Adventure Number Eleven:

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"I walked into the school super nervous. I was about to do something that would change me and Lucy's life's forever, but on top of that, it was graduation day." I took a peak into that day and smiled.


Flowers were in my hand, a promise ring in the other. I smiled nervously seeing my target ahead. When I reached her I immediately blushed and hid the flowers and promise ring behind my back.

"Hey.." I started off.

"Hey." She softly smiled and then noticed I was hiding something behind my back.

"Natsu, what is that?" She reached out her hand.

"N-Nothing." I took a step backwards.

"Is that for Lucy?" She asked.

I nodded slowly.

"Awe," She smiled at me.

"Lisanna, will you help me?" I asked desperately.

"Natsu, I'll do more than help you. I'll make sure you get Lucy 100%!" Lisanna giggled and took the flowers and promise ring from me. She examined them closely. 

"Natsu, where did you get these?" Lisanna asked glaring at the promise ring. 

"Target." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly. 


"What the hell Natsu...what the mother---- hell." Lisanna face palmed.

"We're ditching school to get Lucy REAL gifts." Lisanna dragged me to the mall. 

"Ahhh!" I screamed the whole way.

When Lisanna wanted to be scary she could be scarier than Erza. I'm not kidding, it's scared me half to death!

"S-Slow down!" I screamed.

"Nope, you bought her a cheap gift from TARGET!" She glared at me.

"You cheap jackass." She huffed, "If I were Lulu, I would've smacked the damn thing out of your hands."

"Aren't you both fighting?" I asked.

"Yeah, that doesn't mean I don't care about her though." Lisanna smiled, a genuine one, "You're very lucky you found her. She's one of a kind. Don't let her go."

Lisanna dragged me into a store, it was EXPENSIVE. Four hundred damn bucks a piece. I mean what the hell are these people thinking?!

"No." I said looking at what Lis held up.

"Nuh." I shoved it away.


-TimeSkip brought to you by: Chick-fil-a Sweet Tea-

"This one?" Lisanna asked in annoyance.

"No." I sighed running a hand through my hair.

'What the hell am I going to do?'

When I looked in front of me, I found the perfect thing. I picked up a necklace and asked how much it would cost to engrave it.

"$100." I smirked.

"Engrave this on it then," I took out a piece of paper and wrote down NxL in pretty letters, "Can you do this?" I asked.

"Yeah, be by tomorrow at around," He checked his watch, "11:00 in the afternoon, it should be ready by then." He smiled and took the necklace.

After paying for the necklace, Lisanna and I headed to a flower shop. As we were looking around, I found the most beautiful bouquet of Lilies. I picked them up and showed them to Lisanna she nodded in response.

When paying for it, I found a teddy bear on the counter holding a heart. The heart said "I love you to the moon and back". I smiled and looked at the price.

"Add this in please." I said taking out my wallet.

The lady nodded and scanned it.

"Here's you- Natsu?" She asked.

"CANA?" I yelped in surprise.

"It's been awhile, how've you been?" She nudged.

"Great, I've finally met someone who was up to the challenge." She smirked knowing what I meant.

"What's her name?" She asked leaning on the counter.

"Her name is Lucy. Lucy Vermillion." I shrugged and looked to Lisanna who was looking at flowers.

"W-Wait thee Lucy." She asked emphasizing Lucy.

"Yes, that Lucy." I smiled and my heart fluttered inside.

"Say, Natsu?" Lisanna asked.

"Yeah, what is it Lis?" I asked.

"Can you reach those daisies?" She asked.

"Yeah, hold on a sec." I reached up and grabbed the daises.

"Who are they for?" I questioned.

"Lucy, I need to apologize somehow." She shrugged and walked to the counter.

"Cana, you and I need to catch up. You have my number." She winked and waved goodbye.

"And she is...?" Lisanna asked tucking her receipt in her wallet.

"Cana Alberona. We've been friends since we were in diapers. Even then I didn't smile." I shrugged the question off.

"Is that Lucy?" Lisanna shrieked pointing to a blonde.

"Oh shit." I dove into a trashcan, careful with the lilies.

Lucy came up the stairs and walked by the trash throwing her coffee in, i moved the flowers out of the way so they weren't damaged. I shrugged it off, it's not like it burned.

After Lucy left, Lisanna pulled me out of the trashcan and we went to some girly store named Victoria's secret or whatever...I volunteered to go in there but Lisanna blushed and told me to wait outside. So, I did as told.

Lisanna finally came out with three bags.

"What the hell?" I pointed to her bags and she laughed.

"Natsu, Lucy does more shopping than this." She grinned and pulled me to the food court where we got some Teriyaki Chicken and Rice.

Anyways, I dropped Lisanna off at home.

"Oh hey Natsu." Lucy waved and I was shocked.

"What are you doing alone this late at night?" I scolded her.

"I wanted to go for walk." She smiled and skipped around.

"Lucy, it's too late for a girl as-" I clamped my mouth shut with my hand.

"For a girl as?" She questioned.

"Forget what I said." I nervously chuckled.

"You're acting weird..." She looked into my eyes, searching for an answer.

Little did she know, she wasn't getting any answers till 12:00 tomorrow.

"I'll walk you home." I volunteered.

"Sure, I could use the company." She smiled and took my hand. My face was a TOMATO.

"Natsu, are you feeling alright?" Luce asked.


"Yeah, I'm fine." I nodded.

"Okay." She said with an off putting tone.

After dropping her off, I kissed her hand and left. Only on the way home did I realize what I did.


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