The Beat of Your Heart

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Author's Note:

Hi all, it's me again, and this time we have something unusual. I became a fan of the Lycoris Recoil anime when it came out, and I thought it would be a fun one for a Valentine's Day oneshot. Don't worry, the Bonnie story is coming back soon. But for now, hopefully you enjoy this.


"Teeeaaach! Why'd you call us in so early?"

Takina smiled as she heard the sound of Chisato's arrival. The top Lycoris could dodge a bullet fired three inches from her face and be completely unbothered, but somehow she could still be an immature child. It was one of the great things about her.

"Ohhh, Chisato has bedhead! Smile for the camera!"

Mizuki, ever the menace, loved to tease the others. Takina adjusted her cafe outfit, ignoring the sounds of the scuffle outside the changing room, smirking at the thought of what Chisato could be fighting so desperately to hide. She took a quick look in the mirror, ensuring her own appearance was satisfactory, her blue outfit spotless and her dark hair unruffled in two pigtails. Then, she stepped outside.

She nearly bumped into a short girl with long, light hair, in a shirt too large for her. Kurumi was peering around the corner, giggling to herself as she filmed the scene in front of the counter. Takina ignored her, stepping around her and heading behind the counter, where light streamed in from the windows from the front of the cafe.

"Good morning, Takina," Mika said, the tall, dark-skinned man with long dark hair greeted. He handed her a cup of coffee, sipping his own as he watched the pair in front of him scuffling.

Takina greeted the boss in kind, accepting her coffee, before turning to observe as well. Mizuki's long hair was now in quite a disarray as well, and her glasses were askew. She was struggling to get her phone back from the girl she'd been trying to get a picture of.

It seemed Chisato's bedhead had gone from bad to worse in the struggle, her blonde hair all over the place and her red ribbon that was usually tied on one side now undone. Her red uniform was getting pulled up past her chin as well as she held Mizuki's phone up as high as she could.

"All right, I think that's enough," Mika finally said, his voice commanding enough to stop the two women fighting.

Chisato pouted, stepping back as she readjusted her uniform, patting down her skirt. She handed Mizuki her phone back reluctantly, before tying her ribbon back into her hair. When she was done, though, she seemed to return to her usual cheerful self.

"Takinaaa!" she sang out happily, running around the counter and hugging her. "Gooood morrrniiiing."

Takina barely reacted, used to this kind of thing from Chisato by now. "Hello Chisato."

"So, what's with the early meeting?" Chisato asked, turning quickly to Mika, immediately forgetting the scuffle with Mizuki, who was also now composed again.

"Right," Mika said, suddenly looking somewhat uncomfortable.

Takina tensed, wondering if there was some large threat they were tasked to deal with. "Is it bad?" she asked.

Mika glanced at Chisato briefly, before continuing. "Tomorrow is Valentine's Day. We'll be quite busy here at LycoReco. We'll need to make some preparations."

"Oh...right," Chisato murmured, looking away out the window.

Takina tilted her head curiously at Mika. "We never celebrated Valentine's Day at DA. Does it really get that busy?"

"Think about it," a voice suddenly broke in, Kurumi appearing at the counter. "A day for couples to be all lovey dovey...why not a cafe with loads of sweets for a date? This place will be packed."

"I don't really understand," Takina said, both Kurumi and Mizuki facepalming at her statement. "The only time I've been out on Valentine's Day was to assassinate-"

"Don't think about that when it comes to Valentine's Day!" Mizuki almost screamed. "It's a day about love! It's a day for meeting the man of your dreams! I'm finally going to meet my dream-"


Mika's interruption caused Mizuki to halt immediately, looking uneasily at Chisato, who was still staring out the window. She seemed surprisingly morose. Takina was surprised. She didn't think what she knew of Valentine's Day was particularly special, but holidays were definitely Chisato's thing. It was strange she wasn't jumping up and down and leading the charge already to get things prepared.

"Anyway," Mika said, everyone's attention turning to him, "we do still have duties for DA. And, given our recent hiatus in Hawaii, they're sure to have us on board should anything happen. Kurumi, it would help if you could support Mizuki and I in running the cafe. Chisato and Takina, you will be on standby for DA."

