Chapter 17

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the doorbell rings. "hide." says she to the guys. they nod and run upstairs. and hide in Emma's bedroom.

Emma opens the door, and sees her friend. "Zack?" Emma says, she didn't expect him. "I know, you'd think now 'what is he doing here' well, I wanted to give you a Christmas gift." Zack says and he shows a little box. Emma takes the box and opens it. she sees a armband. "it's beautiful." Emma says to him. Zack grins. "how are you? I haven't seen you in while... I saw you walking with some guys last time." says Zack. Emma nods. they are from Alaska I take care of them. they aren't used to the technology.." Emma tells. Zack's eyes widen. "incredible............." he reacts. Emma doesn't really know what to say now. Zack sees the table with food and everywhere playing cards."visits?" asks he. Emma nods. "the three boys?" he asks. Emma nods again.

The Beatles looks at each other. and mouth "seriously.." John is pretty much focussing on what Emma and Zack are talking about. Paul whispers to John "jealous?" John pushes Paul away, John feels frustrated.  and he tries to focus back on the talk between Emma and Zack.

"can I come in please?" asks Zack. Emma nods carefully and let him in. Zack walks inside and he looks around. "where are your guests?" Zack asks.  Emma is silent she  doesn't give answer.

the Beatles look at each other when they hear Zack about 'where are your guests' "should we go downstairs?" whispers Paul. the others give no answer. Paul walks towards the stairs. The rest of the guys waits. Paul looks behind to the watching faces, he stops walking and watches them. "Are we going or not?" Paul asks, and the guys are coming in move to the stairs, and slowly they all walk downstairs.

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