Chapter 30: The Dark Side of Remembering

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Parrish lands onto his feet as fire covers his body. He growls lowly and looks over his shoulder, seeing that the Argents were following him. Following him as he leads them towards Sebastian's trail. He takes off running as fast as he can, following the scent.

Chris grips on to the wheel of his car and grits his teeth at his father, "You knew, didn't you?"

"I wasn't certain, but I suspected. Although, it makes sense that Marie-Jeanne's  pike would be reforged into something   that could appear as innocuous as a cane." Gerard says as he holds on to the Surgeon's cane, admiring the sword.

"But will it kill him?" Chris asks.

"You're damn right it will." Gerard smirks as he snaps the sword back into the sheath.


Stiles headed towards Deaton's and meets up with him and Myst. Informing them about Mason. Deaton goes over the medical form, looking at the ultrasound picture in shock.

"Vanishing twin syndrome..." Deaton mutters as he looks over the report.

"This is part of your expertise, right?" Stiles says, hopefully.

"Not particularly, no." Deaton shakes his head.

Myst leans over Deaton's shoulder to read the report and scoffs, "How very intriguing of the Doctors to go for someone like Mason. Even I never suspected it."

"Have you heard from the others?" Deaton asks.

Before Stiles could answer, they all jump as they hear the door bust open and Scott and Liam come running in with the Surgeon in tow.

"He's still alive." Scott says as he holds the Surgeon to his feet, but he looked like he could barely stand.


Theo managed to limp his way into Tracy's arms after Scott and Liam took off. Tracy carefully helped him down to sit on the ground as he leaned against the wall next to the stairs. He grunts and pants.

"This looks bad, Theo." Tracy says with worry as she exams his wound. The beast really did a number on him.

"I'll be fine." He sighs.

He looks up at her with a soft, gentle admiration and reaches up stroke her cheek. She smiles shyly as he pulls her closer to kiss her. She kisses him back, gently. Tracy always admired him. Maybe even loved him, despite what he was trying to do. He wasn't her mate, but she could love him.

As the passion grew between them, she climbs on to his lap and straddles him, deepening her kiss as he does the same. Wrapping his arms around her body, pulling her closer to him.

As she feels his lips against her throat, he suddenly groans and cries out in pain. She gasps and pulls away, making sure she doesn't hurt him anymore.

"Maybe we need to stop. Or figure out another plan. Just take a couple more  days to think about it." She suggests.

He looks at her in disbelief and scoffs, "Days? You want to wait days?"

"You're hurt. You need time to heal. And I'm not like the others. I can't take your pain." She says desperately.

He sighs, "I know,   and that's okay. Because you can do something else for me." He cups her cheek in his hand, "You can give me your power."

She frowns at him in confusion.

Theo, suddenly, stabs her in the back with his claws, taking her powers.

She screams in pain as her Kanima side comes forth.

"Theo..." She begs him to stop, but he kept pulling her powers into him.

She snarls at him and digs her claws into his shoulder, trying to paralyze him. To stop him. But, she could feel her powers, her life leaving her body.

"Theo, stop..." She gasps and slowly falls back in his arms. Exhaling her last breath.

Theo grunts as he pushes her off him, but he falls sideways in the process. The pain was still there, but he could feel himself healing more.

Deucalion taps his walking stick as stands at the stairs behind Theo.

"And then there were none."


Sebastian managed to find a source of travel while he heals, but it costed the life an unsuspecting car owner. Sebastian took his clothes and got into the man's car. He didn't recognize anything of this strange thing. He knew it was a car, but what was a car? His memories and Mason's memories were all jumbled up inside him. He looks around, examining the vehicle. He closes his eyes and thinks. He sees from Mason's memories how to start a car. He smirks and turns the key and revving down the highway.

Chuckling to himself, he was really liking this century. He wonders what else he can remember. He suddenly snaps his head to the rear view mirror as memories fill his mind.

Laughter, a beach, a...water gun. Friends. Girls squealing from the cold water. His eyes widening as memories of a certain person he hasn't seen in years fill his mind.

"Diana." He breaths out.

She was alive! How can that be?

"No...not Diana. Josie. Josie Thompson." That name was so foreign, but she'll forever be his Diana. His moon. His love. She was here and he had a feeling he knew who can find her.


Malia leaned on the wall as she squatted in caution, keeping her eyes on the stairs. She knew she couldn't do this alone. She need help. She gets out her cell and starts typing in her code.

