Chapter 1

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I recommend listening to Beast of Pirate's Bay while reading this. It really adds some intensity :)

They turned and tried to catch her but she just barely managed to escape their grasp. Rosa couldn't help but smile as she heard their cussing behind her. They would never catch her and they all knew it.

" Stop right there you little thief!"

Rosa only slowed for a moment as another group of men stopped in front of her. Spotting a pile of cargo boxes, she leaped and jumped on them. With a skid she landed and turned down the ally way. To feel the breeze through her hair made her fill with happiness. The adrenaline rushing through her felt addictive.

She turned down another ally way and paused, looking for any more of them. When there was no sign of them around she held up the pendant she had stolen. It was a gold coin with beautiful designs and emerald spread through out it. She could understand why anyone would want it.

That's when she saw him. A young man with fire red hair stood watching her. From the looks of it it seemed like he was carrying cargo to his ship. There was a moment when Rosa wasn't entirely sure what to do but she knew that he knew what she had done. So she raised a finger to her lips then turned and disappeared into the night, not leaving a trace of her path behind.

Rosa twisted her way through the crowds gracefully and laid the mugs of booze down on the table before moving onto the next one. Music played while the voices competed to talk over it. Basically it was a loud mess of merchants and pirates who were drunk or well on their way.

" Here you go, 6 ales for you fine gentlemen." She smiled as she laid them down. Every single man thanked her and she looked up to give them one last smile before she left, then she saw him.

It was the same boy from the night before and it was clear he had recognized her. He opened his mouth to say something but she quickly ushered away before he had the chance to say anything.

She let out a relieved sigh and continued on with her job, making sure to avoid the table in general. However she did dare a glance back and spotted the boy talking amongst the men. They all turned and faced her but she ripped her eyes away and focused on singing the song that was played.

Oh, don't you sail and don't you row and certainly don't you swim,

'Cause if you aren't careful you'll end up inside him.

He'll eat you up, he'll spit you out.

You better stay away

Heed the sign that says, " Beware the Beast of Pirate's Bay!"

The beat stuck in her head as her and her workmates began to sing along. She turned and reached for the food sitting on the counter and went to deliver it when a man stepped in front of her.

" Ello mate," He growled, holding the tip of his knife under her chin," I believe that you have something that belongs to us."

Rosa eyes narrowed at his words. Everyone around was too sucked up into their drinks to notice, not that she need them. With a daring smirk she plunged the plate of food into his face, kicked him dead center, making him stumble into the rest of his buddies.

She reached and drew the two cutlasses that were positioned on both sides of her hips, under the folds of her skirts. With a twist of the handles sat comfortably in her hands and she stood ready. Now people began to notice.

A man charged at her with his sword and she easily rose her foot and kicked his arm to the side, leaving his chest open. She flicked her blades up and ran it up the front of his chest. Enough to hurt but not to kill. She heard another charge. Rosa turned and raised her foot again. Her heel crashed into his jaw and he faltered back into another one of his members.

The next thing she knew the boy from the night before was there standing and fighting along with the rest of his men. But that moment she took to look cost her. A blade lashed across her collar bone. She cringed in pain but quickly lashed back.

" Don't just stand there!"

She felt his hand wrap around her arm as he tugged her out the door. At first she had expected the fire red hair but was shocked by another brunette with an eye patch. She couldn't trust him, he could be with the pirates she stole from for all she knew. So she yanked her hand free and began to run.

" Hey! Wait for a second!"

Rosa didn't dare to look back. She couldn't trust anyone. The man's foot steps echoed behind her as he gained up on her. He was fast, she had to admit, but she was a step faster.

They came to pier and Rosa graceful wove her way in and out of the crowd, never once hitting a person unlike the man who chased her. He almost stumbled into every person. Just how did she do it so easily?