"Got it, Teach," Chisato mumbled.

"Didn't you say it will be busy here?" Takina asked.

"Chisato is usually on standby for holidays," Mizuki explained. "Usually Mika and I do most of the cafe work anyway. Having this little one here will actually make the job easier this time."

Kurumi scowled at that phrasing. "What did you just call me?"

"Enough," Mika said quickly, sighing as he turned to Chisato, eyes filled with concern. "Chisato, would you mind heading out to get some supplies? I've made a list of the things we'll need."

Chisato nodded, quietly standing and reaching out for the slip of paper in Mika's hand. "I'll be back in a bit."

"I can come with-"

"I need you here for a bit, Takina," Mika said. "Thank you, Chisato."

Chisato nodded, heading out the door and leaving the rest looking after her in silence. Takina glanced at the others after a moment, sensing something was off. She finally decided to ask.

"Did something happen to Chisato?"

"She gets like this every Valentine's Day," Mizuki answered with a sigh. "Poor thing."

Takina frowned, looking to Mika. "Why? Did she have a relationship with a boy that didn't work out?"

Mika looked uncomfortable with that question, but shook his head after a moment. "No, that isn't it."

Kurumi spoke up, tapping her chin in thought. "Is it because of her heart? You know...because she doesn't have one. I mean...a real one."

"That would be my best guess," Mika murmured, eyes still on the door Chisato had just walked out of. "Valentine's Day is a constant reminder of that fact. I must admit, though, it's a strange thing that it gets to her."

"You've never asked her?" Takina asked, unimpressed. She would've thought Mika could've at least talked to Chisato about this.

"I must admit I haven't," he admitted. "At first I thought it was what you proposed. I had figured there was a boy that had broken her speaking. Eventually I realized it couldn't have been...that. By then, I guess it was simply too late to ask, and she doesn't seem to want to offer an explanation."

"But Chisato loves things like this," Takina said defiantly. "She deserves to celebrate just as much as anyone else."

Mika nodded, smiling at Takina's words. "I agree," he said, "but Chisato has her way of dealing with things. When she's ready, she'll enjoy it with everyone else. She'll be happy to have work distract her. Hopefully you can aid her in that."


Everyone stared at Takina in surprise. She had a history of disobeying orders, sure, but since coming to LycoReco, she'd been on board with nearly everything. Mika was certainly used to her being a loyal soldier. He eyed her curiously, waiting for an explanation.

"If Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love, then Chisato needs to be a part of it. Tell DA we're not available." Takina clenched her fists as Mika continued staring.

"And why is that?" he finally asked.

"Because I'm going to make sure Chisato has the best Valentine's Day ever."


Takina noticed the surprise on Chisato's face as she stepped out of her apartment the next day. Perhaps it was Takina's carefully prepared outfit, which was one Chisato had picked out herself. Or maybe it was the heart shaped box of chocolates in Takina's hand, or the bright red candy apples in the other. It may have even been the large, happy smile Takina was somewhat forcing. She was trying to be festive after all.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Chisato!" she greeted, thrusting the box of chocolates forward.

Chisato stared at the chocolates for a moment, before looking up at Takina. "I...Takina...wh-what?"

"I believe it is customary for you to accept my gift," Takina said quickly, very business-like.

Chisato's face went bright red for a moment. "W-Well, if you insist," she said, grinning sheepishly. "Thank you." She took the box, carefully opening it to see what was inside. Her eyes widened in excitement as she looked over the wide array of chocolates.

"Why don't you bring them with you?" Takina proposed, also handing her one of the candy apples. "You can enjoy them throughout the day."

Chisato had already stuffed one of the chocolates in her mouth, and she looked up at Takina in embarrassment. "Arnch dwe on shtandby?" she said with her mouth full.

Takina shook her head. "DA will have to count on the others. Today is for us to enjoy Valentine's day."

"Wh-What?" Chisato shielded her face somewhat and looked away. "T-Takina, what are you saying? Shouldn't we help with the cafe then?"

"They don't seem to need us," Takina said. "They made do with just Mika and Mizuki previously, and Kurumi has improved her service skills. As I said, today is for us."