The Desert Wolf snaps her head to the loud beeping noises that were coming from upstairs. She smirks, knowing Malia was calling for help.

Braedon aims her gun, pointing her laser out and waited for the wolf to get in her way.

Just about as Malia was gonna call for Stiles, she hears her mother.

"Who are you calling, Malia?   Is it Stiles, your boyfriend?" She smirks. "Tell him to come. Bring all  your friends, if you want." She coats her.

Malia clicks Stiles' name on her phone, but unsure if she should call for help.

"Maybe even call your friend...Josie. I would love to see her again. Go ahead, Malia. You tell me how many people I'm  going to have to kill tonight."

Malia clicks her phone, turning it off. She couldn't risk anyone's life. This was between her...and that bitch of a mother.


The surgeon lies unconscious over the exam table as Deaton exams him.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton frowns, amazed of how this...person...whatever he was carried such advance ways to keep himself alive.

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam scoffs.

"Personally, I don't think we  utilize torture nearly enough." Stiles says, sarcastically.

"Forget torture. I have my ways." Myst smirks. "Alan, honey, I would get away from him." Myst smiles.

Deaton's brows shoot up and he steps away.

Myst rotates her neck and sighs, "Hmmm, so long has it been since we've been in each others presences...hasn't it...Marcel?"

Scott frowns in confusion and his brows go up shock, "This is Diana's brother?" He points at the Surgeon.

Myst nods, "What's left of him at least." She shakes her head in sympathy. "Marcel was a great man. A true soldier. But, when we all lost Diana, he lost more." She remembers Marcel's change the day of Diana's funeral.

"The day we buried her, Marcel wouldn't speak for days. He barely ate or drank. She was everything to him. He wasn't close to his father, I don't know why. Their mother died when Diana was just a child. Then, one day, Marcel was starting to come back to his normal self. But, that was also around the time when the stories of the Beast started to float around." Myst explains.

Suddenly, Marcel's body starts to jerk around, causing the men to jump, but Myst laughs softly as Marcel begins to come to. He sits up real fast and sees Myst.

"Hello, Marcel." She smiles at him.

"Myst Vãduva." Marcel gasps out behind his mask.

She sighs and shakes her head, "Oh, Marcel. What have you done?"

"She's...she's back. Diana...Diana." He gasps out.

Her smile drops, "Why? Why couldn't you just let her rest in peace?"

"La Bete...calls for her...he won't rest...till he has her..."

"And that gives you the right to disturb her rest?!" She roars out, causing everyone to jump. She growls lowly as her eyes begins to turn black. "You...have broken ever rule of my world. Our world! For what?! For Diana? For Sebastian? She doesn't deserve this! She doesn't belong here!" Her voice becomes dark and distorted.

"Not...fair....not....fair." Marcel gasps out.

"I know. Her death...wasn't fair. But neither is ripping her soul from heaven and putting it into an innocent teenage girl. And Mason...he doesn't deserve that either. You're playing with fire." She scoffs at him, "And you already got burned."

" all...that matters....La Bete....and last..."

Myst snarls and with a wave her hand, she sends a ball of purple light into his face, slamming him back on to the exam table and back into unconsciousness.

The men look at her with their brows touching their hairlines. Stiles begins to stutter, "Remind me to never piss you off."

"What did you do to him?" Scott asks.

"Don't worry, he's resting. He's not dead, but he deserves worst than death. I never imagined Marcel to go so far in this. Just for his best friend and sister to be together. Alive and together." Myst says as she goes back to normal.

"Where is Josie anyway?" Deaton asks.

Scott stutters, "She's safe."


Diana grips on to the jail cell bars, jerking them back and forth, yelling out curses in French towards Sheriff and his deputies.

Sheriff could only watch in disbelief with Lydia by his side. He couldn't believe the sight he was seeing in front of him. It was Josie, but yet, it wasn't.

" you have any idea what she's saying?" Sheriff asks her.

Lydia blows out a breath, "Yup." She pops the 'p'.

"And?" He gestures her to say more.

"Um, I don't know if you want to know." She purses her lips.

Sheriff sighs in frustration, "This whole thing is giving me a headache. Do you think you could talk to her? Maybe calm her down...speak English?"

Lydia sighs deeply, "I can try."

Sheriff inhales deeply and scratches his head, leaving the two of them alone.

Diana grunts in frustration and turns to slump against the wall. She snaps her head up as she hears someone coming. She sees Lydia.

