Chapter 8

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Traitor to MACUSA

Rosemary held her wand protectively in defense to the Aurors shooting spells at them. "Expelliarmus!" She uttered.

Newt ran, his hand covering Tina in a protective state. He opened his palm and the Swooping Evil soared out and deflected the curses thrown at them.

"Rosemary!" She whirled around to see Alex running towards her, as he deflected off the spells towards them.

Newt recalled the Swooping Evil, and it turned back to a cocoon. "What is that creature!?" Tina yelled, with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Newt smiled. "Swooping Evil." He answered. Tina's lips curled to a smile. "I like the name!" She shouted.

Alex deflected off as he protected Rosemary, who was running as quick as her feet can take her. Her face was almost like a deer's: attractive, nervous, scared, and meek.

"ROSEMARY!" She heard an enraged voice, and turned around just to be hit by an Auror that she just briefly met, from a while ago. Abernathy.

She fell to the ground, as Newt's expression turned to shock as he ran to pick her up and place her in his arms. Alexander defended him as they ran.

They turned to a corner, to see a distressed looking Queenie, and a dazed Kowalski. "Teenie!" Queenie exclaimed when she saw her sister.

But Tina had no time to lose. "We gotta go, come on!" She urged them, Queenie had Newt's suitcase on her hand.

"Wait, I've got an idea." She said, and opened the case. "Get in." Queenie ordered the group. Newt nodded, as he pulled Rosemary closer to him, and slid down the case.

Tina came next, then Alexander, then Jacob. He gave Queenie a flirtatious wink, which pushed Queenie to erupt in giggles, before going in.


Rosemary blinked. She was in a wooden shack, it took her a moment before she realized that she was inside Newt's oversized suitcase.

"You're awake." Rosemary inched to her left, to see a Newt looking at her, with worry crossing his face. "I was worried, Rosemary."

"I'm fine." Rosemary tried to sit up, but her stomach exploded in different kinds of pain, that forced her to back down. "Maybe not." She sighed.

Newt gave an exasperated sigh. "Look, Rosemary.., I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I shouldn't have dragged you into this mess." He cupped her cheek, but before he could continue, Rosemary leaned down to give him a kiss on the lips.

She tasted like freshwater, and her scent was like a daisy's, but with a marine smell. Newt liked it.

"Newt.." Rosemary moaned, as he pulled her closer to his chest, and trailed her back with his finger.

Newt held her briefly, as he pressed his lips to hers, before letting go. Rosemary's stomach filled with butterflies, or Billywigs, or whatever.

"Rose?" She turned to see Alex at the door, frowning. Rosemary suddenly panicked if he saw them kissing, but by the looks of it, he only looked concerned by her health. Newt immediately stood up.

"She's better now, but she will have to rest." He told Alex, who just nodded, and looked at me with a feverish concern present on his dark eyes. They both locked eyes for a moment, before Alex turned to leave.

Newt also turned to leave, and left Rosemary to recuperate by herself and get some rest at least. Just few bits, and she might be well like before.


Queenie walked inside the wooden shack of Newt's suitcase. It was indeed enormous, just like how Jacob explained every detail to it to her.

She examined the vials, and the tubes that surrounded the tables of the workstation. Newt looked like a busy Magizoologist indeed. And he truly is.

The handsome Auror she heard his name was Alexander walked in, as he stared at a photo that was on Newt's table. Queenie got curious. "Who's she?" She asked Newt.

He looked at Queenie, and had a smile on. "Oh, that's Leta. Leta Lestrange." He simply said, and went back to whatever he was doing.

Queenie was tempted to delve in his mind, but Newt beat her to it. "Don't look into my mind." He added quickly, before working again.

She couldn't resist it, and read it. And her shock was only covered by her unreadable face, and Newt immediately knew what she did. "I told you not to read my mind." He sighed quietly.

Queenie looked regretful. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I can't help it." She apologized to Newt, who acknowledged her apology with a small nod.

Queenie read his mind yet again. "You know that she's the taker.. Right?" Newt had a confused expression on. "I mean, it's not like a good relationship."

Newt shrugged. "Well.... I don't know anymore." He said bluntly, before going back to working. Queenie looked at Newt. "You're way better off with the Rosemary girl." She said, with a smile.

Newt looked up to Queenie. "Excuse me?" He said politely, Queenie just smirked. "Rosemary Graves, the daughter of Percival Graves. She looks better for you," She paused. "More compatible with you."

Newt ignored Queenie, when Tina came by. "So.... What now?" She asked Newt, who rolled his sleeves up.

"Now, we find my creatures."