Chisato flinched. "Yes...yes, you did say that." She laughed weakly, putting the box of chocolates in her bag. "Well, all right then. What is it that you have planned?" She took a bite of her candy apple.

"I looked it up," Takina began, leading the way down the hall and out to the street. "I found out what people do together on Valentine's Day. It seems we have a wide variety of options available for us. Why is your face so red?"

Takina peered at Chisato in concern, pausing to study her. Her face was as red as her outfit, and Takina was worried that she was getting sick. Perhaps she was even choking on her candy apple, as she coughed a moment later.

"It's nothing!" Chisato squeaked out. "Nothing!"

"Very well then," Takina said, smiling and taking a bite of her own apple. It was quite good. The street vendor had been quite kind when she bought them, offering her a two for one deal when she'd said she wanted to get it for a girl that was very special to her.

"Anyway," Chisato said weakly, "where to first?"

"Oh, right." Takina quickly ran ahead, surprising a couple of people on the street, and then did a pose, standing on one leg and pointing her arms up in the air. "The aquarium!"

Chisato's eyes lit up. "The aquarium! Hooray!" She jumped and quickly struck the same pose. "I didn't know that was a Valentine's Day thing."

"Well, according to my research, we should do things we like to do as a pair. That seems to be what most couples do." Takina paused as Chisato started coughing. "Are you sure you're all right?" she asked, once her friend was finished.

"I'm...fine," Chisato murmured.

Takina shrugged, and the two continued on their way. By the time they reached the aquarium, they had both finished their candy apples, needing to quickly head to the washroom to wash their hands. Takina was still somewhat concerned about Chisato when they were in there, though, noticing the hyperactive girl splashing copious amounts of water on her face. Clearly something was causing her body temperature to rise to abnormal levels.

Chisato did seem to relax once they were walking through the aquarium, however, and Takina was pleased to see her looking at peace. It was clear how much she enjoyed observing the various sea creatures.

"Ohhh look Takina!" she yelled at one point, running ahead to point out the tank where they had posed together once before. It was just outside of the small snack area. Takina couldn't resist joining her in doing the pose once more, the two of them giggling as they received quite a few stares.

"Why don't we get some lunch?" Takina suggested, once they'd had their fill of posing and watching a few more of the different sea creatures.

Chisato nodded, leading the way over to an empty table. "Since you got the apples, I'll get us lunch!" she offered.

"That's all right," Takina said. "I'm the one who brought us here-"

"Nuh uh!" Chisato said, pressing a finger to Takina's lips. "My treat!"

Takina blinked, staring blankly as Chisato hurried away, her skirt fluttering as she hopped over to the counter to order the food. Strange, Takina wondered to herself, feeling her chest, where her heartbeat was rising, I wonder if I have whatever illness Chisato seems to be suffering from.

She sat at the table, pondering this in silence until Chisato returned, carrying two big plates of food. Apparently she was quite hungry. Takina realized she was as well, and she was glad that since she had started hanging out with Chisato more, she hadn't been so focused on things such as counting calories as she had done at DA. With Chisato, days like today were all about enjoying life.

"Today's been a blast so far, Takina!" Chisato said after a couple of minutes of eating. "Thank you so much!"

Takina smiled, noticing a smear of ketchup on Chisato's cheek from her fries that she was eating. She reached out with a napkin and wiped it away. "It's my pleasure. And thank you for letting me celebrate Valentine's Day with you."

Chisato's face turned red yet again. "Hehe," she laughed nervously, before shaking her head. "I'm glad to be celebrating with you, too."

"That's good," Takina murmured. She took a small bite of her food, thinking for a moment, before continuing. "I noticed you were down when Mika brought up the Valentine's Day preparations. Is there something about today that upsets you?"

Chisato frowned, looking away. She was silent for a few moments, and Takina was worried that she'd made a mistake in asking. Eventually, though, Chisato spoke. "Have you ever liked someone, Takina?"

"Of course," Takina said. "I like you, and Mika, and Kurumi, and Mizuki. I even like some people at DA so long as they aren't getting in my way." Takina was pleased with her answer. She likely wouldn't have answered so positively before meeting Chisato.

