Change Of Mission

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Chapter 2

"Here, this is the picture of her mother. You're going to dress exactly like her mum.

I'm going to take you to a place where they will dress you exactly the way she dresses, and then you will go in and out of the building carrying the little girl with you,," Noah said when Helen woke up.

"What about her mother?"

"She no longer stays with her husband, but the little girl always asks to see her mum, so that is where you come in. 

I am going to present to her a special gift on her birthday...

Mummy…., What do you think?"

"Brilliant, but stupid,"

"Why?" Noah ask.

"Karma; it might visit you one day," she said and her face from Noah.

"Yeah, karma, karma you say, what could be more evil than to serve someone for 20 years when I cannot even boast of a damn 500 million?

"What!... 500 million US dollars????". Helen jumped out of her seat.

"You mean this deal is going to hit 500 million US dollars?"... She starts to think because she has bills to pay.

But what use it is when the boss won't even give her own share of the money.

"Do you know if I will get my own share this time.?" Helen ask Noah, so  curious.

"You didn't know?, Kidnapping is different from just been a thief.

You get the share of the money," Noah said and Helen was so excited. At last, she will be able to send her parents some money.

"Hahaha, now you're thinking. So get down to business and stop talking about karma."

Helen put on a straight face... "How long have you been kidnapping?" She suddenly ask.

"Will you stop calling it kidnapping? It's like this, how long have you been delivering packages? And I will say ten years now. ,"

'What! Ten whole long years?"

"Yeah, so you have a lot to learn,"

"How do you manage to do that for a whole ten years? ," she asks with her mouth open.

" Money!.. Helen is the money  involved,"

"Yeah, money, I almost forgot," she said and went back to relaxing on her seat, thinking that maybe it will be a good idea after all.

Ten hours later; they went off the plane and a car was waiting for them.

She just followed Noah into the car and they drove off.

"First, we visit the salon, second we get you an expensive bag, shoe, and clothing," Noah said.

"Is she that sophisticated?" Helen ask.

 "Yes, they are multi-billionaires. What do you expect?"

"Oh sorry."

They enter the salon, hair off, wig off and then she looks like someone she doesn't recognize.

"Hmmm" she takes one last look at herself in the mirror. 

"Not bad, is she this beautiful?"

"Yeah, much more. But I guess you can do a good job. Let's go. ," they hit the road to the mansion.

"Did you take the box of chocolates?" Noah asks Helen, who is struggling with her high heels and trying to maintain a balance as they were about entering the mansion.

 "What box of chocolate are you talking about?"

"The box I gave you idiot, ... where is the box of chocolate I gave you?. The little girl likes chocolate and her mum cannot visit her after all this years without the box of her favorite chocolate," He whispered grinding his teeth at Helen.

 "Oh my goodness! I left it in the car. ,"

"The car!!, get back and bring that box now!."

"Ok", she hurried to the car and back with the chocolate and almost fell down when she was about entering the mansion but Noah grab her, unfortunately his hand was on her butt"

"Oh…for f*ck's sake, what do you think you are doing?" she yells at Noah.

"Trying to help, you almost went over,"

"Take your hands off my butt," she pointed at her backside as Noah was still holding it.

"Oh sorry". Noah didn't know that his hands were still on Helen's butt while he was still talking.

The doorman thought he heard noises outside and open the door to see.

"Noah!... What are you doing?.." the doorman ask surprised seeing him with a very beautiful lady.

Noah has been working for the family for over twenty years now, but he thinks that he's not getting enough share of the Ray's family fortune so he thought of helping the boss to kidnap the only daughter of Captain Ray on her 10th birthday.

"Oh, good evening Mr. Robert, this is Miss….." he pause when he saw Helen about bowing to greet the doorman but Noah stepped on her.

She forgot for a second that she was supposed to act like the mother of the birthday girl.

 "Ouch!.. what are you doing?" Helen whispered to Noah as she hop a little out of pain and stood upright immediately as the doorman stood there looking at them.

" I'm sorry ma'am" Noah apologize to Helen bowing to her to show the doorman that Helen is someone important to the family.

"Oh.. sorry about that Mr. Robert, this is Miss Beatrice, the Boss wife, the mother of Olivia ," He introduced Helen to the man as Beatrice.

"Welcome ma'am, sorry for my ignorance. I am newly employed."