Lydia begins to talk to her in French, "Hi."

Diana frowns at her, "Hello."

Lydia sighs in relief, "Do you remember me?" she asks hopefully.

Diana shakes her head, "Should I?"

Lydia could feel disappointment fill inside her, but she didn't give up, "My name is Lydia Martin. I'm your friend. Can you speak English?"

Diana slowly gets to her feet, cautiously, "Yes." She says in a thick, French accent.

Lydia sighs in relief, "Good. I understand you're confused..." Diana cuts her off.

"Confused is far from what I am feeling right now. I wake up and men have the nerve to touch what's not theirs!" She says angrily.

"They didn't mean to. They were trying to help you. Diana, what's the last thing you remember?" Lydia asks as she moves to step closer to the cell.

Diana frowns and thinks, she remembers, being dragged into the woods, being thrown into the arms of another man. She remembers....

"Oh, god." She whimpers and looks at Lydia with tears, "What did they do to me?"

Lydia licks her dry lips, "The men in the woods. They hurt you didn't they? Not the ones who brought you here, but the others. The pack."

Diana gasps and squeezes her eyes shut as more memories fill her head. She remembers them touching her. One by one, they...defiled her. She sobs at the memories.

"They..." she cries and falls to her knees, sobbing.

Lydia kneels to meet her height, "They took you from your home. From where you belonged."

Diana nods slowly and feared for the worst, "Will Sebastian still want me even after that?" She sobs out.

Lydia was hesitant, "Things have changed since you've been gone, Diana. You disappeared in 1758." Lydia sighs deeply, "It's 2015 now."

Diana's eyes widen in shock and disbelief, "What?"

"Look around you, Diana. Does any of this look like it's the 1700s?" Lydia says, pointing at everything.

She was right, nothing looked familiar, and what she saw outside. She wasn't home. This wasn't home. She looks at Lydia like a lost puppy, "Where am I?"

Lydia sighs and gets up, she holds up a finger and goes to the door, talking to the sheriff. Diana frowns as she comes back with him. She jumps when she hears the doors beep and open. Lydia walks in as the doors shut.

"Call me if anything happens." He says softly.

Lydia nods and turns back to Diana. She gives Diana a gentle look and holds a hand out. She leads her to the long row booth and sits down next to her, explaining everything to her.

"But, that can't be. I know who I am." Diana protests.

"It was the Dread Doctors." Diana scoffs at that name. "They took your organ, persevered it somehow, and placed in into the body you're now inhabiting in." Lydia explains.

"That....that is preposterous. It's impossible to do such evil things." Diana argues.

"Yet, you believed in Myst's work." Lydia points out.

Diana snaps her head to Lydia in surprise, "Myst? You know Myst?"

Lydia nods, "She's here. Well, in this town. I can call her if you want me to."

Diana frowns and gasps as Lydia pulls out her cell.

"It's a phone. A way to contact others. No more letters. We have new ways to communicate in this time. Faster ways." Lydia smiles at her reaction.

Diana exclaims in French as Lydia begins to call Myst.

"Myst! I have Diana here. She wishes to speak to you." Lydia says. She carefully brings the phone to Diana's ear and let's her listen.

"My sister!" She hears Myst exclaims happily in French.

Diana gasps in shock, "I can hear her." She exclaims.

"I can hear you, too. Diana, I missed you so much." Myst says over the phone.

"This device is amazing! Mysty, how are you here, in this time?" Diana asks.

"Long story, but, Diana, did Lydia explain everything to you?" Myst asks.

"She told me some things. Myst, please tell me it's not true about my love." Diana asks, brokenly.

Myst sighs, "I'm sorry, Di. I'm so sorry. But, it's true. He's not the same man you met years ago. He's changed, and it's for the worse. Please, promise me you'll stay away from him."

Diana's heart breaks, "Myst..." She whispers, begs her not to request something so hard.

"Diana, you trust me, right?" Myst asks.

Diana nods, "Yes."

"Trust me, trust Lydia. I'll be there soon so we can talk. So I can show you the truth, ok?" Myst asks.

Diana sniffles, "Ok." Her voice breaks. She jumps as she hears a loud click then silence.

Lydia takes the phone away and looks at her with sadness, "I'm sorry."

Diana sighs, "She says I should trust you." She looks up into Lydia's eyes. "I can see you're a good person."

"So are you. I mean, you've done so much for your people."

