Chapter 12

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Chapter 12
Father and Daughter

Rosemary raced to the rooftop, only to be welcomed by chaos from below. She covered her mouth in horror.

The city was disastrous, cars were burning, and No-Majs were screaming in terror. And all Rosemary was doing now was to watch.

There was a black mass - no wait, that's an Obscurus. "Jeez... Is that the Obscuria-thing?" Jacob asked.

Newt didn't reply, as his eyes registered the horrors of the city below. Rosemary immediately knew what he going to do.

"No-" She started, but Newt beat her too it, as he thrusted his case to her hands, and fished a journal from his coat's breast pocket.

"If I don't come back, look after my creatures." He told Rosemary, who had a face filled with panic. "No, Newt. I absolutely forbid you -"

He pulled her to him and their delicate lips kissed, as a spark tingled Rosemary's lip, and she delved in.

Newt slowly pulled away, as he handed the journal to her hand. "Everything you need to know is in there."

Rosemary stared at him. "No, Newt. Please." She pleaded him, her eyebrows furrowed in worry and anxiety.

But Newt was already staring off at the disastrous view of New York, and just Disapparated without another word.

"NEWT!" Rosemary and Tina shouted in unison, before looking at each other with disbelief. Rosemary acted first.

"You heard him. Take care of them." She said, as she raised her wand and pointed it at her petite form, and changing into her everyday wear.

"What?" Rosemary heard Tina say, but she ignored it, as she Disapparated.

"I'm coming, Newt."


Rosemary tumbled down, as her left arm was bumped against the stone wall with a large impact.

She moaned in pain, and cradled her arm to ease it. "Where are you?" She muttered to herself, as she hastily quickens her pace. "NEWT!!!!"

Rosemary found him, crouched behind a car. "NEWT!" She shouted, as he turned to look at her, his eyes wide. She ran to him quickly.

"Rosemary! You shouldn't be here. You'll get hurt!" He whispered to her softly, as he checked up on her. "What happened to your arm!"

Rosemary shook her head. "I'm fine, just a bruise. Now..." Her gaze fell at a man who looked familiar to her eyes, and that's when it hit her.

"Father? Is that Father?" She whispered in horror, as he went to the Obscurus and talked to it. "No.."

Newt cupped her cheek. "Rosemary.." He said, but she turned to him. "Save the boy, Newt. You and Tina. Go." She ordered him firmly, and went to her father to end this.


"Credence! Listen to me!" Graves attempted to talk to him, who was thrashing wildly, as hurt and anguish took over his emotions.

"Dad." He turned to see his daughter, Rosemary. His eyes narrowed in anger and fury towards his traitorous child.

"Rosemary." He said, as he swung his wand to fire a spell at her, but Rosemary uttered. "Expelliarmus!"

Graves's wand flew out of his hand, and it skidded at the floor. "Foolish girl." He muttered as he went over to collect the wand. Rosemary spent no time to waste, as she raised her wand.

But something stopped her, an unworldly instinct, and she lowered the wand, which gave her father time to run away for his dear life.

Rosemary snorted, to see her own dad, the person whom she should be looking up to, running away like a coward, then Disapparating away.

Rosemary then saw the Obscurus fly towards the City Hall subway entrance, and she ran for it.


Newt stood on top of a skyscraper, as the Obscurus slams to the ground outside the City Hall subway.

The dark mass then shrank into nothing, and Credence soon appeared, as he descended down the steps of the subway entrance.

Newt had no choice but to Apparate to the subway, just to go up and find Credence... And maybe even save him.


Rosemary panted as she ran, her feet sore and tired, but she kept moving. She had no idea where Tina was, but she knew that Newt might be in the subway by now.

She saw a magical field descending down, as she quickened her running as she rolled underneath the field and dashed inside.

She stepped towards the subway entrance, as her petite figure descended down the flight of stairs leading to the train station.

She could hear the faint voices, of Aurors talking among themselves. She could hear the faint dripping of water sliding down the walls. It felt quiet.

And it felt odd to Rosemary's ears.

"Credence.. Credence.." The soft and faint voice reached Rosemary, and she immediately knew that it was Newt.

"Credence.... It's Credence isn't it? I'm here to help you. I'm not here to hurt you." Rosemary saw him crouched on the train tracks, talking peacefully to the swirling Obscurus on the ceiling.

"Newt..?" She whispered, as Newt heard her faint whisper. He looked back to see her. "No one's going to hurt you, Credence."

Rosemary saw the shadow of the young Second Salem boy, Credence Barebone. He looked scared, traumatized by his own self, and he was curled up.

Newt approached him slowly. "I've met someone like you, Credence. It was a girl - she was imprisoned, and locked away. She was being punished for her magic." He told him softly.

Rosemary saw that it appears that Credence was listening to Newt, as the Obscurus slowly melts away.

Credence had a flicker of small hope in his eyes, and Rosemary thought. Could he be reversed..?

Newt felt himself smile, as Rosemary stared. "Credence, can I come over to you? May I?" He asked softly.

He moves forward, and Rosemary could see a hint of light in the dark. "NEWT!" She shouted, but her attempted effort was too late.

A burst of light blazes out from the darkness, and a spell hits Newt, which sends him flying backwards.

Rosemary watched him in horror. "NEWT!" She cried, as she ran over to him, as he hit the tracks.

Credence starts to run, as Graves came out from the dark, his wand out. He fired another spell at Newt, who rolls to a side to dodge it. Rosemary ducks.

"Father!" She shouts, but he ignores his own daughter. "Shut. UP!" He hollers, as he pointed his wand at Rosemary and fires a spell at her.

She was thrown against a wall, her body hitting with a sickening crunch. Newt stared at her in horror.

Graves, looking bored at Newt's weak efforts, fires a spell that rattles the train tracks and Newt stumbles, as he grows defenseless.

Rosemary tried to stand, as she watched in horror, as her dad conjured a whip-like spell, and hits Newt with it, and Rosemary couldn't take it.

She couldn't bare to see Newt, her only love, getting hurt by her own father.

She screamed the hells out of her.

Sorry for the late update! I was rushing this chapter because I totally forgot about it! I'm sorry, guys. It isn't that long unlike the others but I tried ^~^. Thanks for the 1k reads and I hope you'll still keep on reading this fanfic! It's coming to an end soon...

~ Reyhanne Starkfelt ~

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