"Is ok, Helen say and went inside when Noah shot her a look that said ,"Go in idiot".

They walk through this large hall with Helen looking at the valuables from left to right.

"I think these are gold," her head spinning with thoughts.

"I like stealing valuables, not to kidnap children!.". A voice keeps chiming in her head as she walked pass all the gold.

"What are you doing?, Keep your eyes on the prize". Noah whispers to Helen as they walk through the large door, entering Olivia's room.

"Captain Ray is a very busy man. Sometimes he visits home twice in a month, but this place is heavily guarded so you must be very careful.

I think his wife left him because he has no time for her," 

Noah told Helen as they walk side by side like royalties attending a royal party. But Helen keeps struggling with her heels and trying to maintain a balance.

"Really?" she ask pulling up her long gown.

"I think I will do the same if I were his wife, look at all these goodies, gold everywhere with no husband to share with, she did well by leaving him," Helen replied, but all the while thinking of how to magnetic one of that gold cup into her bag.

"You know you can't do that," Noah warned.


"I know you want to take that cup but don't try it, there are guards everywhere."

"Mum!!..." Olivia ran and hug Helen, thinking that she was her mother.

Helen just opened her mouth wide not knowing what name to call her. Noah told her the name but she had forgotten.

Just then, Noah came to her rescue. "Hey.. Olivia long time, look at you.. birthday girl" Noah calls out her name for Helen and she was like..

"Yeah… Olivia I miss you my sweet angel" She smiled at the little girl who finds her a little strange, but she has been dying to meet her mother ever since she was five, now she is ten and Noah has brought her the best gift ever, .... Her mum!!!!

She is so happy that she didn't care to see the little difference between Helen and her mother.

"Thank you Noah, now I believe you telling me you bring my mum for my birthday."

"Yes, I told you, didn't I?, Enjoy your birthday," Noah said, shooting Helen a look.

"You better be good," Noah  whispering to Helen.

"Happy birthday sweet heart, here is your favorite chocolate, I didn't forget this. ," she hand Olivia the box of chocolate and the little girl was over the roof."

"Thank you mum, you still remember my favorite chocolate!, I wish you will never leave again. Please stay with me mum," Olivia pleaded.

"Am sorry little angel, but mum has some work to do. I can't stay ok, I just wish I can stay but I can't,"

"What!, You now work?.. Mum, you never work!.. You have all you need why work?" Helen was so surprise at this little girl's smartness.

"Oh…. Yeah, I mean, just work around the house you know, maybe around the kitchen, I just wanted to be useful to myself"   Surprised that she could come up with something to say to this girl.

Helen is not comfortable talking with a little girl who is so smarter than her age.

"But mum there are people to help, people to work for you, you don't need to do any work."

"Yes, dear, I give up. No more work. Happy now?"

"Yes mum,"

"OMG!…." Helen inhale and exhale.

"This kid talks too much," she mumbled.

"Where is this f*cking Noah?, let's get this shit done so I can get the hell out of this place," she keeps speaking undertone.

"Mum is anything the matter". Olivia ask Helen, seeing she's not comfortable talking to her.

"Not at all sweet heart, I need to talk to your uncle Noah,"

"Noah is not my uncle," the little girl reminded Helen.

"Oh, goodness dear, I'm so sorry, I'm really sorry about that is a slip of tongue. I really need to use the restroom," 

She hurried away from her to go look for Noah because she wasn't sure how to get this girl out of the building.

"Okay mum, be careful" Olivia smile, seeing the way Helen was walking with the heels, struggling every step she took and Olivia almost laughed.

Helen is not used to walking with high heels, she has been working for the boss since she was seven years old, she has never had the time to be a woman, this is her first time of walking with high heels like that because the mission requires it.

Although she puts on heels but not the types that Miss Beatrice is known for and she has to appear like her if she does hope to pull off this deal.

"Mum you got to hurry up, the party is about to start". Olivia yell as Helen keeps walking without making much progress.

"I'll be there in a minute," she said and went in search of Noah.

"Where the f*ck are you Noah!". She keeps cursing inwardly as she makes her way through those large doors, looking for where to find him.

She just hope and pray they don't get caught, but why will a thief like her even bother to pray?

Of course, is no use praying. she keeps murmuring as she goes.

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