Slowly but surely he began to close in on her. Rosa ran as fast as she could but she came to a skidded stop. Just one more step and she would be in the water. She looked behind her and the man came running after her and she knew she had no other choice. She leaped to dive into the water when a hand wrapped her waist and yanked her back. A body wrapped around her and they slammed into the pier. Her head began to pound and her vision began to blacken. As she began to loose conscious all she could think was they caught me.

Swaying began to wake her up. Rosa's eyes began to flutter open as she gave a quiet groan. The room she was wooden with shelves and a table filled with medicines and books. A young dark-skinned man noticed her stirring and looked down at her.

" You're awake." He smiled at her. Rosa pushed herself and went to reach for her cutlass but they were gone. They had taken her weapons.

Rosa's glare hardened and she slowly backed herself against the wall. She might not have a blade but that didn't mean she still couldn't put up a good fight.

" We aren't here to hurt you. I promise you are safe." He continued. " I'm Christopher, the ships doc."

" Ship!" She gasped. There was no way she was on a ship. The last thing she remembered she had running and tried to dive into the water then . . . then that man grabbed her and pulled her back.
" Eduardo may not seem like it, but he does feel bad for knocking you out. He only meant to keep you from jumping."
Rosa went to stand to leave the room when pain shot through her arm. She bit her lip and held back a scream as she sat back and clutched at it desperately. She just wanted the pain to stop.

" This might hurt a little." He warned as he began to rub disinfectant and a cream onto her wound. She desperately fisted the sheets in her hand and continued to bit down on her lip until she could taste the blood.
" It's not a scratch but not exactly in a state for stitches either. You'll just have to take it easy, no fighting. However with the cream I put on it, it should heal in a day or so."

Rosa opened her watery eyes and saw Christopher holding out her cutlasses. She looked at him wearily before taking them and placing them back in their sheathes. If they really wanted to hurt her then they wouldn't have tried to heal her and let her walk around armed.

" The rest of the men are dining on the deck. Shall we go introduce you to them?"

Rosa nodded and took his hand, partly for support and partly for manners. He opened the door and allowed her to walk out first. As she watched him close the door she opened her mouth.

" Rosalinda." She stated abruptly.
" Excuse me?"
" My name, it's Rosalinda. But you can call me Rosa."

Christopher gave her another kind smile and began to lead her up the stairs.
" A pleasure to meet you Rosa."
She nodded and slowly stepped up onto the deck. The moonlight spilled over onto the ship and in the center, was a group of familiar men.
" There are three rules on this ship miss. Never leave your comrade behind, protect women and children at all costs, and learn to handle your liquor." Christopher whispered to her as they walked up to the table. Her nose scrunched at the last one. The bitter taste of alcohol made her want to gag.

" Men-" He started. Suddenly all eyes were on her. " May I present to you Rosalinda."

The only kind set of eyes she spotted was the red headed boy's and the captain's. She watched him push back his chair and stand. The click of his boots on the wood echoed in her ears but she refused to be intimidated.

" I must say you put up a good fight." He smiled." Where did a lady like you learn to fight like that?"

Rosa took a step back, only to step into Christopher's chest.
" My father. He was a pirate." She explained carefully.
" Good then you know how a ship works then." He smirked. " Russell!"
A blond haired boy stood at his command.
" Yes cap?"
" We don't have any room for her to sleep. She shall stay in your room."
" What! Why me!"

Rosa almost cried out agreeing, What! Why him! She would rather sleep in the crows nest than in a room with another man.

" Considering you were the one who got us involved with the fight I think it's only fair."

" Shut your trap Nathan!" Russell growled back. A big hand smacked her back uncomfortably.
" Ya be nice to her Russell. Also, call me Captain. If you need anything just let one of my men know, or even myself."
Rosa nodded and mumbled a thank you. Russell didn't even wait for her, he simply began to descend below deck. Perhaps she should just jump into the water.

She peered out in the water. It was pitch black with no sight of land in sight. So she followed Russell and only hoped that she would get off soon.

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