Chapter 15- Perfidious goosebumps

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"I wanted to apologize Bethel, the way I acted was indeed incredibly shitty, as someone that's supposed to be your soulmate I really messed up, I'm really sorry" Bethel scrunched her face.

"Let's not go they far Seker, you know, I already forgave you as surprising as that may be, yes the way you acted towards me really messed with my feelings, but I was raised not to hold grudges for too long. So don't stress to much" with a dazzling genuine smile she spoke. And it was in fact the truth, her parents didn't raise her to keep grudges for too long, instead they taught her about the concept of Forgiveness.

Seker released a relived breath, glad she had already forgiven him much to his surprise. She just surprises him every step of the way.

"Then I guess my thanks go to your parents for raising such a stunning female like you" a smirk slipped on his face.

With a smirk of her own Bethel responded "I guess you could say that" Seker chuckled.

"Thank you for forgiving me my queen" he gave a playful bow in her direction. A blush slightly stained Bethel's cheeks as he referred to her as 'his queen', although she knew he was joking, she couldn't still stop the blush from dusting her cheeks. She felt giddy inside.

"You are most welcomed kind sir" giving a slight bow of her own she laughed jokingly.

They both then proceeded to laugh finding the situation funny.

"Now to the second thing I wanted to discuss with you. I know I haven't really explained the soulmate stuff to you. So let me do that now"

"You've heard of the concept of soulmates before right?" Seker asked her. Nodding her head in confirmation she replied.

"Yes I have, my mother for some reason talked about it a lot" Bethel was so engulfed in what she was saying that she didn't notice that when she mentioned her mother, Seker visibly stiffened.

"Your soulmate is like your other half or something right?" Inquisitive big green eyes looked up at Seker. Clearing his throat the god of death responded.

"Yes that is very correct Amica Mae, but it's a little bit different when it comes to us gods" needing to know more Bethel inquired.

"Why? What's the difference?" Smiling a little Seker said.

"Soulmates for us gods are like literally our other life force, if our soulmates dies, though we gods are immortal, we die also, but that's not the same for humans. For humans when their other half dies it doesn't present any harm to their lives but the same can't be said to their hearts, they would only feel and mourn the great loss of their soulmate" Realization dawn on the female mortal.

"That's why Lucifer is after me isn't it? To kill me so in turn you would die also" Sighing Seker moved his head in a manner of confirming her deduction was infact accurate.

"Sadly yes, that is why the dark prince is so persistently after you"

"So is that the only reason you're training me so I won't get killed, because you yourself don't want to fade out of existence" confused Seker asked,

"What are you insinuating Amica mea?"

"I'm saying you don't care about me at all, all you care about is of your own well being" the unearthly handsome Angel sighed yet again. His gift really did love jumping into strange and unbelievable conclusions. But he still wouldn't have her any other way. She was perfect as she was. Although he would probably never admit that to her face.

Taking slow steps towards her, a serious expression cast on his features, As Seker finally reached the little being of a human he stretched his hand out using his unnaturally big palms to cup her face, raising her chin up, so her eyes would be looking directly at he's.

"It seems like I haven't really been expressing the intense feelings I have been harboring towards you since the first day I set my eyes on you Amica mea" he spoke slow and seductively.

Being that she's never seen this side of Seker before Bethel's mind didn't know what to do or think, but her body such as hell did.

The grim reaper inhaled sharply the familiar smell of arousal invading his centuries old nostrils. By god's the woman didn't know what she was doing to him at the moment, he felt like devouring her as a whole right there and then but as the perfect gentleman that he was he held his grounds. Bullock's who was he kidding he was anything but a gentleman but for her he could pretend to at least be mildly one.

Seker continued "I believe this is the perfect time to express one of those many feelings" Bethel held her breath not knowing what to expect next. Not skipping a beat Seker used his free hand to cup the back of Bethel's neck, dipped his head down and proceeded to crash his lips against hers.

God it felt like heaven, after soo many fantasies and dreams he couldn't believe that it was finally happening. He was kissing his Amica mea, his beautiful Doñum. 'Life couldn't get any better than this', he thought.

A light moan escaped Bethel's lips. Fuck his lips felt perfect on her. His lips felt cold yet soft like marshmallows. She felt like she was on cloud nine never wanting to come back down. She didn't really mind if the kiss lasted for all of eternity, that's how good it felt.

Removing the hand he used to cup her neck Seker then used his now free hand to protectively hold her waist. 'Mine'. A wild possessive feeling suddenly engulfed him whole. 'All mine'.

He removed his lips from hers and began to trail it up her neck, His tongue living a wet trail as it ascended. Bethel fought to hold back a loud groan but to no avail.

What he was doing to her felt like fireworks were going off all over her body. It felt incredibly satisfying. And they were just only kissing, what if it was the next level thing. She would probably be seeing the galaxy and not mere stars.

Finally reaching to the point of her ear Seker whispered sinisterly his sweet seductive voice vibrated through her body, making perfidious goosebumps to rise up her body.

"I care about you Bethel. 'A lot'. Don't ever think otherwise again Amica mea, on less I'll do much more than today the next time you ever utter such words okay?" Bethel shivered slightly, her mind still on the kiss they had just shared. She nodded her head still in a daze.

"Good girl" patting her head with a wide grin Seker spoke "Get some rest my queen, I'll be the one to train you tomorrow. Goodnight" with those last words Seker exited the room.

Bethel still stood in the middle of the room, different things racing through her mortal mind. She didn't even realize that the god had said he would be the one to personally train her tomorrow.

Voicing out the only thing she was deeply questioning and thinking about, she muttered dumbfounded.

"Did I really just have a make out section with the grim reaper?"

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