Chisato laughed, though, shaking her head. "I don't mean like that, Takina. I Have you ever...loved someone? Like...a boy know..."

"Oh..." Takina was taken aback by the question. "I'm not actually sure."

"Huh?" Chisato tilted her head in confusion. "How are you not sure?"

"What constitutes loving someone?" Takina asked. "Perhaps I can answer if I know that."

Chisato laughed. Takina enjoyed her laugh. It was such a sweet sound. " see...that's kind of my problem."

"I don't follow." Takina wanted to understand, but this kind of thing was outside of her field of expertise.

Chisato sighed. "I know what love looks like," she said. "At least, I think I do. I saw Teach that one time, and I knew how he felt. I've seen clients in love, and I could tell how happy they were." She paused, looking around, and Takina saw her gaze following a number of couples. There were quite a few out today. "I see all this...and I know there's love all around. I've heard what it feels like. It's supposed to make you feel amazing. It's supposed to...make your heart race."

Takina remembered Kurumi's suggestion as to why Chisato was upset about Valeninte's Day, and she realized their computer whiz friend was possibly right. "So it is the hearts that make you uncomfortable."

Chisato jumped at that. "Huh? What? Let me guess, Kurumi said that!"

"Yes, but it is the case, correct?"

Chisato pouted, but nodded nonetheless. "I just wish I could have that feeling," she said. "It sounds so...exhilarating."

"I think you've had plenty of exhilaration today," Takina said. "Your face has been red numerous times, and your body temperature seems to be abnormally high."

Chisato's eyes widened. "That's just's nothing to worry about!"

"If you say so," Takina murmured, studying Chisato carefully. "But it's happening again."

"I'm fine!"

Takina didn't bother her about it again, and the two ate the rest of their meal in relative silence. What Chisato had said did stick with Takina as they prepared to leave, however. She remembered being awed by the story of Chisato's mechanical heart. She remembered being horrified when it looked like she would never find a replacement for the previous one that had been damaged. It seemed like a piece of magic to Takina, because it kept Chisato with them. She had never thought of it as something that could cause Chisato to be upset.

It made Takina want to give Chisato a special Valentine's Day gift. One that would allow her to experience the sensation of a beating heart. The question was how to do that. She thought perhaps something scary, but Chisato was as fearless as they came. Perhaps a ride of some sort? Something to excite her?

That was when she remembered one of the popular Valentine's Day things that people would do. She quickly pulled out her phone, searching for the nearest option for what she wanted to do. She found one immediately, looking to a surprised Chisato with a smile.

"Are you ready for our next destination?" she asked.

"Sure," Chisato said, almost in a whisper.

Takina led the way, taking hold of Chisato's hand as she did so. It felt warm as they headed out into the cold, February air. She couldn't help but squeeze it lightly as they began walking down the street. She supposed it was warm because of whatever illness Chisato seemed to be coming down with, but at least Chisato still seemed happy enough, even after talking about why she'd been down.

Eventually, they reached their destination, and Takina looked up at it with a relieved smile. It was bigger than she'd thought it would be, and she was pretty sure it would provide quite a nice view of the city. She looked to Chisato, hoping she would be pleased by her choice of their next thing to do.

"Ohhh a ferris wheel!" she squealed in excitement. "Takina, you're the best! This is a great idea!"

Takina smiled, happy Chisato seemed to be on board, and once again led the way as they lined up. As they waited, Chisato pulled out her box of chocolates, holding it out for the two of them to share. Takina was pleased with the box she had chosen to give Chisato, as she found the ones she ate to be quite good. And with the way Chisato was chowing down on them, she clearly found them to be good as well.

Eventually, they made their way to the front of the line, and Takina was pleased when they got a passenger car all to themselves. It seemed as though most people were going in twos, of course, and Takina wondered if that was because it was a popular Valentine's Day thing to do.

Once they were inside their car, it began to move, slowly but surely beginning to take them higher into the sky. Takina was amazed as the city came into view beneath them. The last time she'd been this high up was in their fight against Majima. It was nice to be able to see the view without someone shooting at her.