Alex helped Rosemary stand up, as she shook a bit. Rosemary was able to stand and walk, but not yet run.

She hobbled her way towards the exit, as she blew a strand of her dark brown hair of her petite face. Newt stood there. Rosemary beamed at him.

"What's the plan?" She asks, when Newt pushes locks of his copper hair away from his face. "Well, basically, we try to capture my creatures again, and I guess I could go back to London."

Rosemary frowned. "So.... You're not staying?" She asked, with a hint of disappointment in her voice. Newt sighed and nodded. "Sadly, I can't. I have to go back to the Ministry to report to them the creatures that I have been researching on." He paused for a brief moment before continuing. "And I plan to make a book about them."

"A book... On how to exterminate them?"

"No, of how to take care of them. Protect and nurture them."

Rosemary tapped her chin thoughtfully. "You'll be the first." She remarked with a playful smile. Newt grinned back at her, before leaving.

Rosemary smiled as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, when she heard a familiar voice behind her. "You like him, don't you?"

Alex was standing at the corner, fiddling with his wand. Rosemary looked at him. "How-" She started, but Alex just shrugged. "You guys didn't put any block charms." He said.

"Look, Alex.." Rosemary wanted to explain but Alex put his hand up. "Tell me the truth, Rose. Him or me?"

A beat passed, two beats, three beats. It reached a minute. Silence fell upon the two people, before Rosemary finally broke it. "Him."

Alex stumbled backwards, his face aghast. Suddenly, Rosemary didn't know what to do. "Alex? I'm sorry!" She cried, as he inched away from Rosemary, with a face contorted with fury and anger.

"No, Rosemary. Get away from me!" He swapped her away, like she is some kind of insect, wanting to bite him, and suck his nutrients. "Alex, please..!"

Alex already had his suitcase with him already. "Goodbye, Rosemary. I hope you will have a great future with Newt Scamander." He said, the words Newt Scamander dripped venomously, as he left Rosemary once more.

She felt like a hollow block of wood, about to shatter any moment, before she let her screams out.


Newt bumped into Alex. "Oh, hey." He said quickly, as he dodged past him, but Alex blocked his way.

"Newt, I gotta go. I need to do some stuff back there, and I need to leave. Now." He said urgently, as he lied smoothly with no stutters. Newt gullibly believed him.

"Best wishes, Mr. Lovelace." He bid goodbye. Alex did not reply back to him, and just left. Before the hells tore Newt apart.

He heard the ear-piercing scream of Rosemary again, and was on his feet at once. "Rosemary!" He shouted, as he rushed inside the room. She was sobbing uncontrollably.

"Alex.. Alex!" She cried in horrible grief, as her hair was drenched in tears, yet she still looked beautiful. "Uhh.." Newt did not know how to comfort a crying woman, so he just awkwardly gave her a pat on the shoulder. "Um.. It's okay, Rosemary." He said, as he faintly blushed red.

She sobbed in his coat, Newt thought of all the dry cleaners he had to visit after he went back to London. "Why did I have to be so stupid." Rosemary muttered to herself.

Newt cupped Rosemary's cheek. "Hey.." He turned her around to make her face him, eye to eye. "I'm not allowing my girl to call herself stupid."

Rosemary's sobs faltered a bit, and she gave Newt a small smile. He smiled affectionately back at her before standing up. "Now, come on. We gotta get going." He told her, and with that, he left yet again.


Tina was talking to Newt, as they discussed about important matters. They were on a rooftop, and it was a windy sunset. Rosemary enjoyed it.

The wind blew strands of her hair, and the sunset reflected half of her face, which lit up her dimmed face.

She wiped away the tears that occasionally fell from her eyes. Rosemary just stared off at the breathtaking view.

"Nice, isn't it?" Rosemary heard the incoming voice of Jacob Kowalski, and she nodded. "It most definitely is."

Jacob looked at her. "You know what? I like it when you seem to make Newt smile. That's a charming attribute of yours, Ms. Graves." He said.

"Rosemary, and what makes you think that way?" She first corrected him, then asked, burning with curiosity. Jacob just smiled. "You'll see."

Tina then came to them. "We've decided on some matters." She told the others. "So we thought that we might as well go to Gnarlak and ask him for some help." She finished.

Rosemary nodded. "Sounds like a plan, Ms. Goldstein. Lead the way." She smiled at Tina.

And here we go. So... It broke my heart on Alex leaving Rosemary, because it was also a cute ship. But in order for a flower to bloom, you must remove the weeds. I believe that Alex is the one that stops Rosemary from loving Newt. So... Continue reading, vote and comment!

~ Reyhanne Starkfelt~

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