Prologue - Origins of The Red Dragon

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Y/n POV (11 years ago)

Y/n : "Please.....leave me.....alone."

Bully : "Your a little monster, people like you should die."

I'm crying, why am I crying, I should be strong and defend myself, but I can't control my quirk, my parents hate, I'm always bullied, maybe the world doesn't need me.

Suddenly the bully started floating.

Bully : "WHAT THE HECK!"

??? : "You leave him alone!"

??? : "Ya pick on someone your own size!"

I see six girls helping me with the bully, why are they helping me of all people.

??? : "Release."

The bully falls on the ground and gets up and runs away.

??? : "Are you ok?"

The girls come up to me and I sit there still with tears still in my eyes.

Y/n : "Ya... thank you."

??? : "What's you name?"

Did they just ask for my name, no one has ever done that.

Y/n : "I'm Y/n."

??? : "Nice to meet you, I'm Ochako."

??? : "I'm Momo."

??? : "My name is Mina."

??? : "I'm Tsuyu."

??? : "I'm Jiro."

??? : "I'm Toru."

Y/n : "I-it's nice to meet you all."

Mina : "Wanna be our friend."

When I heard, I stare at them for a few seconds, I then start to break down and cry.

Momo : "WHATS WRONG?!"

Y/n : *crying hard* "I... n-never ha-had any f-friends before."

Suddenly they all pulled me in for a group hug.

Ochako : "It's ok now you have friends now."

Mina : "We'll make sure no one hurt's you now."

Y/n : *sniff* "T-thank you."

We all let go and Momo asks me something.

Momo : "So what's you quirk anyway."

Y/n : "I can turn into a massive red dragon."

They all look at me in awe.

Mina : "Soooooooo cool."

Jiro : "So you can breath fire and stuff, that's awesome."

Y/n : "Uh yeah sort of-"

Suddenly, I lose control and wings, a tail, a horn and red scales appear on my body. 

(The scales are red and the horns are black.)

I cover myself wing my wings in embarrassment, I then regain control and retract everything, they still stare at me in awe.

Tsuyu : "That was so cool." *ribbit*

Y/n : "Really?" 

Toru : "YEAH!"

Jiro : "You'll make a great hero someday."

Y/n : "Thanks, its getting late, I gotta go home, I'll see you guys later."

Momo : "Ok bye."

Ochako : "See ya."

I wave at them goodbye and make my way home, when I blushed a little, when I heard mina say.

Mina : "He's kinda cute."

I went back home and thought to myself.

Y/n 'Friends huh' *smirks*

(2 years later)

 M/n : "He's a monster, we need to get rid of him."

D/n : "Your right, I think I know a guy that might take him."

I was overhearing my parents talking about me, and thinking of selling me, well Fuck them. I ran to my room and started packing my things. After I packed my stuff, I then sneak out of the window and leave the house. On my way, to get away from my parents, I pass Mina's house and leave a note on her porch saying that I'll be gone for a while and she and the other were the greatest friends I could ask for. After that I ran into the city to try and get as far as I can from my abusive parents, after a little while I bump into someone, that was wearing a red dress and had amber slitted eyes, the Dragoon Hero... Ryukyu. She looked at me and smiled.

Ryukyu : "Hi little one can I help you?"

I cry and hug her, she was surprised and hugs me back, rubbing my back calming me down.

Ryukyu : "What's wrong?"

Y/n : "My abusive parents, they wanted to sell me, I have nowhere else to go."

Her eyes widened, and she got very angry, she then lifted my shirt to see the multiple scars, I got from, my parents. Now she was really mad, she picked me up and carried me back to her home and asked me where my parents lived. After that he left to go arrest my parents, for child abuse, they were then sent to prison and Ryukyu adopted me and all I can say, is that she was the best mom ever.

Mina POV

Toru : "HE...WHAT!?!?!?"

Momo : "But, why would he leave?"

Mina : "He said that, his parents were abusive and they were planning to sell him, so he ran away to get away from them."

We all look down. But I knew how to brighten up the mood.

Mina : "But he did say one more thing."

Tsuyu : *sniff* "And that was?" *ribbit*

Mina : "He said that we would see him again someday."

We all smile and go to school


3rd POV

Far outside the city in the forest at night, with All-Might, Endeavor, Mirko, Ryukyu and some other heroes. Ryukyu told them about her son's quirk and wanted to see how big he could get and when he transformed fully they weren't expecting him to be gigantic.

Endeavor : *sweating* "I think it was a good idea to bring him out here first."

All-Might : "Agreed, I think he's bigger that you Ryukyu."

Ryukyu : "He is bigger, much bigger."

All the heroes present saw a massive red dragon in front of them, that could properly destroy the entire city in a single night if not raised properly.

To be continued

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