"Oh it's so beautiful, isn't it Takina?" Chisato said happily, pressing her face to the window. "We're so high up!"

Takina sat up a bit straighter upon hearing that. "Does it make you feel any differently?" she asked. She noticed a strange feeling herself as she looked down the further they rose in the air. It only seemed to intensify as she locked eyes with Chisato.

"I...well..." Chisato scratched her cheek in embarrassment. "Were you trying to make me know what a racing heart would feel like?"

Takina sighed, feeling defeated by the pitying look Chisato gave her. "Was it that obvious?"

"Aw, don't worry. That's nice of you, Takina!" Chisato said, hopping up off of her seat and joining Takina on the opposite side of the car. "Look, don't worry about all I said before. I'm having a great day, today. You've made me enjoy Valentine's Day this time, so I think I'll enjoy it forever now."

"Why is that?" Takina asked, noticing her heart racing a little more. They were getting quite high up, although she hadn't been looking out the windows much since Chisato had sat down next to her.

"Because I..." Chisato paused, hand going to her chest. She frowned, looking thoughtful, before a small smile came to her face. "Because I'll always think of you when I think of Valentine's Day."

"Oh." Takina blinked in surprise. "Well...that's nice. I'm glad I could make it enjoyable for you. I do wish I could let you know what that feeling you were looking for was like, though. I thought the heights would give you something close to it."

Chisato laughed. That laugh that Takina enjoyed so much. "Takina, do you know what most people would think if you took them out on Valentine's Day like this? Doing all these things with just two people?"

Takina thought for a moment. "Well, I suppose they would think I wanted them to be my Valentine. But to be honest with you, I don't quite know what that means."

Chisato coughed, hand going to her face. "Oh Takina..." She grinned widely, though, turning to Takina. They were nearing the peak of the ferris wheel now. "It means you love them. Like...the love I was talking about before."

Takina froze.


Have you ever loved someone?

Takina's hand went to her chest, feeling her heart pounding. She stared at her hand for a moment, thinking, before slowly turning to Chisato, who was watching her with amusement, and a little bit of concern. That was when Takina knew how to give Chisato her gift.

"Come here for a moment."

"Huh?" Takina wrapped an arm around Chisato, pulling her close. "T-Takina wh-what are you-"

Chisato froze.

Takina had locked Chisato in an embrace. She held her tight, their chests pressed together. Takina didn't feel embarrassed. Rather, she felt...exhilarated. It was just what Chisato had talked about before. Butterflies were in her stomach. Her breath shook. Her heart was pounding. Her heart was pounding right next to Chisato's mechanical counterpart.

And Chisato felt it.

"So this...this is what it's like."

Her whisper was so faint. Takina didn't see Chisato's smile, but she felt it, and it brought one to her face as well. As she looked at the view of the city from the ferris wheel, she felt immense satisfaction. She'd given Chisato the gift she so desperately wanted.

"About what you asked me before..." Takina whispered, closing her eyes. "I think I've loved someone for awhile now."

"Me too," Chisato murmured.

Takina pulled her head back slightly, and Chisato did the same. They looked at one another, smiling, before leaning their foreheads against each other. They were clearly both somewhat embarrassed now, and Chisato broke the tension a bit with a giggle.

"What's so funny?" Takina asked, although she laughed lightly as well.

"I'm just thinking about how you did all this without even knowing what it meant."

Takina felt her face heat up. Now it was happening to her! "I - I figured it out eventually."

"What did you say when you bought the chocolates?" Chisato asked, giggling almost evilly.

"I...I said I was buying them for a special girl," Takina mumbled, completely embarrassed. She realized now what the vendor must've thought. Well, she supposed it was true in the end. What she'd meant, and what they'd thought. "It still stands," she said.

Chisato nodded. "I need to get something for you, too."

"Anything but chocolate. We ate too much," Takina mumbled. "And I don't want to tempt you further."

"Fine." She sighed, closing her eyes as she hugged Takina tighter. Her heart still raced. "But for now, let's just enjoy this ride." Takina nodded.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Chisato."

"Happy Valentine's Day, Takina."

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