at her.  Josie nods and keeps holding on to her hand. 

Lydia's smile drops as she looks up at Stiles, "But you're not."  She whispers.

Stiles frowns and feels blood dripping from his ear.  He reaches up and catches a drop.

Josie gasps and looks over to Scott, "Go faster." She says worriedly. 

Scott looks over his shoulder as he smells the blood and grips the lever harder, forcing it to make the jeep go faster.


Stiles was the first to bust through the clinic's doors, carrying Lydia with him.  Scott, Josie and Myst follow in tow behind him as they meet up with Deaton in the exam room. 

"Get her on the table." He orders them as he rushes to his medicine cabinet and grabs his tools.

Lydia whimpers as Scott and Stiles picks her up and places her on the table.  Her body jerks as another scream builds up inside her. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa."  Stiles yelps as she tries to hold on to her. 

"Hold her."

Lydia couldn't hold it in, she lets out another scream that shook the whole building.  Josie and Myst covers their ears in pain. 

"Doc, think you gotta do something."  Stiles says anxiously.

"I will.  But right now, I need you to keep her still."  Deaton says as he uses a syringe without a needle to suck up some sort of substance. 

Lydia whimpers and grits her teeth as she wiggles all over the table in pain. 

Josie paces over to her, "Lydia.  Lydia!  Look at me!" She shouts.

Lydia snaps her eyes open, whimpering in pain as she looks up at her.  Josie grips her hand and pushes her powers as hard as she could calm her again. 

Lydia lets out a small whimper and grips on to Josie's hand as she feels the content wash over her, but it wasn't enough. 

"Steady.  Steady."  Deaton coats as he holds up the syringe.

"What the hell is that?"  Stiles exclaims.

"Mistletoe, right?"  Myst asks.

Deaton nods and starts to press it into Lydia's head.

"Mistletoe? She's got a fricking hole in her head."  Stiles exclaims in disbelief.

Josie groans in pain as she keeps pushing the powers to calm her, but it was hurting her.  She yelps and winces as her head was starting to hurt.  Scott looks up and sees her in pain.  His eyes widen as her nose begins to bleed. 

"Josie, stop."  Scott was about to let go of Lydia, but he couldn't.  Lydia's body jerks again and he holds her down tighter.  "Stiles, help."

"Steady."  Deaton coats and injects the mistletoe inside the hole in Lydia's head. 

As soon as it gets inside her, her body jerks up as another powerful scream erupts from her mouth, causing all the windows to shatter and the glass explodes.  Scott jumps and covers Josie's body, protecting her.  Deaton grabs Myst and shoves her to her feet, covering her body with his as he presses her against the wall.  Stiles covers his body over Lydia's, pressing her back down to the table.

Soon, the screaming died down and it was silent.  Scott slowly gets up and helps Josie to her feet.  She groans in pain and wipes her bloody nose. 

"Are you ok?"  He asks, softly.

"So far so good."  She mutters.

Deaton helps Myst to her feet and they both look over to Stiles and Lydia.  Stiles slowly gets up and looks down at Lydia.  She was too still.  Too quiet.  She almost looked like she wasn't breathing.

"Lydia.  Lydia? Lydia.  Lydia, come on."  Stiles gently picks up her head, trying to get her to wake up, brushing the glass off her face gently.  "No, no, no, no, no.  Come on, Lydia.  Wake up.  Come on.  Wake up.  Can you hear me? Lydia.  Lydia, open your eyes.  Come on, come on.  Come on.
Listen to me, Lydia.  Hey, show me your eyes, okay? Lydia, you have to open your eyes."  He demands as he voice cracks and tears start to mist in his eyes.

Deaton looks down sadly.  Josie covers her mouth as tears fall from her eyes, Scott pulls her into his arms and feels her sob into his chest. 

Myst walks over to Stiles and touches his arm, his lip wobbles as he looks up at her and tears fall from his eyes.

"Stiles, move." She says gently and pushes him away. 

"What are you doing?"  He asks brokenly. 

"Trust me." She gives him a small smile.

Stiles looks back down at Lydia and brushes his fingers again through her hair and gets up, walking away.

Myst stands behind Lydia's head and rubs her hands together, then she lines them up at the side of her head and closes her eyes.  Calling forth the powers inside her.  She grunts as she could feel the painful pull of her powers beginning to go through Lydia's body.  Josie turns and looks, her eyes widening at the sight.  A bright glow was radiating off of Myst's hands, like glowing dark blue mist brushing over Lydia's skin, entering into her body.  Lydia's body begin to glow brighter and brighter, then finally with a powerful force, Myst is shoved back against the shelves with a painful grunt, landing onto the floor.

Stiles quickly looks over to Lydia, grabbing her hand to see if she was ok now.  Waiting for anything.  A sign that she was alive.  Anything.  When nothing happened, he lets out disappointed sob, but gasps when she finally moans. 

Lydia slowly begins to open her eyes and looks around and sees Stiles looking down at her her with a worried look. 

"You okay?"  He asks softly.  

With a sad smile, she nods as tears form in her eyes.  She was so relieved.  She couldn't hear the screaming anymore.  "You're okay."  Stiles sighs in relief.  "Want to try to sit up?"

He slowly helps her to sit up on the table.  She looks around, trying to get her settings in order, then she sees a figure at the door. 


Natalie sighs in relief, "Oh, honey."  She rushes to her daughter, holding her tight in her arms. 

Scott holds Josie in his arms as she lets out sob of happiness and relief.  Scott sighs and kisses her head. 

"They saved my life, Mom.  Stiles saved me."  Lydia says softly as she smiles at Stiles. 

Stiles couldn't help but smile, too. 

"I'm not paying for the windows."  He points over to the broken windows behind him. 

Deaton chuckles and all of them jump as Myst sits up fast.

"SON OF A BITCH!"  She groans in pain. 

Deaton rushes to help her, "Are you ok?"  He helps her to her feet. 

Groaning, she holds on to Deaton's hand as he helps her to sit on the counter, "I think I'll live."  She sighs. 

"That was very risky."  He says. 

"Have you ever done that before?"  Scott asks.

"I've healed wounds that were life threatening, but bringing a person back from the dead...hell, no." Myst shakes her head and pants out.

Natalie grips on to Lydia tighter, Lydia's eyes widen, she was dead?

"Please, for the love of god, no one get yourself killed."  Myst mutters, she sighs loudly and leans back against the brick wall.


Theo made it back to the lab, but very disappointed to know that Hayden left her post and used the venom on Deucalion.  He places the syringe down on the table and leans on it, sighing in frustration.

"I said it was for emergencies only."

"I had an emergency."  Hayden points out irritability.

"Don't worry, Theo.  A little dissension in the ranks is perfectly healthy.  Did you find what you were looking for?"  Deucalion asks.

Theo looks over his shoulder to him, "No."  He looks back and picks up the mask he took from Valack's lab.  "But I think I might have found something better."

Hayden frowns as she sees the mask, what is Theo planning?

"A way to answer the question."  Theo turns to face Deucalion.

"Who is the Beast"  Deucalion smirks.

Theo looks over to picture of the hellhound and beast, he had to know who it he can find it and kill it.  To finally become the Alpha he long desires to be.

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