Congregatio Luporum: Chapter Two

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It remains a wonder to me that in my attempt to forgo all family, family found me.

For many days the wolf and I had seen no other life outside of prey, and we were content to be each other's sole companion. Whether we became jesters or built a cottage like Ambrosia's, we would find our peace alone, like Jedd in his plains, and be satisfied.

The wolf had paused for a drink when footsteps hit its ears. It raised its head in alert, hoping for an easy meal. Several pairs of eyes met its gaze. Green, gold, blue. All staring with intense curiosity and caution.

Wolves' eyes.

A pack of four had us surrounded. My wolf bared its teeth and prepared for an attack, but the strangers only sat and studied their discovery.

Are they the same as us? I thought to my wolf. Or are they animals?

I don't know. It's not good that there are so many.

Maybe you could charm them with some poetry.

I snickered at my jest and my wolf gave an indignant snort.

One of the pack, an intimidating black wolf, stepped forward.

"Stay back!" my wolf warned with a snarl.

At the sound of its voice the others looked at each other in surprise.

"I knew it!" one of them exclaimed. "You are one of us!"

They began talking among themselves. Their words came out in a hurried jumble that neither my wolf nor myself could keep up with. Tension melted from the group but their motives remained unknown. My wolf sniffed the air near them.

"Do you have...humans inside?" it asked.

Four heads nodded.

"You might be lying. Prove it."

The black wolf who had approached me shook its head.

"We have a colony that is safe," it said. "Follow us and we'll prove ourselves there."

"I'll go nowhere with you. Too much danger in the woods."

The black wolf huffed. It began to shift, shedding fur and growing skin, until it was revealed as a man, tall and strongly built. He wore a friendly smile and nothing else, so he moved his hands to cover himself.

"We don't bring clothes when we hunt," he said with a sheepish grin. "We usually wait until we're back home to become human." He nodded at the cloak of stars at my wolf's feet. "Looks like you're always prepared, though." He turned to his companions. "Go on, show him."

One by one the wolves went away, leaving two more men and one woman in their wake. They all appeared embarrassed by their state and were quick to shield themselves.

The one who'd changed first looked at me expectantly.

"It's your turn now."

The others shifted on their feet, their eyes darting back and forth between myself and the ground, while their leader remained calm and focused.

"We'll even give you privacy," he said, "though I will note that you gave us none."

He turned his back to me and the rest followed.

Rather than fight, I accepted his request, and quickly retrieved Jedd's spare robe from the cloak of stars to pull over my body.

"Are you dressed?" the leader asked.


The group turned to face me.

"What's your name?"


"Good to meet you, Josiah. I'm Ragnor, and these are my companions, Jun, Merchant, and Zuri."

They bowed their heads when he spoke their names.

"Have you been alone for long?" Ragnor asked. I nodded and he gave me a look of pity. "Not right for a wolf to be alone."

"We've done well enough."


"The wolf and I."

Ragnor's eyes grew wide. "You and your wolf aren't the same?"

"Of course not."

"But surely...I mean, you learned the correct...didn't you?"

"I don't understand."

"You are the wolf. Your parents didn't teach you—or the one who changed you?"

"No one changed me. I was attacked and almost died."

Ragnor's mouth fell open. "This isn't right. Have you met any others since?"

"I bit another boy and he turned, too. But I was forced to do that."

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know. We parted ways."

"Parted ways?"

All of my answers seemed to confound him. Even the others in the pack looked agitated.

"This is...very unsettling," Ragnor said. "I think you should follow us."

"What if I don't?"

Tension and anger heated my skin. I didn't like how the man was questioning me, and how every answer I gave was wrong. Whatever he thought of me, I sensed that it could be distilled into one word:


Ragnor shook his head. "We won't force you to come with us. We don't mean you any harm, it's just...we're taught to stay together. To find a wolf without a family, without any guidance, it's...well, it's heartbreaking. Are you sure you don't want to follow us? See our colony at least? We have food and extra clothes. A spare bed, if you want."

"How can I be sure you won't attack me when I have no way to escape?"

The pack shared a mutual look of sympathy.

"I am so sorry that your introduction to our kind was terrible," Ragnor said. "We're not monsters—most of us, at least. We're just people, like you, who have a special gift. Some of us were born with it and others were changed, either at their behest or against their will. We created a colony where we could be safe and build a life together. And we all found the one thing we had been lacking: A place to belong. We can help you find that, too." He smiled. "If you're not already too wild to accept a new friend."

The rest of the group chuckled at his good-natured taunt.

"You can stay as long as you want," he continued, "even if it's only for a few minutes. Just to see that you aren't alone."

He held out his hand and I tentatively took it.

"I am alone," I answered, "but it wouldn't hurt to have a free meal."

Ragnor winked at me. "Spoken like a true wolf." 

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