Adventure Number Eight:

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"She was there. She was always there. When I needed her she was right beside me. I didn't have to move an inch. But then I did. Why? Because something happened. I couldn't exactly comprehend what it was, but it was something bad. Real bad.Then I saw her move."


"L-Lucy?" I asked perking up

"Natsu." She smiled and took my hand.

"Lucy, what happened?" I asked examining the white room we were currently in.

"Natsu..don't worry about it. I'm fine now. Your here; that's all that matters to me." She placed her hand on my cheek.

"Lucy. Please tell me, I want to know what happened to you." I asked with a tear running down my cheek.

In case you haven't figured it out, Lucy was in the hospital. I don't know what happened to her. She won't tell me. I need to know so I can at least try to help her. She is important to me.

"Natsu. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going. I was zoned out, looking for something that I can't remember. Then all of a sudden something hit me and next thing I know, I'm here." She answered staring at her hands.

"Just- be more careful next time, okay?" I asked hugging her tightly and rubbing her back.

"I promise." She smiled and hugged back tightly.

"Ms. Heartfilia?" The doctor asked coming in.

"That's me." She said sighing happily.

"I'm sorry to inform you...your parents, they've passed on." He informed frowning sadly.


"That's when it all went crumbling down. One minute, she was sitting down smiling. The next, well let me just tell you."


She was tugging on the chords connecting her to her machinery in the hospital. She was screaming and crying. Telling the doctor he was lying. What did I do? I watched as she successfully ripped the chords from her skin and dashed to her hospital door swinging it open. What happened next, well that could be answered easily, she was Lisanna.

"Lisanna please move. I need to see them. I need to see my parents." She wept and pleaded.

"Lucy, it's already too late." Lisanna smiled sadly giving a small shrug.

"Lisanna it's never too late. I'm not giving up, now let me through." Lucy was tugging at her shoulders while Lisanna gave me a look asking for my permission. I nodded.

"I'm sorry Lucy. We're here for you when you need us." Lisanna said stepping out of the way.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Lucy cried running down the hallway.

Her figure disappeared as she turned a corner. I sighed looking at the hallway she ran down. Why? Why is this all happening? She just learned of her biological mother. Now? Her foster parents are well in six feet of the earth.

"Why!?" I heard as I rounded the same corner Lucy passed earlier.

There she was. Sitting on the floor crying and pounding her fists against the floor as numerous drops of her rain fell to puddles on the floor. This was something I hadn't seen, something I wish I never would've seen. Lucy, my goddess lying on the floor, hysterically crying and screaming because of the unfortunate news.

"Lucy stop!" I yelled kneeling down in front of her with a look of worry displayed on my face.

"I can't. They're gone. Why Natsu? Why do these things keep happening to me?" She asked looking to me for an answer.

"Bad things happen to the best of us. You wouldn't be given this life if you weren't meant to handle it. Now Lucy, you taught me something. Something great. Now it's my turn to teach you. Make sure you remember it." I said holding her pale cold hands in mine.

"What is it?" She said with a hoarse voice and tears running down her face.

"Some bad things may happen. I know, they really do suck. However, you need to remember, people are here for you. Not only that, but it's never too late to start the day over." I whispered soothingly.

"Thank you Natsu." She smiled lightly and stopped the loud sobs erupting from her mouth.

"Hey, you taught me something. You comfort me when I need it. You're there when I need you. You just need to remember...I'll do whatever you need me to in a heartbeat. That's something that will never change Luce. Never. Not in a million years from now. So please, do me a favor and smile that beautiful smile for me." I grinned at her and kissed the back of her hand.

She lept up and put her hands around my neck, pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back tightly, not ever wanting to let go. I rubbed her back gently. She pulled away and mumbled something along the lines of...

'It's always more fun when we're together'

I looked down to see her crying lightly and clutching her hands on her knees.

"Lucy." I started, "Where are you going from here?"

"I-" Lucy started but was interrupted.

"She's finally coming back home. Where she belongs." Two females stood behind me.

"Melody? Mavis? What are you two doing here?" Lucy gave an expressionless face as she looked to them.

"We want you to come home. I want you to come home. Lucy-nee, I didn't even know I had a sister until just recently. I wanted to meet you so bad. I looked in the library, the news, records. I couldn't find you anymore. It was a miracle you came to us. I was starting to think I would never get to meet you." Mavis stated sadly.

"I want you to come home. The only reason you were given up for adoption was..." Her mother stopped and looked toward me, "because I was a very young mom at the time. You're eighteen correct?"

"That's right." Lucy beamed.

"I was seventeen when I had you." She looked at Lucy lovingly, "I regret that decision very much. I want to have you come back. I want you home. I want Mavis to learn from you." Melody had tears falling slowly.

"Why did you just start searching for me now?" Lucy asked shakily.

"I thought you would be better off not knowing I was your mother. I didn't want you to look at me or Mavis like horrible humans or something. I didn't want you to judge me for keeping Mavis." She looked super guilty now.

"Mom, that doesn't matter to me. I would've been fine as long as I had you by my side. I would never judge Mavis. Mavis is beautiful and by the looks of it, she's smart, calm, and sweet." Lucy smiled, "I would love to come back home. But first I have a funeral to set up. Will you all please help me in doing so?" Lucy looked at me first.

"Why wouldn't I? I mean sure, I barely know them. However, I would love to help my best friend." I smiled and answered truthfully. It hurt my heart to say best friend but, I mean we just became friends, don't rush it Natsu.

"I would love to help nee-chan!" Mavis smiled and blushed lightly saying nee-chan.

"Mom?" Lucy moved her head to her mother.

"Of course dear." Her mother smiled sadly at her and nodded lovingly.


"I think that's it for today." I announced putting my stuff in an organized pile.

"Class dismissed." Sensei moved his head and looked toward a student.

"Hope you know what's in store for you." He smiled and walked to his desk.

"Let's go Natsu." They announced and walked with me to our 'hang out'.

"Let's go..."

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