"And, yet, they betrayed me." Diana sighs.

"Josie is good person, too." Lydia adds.

Diana frowns at her, "She's the one, the owner of the body you're in. Look." Lydia takes her cell and shows Diana pictures of Josie.

Diana gasps at the pictures. Pictures of Josie and Lydia together, laughing. Another of Josie, Stiles, Scott, and Malia. Diana tilts her head as she sees Josie with Scott. They were kissing.

"Who is that man with her?" Diana asks.

Lydia gives her a soft smile, "That's Scott McCall. Her boyfriend." She stutters, waving off her mistake, "Her love. Her mate."

Diana looks at her in shock, "Her mate?"

Lydia nods, "I know Sebastian is your mate. But,"

"But, we don't belong here." Diana says, understanding.

Lydia didn't say anything. She watches Diana sigh and stand up. Lydia stands up before her and rubs her back in comfort. Diana gives her a small smile and hands her back her cell.

Lydia reaches for it, but suddenly Diana grabs her roughly.

"LYDIA, HELP ME!" Josie screams out.

Lydia gasps as Diana looks at her in shock, letting her go quickly.

"Was that?" Diana's thick accent was back.

"Maybe we have a chance to save her." Lydia says in realization what she just witnessed.


Back at the vet, Myst cuts her call and turns back to them.

"Lydia is getting through Diana. We're making good progress so far." She smiles, then frowns as a voice she hasn't heard in years fill the air.

"Come..." Sebastian's voice is heard.

Scott, Liam, and Myst frowns at that voice. They look around for the source, but Myst snarls.

"Did you hear that?" Liam asks.

Stiles and Deaton frown in confusion, they couldn't hear what they heard.

"Come to me...To me."

"Oh, sh..." Myst mutters.

Suddenly, Marcel sits up fast, letting out a loud high pitch sound that had everyone covering their ears. Marcel gets up off the table and starts to walk away.

Liam rushes to stop him, but Scott shouts out to him.

"Liam, wait!"

Liam didn't listen, he rushes to attack, but Marcel lifts his hand up, sending a large electromagnetic wave, sending him flying backwards and slamming against the wall.

Marcel limps towards the door, heading outside. As he stood free outside, he lifts his hand and sends another wave, shutting the doors in the process. Inside, Scott sees the shelves begin to move, rumble. His eyes widen and he reaches to grab Myst, pulling her out of the way.

"Watch out!" He shouts as they duck.

Everything metal in the room takes off towards the door, blocking their way out.

Deaton reaches for Myst, making sure she was ok, "Are you alright?"

She nods, "Yeah." She blows out a long breath, "Whew."

Scott and Liam move to get everything out of the way, but Deaton and Myst stop them.

"Wait." "Stop." They both say.

Scott blocks the sparks erupting from the corner of the room, near the exit.

"It's electrified." Deaton says, pointing at the exposed wires.

Scott begins to hear voices outside.

Marcel falls to his knees as the pain from the wound was becoming unbearable, he knew he wasn't going to make it.

He looks up and sees an old friend he has missed terribly.

Sebastian slowly walks towards him, standing before him as he looks down at the man who brought him back. He grabs the mask and removes it off the Surgeon's face. But, what he saw...he couldn't believe it.


He exams his old friend's face. His right left eye was completely gone, replaced by a large microscopic lens. His skin was white and wrinkled. His nose was gone and his lips were horribly thinned.

"If this is what immortality looks like, I think you might have been misled." Sebastian points out.

"For you...All for you...and her." Marcel rasps out.

Sebastian frowns in confusion, "Her?"

"Your sister...she's here." Marcel rasps.

Sebastian slowly falls to his knees, meeting his height, "Where is she?"

"They have her...hidden..." Marcel gasps.

He sighs in disappointment, he'll find her. He knew Marcel didn't have a lot of time, Diana was important, but something else even more important.

"What did you do with it, Marcel?   Where is the pike?" Sebastian asks as moves to stand.

"The Argents...The Argents..." Marcel rasps out.

Scott and Liam's eyes widen in realization.

"The cane." Scott gasps.

"But they took it. They took the cane." Liam says.

Myst gasps and looks towards the outside, "He wants the pike. Oh, no. Scott, that cane is the only way to bring back Josie. If he gets it. There's no way to save her...or Mason."

Scott and Liam looks at her in dread while Sebastian smirks as he heard the whole thing. Marcel took his last breath and falls to the ground.

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